Can PHP run after the page is loaded? - javascript

So PHP is executed server-side. But is it possible for PHP to be run after the page is loaded?
To illustrate, if I had a value (stored in a file, lets say) that changed every second. When I hit a button that uses Javascript to ask PHP to get that value, does it display what the value currently is, or what it was at page load?

I think you need to get one of those diagrams that show how basic HTTP and the web server works. It will make more sense to you, than explained in plain words here.
In the simplest possible case, the result of you typing some address and getting a web page with its contents can be summed up, due to a result of process in request/response relationship between your browser and a web server located somewhere in the world.
Plain HTML
In a less simpler way, think of it like this. basically, if a page is during a refresh phase, (meaning you clicked something and are waiting for a data to comeback) then, that means it is getting/loading the response from the web server. If the web server does not have PHP installed as a module, then the only thing it is waiting/loading (in many cases) is plain HTML content.
With PHP
On the other hand, if we assume you have a file called index.php in your webserver, and have PHP is installed, in this case the web server will send everything that appears in-between <?php ?> to the PHP interpreter, first, then wait for it until PHP does its magic and send back to the server only the result.
echo 1+1;
So, in the above case, the webserver (ex: Apache, Nginx) does not care what is inside the opening and closing tags, and sends the entire code to the PHP interpreter, and PHP would compute that script according the way it understands it and sends only the computed result back to the server, as plain HTML. In this case the number 2.
The role of AJAX.
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique used Javascript, to help you send requests and receive the response without having to load the page. This is usually done by using the browsers XHR object. So, there is no mystery in this whole shebang.
The above can be summed up simply in the following steps.
Enter browser sends a request to the server of
server/browser exchange messages server allows browser to aquire
information server sends index.php back to browser if <?php tag
is found in the script, server sends all the codes inclosed in those
tags to the PHP interpreter The PHP interpreter, compiles the query
and sends the result as HTMl

PHP is server-side script, before return page content to client side like browser, it should parse all the PHP logic into HTML logic, so it should display the value which was at page load. And if your PHP logic consumes long time to execute, it will delay the content display at client side.

Your example case is really difficult to explain, without getting technical, or using a lot of chained logic...
...however, I'll try to keep this a little more simple:
The overwhelmingly vast majority of the time, PHP will run only when something connects to the server, and will stop running as soon as it's done running the script that was accessed.
That "something" might be a page-load (//mysite/index.php), or it might be issuing an XMLHttpRequest ("AJAX") to ask the server for data (//mysite/articles.json).
Not all languages work this way.


Establing connection to MYSQL Database [PHP]

I had this random question in my mind while I was surfing on the net...
Is it possible to establish connection to MYSQL database WITHOUT refreshing? Like if there is a button in a page which when clicked it secretly establishes connection to Database without even letting user notice any change in the webpage, Everything looks the same but secretly a webpage connects to the database..
I know.. This process is possible in Javascript, but I wanted to find out a way in PHP
When the page has been loaded. PHP can't be used anymore because it's a server side language. Javascript on the other hand works client side. Which means you can execute functions and such on the client's machine without page reload.
AJAX can enable you to 'open' a PHP and execute PHP code (not JS) without page reload. If you will, it's like you're opening a PHP page but it's not visible to the user, it runs the PHP file 'behind'.
As others have said, remember that PHP is a "server-side" language, and that the SQL database also lives on the "server side." The JavaScript application, running on the client, has no direct access to it.
What the JavaScript application must do, then, is to issue asynchronous requests ("AJAX ...") to the server, asking for whatever it wants. The end-user will not be directly aware that this is going on, and the content of the screen-display won't necessarily change (unless you change it).
As part of servicing the (properly authorized ...) request, the PHP side might connect to the database and issue queries against it to get the information that it needs, in order to prepare and send-back a reply to the (JavaScript) client.
Now, the JavaScript side won't necessarily know, nor will it care, just how the results that it receives were actually obtained by the PHP code. It only "issues a request, and, sometime thereafter, gets a corresponding answer."

Is it possible to make server push without using javascript?

Is there some mechanism to provide server push technology using plain HTML, without using javascript (or any other script languages on the client side).
Under "server push" I mean process where the server to update some part of the page content when needed.
I don't know of any way that true server push can be used without any javascript in the page.
Without javascript, the only thing I'm aware of is a meta refresh tag that would tell the browser to refresh this page after some particular time interval. This tag applies to a whole page only. If you wanted only part of a page to be updated, you could use an iframe and have only the iframe be updated. Of course, this is not server push, but a client-driven auto-update and it will be run on a predetermined interval, not just when there is actually new data. For something smarter than this, you will need javascript.
The most efficient server-push would be to use javascript from the page to connect to your server over a websocket and then have the server just send data to the page via the websocket whenever it wants (true server-push). The client's javascript can then respond to the receipt of that websocket data by updating a particular piece of the page.

Best Practice: Call .Net Function after webpage is visible for the user

I'm in search of some best practices. I have a webpage (a loading page as you will).
Once this page is loaded (and visible to the user) i want to execute a function that might last some seconds.
problem is, how do i launch this function?
I've tried loadComplete (event),unload (event) , working with timeout (javascript to poll itself with json) and even the timer-class (.Net). Could anyone point out an alternative/ best pratices to perform this kind of action?
This won't work the way that you are trying to do it. To understand why you have to understand the concept of webservers:
Webservers use some code (PHP, ASP.NET, ...) to generate dynamical HTML code that is beeing sent to the client. This process works in the following steps (in case of ASP.NET)
Client requests something from the server.
Server generates html (that's your ASP.NET / C# code)
Server sends HTML to client
The browser on the client receives the HTML and displays it.
So your ASP.NET code is only running in step 2. This makes it impossible to catch the event when the client has rendered his page in his browser. However there is client-side technology called AJAX. You can make AJAX calls using javascript (that runs in the browser of the client).
So for example you can create a javascript function that sends a second request to the server when the html was loaded in the client, and executes some function on the server.
For this you will need a webservice on the server that will serve as a interface between the javascript and your C# code.
A easy way to create webservices is to use WCF webservices
If you have any further questions feel free to comment on this answer.

javascript setInterval() load

I am trying to figure out what kind of load the window function setInterval() places on a user's computer. I would like to place a setInterval() on a page that is viewable only by my company's employees that will be checking a basic text file every 5 seconds or so and then if there is something to display, it will throw up some html code dynamically on the screen.
Any thoughts? Any better, less intrusive way to do this?
Appears it should not cause a problem, pending that the function setInterval() fires off is not heavy. Since I will only be reading a text file which should never be too large (text file will be overwritten about every minute by a completely separate job or bash script), the load should be minimal since it will be read in as a string, analyzed, and if necessary throw out a small amount of HTML code to the page.
I agree with all the comments regarding a single, polling setInterval() to be trivial.
However, if you want alternatives:
Long Polling
The browser makes an Ajax-style request to the server, which is kept
open until the server has new data to send to the browser, which is
sent to the browser in a complete response.
Also see:
PHP example and explanation
Web Sockets
WebSockets is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an
interactive communication session between the user's browser and a
server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive
event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.

Run program on tomcat server with Javascript, is it possible?

so, here is the thing, I need to run .jar I've programmed myself on a server.
On the otherside, that server is also a webserver, so it displays webpages and so. Those webpages are written in simple HTML and JavaScript.
So, here is the thing:
is there a way to run my program when users perform click on links in the webpage?
I created a function in Javascript, but I cannot make it work, as long as I don't know how to run shell commands in Javascript.
The execution of the program is totally transparent to the user, and what it basically does is to search content in some documents in order to update the html that is shown to the user.
Any ideas? Hope I made myself clear.
Thanks in advance!
You really can't run shell commands in JavaScript.
If I understand your question correctly, you're looking to do some sort of remote process execution.
Is your JAR file on the other server - is it running as part of a web server, I.E. as a servlet in an application container like Tomcat, such that your code can be executed by calling HTTP methods? (If not, you may want to start out with doing this.) If so, then you'll need to have your JavaScript make the HTTP call to the server to execute its code. A common way of doing this today is through the use of AJAX - and you can use something like jQuery to help with this. The response from this AJAX request (could be XML, JSON, or pre-formatted HTML) could contain the details to "update the HTML that is shown to the user".
The simplest way to do this is put the html, javascript, and a jsp page in the same war file, and then run it on tomcat. Not the best way, but definitely the quickest.
So to clarify, the JSP page will get invoked by the click (ajax call, use jquery), and renders some json/xml. The success handler for the ajax call takes the jsp response and updates your html page. So the jsp runs on the server, but the html/javascript runs in the browser.
If you want to make if fancier, you can use spring web-mvc and write a controller instead of a jsp page. It has the same overall effect either way.

