How to string replace and string re arrange - javascript

I have a string that returns 04/01/2014 , my problem now is how can I change it using jquery so that the string will become 2014-04-01 ?
var stringDate = '04/01/2014';
any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance

You can split a JavaScript string into parts delimited by a pattern (in your case, /), and you can combine them back together however you like using another delimiter.
For instance:
var str = "04/01/2014";
var parts = str.split("/");
var result = parts[2] + "-" + parts[0] + "-" + parts[1];

make a DateTime() variable then you can manipiulate it how you want


get particular strings from a text that separated by underscore

I am trying to get the particular strings from the text below :
var str = "001AN_LAST_BRANCH_HYB_1hhhhh5_PBTsd_JENKIN.bin";
From this i have to get the following strings: "LAST", "BRANCH" and "JENKIN".
I used the code below to get "JENKIN";
var result = str.substr(str.lastIndexOf("_") +1);
It will get the result "JENKIN.bin". I need only "JENKIN".
Also the input string str sometimes contains this ".bin" string.
with substring() function you can extract text you need with defining start and end position. You have already found the start position with str.lastIndexOf("_") +1 and adding end position with str.indexOf(".") to substring() function will give you the result you need.
var result = str.substring(str.lastIndexOf("_") +1,str.indexOf("."));
It depends on how predictable the pattern is. How about:
var parts = str.replace(/\..+/, '').split('_');
And then parts[0] is 001AN, parts[1] is LAST, etc
You can use String.prototype.split to split a string into an array by a given separator:
var str = '001AN_LAST_BRANCH_HYB_1hhhhh5_PBTsd_JENKIN.bin';
var parts = str.split('_');
// parts is ['001AN', 'LAST', 'BRANCH', 'HYB', '1hhhhh5', 'PBTsd', 'JENKIN.bin'];
document.body.innerText = parts[1] + ", " + parts[2] + " and " + parts[6].split('.')[0];
You could do that way:
var re = /^[^_]*_([^_]*)_([^_]*)_.*_([^.]*)\..*$/;
var str = "001AN_LAST_BRANCH_HYB_1hhhhh5_PBTsd_JENKIN.bin";
var matches = re.exec(str);
console.log(matches[1]); // LAST
console.log(matches[2]); // BRANCH
console.log(matches[3]); // JENKIN
This way you can reuse your RegExp anytime you want, and it can be used in other languages too.
Try using String.prototype.match() with RegExp /([A-Z])+(?=_B|_H|\.)/g to match any number of uppercase letters followed by "_B" , "_H" or "."
var str = "001AN_LAST_BRANCH_HYB_1hhhhh5_PBTsd_JENKIN.bin";
var res = str.match(/([A-Z])+(?=_B|_H|\.)/g);
I don't know why you want to that, but this example would be helpful.
It will be better write what exactly you want.
str = '001AN_LAST_BRANCH_HYB_1hhhhh5_PBTsd_JENKIN.bin'
find = ['LAST', 'BRANCH', 'JENKINS']
found = []
for item in find:
if item in str:
print found # ['LAST', 'BRANCH']

how to Remove the characters in between a string using index in jquery or javascript?

I want to remove the few characters in a string using index.
for example:
My input is: "5,4,3,2,1"
I want to remove the 1th to 2nd index position characters(here , to 4).
The Output should be 5,3,2,1.
Is there any predefined function in jquery or javascript to done this?
You can try to use substring function like this:
var mystring = "5,4,3,2,1";
alert( mystring.substr(0, 1) + mystring.substr(3));
I would juse use javascripts split function for that.
So if you have
var string = "5,4,3,2,1";
than you just need to do
var splitted = string.split(",");
whereas the character in the brackets is the one you want to split on. After you did that, you can just make a new string, and build it with the array elements.
So you do something like
var string2 = splitted[0] + "," + splitted[2] + "," + splitted[3] + "," splitted[4];

Split the date! (It's a string actually)

I want to split this kind of String :
"14:30 - 19:30" or "14:30-19:30"
inside a javascript array like ["14:30", "19:30"]
so I have my variable
var stringa = "14:30 - 19:30";
var stringes = [];
Should i do it with regular expressions? I think I need an help
You can just use str.split :
var stringa = "14:30 - 19:30";
var res = str.split("-");
If you know that the only '-' present will be the delimiter, you can start by splitting on that:
let parts = input.split('-');
If you need to get rid of whitespace surrounding that, you should trim each part:
parts = (it) { return it.trim(); });
To validate those parts, you can use a regex:
parts = parts.filter(function (it) { return /^\d\d:\d\d$/.test(it); });
var input = "14:30 - 19:30";
var parts = input.split('-').map(function(it) {
return it.trim();
}).filter(function(it) {
return /^\d\d:\d\d$/.test(it);
document.getElementById('results').textContent = JSON.stringify(parts);
<pre id="results"></pre>
Try this :
var stringa = "14:30 - 19:30";
var stringes = stringa.split("-"); // string is "14:30-19:30" this style
var stringes = stringa.split(" - "); // if string is "14:30 - 19:30"; style so it includes the spaces also around '-' character.
The split function breaks the strings in sub-strings based on the location of the substring you enter inside it "-"
. the first one splits it based on location of "-" and second one includes the spaces also " - ".
*also it looks more like 24 hour clock time format than data as you mentioned in your question.
var stringa = '14:30 - 19:30';
var stringes = stringa.split("-");
.split is probably the best way to go, though you will want to prep the string first. I would go with str.replace(/\s*-\s*/g, '-').split('-'). to demonstrate:
var str = "14:30 - 19:30"
var str2 = "14:30-19:30"
console.log(str.replace(/\s*-\s*/g, '-').split('-')) //outputs ["14:30", "19:30"]
console.log(str2 .replace(/\s*-\s*/g, '-').split('-')) //outputs ["14:30", "19:30"]
Don't forget that you can pass a RegExp into str.split
'14:30 - 19:30'.split(/\s*-\s*/); // ["14:30", "19:30"]
'14:30-19:30'.split(/\s*-\s*/); // ["14:30", "19:30"]

Replace all occurences of "-" between numbers with ":" in javascript

I have a string which looks like this:
If a "-" appears in the middle of 2 numbers, I want to change it to a ":".
What is the shortest way to do this in javascript? Thanks for help.
Here's my variant.
var a = '1,87-99,88:12,sds-554,sdsd,787,99-145'
var b = a.replace(/(\d)-(\d)/g,'$1:$2')
$1 and $2 puts matched digits back into string.
'1,87-99,88:12,sds-554,sdsd,787,99-145'.replace(/(\d)-(\d)/g, '$1:$2'));​
var a = '1,87-99,88:12,sds-554,sdsd,787,99-145'
var b = a.replace(/(\d)-(\d)/g, '$1:$2');
"b" will give you what you want

javascript regex to replace a substring

In javascript, how would I use a regular expression to replace everything to the right of "Source="
Assume, for example:
var inStr=""
var newSoruceValue=""
Goal is to get this value in outStr:
var outStr=""
Assumes that source= will always be at the end
var inStr=""
var newSourceValue=""
var outStr = inStr.replace( /(Source=).*/, "$1" + newSourceValue);
Is "Source" always linked to the first occurrance of "&"?
You could use
indexOf("&") + 7
(number of letters in the word "Source" + one for "=").
Then create the new string by appending the new source to the substring using the index from before.
string.replace( /pattern/, replace_text );
var outStr = inStr.replace( /&Source=.*$/, "&Source=" + newSoruceValue );
var outStr = inStr.replace( /(&Source=).*$/, "$1" + newSoruceValue )

