Validating Contact Number in javascript - javascript

I am having a textbox and a div in my form like this :
<input type="text" name="NContact" placeholder="New Contact No." id="txtNewContact"/>
<div id="divCheckContact">
Now on every key press of a key in NContact I need to check if the value entered is a number or not and also it is 10 digit number.And display message in the divison
How to do it Please help.

You can add a pattern and title to do this:
<input type="text" pattern="\d{10}" title="Type 10 digits please" />
The above will check for 10 digit number and if it isn't valid the title will be displayed.
Note: This is part of html5 spec. Will not work for IE 9 and below.
You can also do it in pure js:
var elem = document.getElementById('txtNewContact');
elem.onkeydown = function(){
alert("Type 10 digits please");

use this
var re = isNaN($(this).val());
$('#divCheckContact').html("please enter only numbers");
$('#divCheckContact').html("please enter only ten 10 digits contact no");
return false;


How to validate if the input text (in html) is a valid Phone Number when user hits the 11th number?

I have an input.
<input id="phoneNumber"/>
How can I validate if the inserted value from user is a valid phone number or not using jQuery ?
You can use oninput to check if input has some values entered or not.
When 10th value is entered you can use a alert but this will not be enough because after alert, user can still enter more values. So use maxlength="10" to allow only 10 numbers.
Also if you don't want to allow text but numbers only than you can use .replace(/[^\d]/, '') to replace any non-number . And show that it is not a number.
function validPhone(phoneNum)
// check for valid phone numbers in the format 999-999-9999
if (phoneNum.value.match(/[^\d]/)) {
phoneNum.value = phoneNum.value.replace(/[^\d]/, '')
document.querySelector("#demo1").innerHTML = "Sorry numbers only";
} else {
document.querySelector("#demo1").innerHTML = "";
var strPhone = phoneNum.value;
var rePhone = /\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}/;
if (strPhone.length >= 10) {;
document.querySelector("#demo1").innerHTML ="No more numbers plz, only 10 digits allowed in Phone number.";
document.querySelector("#demo").innerHTML = strPhone.length;
#demo1 {
color: red;
<input class="form-control" oninput="validPhone(this)" type="text" name="username" placeholder="Enter Phone number" maxlength="10" id="phoneNumberForForgotPassword" data-val-required="نام کاربری را وارد نمائید.">
<div id="demo1"></div>
<div id="demo"></div>

Minimum and Maximum length of User Input

I have a form in which a user enters a 13 digits numeric value and i try to use minlength attribute but its not working. So i try javascript and it works fine but when the focus losses from Input then the function onblur calling again and again. the code is under
<input type='number' id='cnc' pattern='[0-9]{13,13}' name='cnic' oninput="javascript: if (this.value.length > 13) this.value = this.value.slice(0, 13);" minlength="13" onblur="checkLength(this);" placeholder="Enter CNIC without dashes: e.g 6110122334455" class='form-control' required value="<?php echo isset($_POST['cnic']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['cnic'], ENT_QUOTES) : ""; ?>" />
function checkLength(el) {
if (el.value.length != 13) {
alert("CNIC length should be 13 digits");
Now i want that the control/cursor to the input field if user not entered 13 digit code and moves to other input field
Try this regex method to verify the Pakistani CNIC format:
var input_text = jQuery(this).val(),
myRegExp = new RegExp(/\d{5}-\d{7}-\d/);
if(myRegExp.test(input_text)) {
//if true
else {
//if false
jQuery('#cninc_msg').text('Enter CNIC in correct format. 12345-1234567-1');
var input_text = jQuery(this).val();
if(input_text.length != 13 ){
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="cnic" name="cnic" placeholder="42212-1234567-1" />
<span id="cninc_msg"> </span>
Without Dashes simply check this
<input type="text" id="cnic2" name="cnic" placeholder="4221212345671" />
<span id="cninc2_msg"> </span>
This is just a basic example. You can use this on on key up or onkeyDown events as per your requirements.
minlength is not yet supported by any browser. Try this instead

Contact form 7 phon Validation

i had a job interview and they gave me to make a landing page with a validation on the phon number that he will be between 9 to 10 numbers length and make another validation that the phon number must start with the number "0" and all of this with contact form 7 , some who how to do it ?
There will be an id for the phone number field in the contact form 7 for example (phone -number)
To set max number of digits :
<script type="text/javascript">
To set 0 as 1st digit :
<script type="text/javascript">
var x = $(this).val();
jQuery('#phone-number').bind('input propertychange', function() {
var x = jQuery(this).val();
Also add the following line or edit your button accordingl, example:
<input type="text" name="reg_phno" id="phone-number" required><span class="val_msg" style="display: none;">Please Start Your Number with 0 & maximum of 9 or 10 Numbers</span>
You can try this shortcode in contact form 7 for phone number validation with length and number validation : [tel* tel-964 minlength:9 maxlength:10]

How to restrict a textbox to accept 10 alphabetic characters only using javascript?

How to restrict a textbox to accept 10 characters only.If we enter 11th character, it should give a message saying 'you are allowed to enter 10 characters only'.
Try with this function:
function check_content(){
var text = document.getElementById("your_textbox_id").value;
if(text.length > 10){
alert('Length should not be greater than 10');
return false;
} else {
return true;
Try this code:
<input type="text" id="Textbox" name="Textbox" maxlength="10" />
Code for textbox.
<input name="mytext" type="text" value='' id="mytext" onkeyup="TextLimit()">
and add a javascript function on keyup event of textbox.
function TextLimit(){
var text = document.getElementById('mytext');
if (text.value.length >= 10){
alert('you are allowed to enter 10 characters only');

Validate (Australian) Phone Numbers in Javascript

I need to validate Australian phone numbers (e.g. 02[3-9]\d{7} or 07[3-9]\d{7} or 04[\d]{8}) in JavaScript.
must be 10 digits
no commas
no dashes
no + in front
must begin with 0
At the moment I can validate required fields and email address but I want to add phone number validation.
<script type="text/javascript">
function validateForm() {
var x=document.forms["form3"]["name"].value;
if (x==null || x=="") {
alert("Name must be filled out");
return false;
var s=document.forms["form3"]["phone"].value;
if (s==null || s=="") {
alert("Please Enter your Phone or Mobile Number - Preferably Phone Number");
return false;
var s=document.forms["form3"]["email"].value;
if (s==null || s=="") {
alert("Please Enter a valid email address");
return false;
var k=document.forms["form3"]["email"].value;
var atpos=k.indexOf("#");
var dotpos=k.lastIndexOf(".");
if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=k.length) {
alert("Email Address is Not Valid. Please provide your correct email address.");
return false;
<form action="/thank-you.php" name="form3" method="post" onsubmit="return validateForm();" >
Your name* <input type="text" name="name" />
Phone number* <input type="text" name="phone" />
Email* <input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="sumbit" name="submit" class="button" onclick="javascript:return validateMyForm();" /><input type="reset" value="Reset" class="resetbutton" />
Can someone help out?
Here is a regex that I would recomment
var pattern = /^0[0-8]\d{8}$/g;
So input must start with 0, and followed by a digit and it must be one between 0-8. Then it must have 8 more digit numbers.
Valid phone number examples:
0010293999 (ok)
0110293999 (ok)
0210293999 (ok)
0910293999 (nope)
var phoneNumber =document.forms["form3"]["phone"].value;
var phonePattern = /^0[0-8]\d{8}$/g;
//phone number is not valid. Please notice that you don't need to check if it's empty or null since Regex checks it for you anyways
if (!phoneNumber.test(phonePattern))
alert("Please Enter your Phone or Mobile Number - Preferably Phone Number");
return false;
---- Edit
var phoneNumber =document.forms["form3"]["phone"].value;
var phonePattern = /^0[0-8]\d{8}$/g;
//phone number is not valid. Please notice that you don't need to check if it's empty or null since Regex checks it for you anyways
if (!phonePattern.test(phoneNumber))
alert("Please Enter your Phone or Mobile Number - Preferably Phone Number");
return false;
Thanks to Paul Ferrett for this (php not js, but the regex should translate):
function validate_phone($number) {
$number = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $number);
return preg_match('/^(0(2|3|4|7|8))?\d{8}$/', $number)
|| preg_match('/^1(3|8)00\d{6}$/', $number)
|| preg_match('/^13\d{4}$/', $number);
NB: "MIT License"
Take a look at the Javascript RegExp Object and RegExp test() method.
var patt = /04[\d]{8}/g; // Shorthand for RegExp object
var phoneNumber1 = '0412345678';
var result1 = patt.test(phoneNumber1); // result1 is true
var phoneNumber2 = 'abc';
var result2 = patt.test(phoneNumber2); // result2 is false
You can also use the required pattern.
I've never used it before but it looks like this:
<input type="text"
title="Phone numbers must be 10 digits and start with 0."
required pattern="0[::digit::]{10}"
// It's late, no idea if that's a valid regex or if works with POSIX.
See this html5rocks article for more info:
Here is a more robust Australian phone regex. Courtesy of this SO question.
let phonePattern = /^(?:\+?(61))? ?(?:\((?=.*\)))?(0?[2-57-8])\)? ?(\d\d(?:[- ](?=\d{3})|(?!\d\d[- ]?\d[- ]))\d\d[- ]?\d[- ]?\d{3})$/
0412123123 TRUE
0491579999 TRUE
0491572983 TRUE
0712122123 TRUE
0212122123 TRUE
0000000000 FALSE
5555551234 FALSE
04121231231 FALSE
041212312 FALSE

