Convert html table to pdf using jqgrid - javascript

I want to convert html table data as PDF file using jqGrid or some other simple Javascript / JQuery functions.
I have tried this:
But it is not working for me, because in this, they used PHP to creating PDF.
I want to generate PDF file without communicating with the server.
Please help me.Thanks in advance

You may have luck using jsPDF.


Converting XML SpreadSheet to XLSX using Javascript

I need to convert a XML SpreadSheet to a native Excel file (XLSX), without using MSOffice.
In particular I need to make this conversion using Javascript.
I'm searching for in "StackOverflow" web page and also in google and other portals, but I don't find nothing about it.
The XML SpreadSheet sample file is like this:
enter image description here
On the other hand, I've discovered the "excelcnv.exe" command for conversion between formats, included in MSOffice Excel installation, but just I got to convert from XLS to XLSX, but not from XML SpreadSheet to XLSX...In fact I haven't found any documentation about this "excelcnv.exe" command so I don't know if it is possible this conversion.
Also I've found about some javascript libraries like oxml.js or XLSX but I think this libraries allow create a native excel file from scratch, not convert from input files in XML SpreadSheet format.
Maybe anybody could know how do this using javascript or some javascript library.
Any help will be very welcome :)
Thanks in advance,
You need to change the file extension. From xml to xls.
Then excelcnv will convert correctly.
excelcnv.exe -oice <INPUT> <OUPUT>

How can I implement an Excel custom format with JavaScript?

I'm trying to write JavaScript code that acts like Excel custom formatting: taking a format and applying it to a string/number/etc in a HTML table.
Is there some code or library that'll let me do that? I'm not trying to access Excel files, just copy the custom format functionality.
If you are using nodejs then please use a framwork that can handle the excel operations. With that you can easily manipulate Excel files. There is one here try it:

convert html into jpg and send mail - PHP

I have an HTML which contains images and javascript charts. I want to convert that HTML into an image and send as an attachment through email.
Is it possible?
If yes, which library should I use for this task?
Yes it's possible, but for that you need to use phantomjs.
Here is a php library i used for phantomjs.
Its pure php solution (using phantomjs browser) and is very easy to use. Just install this library through composer and that's it you should be good to go.
Note: This solution is valid if you want to take screenshot of your html page through its URL.
Hope it helps :-)

PHP generate PDF and edit

I would like to ask
Is it possible to edit the PDF file? For example, insert a new pages between pages , like add page between page 17 and 19.
Which library can i use?
one way to do this is to use ghostscript to split the pdf into individual page images and then you can add additional pages and rearrange pages as needed with tcpdf or similar pdf library.
You can generate pdf easily using FPDF library But you can not edit them via this library. You can use FPDI library mentioned here: PDF Editing in PHP?.
Here is my view:
It is easy to edit Hypertext rather than PDF it self. I use TCPDF to convert HTML to PDF.
Take a look at this. It might be helpful : TCPDF_import is not bringing in an existing file
Thanks, Let us know if you find a better solution.

want to convert RSS to html using only javascript

Sir i have a problem with my page i want to change the RSS to html using javascript . for this i was use feed2js from google code but whole was written in php and javascript . In my problem i want to make integration with JSP not only php please suggest me
XML is not the easiest format to work with in JavaScript, much easier if you can get a JSON feed of something, but as its an RSS feed you probably haven't got that choice.
You can parse XML in jQuery using

