How to Execute a Javascript in Internet Explorer from Command Line? - javascript

Recently at my job we have been wanting to automate our deployment process with new machines. I figured the best way to do this was by launching IE (since it's the default browser that's installed via Litetouch) via command line, which the generic code for it is as follows:
Which works as expected; however the next part of the automation process is to pass IE at least a javascript file that can select the building I want to register a new NIC device at, then on the next pass I would pass it my administrative credentials.
For the most part, I can figure out by scrounging the net how to get Javascript to execute certain things in a browser like clicking links and entering text into text boxes. I'm just wondering if there's any way during running my batch script that I can pass IE a .js file to execute after the browser opens.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You can bypass IE completely by using cscript.exe to run JavaScript.
> cscript.exe "path/to/file.js"
cscript.exe is in c:\windows\system32.
Keep in mind that globals like window and document will not be available because you have no head.

Here you go enable by command
1) Go to Start -> Run
2) Type : CMD (then enter)
3) You will get command prompt window on screen.
4) Type below command and ten enter :
regsvr32 jscript.dll
5) Now check Internet Explorer. You will have javascript enabled.
Hope this would help you to solve your problem.


python : disable download popup when using firefox with selenium

I have script that using selenium and firefox to automating download action.
The problem is whenever I run script I always get pop up from firefox keep asking what kinds of action I would like to do, even though I set download path in firefox preference. I checked files and folders to create master mimeTypes.rdf for all users, but I couldn't find mine.(I'm using ubuntu). I found ~/.mozilla/firefox but there was no file for directory of my profile name nor any file has an extension like .rdf
here is the criminal's pic that making me crazy
firefox download popup
below is what I've done to disable the popup.
profile = FirefoxProfile()
profile.set_preference("", False)
profile.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile", 'application/zip')
profile.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", 'application/zip')
profile.set_preference("", 2)
profile.set_preference("", "/home/i-06/Downloads")
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile)
I have spent many hours trying to suppress that "save or open" pop-up that appears when downloading a file using the firefox driver with selenium (python 3.x). None of the many suggestions involving various values for profile.set_preference worked for me. Maybe I missed something.
Still, I finally got it working by the other method that is recommended : using an existing firefox profile.
You can tweak your default (or custom) profile to the file save behaviour you want. Type the following in the firefox address bar and make changes here :
Then the only setting up you need to do to download the file into your current working directory is :
from selenium import webdriver
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(<your firefox profile directory>)
fp.set_preference("", os.getcwd())
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)
If you have a typical ubuntu setup, you can find your default firefox profile dir by viewing ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile.ini
In that .ini file, look for Path under [Profile0]
I doubt you need to define both. Remove the below line from your code
profile.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile", 'application/zip')
Also sometime the MIME type of zip file can be different based on the server. It could be any of below
So in Network tab check what is the content type you are getting and add that to your profile to make sure the dialog doesn't come
I removed profile.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile", 'application/zip') as Tarun Lalwani suggest and it still work. But my problem was that I put application/mp4 instead of video/mp4. You could check MIME type here.

How to automatically close webpage using javascript?

I have found many questions like mine in different forums, but I couldn't find an answer that actually helps to solve my problem in any of them.
Basically, what I want is to open an URL through command prompt, it will open the browser, processes a webpage, and then I would like it to automatically close.
Why do I need this?
I have an application that runs on IIS. There are some routines I need to run everyday in my application. I can simply kick of these routines by running an URL similar to the showed below:
The Problem is that this is totally manual.
I was wondering if I could create a batch file calling my URL "start", and then I could create a task on Windows to run that batch file everyday. That works for me except that the browser will not close automatically.
What I mean is, I could try it, but at the end of a week, I would have at least 5 windows opened.
What I have tried:
I have tried to solve it by using javascript, but I always end up getting this message:
scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it
It does not matter the javascript function I create using "window.close()", the windows won't close.
Chrome and Firefox returns that message.
IE let's me try to close the window, but it asks in a popUp if I really want to close it.
What you need is probably a headless browser like PhantomJS (WebKit browser without GUI). I would recommend you to use CasperJS to create scripts even more easily...
Install Phantom and Casper globally on your system and write a minimal automation script like so:
var casper = require('casper').create();
casper.then(function() {
// Do something here...
Set a cron job (or Windows equivalent) to execute the script with the casperjs bin. Normally, it should do the trick...
Using batch files only because I strongly believe you do not need JavaScript to do this.
::start a new browser session at the given url
start iexplore ""
::wait for whatever process to end if you actually have to wait
timeout 15
::kill the browser process
taskkill /im iexplore.exe /f /t
If it runs on a machine nobody interacts with, and you know the session you log into will be the last session you got out of, then you know the session you're getting into already has IE open. So you could reverse the order of the script and not care much about timing
::kill the browser already opened
taskkill /im iexplore.exe /f /t
::open a new browser session at the given url
start iexplore ""
::if you have to wait, but don't know how long... leave the browser window open. We'll close it next time we run this batch file anyway.
At *nix you can create a bash script containing
/usr/bin/chromium-browser --user-data-dir="/home/USER/.config/chromium-no-flags" ""
within DoStuff.aspx, use setTimeout() or other function to call window.close() when task is complete
setTimeout(close, 10000)
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do asynchronous stuff
resolve(/* value */)
For *indows equivalent of cron see
What is the Windows version of cron?
Windows equivalent to cron?
See also
Close google chrome open in app mode via command line
Open Chrome from command line and wait till it's closed
Close programs from the command line (Windows)
Killing all instances of Chrome on the command-line?

How run a windows console for JavaScript

I would like to have a console window (a command line) on Windows 7 which will allow me to play with JavaScript just like a python console.
It's important to have a file access from within the console (or script run through it).
You can use Node.js's REPL. To do so follow this steps:
Download and Install Node.js.
Call Node.js from the Start Menu / Start Screen or directly node.exe installation path (e.g C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe).
You may want to add the installation path to your PATH enviroment variable for ease of use.
Note: to leave node.js press Ctrl + C twice.
To access the local files, you will need the File System module. This is an example of usage:
var fs = require("fs");
function(err, data)
if (!err)
This will output the contents of the file C:\test.txt to the console.
Note: An unhandled exception will cause node.js to "crash".
You can just use the developer tools.
For example, in Chrome, press F12. This will bring up the developer tools. The last option on the menubar is console. This will allow you to create JS variables and functions and to interact with DOM elements on the current page
It's possible thanks to Mozilla Rhino JavaScript Engine.
To create a console window for JS:
1) Download Mozilla Rhino JavaScript Engine binary.
2) Extract: js.jar.
3) Create a script to run the console window (e.g. rihno_console.bat):
java -cp js.jar
For more information about usage (for instance, and global functions inside this console) visit the Rhino Shell web page.
Just like I informed another user with the same question as yours who was faced with the same need, check out DeskJS ( It's a portable Windows console application that lets you run pure JavaScript code and even load any existing JS files. It supports even the basic JS popup boxes implemented in browsers. You can save your commands as JS files that can be run on startup or by dragging-and-dropping them on the app. Plus there's so much more to it like you can create a build system for Sublime Text that can run JS files via cmd, it supports themes for customizing the entire console and snippets which let you save short snippets of JavaScript code for later use. Improvements are still being made on the app together with other native APIs being included. Hope this helps you as it did for me.

Print the image by URL from browser's scripts

I can use any browser on windows XP or 7. I can change any security options for my issue to be solved.
I need to print the contents of remote image (by its uri) from javascript or vbscript.
I have a printer installed and I have its name.
Tha main thing of this question is to print without any dialog confirmations. I am fully understand the security side of the question, however, exactly because of this I can make any changes to browser's options.
I have tried this (found on the internet):
// in-browser vbscript
set shell = CreateObject("")
shell.Run ("mspaint /pt ""C:\temp\ticket.png"" ""CUSTOM TG2480-H""")
But this does not seem to work.
Look at Answer 1 here. Similar problem at another thread (html jquery - print specific image in page).

how can I force IE9 to "see" the most current javascript when using the debugger?

I'm using IE9 to debug a web app. I made some changes to the javascript after loading the page. I'm not able to get IE9 to stop on the new code. The message is "The code in the document is not loaded". I can set breakpoints when I'm not debugging, but they won't be valid when I start debugging. I'm using IE7 Browswer Mode, IE7 Document Mode.
Things I've tried:
close dev tools window, re-open
stop debugging, start debugging
Ctrl R in dev tools window (same as Clear Browser Cache button)
Ctrl R on the IE9 web page
Ctrl F5 on the Ie9 web page
Clear browser cache for this domain
Check (set) Always refresh cache from server
Next thing to try (I guess) would be closing IE completely. Is that the fix for this? If so, yuck. It takes me a couple of minutes to set the page up so doing that after every JS change really stinks. I can use FF4 to develop the JS, but the JS issue I'm seeing is specific to IE7 so I have to do it this way.
>> How can I get IE9 (running in IE7 mode) to reliably debug the most current JS from the server?
This issue wasn't related to caching etc. IE9 was hitting a script error (missing closing paren) in the new code and not allowing breakpoints anywhere in the script. IE seemed very quiet about the script error though. Anyway, fixing the script error fixed the issues with breakpoints / caching.
If you have access to the code:
In you javascript file reference add a query string, something like this:
<script src="Scripts/main.js?v=1" type="text/javascript"></script>
And every time you change in the js file change the v value to something else, like that the browser will feel that this is a new file and will get it.
Add this:
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function (e)
if (window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY)
if (confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?'))
}, false);
I found this solution somwhere in the Net. Sorry, but I don't remember the author. It works for me when I debug Web App with JavaScript in Visual Studio and use IE.
I found this question based on the "the code in the document is not loaded" error message. I'm not using IE7 document mode or any of that, just IE9.
Like jcollum, my issue wasn't related to caching.
I'm using MVC.Net, and someone had set up a piece of javascript to rely on a string in the ViewBag. I changed a couple things, and that ViewBag string disappeared, so the resulting javascript looked something like this:
if(!()) {
// Some code
Javascript died right here, and wouldn't process the rest of the code in the block. This was confusing, as it was still trying to execute javascript in a different set of script tags, but which relied on a variable set in the other block it wouldn't load.
So, basically, a syntax error was introduced via strange means, and the debugger refused to load some of the code which came after it. Another lesson on the dangers of ViewBag.

