jQuery append element if it doesn't exist, otherwise replace - javascript

Here's a short piece of code:
var $el = $("#something").find(".test");
if (!$el.length) {
$("#something").append('<div class="test">somecontent</div>');
} else {
$el.replaceWith('<div class="test">somenewcontent</div>');
I couldn't find a method appendOrReplaceWith or anything similar.
Any ideas how can I make it shorter?
I believe that:
$("#something").appendOrReplace('<div class="test">sometext</div>');
would be much easier to read, but no such method is available yet.

Just remove it first then append.
$("#something").append('<div class="test">somecontent</div>');

Mandatory vanilla answer. It may not be shorter, but it's faster.
Get the element, grab all subelements with the class "test", create your div, check the subelements length, and if length is truthy, set the innerHTML to the div. Else, append it.
var el = document.getElementById("something");
var subel = el.getElementsByClassName("test");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "test"
if (subel.length) {
div.textContent = "somenewcontent";
while(el.hasChildNodes()) el.removeChild(el.lastChild); //remove child nodes
} else {
div.textContent = "somecontent";

Adding a method like findOrAppend to jQuery could be useful:
$.fn.findOrAppend = function(selector, content) {
var elements = this.find(selector);
return elements.length ? elements : $(content).appendTo(this);
Then you can chain text, replaceWith, empty etc. as needed:
.findOrAppend(".test", "<div class='test'>")

First of all you should cache your selectors:
var $som = $('#something');
var $ele = $(".test",$som);
var newHtml = '<div class="test">somecontent</div>';
if (!$el[0]) $som.append( newHtml );
else $ele.replaceWith( newHtml );
but you already did it really fine, (beside not caching repeated selectors), and me, trying to make it smaller could be a**-kicked for not using {} for my if and else :)

I would do this
var $s = $("#something"), $t = $s.find(".test"), c = 'New content';
( $t[0] ? $t:$s)[( $t[0] ? 'html':'append')](( $t[0] ? c :$('<div>',{class:'test'}).append(c)));


object HTMLDivElement to string [duplicate]

Imagine I have the following HTML:
<div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div>
I want to get the HTML for the div, including the div itself. Element.innerHTML only returns:
Any ideas? Thanks
Use outerHTML:
var el = document.getElementById( 'foo' );
alert( el.outerHTML );
Expanding on jldupont's answer, you could create a wrapping element on the fly:
var target = document.getElementById('myElement');
var wrap = document.createElement('div');
I am cloning the element to avoid having to remove and reinsert the element in the actual document. This might be expensive if the element you wish to print has a very large tree below it, though.
First, put on element that wraps the div in question, put an id attribute on the element and then use getElementById on it: once you've got the lement, just do 'e.innerHTML` to retrieve the HTML.
<div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div>
<div id="wrap"><div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div></div>
and then:
var e=document.getElementById("wrap");
var content=e.innerHTML;
Note that outerHTML is not cross-browser compatible.
old question but for newcomers that come around :
You'll want something like this for it to be cross browser.
function OuterHTML(element) {
var container = document.createElement("div");
return container.innerHTML;
If you want a lighter footprint, but a longer script, get the elements innerHTML and only create and clone the empty parent-
function getHTML(who,lines){
if(!who || !who.tagName) return '';
var txt, ax, str, el= document.createElement('div');
txt= el.innerHTML;
ax= txt.indexOf('>')+1;
str= txt.substring(0, ax)+who.innerHTML+ txt.substring(ax);
el= null;
return lines? str.replace(/> *</g,'>\n<'): str;
//easier to read if elements are separated
var x = $('#container').get(0).outerHTML;
as outerHTML is IE only, use this function:
function getOuterHtml(node) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
var element = document.createElement(parent.tagName);
var html = element.innerHTML;
return html;
creates a bogus empty element of the type parent and uses innerHTML on it and then reattaches the element back into the normal dom
define function outerHTML based on support for element.outerHTML:
var temp_container = document.createElement("div"); // empty div not added to DOM
if (temp_container.outerHTML){
var outerHTML = function(el){return el.outerHTML||el.nodeValue} // e.g. textnodes do not have outerHTML
} else { // when .outerHTML is not supported
var outerHTML = function(el){
var clone = el.cloneNode(true);
outerhtml = temp_container.innerHTML;
return outerhtml;
var el = document.getElementById('foo');

$(selector, element) Native JS alternative

Hi I'm trying to remove all jQuery from my platform one line at a time.
But I'm having some trouble finding a replacement for this
$('[data-attribute="value"]', GenericHTMLElement);
I was hoping it would be something simple like
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<div><span data-attribute="value"></span><span data-something-else="1000"></span></div>';
var b = div.childNodes;
var a = b.querySelector('[data-attribute="value"]');
But that's not working either. Does have any suggestions for me?
As commented,
childNodes will give you a list of elements. This list will not have querySelector. If you loop over nodes, you should be able to get it though. But, my suggestion is just do div.querySelector(...)
To be specific, it will be of type NodeList. This is a collection of nodes. So you cannot run querySelector on it. You can either loop over all nodes and do querySelector on them or just so this operation on parent div.
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<div><span data-attribute="value">Dummy Text</span><span data-something-else="1000"></span></div>';
var b = div.childNodes;
console.log('Type of childNodes is: ', Object.prototype.toString.call(b))
// getting element using loop over childNodes
for(var i = 0; i<b.length; i++) {
var el = b[i].querySelector('[data-attribute="value"]');
el && console.log(el.textContent)
// getting element using parent elenent.
var el1 = div.querySelector('[data-attribute="value"]');
First you need to understand what the first code does. It searches for given selector, limiting it to HTMLElementObject scope. Understanding that we can try to do something similar.
From MSDN example, he is using body element:
var el = document.body.querySelector("style[type='text/css'], style:not([type])");
They have this example with data-attributes, take a look please.
The reason your attempt isn't working is that you're trying to call querySelector on a NodeList, which doesn't have a querySelector method.
If you try it on a single element, it works fine:
function mySelect(selector, el) {
return el.querySelector(selector);
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<div><span data-attribute="value"></span><span data-something-else="1000"></span></div>';
var b = div.childNodes[0];
console.log(mySelect('[data-attribute="value"]', b));
But this makes it so that mySelect(selector, el) is nothing more than an alias for el.querySelector(selector).
Presumably, you'd want to be able to evaluate a selector on multiple elements at once, and return multiple results, like jQuery does. In that case, you can do so by making some adjustments:
function flatMap(values, f) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], values.map(f));
function mySelect(selector, els) {
return flatMap(els.length ? Array.from(els) : [els], function (el) {
return Array.from(el.querySelectorAll(selector));
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<div><span data-attribute="value">span 1</span><span data-something-else="1000"></span></div><div><span data-attribute="value">span 2</span></div>';
console.log(mySelect('[data-attribute="value"]', div.childNodes));
console.log(mySelect('[data-attribute="value"]', div.childNodes[0]));

if statement inside jQuery selector

I'm getting those 2 vars from the DOM:
var get_category = $('#category').find('.current').attr('rel');
var get_subcategory = $('#subcategory').find('.current').attr('rel');
and I want here to find the classes in my DOM and show it
$('.filter-result').find('.'+get_category, '.'+get_subcategory ).show();
But I need to write it inside the .find() only if the variables are exist
I hope it answers your question:
var get_category = $('#category').find('.current').attr('rel');
var get_subcategory = $('#subcategory').find('.current').attr('rel');
var classes = [];
if (get_category) {
classes.push('.' + get_category);
if (get_subcategory) {
classes.push('.' + get_subcategory);
//if get_category or get_subcategory were found
if (classes.length) {
I do like Gabriels answer because it is very simple another option that works well and is extensible all you would have to do add another selector is add it to the selectors array. It is a little bit more advanced using javascripts filter and map array methods though.
var get_category = $('#category').find('.current').attr('rel');
var get_subcategory = $('#subcategory').find('.current').attr('rel');
var selectors = [get_category, get_subcategory];
var query = selectors.filter(function(elem) {
if (elem) { return elem };
return '.' + elem;
}).join(', ')

Replacing all urls in a div

I am trying to write javascript code to find all the urls inside a div. Now this would be pretty easy if all the urls within the div were separated by spaces in which case I can just do a regex on what's inside the div to find them. However, the urls within this outer div may be in sub divs (or any other html tag) and I want to consider the subdivs as separators as well (and I don't want to get rid of these subdivs). To give an example, in the following I want to find www.foo.com and www.bar.com within the div with id "outer":
<div id="outer"><div>www.foo.com</div>www.bar.com</div>
What would be a good way of doing this?
You can apply a recursive call to all non-text child nodes.
function replaceWwwInNodes(node) {
//text node
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(/* ??? */)
else {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(node.childNodes, function (elem) {
Try to use this sample http://jsfiddle.net/iklementiev/TaCx9/1/
var data = document.getElementById("outer").innerText;
var myRe = /www\.[0-9a-z-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}/igm;
var matches= data.match(myRe)
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
alert('match: ' + matches[i]);
this help to find all urls.
try this
var expression = /[-a-zA-Z0-9#:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9#:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)?/gi;
var regex = new RegExp(expression);
var regContent = $("#outer").html();
var newContent = regContent;
var textContent = regContent.match(regex);
for(var i=0;i<regContent.match(regex).length;i++)
newContent = newContent.replace(new RegExp(regContent.match(regex)[i], "g"), "test");
this will get all url content and replace it as "test".

Create Element in Jquery

I would like to create element in Jquery/Javascript by using "div.someelement" like this
var SomeElement = $("div.someelement");
$( "#container" ).append( SomeElement );
But I don't want to copy element with the same class, I would like to create new one.
document.createElement is creating "<div.somelement>" instead of <div class="someelement">
I would use the following method to create elements on the fly
"class" : "someelement",
// .. you can go on and add properties
"css" : {
"color" : "red"
"click" : function(){
alert("you just clicked me!!");
"data" : {
"foo" : "bar"
Try this:
var $someelement = $('<div class="someelement"/>').appendTo('#container');
This will create a brand new element inside of #container and save it as $someelement for easy reference later.
You could clone the original then empty it out. This doesn't affect the original element at all.
var $someelement = $('div.someelement').clone().empty().appendTo('#container');
You can do this by the following:
var newElement = $('<div class="someelement"></div>');
or if you don't need the element you can directly append it:
$('#container').append('<div class="someelement"></div>');
According to the question you want to use a syntax like "div.someelement" to create an element.
In order to do that, you need to make your own parser.
It is very simple if that will be the exact syntax.
var str = "div.someelement",
parts = str.split("."),
elem = $("<" + parts.shift() + ">"),
while (cls = parts.shift())
But if you're going to do this, you might as well use native methods.
var str = "div.someelement",
parts = str.split("."),
elem = document.createElement(parts.shift());
elem.className = parts.join(" ");
If you want to allow for full CSS syntax for creating an element, then you may want to look at the regex parser that Sizzle uses, and use it for your needs.
Use this:
var someElement = $("<div></div>");
Or you can chain together the calls:
Perhaps I misunderstood the question, maybe this will help. To create a new set of elements, use jQuery's clone method:
I would use zen coding for textarea as a starting point. Its syntax is close enough for what you are trying to do, its a well understood implementation. You should be able to invoke the transformation from a raw string rather than from a textarea with a little tweaking.
Since you are asking about creating an element from css syntax, you need to use a parser to interpret the syntax.
Here is an example you can build from. This will match an element name followed by id, class or other attributes. It won't cover some edge cases, but will work in most cases.
var elem_regex = /^(\w+)?|(#|\.)([^.#\[]+)|(\[[^\]]+?\])/g
Then make a function to get the parts and create an element.
function elementFromSelector(str) {
var match, parts = {}, quote_re = /^("|').+(\1)$/;
while (match = elem_regex.exec(str)) {
if (match[1])
parts.name = match[1];
else if (match[2] === ".") {
if (!parts.clss)
parts.clss = [];
} else if (match[2] === "#")
parts.id = match[3];
else if (match[4]) {
var attr_parts = match[4].slice(1,-1).split("="),
val = attr_parts.slice(1).join("");
parts[attr_parts[0]] = quote_re.test(val) ? val.slice(1,-1) : val;
else throw "Unknown match";
if (parts.name) {
var elem = document.createElement(parts.name);
delete parts.name;
for (var p in parts)
if (p === "clss")
elem.className = parts[p].join(" ");
elem[p] = parts[p];
return elem;
} else throw "No element name at beginning of string";
Then pass a proper string to the function, and it will return the element.
var str = 'input#the_id.firstClass.secondClass[type="text"][value="aValue"]';
var element = elementFromSelector(str);
Before creating the element, the parts look like this.
"name": "input",
"id": "the_id",
"clss": [
"type": "text",
"value": "aValue"
Then it uses that info to create the element that gets returned.
Simply create a new Element for jQuery:
var $newElement = $(document.createElement("div"));
if you want to at attributes to de element simplie use:
id : "someId",
"class" : "someClass"
Rember by class always use like this "class", because class is a reserved name

