Range of variables or sth else? very beginning JS - javascript

Sorry for mistakes - my first post. I'd like to click on the 'Try it' button and change the type of the first 'ok' input. After this change I'd like to click the 'Try it' button again and change the type of the element with id="inputt" to INPUT again. I think it's sth wrong with the range of my variable done which tells if i have 2 buttons or input and button.
window.onload = function Load(){
var done = false;
var foo = document.getElementById('g');
foo.onclick = Change1;
foo.onclick = Change2;
function Change1(){
inp = document.getElementById('inputt');
inp.setAttribute('type', 'button');
done = true;
function Change2(){
but = document.getElementById('inputt');
<input value="ok" id="inputt">
<p>Click the button below to set the type attribute of the button above.</p>
<button id="g">Try it</button>

The window.onload event is not going to get executed again, it only happens once when the window...loads
see if this is what you want.
window.onload = function Load(){
var foo = document.getElementById('g');
foo.onclick = Change1;
function Change1(){
inp = document.getElementById('inputt');
inp.setAttribute('type', 'button');
var foo = document.getElementById('g');
foo.onclick = Change2;
function Change2(){
but = document.getElementById('inputt');


Onclick "run a function" using external javascript

I created a simple project in which I click on a button then another button should be created(button 2) and the previous button should be disappeared and this works fine.
But when I click on button 2 then a particular function should be executed. I am stuck here.
It says cannot set property to null.
function myFunction1() {
var x = document.createElement("BUTTON");
var t = document.createTextNode("button 2");
var a= document.getElementById('bt1');
var item = document.getElementById('bt2');
item.onclick = myFunction;
function myFunction() {
document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].style.backgroundColor = "lime";
<button id= 'bt1' onclick="myFunction1();">
button 1
You are trying to set the onclick property to an element when it doesn't exist yet in the DOM (it will be created after you click the button 1), so move the final code inside the myFunction1, after the creation of the second button.
function myFunction1() {
var b = document.body;
var x = document.createElement("button");
var t = document.createTextNode("button 2");
x.id = 'bt2';
var btt1 = document.getElementById('bt1');
var btt2 = document.getElementById('bt2');
btt2.addEventListener('click', function() {
b.style.backgroundColor = "lime";
<button id= 'bt1' onclick="myFunction1();">
button 1

Why does this javascript function activate at the wrong time?

Here's the code I'm currently using
function firstChildAge() {
var header = document.createElement('H3');
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('BODY');
var textnode = document.createTextNode("WHAT IS THE AGE OF THE FIRST CHILD?");
var inputChildOne = document.createElement("Input");
var childOneAgeResponse = inputChildOne.value;
function submitButton() {
var btn = document.createElement('Button');
btn.onClick = testFunction_2();
function testFunction_2() {
if (childrenResponse == 1) {
As you can see, if childrenResponse (the user's response to a previous query) is equal to 1, both functions are activated. The attempted goal is to create a text node, an input, and a button. The button as of right now, should active testFunction2() which alerts us that it is working. But, testFunction2() activates before the text node or input even shows up. I can find the reason for this, and if anyone can help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Also, on a side note, how can I add text to the button created in submitButton() ? Thanks!
You have called the testFunction_2, instead of assigning it. This should work out fine.
function submitButton() {
var btn = document.createElement('Button');
btn.onclick = testFunction_2;
You are calling the function testFunction_2() in onClick. You need to add event listener to button as shown below
btn.addEventListener('click', testFunction_2);
To add text to button use
var txt = document.createTextNode("CLICK ME");
Check the snippet below
function firstChildAge() {
var header = document.createElement('H3');
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('BODY');
var textnode = document.createTextNode("WHAT IS THE AGE OF THE FIRST CHILD?");
var inputChildOne = document.createElement("Input");
var childOneAgeResponse = inputChildOne.value;
function submitButton() {
var btn = document.createElement('Button');
var txt = document.createTextNode("CLICK ME");
btn.addEventListener('click', testFunction_2);
function testFunction_2() {
childrenResponse = 1;
if (childrenResponse == 1) {
You are calling the function testFunction_2 in onClick. You need to provide reference.
That also won't work. You need to add event listener to button.
And for setting the text, just set innerHTML of button.
var btn = document.createElement('Button');
btn.innerHTML = "click";
btn.addEventListener('click', testFunction_2);
btn.onclick = testFunction_2; // in place of addEventListener.
// if you want to use onclick. use small case 'c' in onclick.
There were 2 problems:
onClick should've been onclick.
You were executing the function and assigning the result of that function to the onclick. btn.onClick = testFunction_2(); should be btn.onClick = testFunction_2;
See working snippet below.
function firstChildAge() {
var header = document.createElement('H3');
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('BODY');
var textnode = document.createTextNode("WHAT IS THE AGE OF THE FIRST CHILD?");
var inputChildOne = document.createElement("Input");
var childOneAgeResponse = inputChildOne.value;
function testFunction_2() {
function submitButton() {
var btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.innerHTML = "Some button name";
btn.onclick = testFunction_2;
var childrenResponse = 1;
if (childrenResponse == 1) {
In javascript you can use the innerHTML set the button's HTML contents.
See Setting button text via javascript
btn.innerHTML = "This is a button name";
The Mozilla Developer Network is a good resource. Here's two links for the above mentioned snippets.
MDN HTML Button element

Change image of button when pressed, using javascript

I am trying to set a value in variable when a specific button is pressed. I want this button to be in pressed state when i again reload the page. I am trying to check the value of variable in pageloaded function but i don't know that how can change the state of button in javascript. Pls help
<button onclick="changeit()"><img src="bla.jpg" id="changevalue"></button>
function changeit(){
document.getElementById("changevalue").src = "newimg.jpg";
<button id="myButton"><img src="myImage.jpg" id="myImage"></button>
var NEW_IMAGE_URI = "myNewImage.jpg";
var buttonState = false;
function changeButtonImage(){
if (buttonState) {
document.querySelector("#myImage").src = NEW_IMAGE_URI;
buttonState = true;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var buttonElement = document.querySelector('#myButton');

Button's onclick works but JS event listener does not

I have the following button:
<input type="button" class ="anhalteButton" id="StopButton" value="&#9611 &#9611"/>
which I want to execute the following function (viewsLoop is a global variable):
function clearTDLoop(){
If I call the function via the button's onclick attribute. i.e.:
onclick="clearTDLoop()" it works flawlessly.
However, I would like to call the function through a JS event listener, but that does not work at all. Do you guys have any idea what I might be doing wrong? My Event Listener Code is attached:
var stopButtonEl = document.getElementById("StopButton");
Sry for the prior confusion, where my code example stated "StartButton" as the button ID, I copied the wrong ID, the problem persists..
It looks like you have the wrong ID for your event listener:
var startButtonEl = document.getElementById("StartButton");
Should be:
var stopButtonEl = document.getElementById("StopButton");
I've set an example code for you, please check it:
var tdLoop;
var counter = 0;
var startButton = document.getElementById('startButton');
startButton.addEventListener('click', startTDLoop, false);
var stopButton = document.getElementById('stopButton');
stopButton.addEventListener('click', clearTDLoop, false);
var result = document.getElementById('result');
function startTDLoop() {
tdLoop = setInterval(updateValue, 1000);
function updateValue() {
result.innerHTML = counter;
function clearTDLoop() {
counter = 0;
#result {
padding: 15px 0 0;
<input type="button" class ="anhalteButton" id="startButton" value="Start"/>
<input type="button" class ="anhalteButton" id="stopButton" value="Stop"/>
<div id="result"></div>

How to set a javascript function to an element with no postback

I created an input type=file and I need to connect it to my Javascript function, the problem is that I get postback (I don't need server-side), I tried different ways (code below).. maybe I set the function wrong... Help please
++ createMyButton is fired from another function and works fine.
function createMyButton(){
var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
deleteBtn.type = "button";
deleteBtn.title = "Delete";
//1 try
deleteBtn.onclick = 'deleteItem()';
//2 try
deleteBtn.onclick = 'deleteItem();return false';
function deleteItem() {
These are the issue I seen
1.deleteBtn.onclick = 'deleteItem();' are you missing quote "''here ?
. If u want to bind event to element use addEventListener to for
var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
deleteBtn.type = "button";
deleteBtn.title = "Delete";
// you missed button value here
deleteBtn.value = "Delete";
deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', deleteItem);
function deleteItem() {
var btn = this; // you can use button here

