Converting string into negative float number in Javascript - javascript

The negative numeric value I'm getting from the back-end application is formatted according to our internal configuration (UI user profile). In other words, for value -23.79879 my xml input may be
<myNumber>-23.79879</myNumber> or <myNumber>23,79879-</myNumber> or other and I can't turn the formatting off. The assumption is that the formats are "standard", normally used for localization.
I'm looking to do something like:
convertStringToNumber(numberString, formatString, slignPosition)

Not sure what you mean with formatString, but maybe something like this?:
function convertStringToNumber(num){
if(num.indexOf('-') ==num.length-1){
return parseFloat(num) || null;

The easiest way to achieve this is to expose the parsing rule from the backend, which obviously knows the format. This can be done in many ways, but one easy way i am fond of is simply to break down all the moving parts of the format, define properties for each on an object and then expose that object to the parser.
The object could look something like this:
var opts = {
thousandsSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.',
negativeSign: '-'
Then pass that object into a parsing function like this:
function parseNumber(opts, str) {
var isNegative = false;
if(str.indexOf(opts.negativeSign) != -1) {
isNegative = true;
str = str.replace(opts.negativeSign,'');
var parts = str.split(opts.thousandsSeparator).join('').split(opts.decimalSeparator);
var num = 1 * parts[0];
var deci = 1 * parts[1];
if(deci) num += deci / Math.pow(10,parts[1].length);
return isNegative ? -1 * num : num;
You would then call it like thuis:
parseNumber(opts,'2,345.234-'); //-2345.234


How to use .toFixed() (or any alternative) on Nerdamer.solve solutions?

I'm using Nerdamer.solve() to get some linear equation roots. It's working fine but I wonder if there is any way to get only the first 4 decimals of every solution.
//First step, using Nerdamer to solve the equation stored in value
sol_raw = this.nerdamer.solve(value,'x');
xs = this.nerdamer(sol_raw.toString());
//Second step, using Function() in order to evaluate the solutions
solution= Function('return ' + this.nerdamer(xs).evaluate().toString())()
At this point, I'm getting correct results like: 1.74343434. Since I'm rendering the results using Katex, I would like to know where to implement .toFixed(4) or any pseudo way (maybe a Nerdamer method to use n number of decimals on .evaluate()?).
The result (solution) is a string like [1.74343434, 0.434343, ...] so I could transform it into a float variable and then use .toFixed() but this not an easy solution because the number of roots depends on the equation's grade.
Nerdamer's documentation about evaluate: documentation
Another possible approach is to create a toFixed function for formatting the numbers which would take into account real and complex solutions and then calling it on your solutions. Here's a more generalized approach.
var toFixed = function(value, n) {
var img = Number(nerdamer.imagpart(value).text()).toFixed(n);
var real = Number(nerdamer.realpart(value).text()).toFixed(n);
// Format the number assuming i denotes imaginary in your case
var formatted = '';
if(real !== '0.0000') {
formatted += real;
if(img !== '0.0000') {
// Put the plus sign betweent the real and imaginary
if(img.charAt(0) !== '-' && formatted) {
formatted += '+';
// Assuming you're using i and not j for instance
formatted += img+'i';
return formatted;
So in your case this would be become something like:
sol_raw = this.nerdamer.solve(value,'x');
xs = this.nerdamer(sol_raw.toString()).each(function(solution) {
roundedSolutions.push(toFixed(solution, 4));
solution: roundedSolution.join(''),
This would possibly eliminate the need for your try catch block.
Since the solution is rendered using KaTeX, it's possible rounding the solution via Latex's package, but its even simplest taking the suggestion of #Dj Burb.
Here is my approach:
try {
sol_raw = this.nerdamer.solve(value,'x');
xs = this.nerdamer(sol_raw.toString());
Function('return '+ this.nerdamer(xs).evaluate().toString())().forEach(element => {
roundedSolution.push(element.toFixed(4)) });
} catch (e) {
solution: roundedSolution.join(''),
The use of try catch is imperative because while writing the equation, solution.toFixed() returns an error.

Is there an equivalent of find_first_of c++ string method in javascript

I come from C++ background and currently working on node.js server app.
I want to know if there exists an equivalent of find_first_of C++ string class method in Javascript string.
Basically I'll have a string like
var str ="abcd=100&efgh=101&ijkl=102&mnop=103". The order of & seprated words could be random. So, I wanted to do something like the following:
str.substr(str.find("mnop=") + string("mnop=").length, str.find_first_of("&,\n'\0'")
Is there a way to it in a single line like above?
You may find the search function useful.
"string find first find second".search("find"); // 7
In addition, you may also find this question useful.
There's no direct equivalent, but you always can employ regular expressions:
var str ="abcd=100&efgh=101&ijkl=102&mnop=103";
However, in this specific case, it's better to use the dedicated module:
var qs = require('querystring');
var vars = qs.parse(str);
If you really want a method that behaves like find_first_of, it can be implemented like this:
String.prototype.findFirstOf = function(chars, start) {
var idx = -1;
[] || 0), function(c, i) {
if(chars.indexOf(c) >= 0)
return idx = i, true;
return idx >= 0 ? idx + (start || 0) : -1;
console.log("abc?!def??".findFirstOf('?!')); // 3
console.log("abc?!def??".findFirstOf('?!', 6)); // 8

How to avoid parsing address as float in Javascript

I am working on javascript code that parses a tab delimited document. In order to facilitate searching I need to convert those properties that are a number to a float. However, mixed fields (like an address) should maintain the status of a String.
for(var i2=0;i2<line1.length;i2++){
var test = local[i2];
if(! (typeof test === 'undefined')){
test = test.trim();
var parsed = parseFloat(test);
if(line1[i2] === "Site Address")
console.log("Number before:"+local[i2]+" After:"+parsed);
if(line1[i2] === "Site Address")
console.log("before:"+local[i2]+" After:"+test);
This seems to work ok unless there are both numbers and chars like the following....
Number before:1752 E MAIN ST After:1752
Is there a way to do this where the above is not seen as explicitly a number?
You can use the unary + operator:
var parsed = +test;
The parseFloat() function is OK with strings that start with a valid number that's followed by non-numeric stuff, as you've discovered.
If that seems too "hackery" you can also use the Number constructor:
var parsed = Number( test );
You haven't provided very much test data, so answers may not be very good. You can try using a regular expression so that only things that look like numbers are treated as numbers, e.g.
var isNum = /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/;
var test = line1[i2];
parsed = isNum.test(test)? parseFloat(test) : test;
The variable "test" would probaby be better named "item" or "value" or similar.

Javascript splitting string using only last splitting parameter

An example of what im trying to get:
String1 - '' - would return 'string' and ''
String2 - '' - would return 'string` and ''
I currently have this:
var split= [];
var tld_part = domain_name.split(".");
var sld_parts = domain_name.split(".")[0];
tld_part = tld_part.slice(1, tld_part.length);
With my current code, it takes the split parameter from the beginning, i want to reverse it if possible. With my current code it does this:
String1 - '' - returns 'string' and ''
String2 - '' - would return 'random` and ''
Any suggestions?
To expand upon elclanrs comment:
function getParts(str) {
var temp = str.split('.').slice(-3) // grabs the last 3 elements
return {
tld_parts : [temp[1],temp[2]].join("."),
sld_parts : temp[0]
getParts("") would return { tld_parts : "", sld_parts : "baz" }
getParts("") would return { tld_parts : "", sld_parts : "one" }
try this
var str=''//or ''
var part = str.split('.');
var result = part[part.length - 1].toString() + '.' + part[part.length - 1].toString();
One way that comes to mind is the following
var tld_part = domain_name.split(".");
var name = tld_part[tld_part.length - 2];
var tld = tld_part[tld_part.length - 1] +"."+ tld_part[tld_part.length];
Depending on your use case, peforming direct splits might not be a good idea — for example, how would the above code handle .com or even just localhost? In this respect I would go down the RegExp route:
function stripSubdomains( str ){
var regs; return (regs = /([^.]+)(\.co)?(\.[^.]+)$/i.exec( str ))
? regs[1] + (regs[2]||'') + regs[3]
: str
Before the Regular Expression Police attack reprimand me for not being specific enough, a disclaimer:
The above can be tightened as a check against domain names by rather than checking for ^., to check for the specific characters allowed in a domain at that point. However, my own personal perspective on matters like these is to be more open at the point of capture, and be tougher from a filtering point at a later date... This allows you to keep an eye on what people might be trying, because you can never be 100% certain your validation isn't blocking valid requests — unless you have an army of user testers at your disposal. At the end of the day, it all depends on where this code is being used, so the above is an illustrated example only.

Javascript - Format number to always show the original decimal places

I need a js function that show the original count of decimals in a number. For example:
value display
2.31 2
1.0 1
2.3500 4
The problem is that i dont know how get the count of decimals.
I have that code:
return CountofDecimals(value); // must be display 4:
Anything help??? Thanks :P
That's not possible. There's no difference between the number 3.5 and 3.50 in JavaScript, or indeed in any other common programming language.
If you actually mean they're strings (value = '2.3500' rather than value = 2.3500) then you can use indexOf:
var decimalPlaces = value.length - value.indexOf('.') - 1;
Caveat: I hate this answer, I don't really advocate it
Don't store it as a number, store it as a string. This can result in "stringly typed" code quickly so it is inadvisable. It is a workaround since JavaScript uses a float as the number type.
Alternatively store it as an Object and parse out the format via a function call:
{ value = "1.2345", decimal = 4}
and use that to create the correct number format. If I had the requirement this is probably the hack I'd use. Or, I would have my server return the formatted string as you can pull that off easily server side.
If it would be possible take these numbers as strings, it definitely is possible..And quite simple actually.
function countDecimals(string){
var delimiters = [",","."];
for(var i = 0; i<delimiters.length; i++){
if(string.indexOf(delimiters[i])==-1) continue;
return string.substring(string.indexOf(delimiters[i])+1).length;
You could use this function:
function decimalplaces(number)
numberastring = number.toString(10);
decimalpoint = numberastring.indexOf(".");
if(decimalpoint == -1)
return 0;
return numberastring.length - decimalpoint - 1;

