Mapbox clear marker not working - javascript

I'm trying to remove marker from my map before I add a different one but the suggested method, although throwing no error, doesn't remove my marker.
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [$scope.gig.lng, $]
properties: {
title: $scope.gig.venue,
description: $scope.gig.address + ' ' + $scope.gig.postcode,
'marker-size': 'medium',
'marker-color': '#676767'
/* show on map */
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer().setGeoJSON({
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: $scope.geo
markerLayer.eachLayer(function(m) {
According to the documentation I should be able to then call the following to clear all markers but it does nothing.
Am I doing something wrong? If not is there a nuclear way of resetting the map?

L.mapbox.markerLayer() is a function that creates a new marker layer: this call is creating a new marker layer, and clearing the markers in it.
In your code, you have the lines
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer().setGeoJSON({
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: $scope.geo
You are creating a new marker layer with the L.mapbox.markerLayer() and naming it with the variable markerLayer. So, to clear the markers in this layer, you would call:


How to add hover effect to new layer created with custom geojson

I've built a map and added a layer that highlights a specific neighborhood, I'd like to add a hover effect to the layer. just like in this example
I got as far as creating my own layer with the geojson but the example I am trying to follow uses an external data source whereas I am using my own. I tried to reference my data but I don't think I am doing it correctly. Pleases see this link with a working version showing the layer highlighting the neighborhood.
This is the link to what I have so far
Here's my JS
mapboxgl.accessToken =
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/leosonnekus95/ck11gbbaz0neb1cmrunqmijkf',
zoom: 15,
center: [174.7570008, -36.8658221]
map.on('load', function () {
'id': 'Uptown',
'type': 'fill',
'source': {
'type': 'geojson',
'data': {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'Polygon',
[ /* Co-ordinates here..*/ ]]
'layout': {},
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#088',
'fill-opacity': 0.8
I'd really like to make this layer hoverable/clickable and suspect I have to create a combined version of these two examples
and would like some guidance.
You'll want to add map.on('mouseenter') and map.on('mouseleave') functions which target your layer to your code like this:
map.on('mouseenter', 'Uptown', function(e) {
map.setPaintProperty('Uptown', 'fill-color', '#FF0000');
map.on('mouseleave', 'Uptown', function() {
map.setPaintProperty('Uptown', 'fill-color', '#1F06F0'));
I've updated your code in another JSFiddle ( with these changes.
Disclaimer: I work at Mapbox

insert a url/path into google maps marker, Laravel

I am trying to insert a url/path into google map marker. So I tried google map's url: but no effects. when mouse on the marker it changes to pointer but I can't click or the page doesn't open.
By the way I try to make path to detail screen of each id.
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
icon: 'imgs/marker.png',
label: {
color: "#fff",
url: "/pages/{{$est->id}}",
position: {
lat: {{$est->lat}},
lng: {{$est->lng}}
The way I am using it wrong?
public function details($id)
$estates = allestates::where('id', $id)->first();
// $rsltActualPrice = (int)$estates->extend / (int)$estates->price;
return view('pages.details', compact('estates'));
and Route:
Route::get('/pages/{id}', 'PagesController#details');
You may want to create a route like :
Route::get('/pages/{estateId}', 'yourController#index')->name('map');
and change your url address to this :
url: route('map', ['estateId' => $est->id]),

Using a Leaflet realtime layer in a markercluster group

I'm using Leaflet in combination with the realtime and markercluster plugins in order to show markers, that get live updated on a map.
The plugins work great independent from each other, but the problem arises when I want to cluster the realtime layer using the markercluster features.
Code sample for the realtime layer in which I convert the json to markers, asign a custom icon and apply some onEachFeature function:
realtimeLayer = L.realtime({
url: 'someURL',
crossOrigin: true,
type: 'json'
}, {
interval: 3 * 1000,
onEachFeature: onEachFeature,
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
return L.marker(latlng, {
icon: customIcon
What I'm able to do with non-realtime marker layers is to create a markercluster group and add the layer to it, so the markers get clustered like this:
var clusterGroup = L.markerClusterGroup();
However when I add the realtimeLayer to the clustergroup, the clustering is not applied, or the marker do net get loaded at all. What am I missing? Thanks!
You need to add the container option to your realtime object options.
From the official Leaflet Realtime documentation:
L.Realtime can also use other layer types to display the results, for
example it can use a MarkerClusterGroup from Leaflet MarkerCluster:
pass a LayerGroup (or any class that implements addLayer and
removeLayer) to L.Realtime's container option. (This feature was added
in version 2.1.0.)
So after you initialize your cluster group and add it to map:
var clusterGroup = L.markerClusterGroup();
You can then pass the clusterGroup object to your realtime object in the container option:
realtimeLayer = L.realtime({
url: 'someURL',
crossOrigin: true,
type: 'json'
}, {
container: clusterGroup
interval: 3 * 1000,
onEachFeature: onEachFeature,
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
return L.marker(latlng, {
icon: customIcon
Now when you add the realtime object to the map, it should cluster correctly:
The official Leaflet Realtime repo has an example for doing what you want with the added option of grouping multiple L.Realtime objects:

If I have this mapbox API call in a function, why does this evented callback only occasionally get called?

I have the following setup using the mapbox API. When using geolocate.watchPosition on my laptop and walking around to simulate real time tracking of a user's position on a map, the map marker only updates very occasionally. What am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with the callback timing? I'm assuming map.on('locationfound'...) will be called when the map.locate() function completes successfully.
L.mapbox.accessToken = 'xxxx';
var map ='map', 'mapbox.high-contrast');
var myLayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer().addTo(map);
map.on('locationfound', function(e) {
console.log('location found callback');
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [e.latlng.lng,]
properties: {
'title': 'Here I am!',
'marker-color': '#ff8888',
'marker-symbol': 'star'
function myFunc(position) {
map.locate(); //part of mapbox API
watchId = navGeolocate.watchPosition(myFunc, {}, {});

Leaflet Realtime GeoJSON dynamic marker color change

I have a map built with Leaflet which displays markers from a GeoJSON using Leaflet-Realtime plugin and Leaflet-awesome-numbered-marker plugin. However I noticed that the markers color doesn't change dynamically, but it changes if I reload the page. Here's the code so far:
var map ='map', {center: [46.7634, 23.5996], zoom: 14}),
realtime = L.realtime({
url: 'get_markers.php',
crossOrigin: true,
type: 'json'
}, {
interval: 500,
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return L.marker(latlng, {
'icon': new L.AwesomeNumberMarkers({
In is the color code for my markers. I want to change the color of the marker in realtime according to the property in json. Any ideas?
You can use the updateFeature option of L.Realtime. It takes a method with three parameters: feature, oldLayer and newLayer. In there just take the newLayer and use the setIcon method of the marker:
updateFeature: function (feature, oldLayer, newLayer) {
newLayer.setIcon(new L.AwesomeNumberMarkers({
Unable to test, but that should work.

