Delay javascript code execution inside for loop - javascript

I have the following for loop:
for (var i = tileLog.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
$('.' + tileLog[i]).mouseenter();
1 < tileLog.legth < 1025
Is there a way to delay each iteration of the loop so that mouseenter() is triggered every x miliseconds?
I have tried:
function doSetTimeout(i) {
setTimeout(function() { $('.' + i).mouseenter(); }, 250);
for (var i = tileLog.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
This doesn't seem to work, it just delays by 250ms then iterates through the loop

As an alternative to using setTimeout() you could also use setInterval().
Define a running variable in the outer scope (like your running i in the loop).
In each iteration, besides calling your function, decrement the running variable. If it is below zero, stop the setInterval()`` :
var index = tileLog.length - 1,
timer = setInterval( function(){
$('.' + tileLog[index]).mouseenter();
index -= 1;
if ( index < 0 ) {
clearInterval( timer );
}, 250 );
There is no actual sleep() function or something similar. Would also be problematic as JavaScript (for most cases) is single threaded and such a method would block the render thread, thus rendering your browser inaccessible.

There is no sleep or such in JavaScript. So your approach with timeout is correct.
var tileLog;
var i = titleLog.length - 1;
function func1() {
$('.' + tileLog[i]).mouseenter();
if (--i) {
window.setTimeout(func1, 250);
// and of course start the process


CSS Clip-Path Animation with Javascript

I try to animate the Clip-Path Property with JavaScript.
Means: It "grows" with help of SetTimeout.
I tried this, but it doesn't work.
var el = document.getElementById("image")
function grow(i) { = "circle("+ i +"px at 190px 160px)";
var i;
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
setTimeout(grow(i), 400);
What am I missing here? Shouldn't the setTimeout change the value of I in every loop, so that I can see the result immediately?
To get this to work, I rewrote your setTimeout to be around your loop to make the image grow.
setTimeout( function(){
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Here is the jsfiddle
No, setTimeout fires once, and only once. Additionally, the way you are using setTimeout will lead to unintended results. You are basically saying:
I want to call grow(i) 400 milliseconds from now 100 times.
That means that 400 milliseconds from now, grow(i) will be called 100 times simultaneously. You don't want that, you want to call `grow(i) 100 times, waiting 400 milliseconds between each iteration.
Instead, you should either use setInterval which will wait a duration between each call or have each setTimeout schedule the next timeout after a duration.
This will wait 2 seconds and then print 1,2,3,4 all at the same time.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 2000);
This will print each iteration after a duration:
function iteration(i) {
if (i > 3) return;
setTimeout(() => iteration(i + 1), 500);
change you javascript to this
var el = document.getElementById("image")
function grow(i) {
console.log(i) = "circle("+ i +"px at 190px 160px)";
var i;
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
setTimeout( ((i) => () => grow(i))(i), i*10);
and kindly read this once
setTimeout in for-loop does not print consecutive values

Changing speed of console.log in loop

I want to slow down console.log in my loop
// function update to actualize value
function update() {
var count=0;
for (var i=data.length; i--;) {
if(count >= 1) {
For example, show one console.log immediatly, and then, each .5s
How can we do that ?
(maybe with setTimeout() but I don't want start delay)
The simplest way would be to introduce a timeout before running the update again each time...
// function update to actualize value
function update() {
var count=0;
for (var i=data.length; i--;) {
if(count >= 1) {
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
setTimeout(update, 5000);
I used setTimeout() in preference over setInterval() as doing it this way (as well as moving the call to the end of the function) will make sure everything is completed, before starting the 5 second pause. It ensures there's no overlap, should the preceeding code take longer than 5 seconds.
First create a variable to store the time of the last console.log. Next, update that variable each time you console.log a value. Finally, add a check for the threshold.
var lastOutput = 0; // Setting this to 0 initially will ensure it runs immediately
var outputThreshold = 500; // in milliseconds
function update() {
if (new Date().valueOf() - lastOutput > outputThreshold) {
// threshold met, output and update
var count=0;
for (var i=data.length; i--;) {
if(count >= 1) {
lastOutput = new Date().valueOf();
update(); // fire first call to update, after that requestAnimationFrame() will handle future calls
If you want the time delay inside the for loop, you'd do this:
function update() {
var i = data.length - 1, count = 0;
function logger() {
count += data[i];
if (count >= 1)
if (i-- >= 0)
setTimeout(logger, 500);
Now, things are going to be pretty messy because you're also using requestAnimationFrame() to schedule another iteration of the whole thing; that really won't make sense anymore. You'll probably want to have that wait until the logging process is done:
function update() {
var i = data.length - 1, count = 0;
function logger() {
count += data[i];
if (count >= 1)
if (i-- >= 0)
setTimeout(logger, 500);

For Loop Delay Without setTimeout

So, here's my problem... I've got a for loop inside a function
var fan1 = function () {
for(var i=0; i<flare1base.length; i++) {
for(var i=0; i<200; i++)
flare1base.rotation.z += 0.01;
It should do essentially that, fairly simple, but... I need it to wait 10 milliseconds before adding to the rotation again. The problem is I don't think I can use setTimeout or just use setInterval instead of the entire for loop, because it's acting on an object in an array, and if I do
f1 = setInterval("flare1array[i].rotation.z += 0.01",10);
It queues up an action to do rotate the thingy, but by the time the action occurs the for loop has gone around again and "i" is different.
See jQuery: Wait/Delay 1 second without executing code
Have you tried:
setTimeout(function (){
flare1array[i].rotation.z += 0.01;
}, 10);
How about using setInterval and then clearInterval? You could do something like this:
function rotate(max) {
var i = 0;
return function () {
flare1base.rotation.z += 0.01;
if (++i == max) clearInterval(id);
var id = setInterval(rotate(200), 10);
Similar example on JSFiddle
setInterval returns an id that can later be passed to clearInterval to prevent the action from continuing indefinitely. Here I've wrapped a counter variable i in a closure, which keeps track of how many times the inner function has been called. When it has been called max times, it stops.
By the way, if you know what the starting value of flare1base.rotation.z is, it would be better to calculate it afresh each time the function is called rather than continuously adding 0.01, as the result of repeated floating point additions may be imprecise. For example, if you know it starts at, you could do flare1base.rotation.z = 0.01 * ++i; (and remove the increment from the if statement).
To extend this to an array of items, you can wrap the whole process in a loop. Assuming that your items are in an array arr:
function rotate(arr, idx, max) {
var i = 0;
return function () {
arr[idx] += 0.01;
if (++i == max) clearInterval(ids[idx]);
var ids = new Array(5);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
ids[i] = setInterval(rotate(arr, i, 200), 10);
updated JSFiddle

Javascript setTimeout not working in a for-loop

I have to change the source of an image every second. I have a for loop in which a call a function that has a timeout. I read that here, on stackOverflow, but it doesn't work. Can please someone tell me what can I fix to make it work? I've been struggling with this for much more that I'd like to admit. Thanks.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeImage(k) {
document.getElementById("img").src = k + ".png"; alert(k );}, 1000);
function test() {
for (var k = 1; k <= 3; k++) {
<div id="main_img">
<img id="img" src="">
<input type="button" style="width: 200px" onclick="test()" />
In your code, you set all the timeouts at once. So if you set them all one second from now they all fire one second from now.
You are already passing in the index k so just multiply the time parameter by k.
document.getElementById("img").src = k + ".png";
}, k * 1000);
// ^ added
The problem is that you are creating instances of a timer milliseconds apart. One second later, they all execute milliseconds apart as well. What you need is to execute them at a set interval apart from each other.
You can use a timer using setInterval, which executes the provided function at a given interval. Don't forget to kill-off the timer though, otherwise it will run forever.
Minor optimizations
You can cache the element in a variable so you won't be hitting the DOM that frequently.
Also, I'd avoid the alert(). If you are debugging, use breakpoints in the debugger. If you really want it to be "alert-like", then use console.log and watch the console.
An advantage of setInterval over a recursive setTimeout is that you will not be spawning multiple timers per iteration, but instead, just one timer.
And here's the proposed solution:
var k = 0;
var image = document.getElementById("img");
var interval = setInterval(function() {
// Increment or clear when finished. Otherwise, you'll leave the timer running.
if(k++ < 3) clearInterval(interval);
image.src = k + ".png";
// Execute block every 1000ms (1 second)
Instead of using loop, you can do it like this:
var k = 0;
var int = setInterval(function() {
if (k <= 3) k++;
else { clearInterval(int); }
document.getElementById("img").src = k + ".png";
}, 1000);
My advice is to use console.log() or alert() to help you debug - it'll make it a LOT more obvious what's going on. For instance, if you put a console.log in your test or setTimeout functions, you'd see that all three images were getting added at the same time.
What I'd recommend is to declare your "nextImage" function, then define your setTimeout within that function. That way it'll call itself every second.
Another tip: I assume you want the three images to loop forever, so I added an often used trick with the modulus operator (%) to accomplish this.
Have a look:
Working demo:
var numImages = 3, // total count of images
curImage = 1, // start with image 1
$image = document.getElementById("img"),
imageBase = "";
function nextImage() {
$image.src = imageBase + curImage;
// increment by one, but loop back to 1 if the count exceeds numImages
curImage = (curImage % numImages) + 1;
// execute nextImage again in roughly 1 second
window.setTimeout(nextImage, 1000);
// initializer. Hook this into a click event if you need to
As other folks have said, you probably want to use setInterval, which you can do with some tweaks:
var numImages = 3, // total count of images
curImage = 1, // start with image 1
$image = document.getElementById("img"),
imageBase = "";
function nextImage() {
$image.src = imageBase + curImage;
// increment by one, but loop back to 1 if the count exceeds numImages
curImage = (curImage % numImages) + 1;
// initializer. Hook this into a click event if you need to
nextImage(); // call function immediately without delay
window.setInterval(nextImage, 1000);
The problem
setTimeout doesn't stop the program execution but only sets up an event for a callback in 1 second. What that means is that if you setup three setTimeout's inside your for loop, they will execute simultaneously after 1 second.
A solution
Instead of using a for loop, you can use a delayed recursion.
function changeImage(imageIndex) {
document.getElementById("img").src = imageIndex + ".png";
function myLoop( imageIndex ) {
if( imageIndex >= 3 ) return;
changeImage( imageIndex );
setTimeut( function() { myLoop(imageIndex + 1) }, 1000 );
setTimeut( function() { myLoop(0) }, 1000 );
Another solution using setInterval
var interval = null;
var imageIndex = 0;
function changeImage() {
document.getElementById("img").src = imageIndex + ".png";
if( imageIndex === 3 ) clearInterval( interval );
interval = setInterval( changeImage , 1000);
Using different delays
function changeImage(imageIndex) {
document.getElementById("img").src = imageIndex + ".png";
for( var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
setTimeout( changeImage.bind(window, i), i * 1000 );
A groovy one liner( please don't use this, ever! )
(function f(i) { setTimeout( changeImage(i) || f.bind(window, i = (i++)%3), 1000); })(0)
Because Javascript always passes variables by reference. When your code is waiting on the queue, the variables have already changed.
Create an array and push whatever codes you want to execute in order of appearance (Place the real value of the variables directly) e.g.:
var launcher = [];
launcher.push('alert("First line of code with variable '+ x +'")');
launcher.push('alert("Second line of code with variable '+ y +'")');
launcher.push('alert("Third line of code with variable '+ z +'")');
Use setInterval instead of setTimeout to execute the codes (You can even change the delay period dynamically) e.g.
var loop = launcher.length;
var i = 0;
var i1 = setInterval(function(){
if(i >= loop) {
}, 20);

How to create pause or delay in FOR loop?

I am working on a website, where I need to create a pause or delay.
So please tell me How to create pause or delay in for loop in javascript or jQuery
This is a test example
var s = document.getElementById("div1");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML + i.toString();
//create a pause of 2 seconds.
You can't use a delay in the function, because then the change that you do to the element would not show up until you exit the function.
Use the setTimeout to run pieces of code at a later time:
var s = document.getElementById("div1");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// create a closure to preserve the value of "i"
s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML + i.toString();
}, i * 2000);
var wonderfulFunction = function(i) {
var s = document.getElementById("div1"); //you could pass this element as a parameter as well
i = i || 0;
if(i < 10) {
s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML + i.toString();
//create a pause of 2 seconds.
setTimeout(function() { wonderfulFunction(i) }, 2000);
//first call
wonderfulFunction(); //or wonderfulFunction(0);
You can't pause javascript code, the whole language is made to work with events, the solution I provided let's you execute the function with some delay, but the execution never stops.
I tried all one, but I think this code is better one, it is very simple code.
var s = document.getElementById("div1");
var i = 0;
setInterval(function () {s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML + i.toString(); i++;}, 2000);
if you want to create pause or delay in FOR loop,the only real method is
while (true) {
if( new Date()-startTime >= 2000) {
the startTime is the time before you run the while
but this method will cause the browsers become very slow
It is impossible to directly pause a Javascript function within a for loop then later resume at that point.
This is how you should do it
var i = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML + i.toString();
The following code is an example of pseudo-multithreading that you can do in JS, it's roughly an example of how you can delay each iteration of a loop:
var counter = 0;
// A single iteration of your loop
// log the current value of counter as an example
// then wait before doing the next iteration
function printCounter() {
if (counter < 10)
setTimeout(printCounter, 1000);
// Start the loop
While several of the other answers would work, I find the code to be less elegant. The Frame.js library was designed to solve this problem exactly. Using Frame you could do it like this:
var s = document.getElementById("div1");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Frame(2000, function(callback){ // each iteration would pause by 2 secs
s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML + i.toString();
In this case, it is nearly the same as the examples that use setTimeout, but Frame offers a lot of advantages, especially if the you are trying to do multiple or nested timeouts, or have a larger JS application that the timeouts need to work within.
I am executing a function where I need access to the outside object properties. So, the closure in Guffa solution doesn't work for me. I found a variation of nicosantangelo solution by simply wrapping the setTimeout in an if statement so it doesn't run forever.
var i = 0;
function test(){
if( i < rootObj.arrayOfObj.length ){
setTimeout(test, 50 ); //50ms delay
The way I found was to simply use setInterval() to loop instead. Here's my code example :
var i = 0;
var inte = setInterval(() => {
if (i == 9) clearInterval(inte);
}, 1000);
function doSomething() {
This loops from 0 to 9 waiting 1 second in between each iteration.
Output :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
It is not possible to pause a loop. However you can delay the execution of code fragments with the setTimeout() function. It would not make a lot of sense to pause the entire execution anyway.
I am using while loop and check the pause variable to check the user pause/resume the code.
var pause = false;
(async () => {
for (let index = 0; index < 1000; index++) {
while (pause) {
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));
const pausefunc = async () => {
pause = true;
const playfunc = () => {
pause = false;
<button onclick="playfunc()">Play</button>
<button onclick="pausefunc()">Pause</button>
I used a do...while loop to put a delay in my code for a modal dialog that was closing too quickly.
your stuff....
var tNow =;
var dateDiff = 0;
do {
dateDiff = - tNow;
} while (dateDiff < 1000); //milliseconds - 2000 = 2 seconds
your stuff....

