jQuery Not Firing on() change - javascript

I have an ajax call that returns a JSON object with a select drop down list like so:
"responseCode": 200,
"field_value": "1",
"field_options": {
"175": "Incorrect Listing",
"176": "High Return Rate",
"177": "Easily Damaged"
"selectOptions": "<select id=\"do_not_order_options_102450\" class=\"input-medium\"><option value=\"\">Choose Option<\/option><option value=\"175\">Incorrect Listing<\/option><option value=\"176\">High Return Rate<\/option><option value=\"177\">Easily Damaged<\/option><\/select>"
On my page I am outputting the select drop down list. (I have a lot of these on my page btw.)
In my jQuery script I have this set up:
It is not firing when I choose an option... Anyone know what may be the issue?

The code you've quoted will hook up the event handler for the matching select boxes that exist right then. But if you add more to the page, their change event is not hooked.
You may want to look at event delegation:
$(function() {
$('some container all these selects share').on('change', 'select[id^="do_not_order_options"]', function() {
// Handle change
jQuery ensures that the change event bubbles, and so we can hook it on a container element and use jQuery's assistance to trigger our handler only for matching elements (selects, in this case).
Since we hook the event on the container, adding more selects inside the container makes them magically work.


Why is my delegated event handler not working?

I have a button with id of Strike but the JQUERY event doesn't seem to work? This event here worked previously, but ONLY if the button existed when the DOM loaded.
dom.el('Strike').onclick = strikeSkill;
Now I have my buttons dynamically generated, so the "Strike" button is generated later. So the previous code above no longer works, because Strike = Null.
I am using the Jquery .on function, filled up my arguments, but now when I click the strike button, nothing happens. No attacking. Why is this?
function strikeSkill() {
if (upgradeActive == true){
if (upgradeActive == false){
HitCalc(player.cc, monster.cc);
actor.balanceCounter(player.cc, monster.cc);
$('#Strike').on('click', '#Strike', function() {
Your current event handler is looking for a #Strike element within #Strike, which is incorrect (not to mention would be invalid HTML).
You can fix this by using a static parent element for the primary selector:
$(document).on('click', '#Strike', function(){
In the example I used the document, however for best performance it should be the nearest static parent element to #Strike which is available when the DOM loads.

jQuery .on('click') firing multiple times when used with :not() selector

Good morning,
I have a set of boxes on a page that are presented as a list, and within these boxes there might be some links that can be clicked. I want the links within the boxes to work as normal (i.e. bubble up and either perform the default action or then be handled by event handlers further up the DOM), but if the box is clicked anywhere else then it should be caught by a particular event handler attached to the "list" containing all the boxes.
Simple html representation
<div class="boxlist">
<div class="box" data-boxid="1">
Some text, and possibly a link and another link, and perhaps even a third link.
<div class="box" data-boxid="2">
Some more text, this time without a link.
The javascript that I thought should work.
$(function () {
$('.boxlist').on('click', '.box :not(a)', function (e) {
var boxid= $(this).closest('.box').data('boxid');
console.log('open: ' + boxid);
My expectation was that the above javascript should handle all clicks that did not originate from tags. However, for some reason when the box is clicked (either the box itself, or an tag, doesn't matter), it fires this event X times, where X is the total number of tags within the list of boxes.
So I have two questions:
1. What am I doing wrong with the :not() selector.
2. Is there a better way to handle this scenario?
Thank you for helping!
linkUsing jQuery :not selector actually is very slow ex:http://jsperf.com/not-vs-notdasdsad/4 and it's way better to just use event delegation. So in this case you want to keep track of every click on the .boxlist but check the node type to see if its an anchor or not. This is an example.
$(function () {
$('.boxlist').on('click', function(ev){
if(ev.target.tagName != "A"){
// handle box click code
console.log('box click');
return false;
// Otherwise allow event to bubble through.
and here is a jsfiddle example
Also their are a few reasons your code doesn't work
.box :not(a)
should be
and the reason this also does not work is because .box is not an anchor tag it has children elements that are anchor tags it will never find an anchor tag named .box if their is one the callback would not execute. Changing the .box to an anchor tag will make it so the code doesn't execute because .box is an anchor and it is only running when .box:not(a)
I guess you want something like this:
$('.boxlist').on('click', '.box:not(a)', function (e) {
var boxid = $(this).closest('.box').data('boxid');
console.log('open: ' + boxid);
}).on('click', '.box a', function (e) {
I think better to stop the default behavior and stop the event bubbling to its parent. .on() chain to the .box items excluding <a> from it and stop the default behavior and event bubble with e.preventDefault().stopPropagation();

jquery - using event.stopPropagation()

When the document is ready, I'm fetching some datas from the server through post request and I'm filling it in the HTML as tags by append. When you click that tag, a comment textarea will be displayed. When you click in the document section, the textarea will be closed. The problem here is I can't enter the text in the textarea, when I click inside, it is hiding. I tried using event.stopPropagation() but no use.
Here is my jquery code:
$.post("/person/keywords/get/", function(data){
for(i=0; i<data.length; i++)
count = count + 1;
$(".keywords-set").append('<div class="keyword-item"><span class="keyword" id="keyword-'+count+'">'+data[i]+'</span><textarea class="comment" id="comment-'+count+'"></textarea></div>');
$(".keywords-set").on('click', "[id^=keyword]", function(event) {
i = $(this).attr("id");
i = i.split('-').pop();
return false;
$(".comment").click(function(event) {
$(document).click(function() {
For complete HTML and javascript code, please check here: https://gist.github.com/3024186
It is working in jsfiddle
but not in my localhost. Could you tell the reason, why is it so?
I've also tried this
$(".keywords_set").on('click', ".comment", function(event) {
event.stopPropagation() is not working for HTML elements updated through ajax. But is working for normal(already given) elements.
When doing this:
$(".keywords_set").on('click', ".comment", function(event) {
You must understand that you're catching the event in the element ".keywords_set", and there you will be checking if it bubbled up through ".comment"
This means that any other "click" events set between ".keywords_set" and ".comment" will also activate.
doing stop propagation or returning false will only take affect from the bubbling of ".keywords_set" to the document.
You can do this:
$(document).click(function() {
Edit: reply to: "Hey, that code works, I don't know how you are doing it by mentioning .comment.length could you be more descriptive about that?"
When you do any jquery selector, an array is returned. so if you do $(".comment") all html nodes with the class ".comment" will be returned to you in a list [obj1, obj2, ..., objn]
When you do $(".comment:hover") you are asking jquery to select you any element with the class "comment" which also have the mouse currently on top of it. Meaning if the length of the list returned by $(".comment:hover") is bigger than zero, then you caught a bubble from a click in a ".comment".
Although either returning false or stoping propagation should also work. (dunno why in your case it is not working, although i didn't look much at the full code)
Edit 2:
i was lazy to read the full code. but when you are setting the click event for the comment, the comment doesn't exist yet. so the new comment you are adding will not be be caught by your click handler. add it inside the ajax callback and it will work :)
Edit 3: one more thing:
you are not getting side effects because the click even you are re-defining only has the the stop propagation, but you should add the stop propagation before returning false in the
$(".keywords_set").on('click', ".comment", function(event) {
because in practice all other comments you have will be proccessing N times the click event that you are adding to be processed multiple times
Since post method is a asynchronous. You are binding $(".comment") before it exist.
$(".comment").click(function(event) {
$(".keywords-set").append('<div class="keyword-item"><span class="keyword" id="keyword-'+count+'">'+data[i]+'</span><textarea class="comment" id="comment-'+count+'"></textarea></div>');
should work.

JQuery Event repeating in dynamic content

In a page of a website I'm making, the press of a button imports the contents of a another php page and appends it onto the page. However, that other page contains JQuery, and the click event($( ".ExpandRoleButton").click) repeats itself on previous elements every time I import the content. So if I add 3 elements;
Element 1: Repeats the click event 3 times
Element 2: Repeats the click event 2 times
Element 3: Runs the click event once
$.blockUI({ message: '<img src="images/ChargementGeant.gif"/><br/><h1>Un moment svp.</h1>' });
$.post("wizardincl/piste.php", {newPiste: newPiste}, function(data)
$(".divNewPiste").fadeTo(300, 1);
$("#nbExemplaires").attr("max", newPiste);
$( ".ExpandRoleButton").click(function()
if ($(this).hasClass('RetractRoleButton'))
$(this).find('img').attr('src', 'images/ExpandPetitNoir.png');
var that = $(this);
$(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().next().slideUp(500, function() {
that.parent().parent().parent().parent().css('border-bottom', '1px solid #FF790B');
$(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().css('border-bottom', 'none');
$(this).find('img').attr('src', 'images/ExpandPetitNoirRetour.png');
Currently, part of the JQuery website seems down and after some search, I can't find anything to solve the problem. Is there any way to keep the code from repeating itself like this?
This is because you are binding the event to multiple event handlers. The first time #AjouterPiece is clicked, all .ExpandRoleButton buttons get binded to an onclick handler.
The next time #AjouterPiece is clicked, it gets binded again.
To prevent this, you must unbind the click handlers using the following code before binding it
$( ".ExpandRoleButton").unbind('click')
You can pass in the event with .click(function(e) {...}) and then call e.stopImmediatePropagation() to fire only the current handler, but that only addresses the symptom, not the real problem.
Edit: make sure you are only binding the new instance of the button by adding a context to your selector, like $('.ExpandRoleButton', data). Since you are matching on a class, that selector will grab all the buttons on the page; the context allows you to select only the one inside your result.
A good practice ( solely to prevent issues like this from occurring, unintended multiple click handlers added ) is to..
$(".selector").off('click').on('click', function...

jqModal only works after element's been inserted on the page

I'm using the jqModal plugin to attach a dialog box to a button click. I'm trying to attach the following box to the page:
suqBoxInner = document.createElement("div");
suqBoxInner.id = "suq_box_inner";
trigger: '#suq_button',
overlay: 0,
onShow: function(h) {
return h.w.css('opacity', 0.92).slideDown();
onHide: function(h) {
return h.w.slideUp("slow", function() {
if (h.o) {
return h.o.remove();
However this only works if I run this binding code after the div's been inserted into the page. That is I have to use something like $("#div_on_page").after(suqBoxInner) before running the jqDrag code. What are my options for binding it before it's inserted into the page? I could use $.live() but that has to bind to a mouse event and the jqModal plug in uses bind on the trigger listed inside the function call.
It appears that this plugin requires the div (suqBoxInner) to be on the page. So short of modifying the plugin, I'm not sure you have many options as-is. Perhaps you may want to rethink how you are implementing the plugin? How is suqBoxInner being placed on the page? Is it after a specific event, or action?
One solution I can think of off the top of my head is to fire an event after suqBoxInner is placed on the page. The event would then initialize jqModal.
Just a thought. Good luck.

