future of backend web development vs front end web development [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I worked on C#, ASP.NET, JSP for couple of projects from 2009 - 2012. After that i was much more into Javascript, HTML, CSS, JQuery (Front end Development). So Now I am wondering is server side web technologies (ASP.NET, JSP, PHP) are dying ? The reason I asked this question is I can do fairly any kind of task in FrontEnd better than Server side technologies.
I seen soo many modern websites (Facebook, Google, Gmail... etc) was much more into FrontEnd development. so Now do I recall all my knowledge in server side web development or do I have to more focus on Front End development for the future web development ?
Any kind of comments are welcome
edit: is Node.js killing Java, C# ?

You cannot have front-end development without back-end development. Back-end development is certainly not dying.
That being said, some specific backend technologies might seem to be somewhat in decline, because newer, more hip technologies are becoming popular and replacing some of their market share (like Node.js instead of PHP and NoSQL databases instead of SQL databases).
The reason that any of these back-end technologies are "declining" is probably because there are simply more options when it comes to back-end tech. You can write server-side code in pretty much any language you want. But front-end technologies are pretty much limited to JavaScript and how the different browsers decide to support JavaScript.
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Node.js is definitely growing massively in popularity right now. However, I wouldn't say that Node.js is killing Java or C# as back-end technologies. Java and C# still have very passionate supporters, and they are still used by a lot of programmers and companies around the world. And if nothing else, there will always be legacy code to worry about.


Can we use python with react? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have seen many people are using Nodejs with reactjs but I liked python and react so much that I wanted to know if I could python with react. If so could you please give me some links for learning that please
I have experience building web applications using React and Python Flask together, so perhaps I can help.
I do not know of a way to directly use Python on client-side web applications, but there are certainly plenty of ways to use Python on the backend. The most popular Python web frameworks are Flask and Django.
If so could you please give me some links for learning that please
YouTuber Corey Schafer has a great YouTube tutorial series on Flask, which I would wholeheartedly recommend.
Once you get more comfortable with web development in Python, I think the website https://realpython.com/ has great tutorials for both specific questions (e.g. Token-Based Authentication in Flask) and more general tutorials.
If you go with Django, it has a great ORM built in for working with databases.
If you go with Flask, which is definitely more beginner friendly IMO, I would recommend Peewee ORM for working with relational databases unless you have more complicated use-cases, in which case SQLAlchemy is the de-facto standard.
Good luck learning!
I just came across this cool Python library called Transcrypt that transpiles Python code into JavaScript, so it turns out you can write client-side code for the web in Python. Their website has some cool tutorials.
Yes. React is mostly agnostic of what's going on at the server-level.
ie it does not care what backend you use.
Check this example : https://realpython.com/the-ultimate-flask-front-end/
I have been using this to build up react app with python.
They have new libs 'dash' and dash component whose underlying is react.js.
React is backend-agnostic.
React manages the UI, which possibly interacts with some HTTP APIs regardless in what language they're made of.
What's important is that your API use some standard like REST, jsonapi or GraphQL so you can benefit a wide range of tools (documentation, tests...)
That said, if you want to make "server-side-rendered" react web apps, like Next.js does, or if you need WebSockets, you'll need NodeJS on the server-side too. Also, the ability to use the same code, tooling and ecosystem on the client and the server is useful for a developer.

Opinions welcome: Why MEAN stack and Node.js? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am curious as to the fundamental reasons why we choose MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, and AngularJS?
Here are the reasons I can think of:
MongoDB works well with JSON and data models, is faster than SQL;
Express and Angular gives the stack one language in Javascript;
Node.js is non-blocking, event based, and supports concurrency;
Angular is a wonderful front end framework.
Any other reasons? Also, how would you address the people who have an innate disdain for server side Javascript?
Well, people wanted to replace the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl) for a very long time. When JavaScript was made possible to run on the Server side ie NodeJS, it paved way for a full development stack which is the MEAN stack.
The first advantage of the stack is the single language throughout the whole application - JavaScript. This made it easier for a person with JS knowledge to create a full on working application. This also made way for front end developers to explore more into how server side programming works.
Some startups and organizations thought that using a stack with one language will help them in limiting their resources. And easy delegation of work among the developers.
Even though MEAN stack is an awesome alternative to the traditional LAMP stack, it is still in its early stages. It is adopted only by few ambitious startups, but not by bigger organizations. They are still sticking to the legacy technologies. Also the components of the MEAN stack which is Angular, Express and Node are still in their childhood stages. There are no proven and complete use of the MEAN stack on a full scale solution.
Well organizations like Walmart etc. used Hapi.js and were successful in it, it tempts the other organizations to go forward with it , but also makes them skeptical on using it since replacing the already existing technology will be a bigger headache.
Also since a lot of the current employees are trained in Java, Python etc, developers in JavaScript are very few and JS is almost considered as an additional language to be known for a Java developer and the likes. JS hasn't been considered as a single language on its own.
Maybe few years down the line, the MEAN stack will prove itself a noteworthy alternative to the traditional stacks.
I work in the Retail Domain and a big organization. We are actually planning to use the MEAN stack for our inside projects. But no one ever gave a simple thought of using the MEAN stack in PROD.
EDIT: One more important reason these stacks are tempting is because they are all Open Source. Say MongoDB for example. Owning the software license every year is a big hit on the profits of the organizations with DB's like Oracle SQL etc. Going with an Open Source DB is a very cost effective option. But still they are skeptical on using it for Production.

Limitations/Drawbacks of web application development with node js mongodb and angularjs [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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It is quite common that people develop highly scalable and high-performance sites/web applications with node JS, mongodb on the back end and angularJS on the front end.
Can anyone give pros and cons for developing web based solutions with these technologies?
Web based solution is a very broad term. For both the front and back end tech choice it all depends on:
The knowledge of your existing team
Your target audience, B2B or B2C (i.e. how much you can dictate browser support... applies more to the front end)
Your budget
Which ties in with your time to deliver and required release cycle
The performance of your solution
Note that a high-performance site and a web application are two very different things, however unfortunately bad practice out there of people generally wanting to use tech for the sake of it (generally for their own learning sake over the benefit of the product), the line between the two it blurring.
A high-performance site with large concurrency is best suited to an appropriate back end heavy solution. There are arguments all over the web about which is best but perf tests to my knowledge suggest that node is very good but other languages can out perform it. However performance isn't everything as per my tradeoffs above.
A web app (say a single page app or SPA) is best built with client side heavy tech that is really in tune with the back end and apis. If your team is small and you all have good JS knowledge then it might make sense to use node with a JS framework (such as Angular, or React or the like) or an all encompassing front and back end solution such as Meteor.
Angular is really powerful, comes with testing mocks for you and allows really rapid development (took me a week to learn, having no prior knowledge of frameworks, but solid JS knowledge, I just read the entire manual) but in my experience falls short of building really large client side apps out the box.
There are only serious Drawbacks with using them if they aren't right for your solution in some way. You may find this later down the line after picking any one tech but that comes down to experience, knowledge and asking questions. Maybe supply more info and you might get less of a generic answer from me :)
p.s. I wasn't the idiot who downvoted your question without the decency of an edit or a comment :)

Quickest way to implement a basic REST/SOAP server and client for a beginner? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would really appreciate some help and also I apologize if this is the incorrect type of question for this site.
Basically, as part of my University coursework I have been tasked with creating a REST/SOAP server and client that allows users to store playlist/song information and update it etc.
My problem however is that all the tutorials provided by the university are for Visual Basic, a program and language that I have yet to learn. Additionally the tutorials seem to consist of "open a new project, copy and paste this code, now run it".
I am aware that REST/SOAP can be implemented in a variety of ways and so I would like to find out what the easiest way for me to learn would be.
I am comfortable with javascript/jquery so any solutions involving those would be preferable. I also wouldn't mind using the opportunity to learn Python if it's feasible.
PHP is great, it has a built in SoapClient and is huge in industry as a SOAP/RESTful API language. Anything non-Microsoft will usually use PHP.
As for the client, javascript can very easily work with SOAP objects, as an alternative to SOAP see JSON as a more lightweight communication protocol.
As a starting point, install WAMP if you are on windows, or LAMP on linux and I think MAMP for mac. This sets up a server on your local machine.
Write some php code and run it from your browser to see it spit out raw data. From there you should be able to start learning php basics. http://php.net will have some tutorials.
Regarding the client, check this out it is about jquery processing SOAP responses. Is it possible to parse a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler?

Looking for some great example web applications to learn real-world development techniques [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've done a bunch of web development with JSP/J2EE and some ASP.NET. Nevertheless, I still feel like I'm catching up with the web 2.0 stuff that relies heavily on JavaScript.
I have two questions:
I'm looking for great samples of web applications to learn development techniques. I prefer to look at real-world examples (i.e. something open source). I'm open to learning from any great code, regardless of language used on server side. The kind of example webapps I'm looking for are ones that clean and not too complex, but also not too trivial. I have checked out some code from google code project hosting, but I don't have time to download and look at hundreds of different projects, so I'm looking for suggestions.
Second question: I know Ruby on Rails was an innovative framework (which I've never used, but I'm familiar with it and I've played around with Grails, a similar framework but more Java-like). So rails is now a few years old. What are the major things we learned since the introduction of Rails and what does the next generation of web framework look like?
I knew that saving this tweet from Ruby News would come in handy.
Take a look at Chris Lowis's post: Open-source rails apps to study and learn from.
about the first question, I can suggest you TeamBox, very similar to Basecamp, but it's open source, with an avaiable repository on github. it's written in rails.
for the second question: for sure I learnt about MVC approach (I re-applied same philosophy to PHP in some works). the next generation frameworks are using even more abstractions and layers. for example using ORM libraries for different databases (you save time writing SQL queries, you can use same API for different databases, even for the new NoSQL storages).
I suggest you to look for Redis, CouchDB and MongoDB databases. they are different each other about approach and data-organization, but they are becoming very useful for complicated web-apps

