How can I Identify the DIv which got clicked in Jquery - javascript

I need to know where the click event happens in my document, i Have some divs , and when i press cntrl key and click on them some events will occur, i just need to know how to identify the divs which got clicked, is it possible to generalize them in fn Like what i have tried.
Here is a sample of what i have tried
<div class="DivOne">Div1</div>
<div class="DivTwo">Div2</div>
<div class="DivThree">Div3</div>
$(document).bind("click", function (e) {
if (e.which == '17') {
alert(e.parent);//I need to know Whether Click happens on divOne or Two or on No Mans Land

You can use along with .is() function to achieve what you want.
$(document).bind("click", function (e) {
alert('Div one has been clicked..!')

$("div").click(function (e) {
var classOfDiv = this.className;
// do stuff depending on what class

You can select classes, or ids like so
$("#DivOne").click(function (e) {
if (e.which == '17') {
alert(e.parent);//I need to know Whether Click happens on divOne or Two or on No Mans Land
or a class like
$(".DivOne").click(function (e) {
if (e.which == '17') {
alert(e.parent);//I need to know Whether Click happens on divOne or Two or on No Mans Land
Alternately you can loop through all divs on the page and test for a click
$("div").each(function () {
$(this).click(function() {
var divClass = $(this).attr('class');
alert("You clicked on " + divClass);


How to fire onClick function of a div depending on another div

I want to call a function on one type of button click on my HTML page.
I have got around 10 such button on the page and wrote the below code to call a function when the button is clicked,
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
//Call Another Function
And this is working fine as expected.
However the issue is, sometimes depending on some condition one dynamically generated div is been created(Pop up message) and I dont want my above said code to work when the pop up message comes up.
Could you please advise how this can be achieved.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi What something like set a bool and check if it true or false...somthing like:
var enable = true;
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
//Call Another Function
if(!enable) return;
//set it to false on popup show (or something else event)
enable = false;
In simplest way.
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
//Simply check the condition for that Open Pop up message
try something,
$('.divname').each(function (index) {
$(this).on("click", function (e) {
if($('#popupModal:visible').length == 0){ // check length of visible modals
//Call Another Function

Checking Id of clicked element

I have several images with the same class and would like to set up a click function that changes the text in some elements based on which image is clicked.
My if statement is not working, I'm not entirely sure why because I've used this method before, or so I thought.
$('.gallery_image').click(function(e) {
var t = $(this);
if( == 'csf') {
console.log('It works!');
Use t.attr('id') instead of
More about .attr()
An alternate solution is using classes instead of id's. Call the click function on the class they share then use a second class to distinguish them with the hasClass function:
<div id="csf" class="gallery_image csf">csf</div>
<div id="csi" class="gallery_image csi">csi</div>
$('.gallery_image').click(function(e) {
var t = $(this);
if(t.hasClass('csf')) {
alert("It works!");
else if(t.hasClass('csi')) {
alert("So does this!");

Show a Div first and then Submit on second click of button in a form

I have a form with multiple divs with same names (full-width). They all are on the same level. One of them is hidden (with a class hide). What I want is that if I select Submit, it should not submit, first hide all the brother divs of the hidden div (in this case full-width) and unhide the one with the class hide.
Now when I press again, it should just submit the Form.
JSFiddle is here:-
Your code had a couple issues:
You used event.preventDefault but passed event in as e - should be e.preventDefault
Your ID selector targeted an ID that didnt exist (changed to #submit-this)
The working code:
$("#submit-this").click(function (e) {
if ($(".full-width").hasClass("hide")) {
} else {
You could also take advantage of JavaScript's closures like so, to avoid having your behavior be dependent on your UI:
$(document).ready(function () {
var alreadyClicked = false;
$("#submit-this").click(function (e) {
if (alreadyClicked) {
} else {
alreadyClicked = true;

X-Editable: stop propagation on "click to edit"

I have an editable element inside a div which itself is clickable. Whenever I click the x-editable anchor element, the click bubbles up the DOM and triggers a click on the parent div. How can I prevent that? I know it's possible to stop this with jQuery's stopPropagation() but where would I call this method?
Here's the JSFiddle with the problem: . To replicate click on the editable values and you'll see that the containing div will catch a click event. This also happens when I click anywhere on the x-editable popup and I'd like to prevent that as well.
EDIT after lightswitch05 answer
I have multiple dynamic DIVs which should be selectable so I couldn't use a global variable. I added an attribute to the .editable-click anchors which get's changed instead.
editable-active is used to know if the popup is open or not
editable-activateable is used instead to know if that .editable-click anchor should be treated like it is
$(document).on('shown', "a.editable-click[editable-activateable]", function(e, reason) {
return $(this).attr("editable-active", true);
$(document).on('hidden', "a.editable-click[editable-activateable]", function(e, reason) {
return $(this).removeAttr("editable-active");
The check is pretty much like you've described it
$(document).on("click", ".version", function() {
$this = $(this)
// Check that the xeditable popup is not open
if($this.find("a[editable-active]").length === 0) { // means that editable popup is not open so we can do the stuff
// ... do stuff ...
For the click on the links, simply catch the click event and stop it:
The clicks within X-editable are a bit trickier. One way is to save a flag on weather the X-editable window is open or not, and only take action if X-editable is closed
var editableActive = false;
$("a.editable-click").on('shown', function(e, reason) {
editableActive = true;
$("a.editable-click").on('hidden', function(e, reason) {
editableActive = false;
$("div.version").click(function(e) {
var $this;
$this = $(this);
if(editableActive === false){
if ($this.hasClass("selected")) {
} else {
Fixed Fiddle
It's not pretty, but we solved this problem with something like:
$('.some-class').click(function(event) {
if( === "A" || === "INPUT" || === "BUTTON"){
We're still looking for a solution that doesn't require a specific list of tagNames that are okay to click on.

attach an event to the body when ul is visible, then remove it when invisible

I have a <ul> that when clicked, toggles the visibility of another <ul>. How can I attach an event to the body of the page when the <ul>s are revealed so that the body will hide the <ul>.
I am new to writing these sorts things which bubble, and I cannot figure out why what I have done so far seems to work intermittently. When clicked several times, it fails to add the class open when the secondary <ul> is opened.
And of course, there may be an entirely better way to do this.
$(document).on('click', '.dd_deploy', function (e) {
var ul = $(this).children('ul');
var height = ul.css('height');
var width = ul.css('width');
ul.css('top', "-" + height);
ul.fadeToggle(50, function () {
//add open class depending on what's toggled to
if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
//attach click event to the body to hide the ul when
//body is clickd
$(document).on('click.ddClick', ('*'), function (e) {
//if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
// }
I'd suggest not binding a click event in a click event, even if you are unbinding it. Instead, i would do it this way:
$(document).on('click', function (e) {
if ( $(".dd_deploy") ) {
var ul = $('ul');
var height = ul.css('height');
var width = ul.css('width');
ul.css('top', "-" + height);
ul.fadeToggle(50, function () {
//add open class depending on what's toggled to
if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
else {
If you need to further prevent clicking on the opened menu from closing the menu, add an else if that tests for children of that menu.
You dont' really need all that code. All you need is jquery's toggle class to accomplish what you want. simple code like one below should work.
Example Code
$(document).ready(function() {
Firstly, you are defining a document.on function within a document.on function which is fundamentally wrong, you just need to check it once and execute the function once the document is ready.
Secondly why do you want to bind an event to ? it's not really a good idea.
I think you should also look at the hover function which might be useful to you in this case.
Working Fiddles
JSfiddle with click function
JSfiddle with hover function

