Can't figure out adding/removing classes with jquery - javascript

I need help with this JS code for my wordpress theme.
First part is when it looks for h4 heading and if it has certain text it wraps all paragraphs below this h4 into div (which hides all paragraphs into fading section) and adds "button" (which is span):
var tutustu = 'TUTUSTU';
var syvenny = 'SYVENNY';
$('.article_content h4').each(function(){
if($(this).text() == tutustu)
$(this).nextUntil("h4").wrapAll('<div class="expand" />').parent().append('<span id="expand">show more</span>');
else if($(this).text() == syvenny) {
$(this).nextUntil("h4").wrapAll('<div class="expand" />').parent().append('<span id="expand">show more</span>');
Second is when user clicks on "button" div (that we wrapped into all paragraphs early) will get another class (to basicaly reveal all the paragraphs) and remover button:
$('span#expand').click(function() {
What I need is after paragraph text is revealed I want to have button to click on and everything goes back like in 1st part.
I came up with something like this:
$('span#expanded').click(function() {
But it doesn't work (
Help is much appreciated

Use event Delegation and .toggleClass() instead of .addClass() and .removeClass()
$(document).on("click" , "span#expanded" , function() {
$(this).parent().toggleClass('expanded expand');

$('#expanded').on('click', function(e) {
$(this).parent().toggleClass('expanded expand');


JavaScript making users click before executing next action

We do currently have a button which does send an action to an API. This is a giveaway app. What I want to achieve: We have multiple sponsors in the database. (Multiple links). The button should be only available, if each link is clicked.
How am I able to do this with multiple links? I've thought about it when we had like one link, we could set a variable to true. How are we able to do this with multiple ones?
Here's how I'd handle it.
First, assign each link a unique class. Then create an array that contains the classes for each link you wish to be clicked. Then you can check if each of these links have been clicked by checking if their class is in the respective array:
var required_links = ["one", "two", "three"];
var count = 0;
$(document).on("click", ".link", function() {
if ($.inArray(this.classList[1], required_links) != -1 && !$(this).hasClass("clicked")) {
console.log("User clicked link '" + this.classList[1] + "' for the first time.");
if (count == required_links.length) {
console.log("All links clicked");
<script src=""></script>
<div class="link one">Link 1</div>
<div class="link two">Link 2</div>
<div class="link three">Link 3</div>
In the above snippet, I'm checking for the presence of the clicked class. Once clicked, the element has the class added, so it can't be clicked again. This ensures that you have to click each link, rather than simply being able to click the same element multiple times.
Note that I'm using <div> tags in the above example, but the same theory will work by simply affixing the relevant classes to the <a> tag instead.
Hope this helps! :)
I know you might not need another solution, but this might be a little easier to maintain based off of how many links you have. You can have as many links as you want, just make sure they have a class="required".
As you click on each link, that class is removed. Once there are no more links with class="required", the button/link becomes clickable.
$(function() {
$( ".required" ).click(function() {
if ($( ".required" ).length == 0) {
$( "button" ).prop("disabled", false);
$( "button" ).text("Well maybe now you can.");
$( "button" ).click(function() {
// second check to deter the tricksters
if ($( ".required" ).length == 0) {
window.location.href = ""
.required {
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
You gotta click me! <br>
Oh and me! <br>
Me too! <br>
<button disabled>
Can't click me yet!

Append element AFTER load

I've got this code
$(".test_init").click( function(){
var win = $(this).next(".test_wrap").find(".test_drop");
if ($(win).html().length)
else {
Which returns me some html form without close button
I wish to add close button using such method without adding it in every-single function
$('*[class*="_drop"]').change(function() {
$(this).append($('<a />', {
class: 'close-drop',
click: function(e) {
But nothing happens - i can't understand why close button doesn't appends
<div class="test_wrap relative">
<div class="test_drop absolute"></div>
Your problem is with your CSS, not with your JS. The button is appended but you are hidding it with your style.
For example in this fiddle I append a button with your JS code and your CSS:
Fiddle 1
Now, in this one, I just remove your absolute and relative classes:
Fiddle 2
My solution (isn't good enough, still works)
$('*[class*="_drop"]').ajaxStop(function() {
$(this).prepend('<a onclick="$(this).parent().empty().hide(\'fast\');" class="close-drop"></a>');
If here will be better solution, will mark it as answear!

How do I apply jQuery's slideToggle() to $(this) and do the opposite to all other elements?

What I'd like to do is have all elements of class collapsible_list not displayed by default (with one exception... see below*), and then toggle their display when their parent <div class="tab_box"> is clicked. During the same click, I'd also like for every other element of class collapsible_list to be hidden so that only one of them is expanded at any given time.
*Furthermore, when the page initially loads I'd also like to check to see if an element of collapsible_list has a child a element whose class is activelink, and if there is one then I'd like that link's parent collapsible_list element to be the one that's expanded by default.
Here's some sample html code:
.collapsible_list {
display: none;
} {
display: block;
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="tab_box">
<div class="collapsible_tab">2014</div>
<div class="collapsible_list panel-2014">
<div class="tab_box">
<div class="collapsible_tab">2013</div>
<div class="collapsible_list panel-2013">
<a class="activelink" href="/2013/1">1</a>
And here's where I'm currently at with the javascript (although I've tried a bunch of different ways and none have worked like I'd like them to):
$(document).ready(function() {
// This looks redundant to me but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
$(".tab_box").click(function() {
$(this).children(".collapsible_list").toggleClass("active").slideToggle("slow", function() {
$("").each(function() {
I hope that's not too confusing, but if it is then feel free to let me know. Any help is much appreciated.
Since you have a dom element reference that needs to be excluded use .not() instead of the :not() selector
jQuery(function ($) {
// This looks redundant to me but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
$(".tab_box").click(function () {
var $target = $(this).children(".collapsible_list").toggleClass("active").stop(true).slideToggle("slow");
//slidup others
Also, instead of using the slide callback do it directly in the callback so that both the animations can run simultaniously
Also remove the css rule as the display is controlled by animations(slide)
Try This.
$('.collapsible_tab a').on('click', function(e){
Fiddle Demo
I think your code would be less complicated if you simply remembered the previously opened list:
jQuery(function($) {
// remember current list and make it visible
var $current = $('.collapsible_list:has(.activelink)').show();
$(".tab_box").on('click', function() {
var $previous = $current;
// open new list
$current = $('.collapsible_list', this)
.slideToggle("slow", function() {
// and slide out the previous

Child element of tabs is not working

This is the pen I'm working on.
If you will see the pen,the first container have a child div that is not showing in the result.The Jquery as follows,
$('.content-canvas div:first-child').show();
$('.tab-button span:first-child').addClass('active');
var currentclass=$(this).attr('class');
First line:
Change to
$('.content-canvas > div').hide();
Do the same with all the same selectors you used. You only need to hide the direct descendant, not all divs.
Also, I recommend caching this selecotr into a variable:
var elements = $('.content-canvas > div').hide();
element.each(function() {
and so on, so that you don't have to jump into the DOM everytime.
It's because at the beginning of your js code, you hide every div.
Show it by using something like:
$('.content-canvas .content1 div').show();
Or put your 'as' inside a span instead of a div such as:
Please check my fiddle

JQuery Show/Hide Link

So here is my dilemma. Been trucking on this Jquery extreme code here and I need help telling if a certain link is showing or not. Here is what I have.
The toggles:
<span class="icon icon84"></span>
<span class="icon icon85"></span>
(notice the only thing that is different is the icon number) These need to toggle back and forth when someone clicks the #visbilitybutton. Not sure of the best way to do this and to capture what is selected as well.
The only code I have currently makes the toggle go one way, but doesn't go back when clicked again.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#visbilitybutton').click(function() {
$(this).replaceWith('<span class="icon icon85"></span>');
First things first, you shouldn't have multiple identical id attributes on your page. Make visibilitybutton a class.
Anyways, you can use the jQuery toggle() function to specify what to do on each consecutive click:
.find("span").toggleClass("icon84 icon85");
}, function(){
.find("span").toggleClass("icon84 icon85");
If you want to be more efficient, you can do it all in one fell jQuery swoop like so, with some good techniques:
var vis = ["Invisible","Visible"];
var i = 0;
.find("span").toggleClass("icon84 icon85");
i = (i==0)?1:0;
Even more so would be to make a class that hides the element when added to it and shows it when you remove it (a classname with display:none applied in the CSS works fine):
.find("span").toggleClass("icon84 icon85");
You need to have unique ids; therefore, you should select the items by class. You can use toggle() to handle the consecutive clicks, and you can use toggleClass() to handle the swapping of classes.
<span class="icon icon84"></span>
<span class="icon icon85"></span>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.button').toggle(function() {
var $button = $(this);
$button.find('.icon85').toggleClass('icon85', 'icon84');
}, function() {
var $button = $(this);
$button.find('.icon85').toggleClass('icon84', 'icon85');
The id attribute is supposed to be unique to each element. Change the id attribute to the class attribute for each hyperlink.
Then, in your jQuery code, get the hyperlinks by their class name:
$('.visbilitybutton').click(function() {
// code goes here
In your event handler, you should use test the title attribute, like so:
$('.visibilitybutton').click(function() {
$this = $(this);
if ($this.attr("title") == "Visible")
$this.attr("title", "Invisible").find("span")
$this.attr("title", "Visible").find("span")

