Can anyone share experience with unit testing views? I read a lot of tutorials about how to do unit testing with views, but everything has some drawbacks.
I came along with the following approach. It works, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this. There are also some drawbacks, which I'll explain later on. I'm also doing E2E tests with protractor, but they are always slow, and therefore I limit them to a minimum.
This is my controller. It has two variables bound to its $scope which are used in the view:
// test_ctrl.js
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('TestCtrl', ["$rootScope", "$scope", function ($rootScope, $scope) {
$ = "TEST";
$ = [
{name: "cook"}
The view takes the $ into a <span> and the $ array into an ng-repeat directive:
<!-- test.html the view for this controller -->
Bar is {{bar || "NOT SET"}}
<li ng-repeat="job in jobs">{{}}</li>
And this is the test:
describe('Controller: TestCtrl', function () {
var TestCtrl, $rootScope, $compile, createController, view, $scope;
beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $templateCache, _$rootScope_, _$compile_, _$httpBackend_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$compile = _$compile_;
createController = function() {
var html = $templateCache.get('views/test.html');
TestCtrl = $controller('TestCtrl', { $scope: $scope, $rootScope: $rootScope });
view = $compile(angular.element(html))($scope);
it('should test the view', function() {
In the beforeEach function, I'll set up the controller. The createController function (which is called from the tests itself) takes a view out of the $templateCache, creates a controller with it's own $scope, then it compiles the template and triggers a $digest.
The template cache is prefilled with karmas preprocessor ng-html2js
// karma.conf.js
preprocessors: {
'app/views/*.html': 'ng-html2js'
With this approach, I have a little problem, and some questions:
1. Additional $$hashKey keys in my objects from ng-repeat
The expect($[{name: "cook"}]); in my test throws an error:
Expected [ { name : 'cook', $$hashKey : '009' } ] to equal [ { name : 'cook' } ]
I know that ng-repeat adds these keys, but this is silly to test. The only way around I can think of is separating the controller tests and the view tests. But when I check the jobs array inside my controller, the $$hashKey is not present. Any ideas, why this is happening?
2. $scope problem
When I tried this for the first time, I only had my local scope defined as $scope={} and not $scope = $rootScope.$new(), as I have done in my other controller tests. But with just a plain object as a local scope, I wasn't able to compile it ($compile(angular.element(html))($scope); throwed an error).
I also thought if it is a good idea to pass the $rootScope itself as the current local scope for the controller. Is this a good approach? Or are there any drawbacks, I haven't seen yet?
3. Best practices
I would be very happy to know, how everyone else is doing unit tests in AngularJS. I think views have to be tested, because with all the angular directives, there lies a lot of logic in them, which I would be glad to see waterproofed ;)
I think that what you're doing is a great way to unit test views. The code in your question is a good recipe for someone looking to unit test views.
1. ng-repeat $$hashKey
Don't worry about the data. Instead, test the result of various operations, because that's what you really care about at the end of the day. So, use jasmine-jquery to verify the state of the DOM after creation of the controller, and after simulated click()s, etc.
2. $scope = $rootScope.$new() ain't no problem
$rootScope is an instance of Scope, while $rootScope.$new() creates an instance of ChildScope. Testing with an instance of ChildScope is technically more correct because in production, controller scopes are instances of ChildScope as well.
BTW, the same goes for unit testing directives that create isolated scopes. When you $compile your directive with an instance of ChildScope an isolated scope will be created automatically(which is an instance of Scope). You can access that isolated scope with element.isolateScope()
// decalare these variable here so we have access to them inside our tests
var element, $scope, isolateScope;
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $compile) {
var html = '<div my-directive></div>';
// this scope is an instance of ChildScope
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
element = angular.element(html);
// this scope is an instance of Scope
isolateScope = element.isolateScope();
3. +1 Testing Views
Some people say test views with Protractor. Protractor is great when you want to test the entire stack: front end to back end. However, Protractor is slow, and unit testing is fast. That's why it makes sense to test your views and directives with unit tests by mocking out any part of the application that relies on the back-end.
Directives are highly unit testable. Controllers less so. Controllers can have a lot of moving parts and this can make them more difficult to test. For this reason, I am in favor of creating directives often. The result is more modular code that's easier to test.
I have been looking around online, but seems, no one really injecting the actual dependencies into a unit test for Angularjs using Jasmine and Karma.
I think there is definitely a separation of concern for the testing process, but I also would like to know how it integrated well with current dependencies in use... so just in case a dependencies is not working well with my component, I will be aware of it!
So, I wonder how can I inject the actual dependencies? So far I found online articles are all about mocking it with a fake one... But I want to use the actual one. Right now, when I enter karma start I am getting a error of Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: _Provider <- _ <-MyService
I inject services in forEach block like this
beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(function(_MyService_) {
I wonder if its because I am not using the fake service?
describe('MyCtrl', function() {
//Data Exposure Prep
var $controller;
var $rootScope;
var $scope;
var controller;
var MyService;
dd1 = {
itinerary: globalMockData.d1,//I stored globalMockData somewhere else
beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$controller_, _$httpBackend_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$controller = _$controller_;
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
controller = $controller('MyCtrl', { $scope: $scope }, dd1);
describe('should receive sth', function() {
it('finds sth', function() {
It really depend on your Controlller implementation.
If you're using scope, you'll probably want to test things on controller's scope, not on the controller itself.
Testing controller with $scope
function MyController($scope, MyService) {
$scope.greetUpperCase = function(name) {
return MyService.greet(name).toUpperCase();
Basically, when you’re working with $scope, you don’t really care about the controller itself, since it’s doing everything on it’s scope.
So, we will need to:
inject $rootScope
create a new scope
inject it to a new controller
test the $scope
it('test greetUpperCase()', function() {
var myScope = $rootScope.$new();
$controller('MyController', {
$scope: myScope
expect(myScope .greetUpperCase('bob')).toBe('HELLO BOB');
I have the following new service:
var SignatureService = function ($scope) {
this.announce = function () {
SignatureService.$inject = ['$scope'];
This is declared for the app as follows:
MyAngularApp.service('SignatureService', SignatureService);
Several other services are added to the app in exactly the same way, and they all seem to work OK. I then have a controller declared and defined as follows:
MyAngularApp.controller('MyController', MyController);
var MyController = function ($scope, Service1, Service2, $location, $modal, SignatureService) {
MyController.$inject = ['$scope', 'Service1', 'Service2', '$location', '$modal', 'SignatureService'];
I am simply using the slightly unconvcentionaly manner of defining the servivce and injecting it that is standard in the app I am working on, as this works for all existing services, and I would prefer to simply slot mine in as per standard.
When the controller loads, I get an [$injector:unpr] in the browser console, with the error info:
$injector/unpr?p0=$scopeProvider <- $scope <- SignatureService
You can't inject $scope into your custom service. It just doesn't make sense since SignatureService can be injected anywhere including other services and other controlles. What $scope is supposed to be if you say inject it into two nested controllers, which one should be injected?
Scope object ($scope) is always associated with some DOM node, it is attached to it. That's why you see $scope in controllers and directives. And this is the reason why you can't have it in service: services are not related to specific DOM elements. Of course you can inject $rootScope but this is unlikely what you need in your question.
Summary: $scope is created from the $rootScope and injected in necessary controllers, but you can't injected it into custom service.
UPD. Based on comments you want to use service to define reusable controller methods. In this case I would go with what I call mixin approach. Define methods in the service and mix them in the necessary controllers.
app.service('controllerMixin', function() {
this.getName = function() {
and then extend controller scope with angular.extend:
app.controller('OneController', function($scope, controllerMixin) {
angular.extend($scope, controllerMixin);
// define controller specific methods
app.controller('TwoController', function($scope, controllerMixin) {
angular.extend($scope, controllerMixin);
// define controller specific methods
This is pretty effective, because controllerMixin doesn't have any notion of $scope whatsoever, when mixed into controller you refer to the scope with this. Also service doesn't change if you prefer to use controllerAs syntax, you would just extend this:
angular.extend(this, controllerMixin);
I don't really understand when I should use the $rootScope = $rootScope.$new() in my angular unit tests. This snipped you see in many unit test examples. But in the following example that doesn't work:
angular.module("app.root", []).factory("rootFct", function ($rootScope) {
$rootScope.amount = 12;
return {
getAmount: function () {
return ($rootScope.amount + 1);
The associated unit Test doesn't work:
describe('Amount Tests', function() {
var rootFct, $rootScope;
beforeEach(function() {
angular.mock.inject(function (_rootFct_, _$rootScope_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_.$new();
rootFct = _rootFct_;
it('Set Amount in rootScope on 10', function() {
var result = rootFct.getAmount();
$rootScope.amount = 15;
result = rootFct.getAmount();
it only works when I am changing the
$rootScope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
and so I don't really understand when to use the $new() and for what its good for?
$new() is mainly used when creating a new scope out of an existing
Your code is already injecting rootScope in the service so it would not hold any difference.
$new() can be used when you want to get some attributes from the parent scope with/without isolation.
It takes two params isolate and parent.
Isolate (boolean) need to be used if isolation from parent scope is required.
Parent (object) Explicitly defining the parent scope.
Do note that a new scope created manually needs to be destroyed manually as well.
More on it over here
As we know $rootScope is a global scope in out Angular app, and it holds true for unit test too. Angular framework will create a $rootScope object while unit testing too.
Since you are injecting your service into the test, Angular DI uses the global $rootScope and automatically injects it into the service.
You doing $rootScope = _$rootScope_.$new(); will not make any different. Here you are not injecting the dependency into the service, as is the case with controller, where we create scope with $new and inject it using the $controller
You need to have the original $rootScope to assert your service behavior.
As of recently I have been declaring functions and properties for my angularJS controllers in the following way (app is set to the main apps angular module):
app.controller('myController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.myProperty = "hello world";
$scope.myFunc = function() {
// do stuff
After a while the controllers' $scope grew to contain many utility functions and properties that are not being used directly in my views and would not be applicable to other controllers, so I changed it to this:
app.controller('myController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
var myProperty = 0, addOne;
addOne = function(i) {
return i++;
$scope.myFunc = function() {
myProperty = addOne(myProperty);
// do other stuff
This is working fine but is it okay to declare functions and properties the way shown above or should I extract them out into a service? Can I unit test var declared functions in my controller from jasmine/karma(tried but did not succeed)? What is the best pattern to follow?
I have looked into using the 'this' keyword to accomplish the same thing shown above but I don't think the added value would outweigh the amount of time it would take to convert everything to this pattern. If this is totally wrong please advise a better strategy.
--- Update ---
To answer my own question about testing var declared functions in the controller: How can we test non-scope angular controller methods?
As a general rule, if you're not going to use the variable or function in the view, don't attach it to the scope. So declare your variables and functions within the controller or on the scope based on it's use. You don't want to put unnecessary stuff on the $scope, as this will slow down the digest cycle. As a best practise I follow this format in my controller:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
// controller variables
var age = 123;
// scope variables
$ = 'John';
// controller functions
var helloWorld = function() {
console.log('do work');
// scope functions
$scope.isOld = function() {
return age > 50;
services are singletons while controllers are not.
in addition, services are used to share functionality between many different controllers/directives.
your second code block looks really good to me for internal, controller specific functionality which you don't need to share in other places in your app, and its much better than putting unneeded stuff in the scope.
I'm building a growl like UI in angular. I'd like to expose it as a factory (or service) to make it available in my controllers. Calling growl.add will result in a change in the DOM, so it seems like I should have a directive take care of that, rather than doing direct DOM manipulation in the factory. Assuming that a factory-directive combo is the best option (and please correct me if that is not a good assumption), the question is:
How best to communicate between the factory and the directive?
Specifically, how best to send messages from the factory to the directive? Other questions have well covered sending information the other way, with onetime callback.
See below the working example. I suspect there is a better way though..
For reference, I have played with other options:
A) have the directive watch the service, e.g.
//update scope
But this means that someFunctionThatGetsNewData gets called in every digest cycle, which seem wasteful, since we know that the data only gets changed on growl.add
B) send an 'event', either via routescope, or via event bindings on the dom/window. Seem un-angular
Since neither of those options seem good, I'm using the one below, but it still feels hacky. The register function means that the directive and the factory are tightly coupled. But then again from usage perspective they are tightly bound - one is no good w/o the other.
It seem like the ideal solution would involve declaring a factory (or service) that includes the directive in its declaration (and perhaps functional scope) so that it exposes a single public interface. It seems icky to have two separate publicly declared components that entirely depend on each other, and which have tight coupling in the interfaces.
Working example - but there must be a better way..
vpModule.directive('vpGrowl',['$timeout', 'growl', function ($timeout, growl) {
return {
template: '<div>[[msg]]</div.',
link: function($scope, elm, attrs) {
$scope.msg = growl.msg;
$scope.msg = growl.msg;
vpModule.factory('growl', ['$rootScope', '$sce', function($rootScope, $sce) {
var growl = {};
growl.msg = '';
var updateCallback = function(){};
growl.add = function(msg){
growl.msg = msg;
growl.register = function(callback){
updateCallback = callback;
return growl;
I would have your growl service decide what to show, not the directive. So, the service handles any timers, state, etc. to decide when to hide/show messages. The service then exposes a collection of messages which the directive simply binds to.
The directive can inject the service and simply place it in scope, and then bind an ng-repeat to the service's collection. Yes, this does involve a watch, but you really don't need to worry about the performance of a single watch like this.
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
scope.growl = growl; // where 'growl' is the injected service
and then in the directive template:
<div ng-repeat="msg in growl.messages">
I would implement following logic:
Service growl defines some property growlProp on $rootScope & update it on each call of growl.add
Directive set watcher on $rootScope.growlProp
So directive knows nothing about service & service knows nothing about directve.
And additional overhead related to watcher is minimum.