Positioning div elements left & top not working with content in FireFox - javascript

I've got a webpage with a full-screen canvas. Over the canvas I'm going to place and position divs that will contain UI elements for the canvas. I'm using jQuery to create the divs and give them the css style they need. I also re-position and/or re-size them in JavaScript upon window re-size. The problem is, as soon as I enter even one space into a div, FireFox says 'NO!' and seems to ignore any css changes made by JavaScript, even if I remove the content of the div again.
Here's some technical details:
The div I'll show is a fullscreen div that overlays the canvas and functions as dim-screen in case there are dialogs the user has opened so the canvas appears darker and extra attention is pulled towards the dialog.
The css I'm using is:
.ui_layer {
position: absolute;
#ui_layer_dim {
background-color: #000000;
opacity: 0.5;
In JavaScript I have my own function that creates the div, but it runs this jQuery:
$("<div id='ui_layer_dim' class='ui_layer' style='z-index:1'/>");
Then, on onWindowResize (tiggered by a window 'resize' eventlistener), I change the div's width and height to fit the new window size:
gameUI.layers["ui_layer_dim"].onWindowResize = function() {
this.css("width", window.innerWidth + "px");
this.css("height", window.innerHeight + "px");
In Chrome this works perfectly, even if I place content in the div. FireFox works, but only when the div is in it's initial state. One change to the div's contents and 'BOOM it goes': No more dynamic sizing.
I've tried the different css position settings, tried setting the width and height attributes using the css function, using the style function of the element and using setAttribute to see if it's caused by some sort of incompatibility; the results didn't change.
I've run a series of tests to see what happens to the html as soon as content is placed into the div and noticed something weird: The inspector and css rules won't show changes to the width and height of the window's innerWidth and innerHeight. Neither does the div itself, but I've set up some logging to view info about the window's innerWidth and innerHeight before setting the div's width and height and some logging about the div's width and height after setting it, and that actually shows the correct dimensions...
After building and testing the system for several days I have no clue anymore what could cause the problem. Like I've said before: Chrome works as it should so I know my code technically works, but it might just be that a different approach is needed to make it work in FireFox. I hope anyone knows. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Here's a fiddle with the code, try running in FireFox, resize the result, it should resize the grey div as well. Now, right click the result, go to the inspector and put some text or even a space inside the div and resize again. Not working for me. Link: http://jsfiddle.net/UsLL6/
Edit 2: Here's a screenshot that will hopefully clear up the problem I'm having. Marked yellow is the initial state of the browser width, I set it to very narrow to be able to show the problem more clearly. Marked orange is the state after I made the browser wider a bit. You can see the grey div doesn't resize with it as it should, neither do the inspector value and the CSS rules value, but the console shows the correct value. The first ("Setting property:.....") was retrieved from window.innerWidth, the second ("Property height now has....") was retrieved from the actual width property from the div element using style.getPropertyValue.
Just noticed IE gives the same result as FireFox, but yea..IE....

Is your gameUI.layers known by mozilla?
Did you try the jQuery solution?

When adding and removing content from the div using JavaScript it works. Even though the problem does not exist for me anymore I'm still very confused by the fact that editing the div in the FF inspector creates such a weird result.


IE, and iframe.elementFromPoint not passing event

Update: Fiddle Demonstration -- http://jsfiddle.net/7tfbtso6/2/ -- Most of the settings work in chrome and firefox, but the only one that works in IE is Left-align: 105px. I do have overflow set to hidden on html and body, but this makes no difference. IE will not work if the element is not visible on screen. And overflow: visible on html and body give the effect of auto and no effect on the problem here.
My site uses two contentEditable divs.
#rInput is part of the document.
#rSyntax is part of an iframe under (z-index) #rInput.
In every browser I've tried so far, except IE (I'll get to that in a moment.), I'm able to determine what element is contained within the iframe using elementFromPoint().
In IE's case, this is only possible if they're not overlapping which isn't possible because a secondary purpose, as the name implies, is to provide syntax-highlighting.
The IE IFrame has to be visible, on screen, not obstructed by any objects. I've tried display: none;, visibility: hidden, and pushing it down in a div with overflow: hidden, but all of these attempts cause it not to work. I've also tried setting the height and width to small proportions.
If any of these could work, I could use two copies of rSyntax, one on top (z-index), hidden somehow, for mouse events and one for syntax highlighting.
Most of these solutions work in every browser but IE. The IE box simply demands that it be on top.
"Flickering" it with css (display, visibility, pointer-events) seems awfully hacky (and just plain awful). I haven't really tried to implement it because it seems like a last resort.
The problem is further complicated because I'm trying to capture clicks and mouseovers, for different purposes (clicks for finding content, mouseovers for tooltips--created with a div mimicking attr("title").
I've briefly tried placing the iframe on top (z-index) of the div, but there's no way to intercept the clicks and pass to the lower object because it runs in to the same problem.
Here's the script I'm using to get the objects, partly in case it's useful to anyone.
$(document).on("mousemove", "#rInput", function (e) {
$element = $(document.getElementById('frSyntax').contentDocument.elementFromPoint(e.pageX+$("#rInputContainer").scrollLeft()-10,e.pageY+$("#rInputContainer").scrollTop()-12));
if ($element.is("span") && $element.attr("title") && $element.attr("title").length) {
$("#syntip").css({"top": e.pageY+10, "left": e.pageX, "display": "inline-block"});
} else {
I have considered transparency, and that works for this element, because it's small, but I use a similar setup with a large element that takes up more than 50% of the screen, there would be problems.
After many frustrating efforts, I concluded that pushing the top (z-index-wise) element offscreen was the only solution for IE/Edge. Flickering it with display: none causes some properties I needed, like width, to not be accurate.
Just make sure you push it farther than the element will ever be. My application is sidescrolling so I merely needed to place the css top to something like 2000.

Part of div hidden with tinyscrollbar until window is resized

I'm having a strange issue with
I've created a fiddle at
In the source, there's a <li> element at line 153 that says 'THIS SHOULD BE VISIBLE'
However, when initially running it, it's not visible in the scroll window.
If I resize the window, even a tiny bit, the rest of the items are visible as expected
I'm struggling to see a) what is causing this, and b) why it fixes itself on resize?
If you turn off prettycheckable, you can see that the problem doesn't happen. I believe this is happening because the scrollbar plugin reads the height of the div before the checkboxes are made larger by the prettycheckable plugin. So the height of the div is set, the scrollbar is generated, then the checkboxes are enlarged with the other plugin.
Right now you are styling the heights for the generated elements. Those only come into play once the javascript has evaluated. In order to fix this, you need to style the elements in the real html. For example, this solves your problem:
.overview li {
height: 2.5em;
Because the .overview li is there before the checkboxes are "prettyfied" and then when they are generated, they don't make that element any larger.

Can't get height of hidden div in Firefox

I'm trying to get the height of an initially hidden div element in Netscape and Firefox using javascript (it works fine in IE). I have tried using MyElement.scrollHeight, MyElement.offetHeight, MyElement.style.height and many different ways of setting the element initially visible, getting the height and then hiding it again. I keep getting a value of 0. Any thoughts?
Correct me if I'm wrong (Which I may be), but from doing some research, elements with display: none have no height.
To get the height, you would need to unhide them, get the height, then rehide them. Issues like this have popped up in the past like so:
jQuery: height()/width() and "display:none"
jQuery: Get height of hidden element in jQuery
(Both jQuery examples, but you get the point)
Hidden elements in Netscape is not accessible.
you can set that position with styling hole of div out of your screen. for example move it to -9999 on top left. then you can access that's attributes like height and width.
you can also visible that element and get your attribute and hide it again, but it is not usual because your element will be show a little bit of the second and user maybe feel jumping on screen.
you should position it by setting style to "absolute" and "top" to -9999px or more (depend of your project height) and then get your element height and width with DOM and anythings that you want ...

Applying position:absolute to a style via jQuery fails to center div horizontally upon first page load

This is a followup to my question here. I would like to understand why applying position:absolute to the CSS of a div via jQuery fails, while applying it in a static style works. Here are two jsfiddle examples:
Works: http://jsfiddle.net/jasper/Ty6Af/2/
No worky: http://jsfiddle.net/Ty6Af/3/
Note that the only difference between the two is where I apply position:absolute. Vertical centering always works, but horizontal centering does not work when the page loads for the first time. If you manually re-size the window the div will center correctly.
All of my testing has been on Chrome under Ubuntu thus far.
Anyway, I'm just now delving into the world of web development and these are exactly the kinds of 'quirks' that I need to begin understanding.
#Jasper found something interesting. If you make two calls to .css(), first applying position and subsequently applying a margin, it works. I would love to understand why. Here is an example: http://jsfiddle.net/jasper/Ty6Af/5/
So the issue is with how the width of the div is calculated by the browser depending on its position.
If the div is set to position : static (by default) then it's width is 100% of it's parents width and the element is not allowed to move around the page.
If the div is set to position : relative then it's width is 100% of it's parents width but it can be moved around with left.
If the div is set to position : absolute then its width is determined by the actual content of the div, for instance if there is only a 200px wide <span> element within the div then the div will be 200px wide.
You can test these observations by changing the CSS of your jsfiddle to specify position : relative (etc...) and remove the JavaScript that makes the div position : absolute, then use your Developer Tools to inspect the element and it's calculated width.
The problem with your code is that it sets the position : absolute at the same time it sets the margin of the element by using its width/height (which are calculated differently depending on the position of the element).
If you want to set the position of the div in JavaScript then you can do something like this:
$(function() {
//notice I cached the selector so it can be used in the future as well as set the position of the div
$signuparea = $('#signuparea').css({position : 'absolute'});
$(window).resize(function() {
'margin-top' : '-' + Math.round($signuparea.height() / 2) + 'px',
'margin-left' : '-' + Math.round($signuparea.width() / 2) + 'px',
Here's a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jasper/Ty6Af/8/
I believe the problem is that when you apply your left and right in your second fiddle, you have yet to add position absolute to the div. Hence, the browser has no idea what do with the left and right values and ignores them initially.
Practically speaking in your second fiddle, you only actually add the position:absolute on the resize trigger. So before you resize your actual div has no positioning.
If you instead add the position absolute on load it works fine:http://jsfiddle.net/Ty6Af/9/
Notice that if you give it position:relative from the start (like this http://jsfiddle.net/Ty6Af/11/ ) it allready applies both the left and right value. The reason you can't actually see the effect of "left" is because it is a block element.
I hope that answers your question, I'm not quite clear on where you are stuck.
http://jsfiddle.net/Ty6Af/7/ this should work, the trigger function in jquery has bugs with chrome so you have to run the function on load too.
The problem seems to be that position:absolute; negates the current layout and requires you to position it.....
See: http://jsfiddle.net/ZHaRD/
Which Jasper explains much more eloquently than myself!

javascript overlay not covering full page when div expands the page height

I realize there's already been several questions like this, but I think my case is a little different.
I have an div that I am absolutely positioning and floating on top of the page, and I'm setting an overlay behind it to grey out the rest of the page. I have it working okay until you scroll up and down the page.
The problem is, when the div appears, it is still populating with ajax data. So the height and width of the bg overlay has already been set, but once all the data loads into the floating div, it sometimes pushing the page down so the height increases. So, I can't calculate the height and width of the window or document because the floating div might not be fully loaded yet, and once it does, it pushes the screen down further, causing the bg overlay to not cover the whole page.
So for example, in the code it's going something like:
loadBoxContent = function(){
I verified this by adding an alert, so that by the time I've clicked the alert, the bg overlay was able to calculate the true page size, and it looks fine.
Sorry, if this sounds confusing but hopefully you get what I'm trying to achieve. I'm assuming this isn't too difficult, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm using jquery.
Overlay ;)
** update, setting position of all corners to 0 instead of using width/height 100% **
position:"fixed", // ze trick
bottom: 0,
right: 0,
zIndex: 2999 // everything you want on top, gets higher z-index
Or put the above css settings in a css stylesheet (opacity needs cross browser hacks).
Here is the solution :
JQuery Show Loading Plugin
Don't try to invent the wheel !!!
Here is a demo :
Loading Demo
Now you just need to create a main container div for your page and just ask this simple plugin to do it for you.
Maybe you want to read the plugin source and find how it works...

