What is the benefit of this pattern: loos augmentation - javascript

So, I have the need for a singleton. It really is a rather large "do something" object. Processes information etc.. it could be extended, and some methods could or might even be inherited, but overall, there doesn't need to exist more than one of them. So, I read a bit here which I love the concept: http://www.adequatelygood.com/JavaScript-Module-Pattern-In-Depth.html
I am thinking more in terms of leveraging the sub module behavior.
But, I'd like to break my obj into sub-modules. But I am not seeing the need to pass in the parent sub-module as the "return" on that parent gives me access anyways. ala. Perhaps I am missing the "robustness" or real usage here.
For example.
var a = {};
a.m = function(){
var conf = {
a: 'aaa',
b: 'bbb'
var funcs = {
func1: function(){
console.log('a.m sub object func1');
return { // doing this gives me access
conf: conf,
funcs: funcs
// this sub module obj WILL need some behaviors/methods/vals in a.m
a.anothersub = (function(m){
var anotherSub = m;
anotherSub.funcs.func1(); // access to a.m methods do I even need to pass it in?
a.m.funcs.func1(); // also access to a.m methods
}( a.m || {}))
// is a better approach to extend a.anothersub with a.m?
// jQuery.extend(a.anothersub, a.m);
If both "m" and "anothersub" are part of object 'a'. Is there a need for loose or tight augmentation here and for sake of keeping code compartmentalized and of same function behavior, I am creating these "sub objects".
I read that article and felt I could leverage its power. But not really sure this is the best approach here, or even needed. Your thoughts?

This all comes down to how tightly-coupled your modules/submodules actually are, and how much you can expect them to exist in all places around your application (ie: every page of a site, or at the global level of an application, et cetera).
It's also broaching a couple of different topics.
The first might be the separation of concerns, and another might be dependency-inversion, while another, tied to both, might be code organization/distribution.
Also, it depends on how cohesive two submodules might be...
If you had something like:
game.playerFactory = (function () {
return {
makePlayer : function () { /*...*/ }
game.playerManager = (function (factory) { return {/*...*/}; }(game.playerFactory));
It might make sense to have the factory passed into the manager as an argument.
At that point, attaching both to game is really just a convenient place to make both accessible to the global scope.
Calling game from inside of one or the other, however, is problematic, in large systems, systems with lots of submodules, or systems where the interface is still in flux (when are they not?).
// input-manager.js
game.inputManager = (function () {
var jumpKey = game.playerManager.players.player1.inputConfig.jump;
If all of your buttons are mapped out and bound to in that way, for every button for every player, then all of a sudden you've got 40 lines of code that are very tightly bound to:
The global name of game
The module name of playerManager
The module-interface for playerManager (playerManager.players.player1)
The module-interface for player (player.inputConfig.jump)
If any one of those things changes, then the whole submodule breaks.
The only one the input-manager should actually care about is the object that has the .inputConfig interface.
In this case, that's a player object... ...in another case, it might be completely decoupled or stuck on another interface.
You might be half-way through implementing one gigantic module, and realize that it should be six smaller ones.
If you've been passing in your objects, then you really only need to change what you're passing in:
game.inputManager = (function (hasInput) {
var jumpKey = hasInput.inputConfig.jump;
Can easily become
game.inputManager = function (hasInput) {
and only one line of code changed, rather than every line referencing game. ......
The same can be said for the actual global-reference:
// my-awesome-game.js
(function (ns, root) {
root[ns] = { };
}( "MyAwesomeGame", window ));
// player-factory.js
(function (ns, root) {
root[ns] = {
make : function () { /*...*/ }
}("playerFactory", MyAwesomeGame));
// player-manager.js
(function (ns, root, player) {
var manager = {
players : [],
addPlayer : function () { manager.players.push(player.make()); }
}("playerManager", MyAwesomeGame, MyAwesomeGame.playerManager));
Your code isn't impervious to change, but what you have done is minimize the amount of change that any one submodule needs to make, based on external changes.
This applies directly to augmentation, as well.
If you need to override some piece of some software, in a completely different file, 20,000 lines of code down the page, you don't want to have to suffer the same fate as changing interfaces elsewhere...
(function (override, character) {
override.jump = character.die;
}( MyAwesomeGame.playerManager.get(0), MyAwesomeGame.playerManager.get(1) ));
Now, every time player 1 tries to jump, player 2 dies.
If the interface for the game changes in the future, only the actual external call has to change, for everything to keep working.
Even better.


JavaScript: Is the nesting of constructor instances inside a constructed 'wrapper' problematic?

Hopefully this question won't be flagged as too subjective but I'm newish to OOP and struggling a bit when it come to sharing data between parts of my code that I think should be separated to some extent.
I'm building a (non-geo) map thing (using leaflet.js which is superduper) which has a map (duh) and a sidebar that basically contains a UI (toggling markers both individually and en masse, searching said marker toggles as well as other standard UI behaviour). Slightly confused about organisation too (how modular is too modular but I can stumble through that myself I guess). I am using a simple JSON file for my settings for the time being.
I started with static methods stored in objects which is essentially unusable or rather un-reusable so I went for nested constructors (kinda) so I could pass the parent scope around for easier access to my settings and states properties:
function MainThing(settings) {
this.settings = options;
this.states = {};
function SubthingMaker(parent) {
this.parent = parent;
SubthingMaker.prototype.method = function() {
var data = this.parent.settings.optionOne;
this.parent.states.isVisible = true;
MainThing.prototype.init = function() {
this.subthing = new SubthingMaker(this);
// and some other fun stuff
And then I could just create and instance of MainThing and run MainThing.init() and it should all work lovely. Like so:
var options = {
"optionOne": "Hello",
"optionTwo": "Goodbye"
var test = new MainThing(options);
Should I really be nesting in this manner or will it cause me problems in some way? If this is indeed okay, should I keep going deeper if needed (maybe the search part of my ui wants its own section, maybe the map controls should be separate from DOM manipulation, I dunno) or should I stay at this depth? Should I just have separate constructors and store them in an object when I create an instance of them? Will that make it difficult to share/reference data stored elsewhere?
As regards my data storage, is this an okay way to handle it or should I be creating a controller for my data and sending requests and submissions to it when necessary, even if that data is then tucked away in simple JSON format? this.parent does really start to get annoying after a while, I suppose I should really be binding if I want to change my scope but it just doesn't seem to be an elegant way to access the overall state data of the application especially since the UI needs to check the state for almost everything it does.
Hope you can help and I hope I don't come across as a complete idiot, thanks!
P.S. I think the code I posted works but if it doesn't, its the general idea I was hoping to capture not this specific example. I created a much simpler version of my actual code because I don't want incur the wrath of the SO gods with my first post. (Yes, I did just use a postscript.)
An object may contain as many other objects as are appropriate for doing it's job. For example, an object may contain an Array as part of its instance data. Or, it may contain some other custom object. This is normal and common.
You can create/initialize these other objects that are part of your instance data in either your constructor or in some other method such as a .init() method whichever is more appropriate for your usage and design.
For example, you might have a Queue object:
function Queue() {
this.q = [];
Queue.prototype.add = function(item) {
return this;
Queue.prototype.next = function() {
return this.q.shift();
var q = new Queue();
console.log(q.next()); // 1
This creates an Array object as part of its constructor and then uses that Array object in the performance of its function. There is no difference here whether this creates a built-in Array object or it calls new on some custom constructor. It's just another Javascript object that is being used by the host object to perform its function. This is normal and common.
One note is that what you are doing with your MainThing and SubthingMaker violates OOP principles, because they are too tightly coupled and have too wide access to each other internals:
SubthingMaker.prototype.method = function() {
// it reads something from parent's settings
var data = this.parent.settings.optionOne;
// it changes parent state directly
this.parent.states.isVisible = true;
While better idea could be to make them less dependent.
It is probably OK for the MainThing to have several "subthings" as your main thing looks like a top-level object which will coordinate smaller things.
But it would be better to isolate these smaller things, ideally they should work even there is no MainThing or if you have some different main thing:
function SubthingMaker(options) {
// no 'parent' here, it just receives own options
this.options = options;
SubthingMaker.prototype.method = function() {
// use own options, instead of reading then through the MainThing
var data = this.options.optionOne;
// return the data from the method instead of
// directly modifying something in MainThing
return true;
this.parent.states.isVisible = true;
MainThing.prototype.doSomething = function() {
// MainThing calls the subthing and modifies own data
this.parent.states.isVisible = this.subthing.method();
// and some other fun stuff
Also to avoid confusion, it is better not to use parent / child terms in this case. What you have here is aggregation or composition of objects, while parent / child are usually used to describe the inheritance.

Convert a large javascript file into multiple files

My question: How would one best go about breaking a large, monolithic javascript object literal into multiple, discrete, files?
I have a single javascript file that consists of an object literal with many methods attached to it. It's getting quite long and I want to break it into smaller parts that can more easily be managed.
I've heard I can use AMD or CommonJS to organize things, I've heard I should use RequireJS, that I should use Webpack or Browserify, that I should use any number of other tools/techniques. After looking at these things I am confused as to what the best approach is.
How would you do it? How would you take a single object literal consisting of a few thousands lines of javascript (made up of functions like "search" and "login" and "user") and reorganize it into multiple files that are more easily dealt with by a group of developers? The single, giant file thing is just getting to unwieldy and the options seems to varied and unclear. This is a fairly simple app that uses vanilla JS, a little jQuery and sits on top of a Grails backend.
I think the question is pretty clear but if you really need code to look at here is an example of the sort of object literal I am talking about:
var myObj = {
foo: "one",
bar: "two",
baz: false,
deez: -1,
login: function() {
// lots and lots of code
user: function() {
// lots and lots of code
beers: function() {
// lots and lots of code
varieties: function() {
// lots and lots of code
init: function() {
// lots of jQuery document.ready stuff
You will a lot of suggestions and approaches to solve your problems, and I can't say any of them are wrong, they are just different.
My approach would be to use ES6 and its native module support.
To accomplish this I always use my own boilerplate named fabric which uses Webpack to compile the modules, Browsersync to help you on your development, Tape for unit testing, SASS for your CSS preprocessing, and Babel to compile a compatible ES5 bundle that you can easily use in your application.
Now, the way to use the ES6 modules is something like this with named exports:
//------ lib.js ------
export const sqrt = Math.sqrt;
export function square(x) {
return x * x;
export function diag(x, y) {
return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));
//------ main.js ------
import { square, diag } from 'lib';
console.log(square(11)); // 121
console.log(diag(4, 3)); // 5
Or using default exports:
//------ myFunc.js ------
export default function () { ... };
//------ main1.js ------
import myFunc from 'myFunc';
You can learn more about ES6 modules at 2ality
Here's the pattern I use:
When possible, break concepts into their own sub-object
Regardless of sub-objects or not, declare any non-broken-up properties first, then add to it as needed
If the files are across multiple files and you do not wish to use sub-objects per-file, use a temporary object to hold additional properties, and then extend the original.
var myObj = {
foo: "one",
bar: "two",
baz: false,
deez: -1
myObj.login = function() {
// lots and lots of code
myObj.user = function() {
// lots and lots of code
myObj.drinks = {
beer: function() {},
wine: function() {},
sunnyDelight: {
drinkIt: function() {},
burp: function() {}
myObj.init = function() {
// lots of jQuery document.ready stuff
Note that "drinks" is a concept unto itself, containing multiple properties and methods. Your concepts might be something like "ui", "utils", "data" or whatever the role of the contained properties happens to be.
For the extend point I made, there's not much code needed there either
// "utilities.js"
var myObj = {
// a bunch of properties and/or methods
myObj.moreStuff = "more stuff!";
and then in another file you have two choices. Either add to the object without overwriting it (you will need the dot-notation to do this):
// "ui.js"
var myObj = myObj || {};
// adds the render object to the existing myObj
myObj.render = {
header: function() {},
dialogBox: function() {}
The above works particularly well if you sub-divide your concepts... because you can still have fairly monolithic objects that will not trample over the rest of myObj. But maybe you want to add directly to myObj without trampling and without subdividing concerns:
// "ui.js"
var myObj = myObj || {};
// ultimately, the CONTENTS of this object get merged into the existing myObj
var myObjSupplement = {
header: function() {},
dialogBox: function() {},
heroBiscuit: "A yummy biscuit made from heroes!"
// using jQuery here, but it's not the only way to extend an object
$.extend(myObj, myObjSupplement)
I don't see TOO many opportunities to use the above, since myObjSupplement is now in the global namespace and defeats the purpose of limiting additions to the global namespace, but it's there if you need it.
[edited to add: ]
It might not go "without saying" as I thought-- but dividing into many different files probably works best if you have a build process in place that can concatenate them into one file suitable for minifying. You don't want to have 100 or even 6 separate files each requiring a synchronous HTTP call to fetch.
There are more modern and possibly 'better' approaches with technologies like AMD/RequireJS... but if the question is, "how do I divide up an object literal into several files", the above answer I've given is one I can stand behind.
While there are automated ways of doing this I'm sure, and I am also interested in seeing the answers this question gets, I would recommend simply going in and moving the method definitions into different files and calling the functions normally method(param); and linking the files to your html page.
This would serve multiple purposes, including the one you are looking to acheive of breaking your code down into more manageable modules. Among those purposes also include the fact that instead of having those definitions written to memory for every instance of the object, you would only define it once and make references to it whenever you need it.
Sorry I can't be of more help without actually seeing the JavaScript File.
You can reference this stack overflow example if you need more guidance in achieving this.
You don't have to have all of the methods defined in your objects or classes, it's better to modularize these methods into different files and use the <script src="path/to/your/script.js"> </script> tags to include them all with your html/php page

Javascript Module pattern - how to reveal all methods?

I have module pattern done like this:
var A = (function(x) {
var methodA = function() { ... }
var methodB = function() { ... }
var methodC = function() { ... }
return {
methA: methodA,
methB: methodB
This code let's me call only methA and methB() on A which is what I want and what I like. Now the problem I have - I want to unit test it with no pain ot at least with minimal efforts.
First I though I can simply return this but I was wrong. It returns window object.(can someone explain why?).
Second - I found solution somewhere online - to include this method inside my return block:
__exec: function() {
var re = /(\(\))$/,
args = [].slice.call(arguments),
name = args.shift(),
is_method = re.test(name),
name = name.replace(re, ''),
target = eval(name);
return is_method ? target.apply(this, args) : target;
This method let's me call the methods like this: A.__exec('methA', arguments);
It is almost what I want, but quite ugly. I would prefer A.test.methA() where test would never be used in production code - just for revealing private methods.
I see people telling me to test the big thing instead of the small parts. Let me explain. In my opinion API should reveal only the needed methods not a bunch of internal functions. The internals because of their small size and limited functionality are much easier to test then test the whole thing and guess which part gone wrong.
While I may be wrong, I would still like to see how I could return references to all the methods from the object itself :).
Answer to your first question(you return this, but it returns window, not the object you wanted): in javascript this inside the function returns global object unless this function is a method of the object.
Consider next examples:
1) this points to the global object ():
return this;
2) this points to the object:
var obj = {
value: "foo",
getThisObject: function(){
return this;
Your case is example #1, because you have a function, that returns an object. This function is not a method of any object.
The best answer to your second question is to test only public methods, but if
that is so important for you, I can propose next:
create your modules dynamically on server side.
How it works:
create separate scripts for functionality you want;
create tests for these separate scripts;
create method that will combine scripts into one however you want;
to load script, reference to the combining scripts method.
Hopefully, it can solve your problem. Good luck!
Why not use namespaces to add your modules and public methods to js engine. Like this:
window['MyApp']['MODULE1'] = { "METHOD1" : {}, "METHOD2" : {}};
I write modules like this Sample module in JavaScript.
And test it like this: Simple unit testing in JavaScript
The use of eval() is generally not good idea.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Dependency-Injecting Non-Instantiable Objects

What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of dependency-injecting non-instantiable objects in JavaScript?
Some context you may want to explore are:
Is it worth dep-injecting it? After all, you can overwrite the non-instantiable "static" dependency to a fake object for each test even without dep-injection.
Will it become more difficult to locate & refactor the non-instantiable dependency?
Which implementation is easier to follow? Is the implicitness or explicitness important to you?
Non-instantiable object:
WindowFactory = {
buildWindow: function() {
return {};
(House = function(windowFactory) {
this.windowFactory = windowFactory;
}).prototype = {
build: function() {
var window = this.windowFactory.buildWindow();
var house = new House(WindowFactory);
vs. The Non-Dependency-Injected variant:
(House = function() {
}).prototype = {
build: function() {
var window = WindowFactory.buildWindow();
var house = new House();
My primary goal is to make the code above testable. I've gotten into a
habit of externalizing instantiable dependencies (e.g var window = new
Window(); var house = new House(window);). This helps when unit-
testing instantiable objects (e.g. House), since instead of the real
dependencies (Window) I can instantiate the object with a fake (var
fakeWindow = {}; var house = new House(fakeWindow);), and not have to
worry about redundantly testing the dependencies while testing my
object. (This form of dependency-injection is also useful when testing
objects that depend on some data being retrieved via XHR, DOM-events,
sessionStorage, or cookie.)
Now, when the dependency is an instantiable object itself, the
benefits are clear to me; but when the dependency is a non-
instantiable object (e.g. WindowFactory in the code above), I have
second thoughts about the usefulness.
If you get some gain in unit-testing, that might be more than enough for me. You'll be able to cleanly test the functionality without depending on global/external state. The added bonus then becomes the readability; you clearly show which global state/api you depend on in the arguments of your function.
Being able to change the static methods in the setup/teardown of the tests is a workaround for the problem, but I personally find it to be error-prone and a chore doing it.

Javascript Modular Layout : How to call a function defined in one module from another?

Below is an example of a modular layout of a javascript application. I want to start using such a structure for my work. I am struggling to get my head round how it works and need to understand how to call a function that is defined in one module from a different module? Is this definitely the bet way to layout a JavaScript heavy application?
window.MainModule = (function($, win, doc, undefined) {
var modules = {};
// -- Create as many modules as you need ...
modules["alerter"] = (function(){
var someFunction = function(){ alert('I alert first'); };
return {
init: someFunction
modules["alerter2"] = (function(){
var someFunction = function(){ alert('I alert second'); };
return {
init: someFunction
return {
init: function(){
for (var key in modules){
}(jQuery, this, document));
Modularity with RequireJS:
define( ["dependency"] , function( dep ){
return {
speak: function(){
alert( dep.message );
} );
define( {
message: "Hello world!"
} );
if ( $(".someCssExpression").length ) {
require( [ "module1" ] , function( mod ){
<script src="require.js" data-main="impl"></script>
Your file structure will be modular.
Your implementation will be modular.
And no clunky namespacing or weird constructs to make it feel organised.
Takes some getting used to, but totally worth it.
Also read:
ScriptJunkie article
In order to access anything it needs to be available in the scope from where you are calling. "Module" - or any capsulation method for that matter - in JS always means "function". A module is just an anonymous (unnamed) function. So to access an element defined in another function B(module) from inside function A it either has to be made available in GLOBAL SCOPE (in browsers: the window object), OR it must have obtained access some other way, e.g. by having received a reference through some function call. YUI3 ([http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/]) is an interesting example for the latter, there nothing of your application ever is available in global scope (I consider YUI3 one of the by far best JS frameworks for SERIOUS softwarfe development, also definitely DO check out http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/theater/, especially any videos from Douglas Crockford, a Javascript God (and I'm not usually given to giving these kinds of statements).
What you have to keep in mind with Javascript is that part of what in languages such as C is done by the compiler now happens at runtime. For such things like immediate function invocations that return a function (causing encapsulation through usage of closures) you should remember that that code runs exactly ONCE DURING LOADING, but during runtime completely different code is executed - which depends on what the on-load code execution did.
In your example the function after window.MainModule=... is executed on loading of the JS code. Note that window.MainModule does NOT POINT TO THAT FUNCTION!!!
Instead, that function is, as I said, executed on load, and the RESULT is assigned to window.MainModule. What is the result? Well, there is just one return statement, and it returns and object, and the object has just one property "init" which points to an anonymous function.
Before returning that object, though, that function creates a variable "modules" in its local scope, which points to an object. The object has two properties, and those properties are assigned functions the same way that window.MainModule is assigned one, so you have three closures all in all.
So after loading you have one global variable
window.MainModule = {
init: function(){...}
So after loading you have one global variable
window.MainModule = {
init: function(){...}
In the last line that function is executed.
In the last line that function is executed.
The example does not make a lot of sense though, because you don't really encapsulate anything. You make available the private function with double pointers: from init to the local variable someFunction, nothing is hidden. Check out the above URLs (Yahoo Developer Theater) for better examples and very thorough explanations. It is MUST-WATCH even if you never touch YUI3 - especially the videos from D. Crockford are general JS knowhow.
Well umm..
It all depands on what you need from your application.
I would suggest sticking to the jQuery plugins for as long as you touch the gui.
You could use the Namespace pattern like yahoo, and just forge a great framework for your
You probably don't need your modules to run on every page, like you did when instantiating the main module (There is no point to it unless f.e. you have a widget in every page on your website).
After you finish to abstract all the actions you need from your javascript into function and modules, build a module that will load the logic according to each page/action/whatever whenever you need it.
By the way, You can always develop OO style using mootools and this is endless really. It all boils down to your application needs
I would really recommend you to watch some lectures of Douglas Crockford(As been stated before me) and here is a nice article about modules that may help you understand it a bit further. Good luck!

