is it possible to ignore ajax cookies via javascript - javascript

Is there a programmatic way in javascript to ignore cookies sent from the server (without changing browser settings).
We use certain plugins on our web server that will randomly update our security cookie. However this causes issues for some of our URLs and we want to ignore those cookies for some cases.
Our security architect recommended we look into this possibility.
1). create ajax request with URL:
2). ignore any cookies that come back in the response

The only way I can think of is to send the AJAX request from a completely different domain. Because the AJAX would be a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) request, any response headers would be denied unless the server sends the access-control-allow-origin header. If the AJAX request is not a CORS request, the browser has to respect all Set-cookie headers it receives per the standard.

its not an option in our case to change domains. We need to pass cookies to the server or the requests will not get through security. If we change domains our security cookies would not get passed. What we want is to pass the cookies but ignore any set-cookie response headers for certain URLs.
I think this is not possible on the browser so I am investigating some Apache server plugins like mod_headers. Maybe we can do it on the server itself. Im closing this question and will open another one related to mod_headers.

Just a thought - if you send the request from a WebWorker - I think that is isolated from the main browser context ?


Sending cookies automatically in cross-origin XHR requests

I've developed a plugin for a web site, for the sake of this post let's call it
The plugin has authorization page on my website, let's call it, which returns cookie upon authorization, which I obviously want to use in subsequent requests to
The plugin uses dynamic rules to change Access-Control-Allow-Origin on request to to "*", so cross-origin requests can be sent from the page to However cookies of are not passed automatically with the request when I send requests from plugin's injected code using XMLHttpRequest. As I understand this is intended browser behavior to prevent "stealing" cookies via cross origin requests, and cookies are only passed if the request is originated from the browser itself.
Question is, is there a way around this? Obviously I'm not trying to steal your cookies :) I just need the cookies of to be sent automatically in XHR requests I send from the webpage on domain.
I've seen a similar question, but it required to modify response headers of the origin site, which I obviously have no access to, so in my case that solution won't work. I have access to backend of, front end of, frontend of (via script injection via plugin) and NO ACCESS to backend of

Does "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" help me against if someone points their domain to my server?

Maybe I misunderstood how to fully implement CORS in my server.
Given this screenshot of a request done via Chrome.
We can see that the we are visiting the site, the request URL is a POST ajax request towards /api/get-videos/ but the response contains a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header that mentions a totally different domain.
Even though the webserver respons with a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, it is ignored by the browser. Everything still works.
I thought only setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin was sufficient to only allow requests coming from the specified origin.
What have I missed?
Until it's fixed, this situation is testable by visiting
The request is going to same-origin i.e. hence no OPTIONS preflight being sent.
If the request were send from some third party's webpage say then browser would send OPTIONS and server would check for its origin policy and return error as only is allowed as of now.
If it were sent from the response would be OK and then browser would send subsequent request.
The Same Origin Policy only stops a site from reading a cross origin Ajax response. This protects against a user's cookies being used by an attacking site to take data from your site using the authority of the user.
CORS allows you to selectively weaken the Same Origin Policy, it isn't used to strengthen it.
We can see that the we are visiting the site, the
request URL is a POST ajax request towards /api/get-videos/ but the
response contains a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header that mentions a
totally different domain.
Even though the webserver respons with a Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header, it is ignored by the browser. Everything still works.
Yes. This is normal. The request is from Site A to Site A. None of the cookies or other credentials the user might have to Site B are available to the Site A (the browser sandboxes them from each other). You simply have a server which responds to both URLs with the same data.
A third party could do that, but they couldn't do it for just your API (except via a proxy, which is a different issue, with even fewer security implications). They'd have to make the whole site available under the other hostname, this shouldn't cause any security worries.
If you don't want that, then configure your server so that it uses Virtual Name Hosting and delivers different sets of content based on the Host header in the request.

Is it possible to prevent cookies to be sent in every HTTP request?

I recently found (here: Does every web request send the browser cookies?) that every HTTP request contains the cookies related to a domain every time a request is made to that same domain.
Given this, what happens when the request is not sent through a browser but from Node.js, for example? Is it possible that no information is sent in the request?
Is it also possible to prevent it to be sent in the browser requests?
Is not possible to prevent browser to send cookies.
This is why is generally it is recommended (Yahoo developer Best practice, see section Use Cookie-free Domains for Components) to serve static content like css, images, from a different domain that is cookie free.
When the browser makes a request for a static image and sends cookies together with the request, the server doesn't have any use for those cookies. So they only create network traffic for no good reason. You should make sure static components are requested with cookie-free requests. Create a subdomain and host all your static components there.
From any programming language, instead, you can choose if you like to send cookies or not.
Cookie management is done by the programmer, because libraries are written to make single requests.
So if you make a first request that return cookies, you need to explicit read them, hold them locally somewhere, and eventually put them in a second request to the same server if you need.
So from NodeJS if you don't explicitly add cookies in your requests the http call doesn't hold them.
You Can Use Fetch with the credentials option set to omit
You can strip cookies with a proxy server. For example our product WinGate will allow you to modify requests (and responses), and you could use this to clear the Cookie header in requests.
However, this will prevent a large number of websites from functioning properly, as cookies are used to transport session IDs so that the server can identify each connection / request your browser makes as being from the same "session". HTTP itself does not have any concept of session.
Disclaimer: I work for Qbik who make WinGate.

Few questions about CORS and AJAX

So I wish to make some cross domain AJAX requests and wanted to check a few things.
Is it possible to get CORS to work on IE < 8?
I am required to ensure that the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is set on the response from the server I am making an AJAX request to. Other than allowing every site to make a request, are there any security risks from setting this to *?
From a client security perspective, by DEFAULT a CORS request does not sent cookies (e.g. session data) to the server I am making the AJAX request to. HOWEVER, it is possible to send cookie data this statement correct?
Is it possible to get CORS to work on IE < 8?
Unfortunately not. Microsoft's XDomainRequest didn't arrive until IE8.
Other than allowing every site to make a request, are there any security risks from setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin to *?
Strictly speaking no, but this in itself presents a range of potential security issues. Unless you need all origins allowed, configuring a whitelist is preferred.
From a client security perspective, by DEFAULT a CORS request does not send cookies to the server I am making the AJAX request to. HOWEVER, it is possible. Is this statement correct?
Yes, correct. If you want to include cookies, you must configure the XHR's withCredentials property.
Additional information:
MDN Access Control (CORS)

Javascript HTTP GET and POST

When initiating a HTTP GET or POST request:
Common browsers do not allow Javacript to call cross domain
So it means that every HTTP request from a given domain the "Host" in the Request header represents the origin host, say and that it cannot be modified by the client request?
Furthermore, when a request originated from a subdomain, like then the "Host" in the request header will be ""
And that this holds true when doing Cross-domain HTTP request, i.e. the "Host" will be or if from subdomain, and that the receiving end (the other domain) will see the "Host" as these hosts respectively?
Everything through the HTTP browser sandbox (not just AJAX calls! IFRAMEs have restrictions based on the same conditions, for different things - namely, you can't control the content of an IFRAME on another domain/host/port/proto, just load pages and see the URI of what is loaded. Content in JS is off-limits) is done client-side rather than server-side: your browser will actively refuse to query anything that does not have:
The same hostname (subdomains count as different hostnames)
The same port
The same access method (HTTP or HTTPS)
For AJAX, this leads into a big red "cannot get due to security"-esque error. For some browsers, the request does happen: there is a way to bypass this restriction, using access-control headers. These effectively tell your browser "I'm friendly to x", where x is a wildcard list of domains (and where * means everything).
To figure this one out, browsers will perform the request, and if CORS is not on, will actively fire an exception (XMLHttpRequest: x is not allowed by y). The request, however, has happened.
The obvious solution is to add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in order to signify that cross-domain queries to this site are okay. However, bear in mind two things:
Most browsers have it, but some don't (IE8 <.<)
CORS has some little bugs of its own if the URLs are hardcoded in the script (read up on it!)
You'll therefore want a JSONP fallback for IE. However, keep in mind that all this is done client-side and is no guarantee that there aren't any browsers that will actively disregard CORS or the webkit security model. The entire model also relies on client-side Host resolution.
If the question is "Is this true", then then the answer is no.
Browsers do allow JavaScript to create GET and POST requests cross domain. What they don't allow is javascript to read the response from a cross domain request.
The 'Host' in the HTTP header represents the host that the request is being sent to, not the website that caused the host. HOST is necessary because servers are often shared and one server may host many separate websites, so they need to know which one is being requested.
The website that created the website is often (although not always) identified in the 'REFERER' HTTP Header.
A server that supports CORS will inspect the Origin header in the request. The value will be as you described, the server that the request orignates from. In it's reply, the server will send a header called Access-Control-Allow-Origin. If this matches Origin, the browser will accept the response. It obviously also require the browser to support CORS.
Wikipedia have a fairly good explanation of how it works.
The Host HTTP request header is always the domain that the request is going to.
If you're initiating an HTTP GET or POST request using the XMLHTTPRequest method, then it won't let you send the request if the JavaScript code that sends it isn't on the same domain as the URL you're sending a request too - unless the browser supports cross-origin resource sharing.
If the browser does support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), then it will send your request to other domains, but with an additional Origin header, indicating the site that served the JavaScript making the request. If the server allows the request, it'll respond with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, listing the domains it'll accept requests from.

