Display the first item in hasMany ember relationship in handlebars template - javascript

I need to display the first item in an hasMany relationship
Basically a thread could have more than 1 author but I need to display only the first one in a particular template
I've the following json
threads: [
id: 1,
authors: [2,3]
authors: [
id: 2,
fullname: "foo"
id: 3,
fullname: "bar"
And the following models
App.Thread = DS.Model.extend({
authors: DS.hasMany('author')
App.Author = DS.Model.extend({
fullname: DS.attr('string')
now in my template I'm tring to do something like {{thread.authors[0].fullname}} but it doesn't work. I've tried also thread.authors.0.fullname according to the handlebars syntax but nothing changed.
Thnx in advance for your help

Use Ember.Enumerable's firstObject:
If you are going to use it in a lot of places, its best to define it as a computed property in the model:
App.Thread = DS.Model.extend({
authors: DS.hasMany('author')
firstAuthor: Ember.computed.alias('authors.firstObject')
and use it in your templates as:


Sequelize get own attributes only, ignore included instances

What I'm looking for is an instance method in Model that will return only the attributes of that model & exclude instances of any included model.
eg: Imagine I have 2 models, with a hasMany ( or any ) association:
Post {
User: {
and I have:
const userWithPosts = await User.findOne({
where: { id: 33 },
include: [{
model: Post,
as: 'posts'
id: 33,
name: 'John Doe',
posts: [
Post {
id: 1,
content: '..',
user_id: 33
Post {
id: 2,
content: '...',
user_id: 33
I'm looking for a method, say getOwnAttributes or something like that which does:
id: 33,
name: 'John Doe',
I've looked into couple of things:
userWithPosts.get({ raw: true })
userWithPosts.get({ plain: true })
All of the above returns included instances as well.
Any existing method or workaround that can do this?
EDIT: I'm not talking about doing it at query time, but getting the value from already queried instance. Currently my work-around for this is:
const payload = _.pick(userWithPosts.toJSON(), [
You can refer to the code below to exclude attributes of Post table.
const userWithPosts = await User.findOne({
where: { id: 33 },
include: [{
model: Post,
as: 'posts',
attributes: []
I hope it helps!

Redux: local state id's and/or api uuid's

I'm using Redux with a REST api that uses UUID's. The usual pattern for storing state is using id's as a key for objects:
entities: {
articles: {
1: {
id: 1,
title: 'Some Article',
author: 1
2: {
id: 2,
title: 'Other Article',
author: 1
users: {
1: {
id: 1,
name: 'Dan'
How would I use the UUID's from the api in this? I'd like to be able to create a new entity without having to request the UUID from the server first (for offline capabilities).
Should I:
Use local id's, keep the UUID in a _id property of the entity, and only use it when making an API request? This seems the easiest way, although it feels redundant and I will probably have to search through entities for a certain _id in some cases.
entities: {
articles: {
1: {
_id: 'UUID',
title: 'Some Article',
author: 1
2: {
id: 'UUID',
title: 'Other Article',
author: 1
users: {
1: {
_id: 'UUID',
name: 'Dan'
Use only UUID's from the API, and when creating a new item use a sort if temporary id until the API call is resolved? This seems the best way, although I'm not sure how I would go about changing the id's, which also feels wrong (as they're id's).
entities: {
articles: {
'UUID': {
_id: 'UUID',
title: 'Some Article',
author: 'UUID'
'UUID': {
_id: 'UUID',
title: 'Other Article',
author: 'creating'
users: {
'UUID': {
_id: 'UUID',
name: 'Dan'
'creating': {
name: 'Stan'
Do it some other way?
I wouldn't add it to the Redux store until the API returns a response.
In Vue, in my data for a given component I usually have two (sometimes more) root keys, one of which points to the part of my Redux store that handles the data, and the other that is usually form or something of that sort, and the Vue data changes due to binding.
After the user initiates the action to add the resource (POST /resources), and the server returns a successful response, I dispatch an action addedResource. And prior to that I'd dispatch something like addingResource, etc.
Is there any reason this wouldn't work? There shouldn't be a difference using an auto incremented, integer id field vs. a UUID. Your data normalization should still work the same way.

Search results on nested fields (within relations) in Sails.js (waterline)

I'm using Sails.js (waterline orm), to make an API
What I need and couldn't accomplish is filter results from a table (model), searching in all fields including nested ones:
GET /users/?filter=admin
>>> [{ id: 1, email: 'homer#example.com', role: 'admin' },
{ id: 3, email: 'lisa#example.com', role: 'admin' }]
GET /users/?filter=homer
>>> [{ id: 1, email: 'homer#example.com', role: 'admin' }]
attributes: {
email: {
type: 'string'
role: {
model: 'Roles'
attributes: {
role: {
type: 'string'
You seem to be using the included REST api for waterline. I have used sails in a recent project, and I can say that the REST api is missing features compared to the JavaScript library.
I'd recommend you create your own api endpoint using a sails controller and write your request in JavaScript directly (using where and populate).

Efficient algorithm / recursive function to nest items from a list

I'm currently implementing my own commenting system. Unfortunately Disqus or any other comment platform doesn't meet my requirements.
I use NodeJS and MongoDB as backend. I need to run basically two queries on my database:
Get all comments by a topic/slug
Get all comments by a user
One can comment to an topic or reply to a comment.
Hey, cool post # top lvl comment
Thanks! # reply to comment
Foo Bar! # reply to reply
and so on...
So my database schema looks like
id: ObjectId,
text: string,
author: { id: ObjectId, name: string },
parent: nullable ObjectId,
slug: string/number/whatever
If parent is null it's a top level comment, otherwise it's a reply.
Pretty easy so far, right? The problem I do have now is displaying comments below posts. When there would be only top level comments it would be easy. Just get all comments for one specific slug, sort them by date/rating/... and compile them with my HTML View Engine.
But there are in fact replies and I'm just stuck at the point where I need to organize my structure. I want to nest replies into comments within my list
Original list (simplified)
{ id: 1, text: 'foo', parent: null },
{ id: 2, text: 'bar', parent: 1 },
// ...
Expected Output
{ id: 1, text: 'foo', replies: [
{ id: 2, text: 'bar' },
] },
I've tried creating my expected output with a recursive function which got very weird tho. Unless that it wouldn't be very efficient. So since I'm really getting frustrated and kinda feeling stupid not solving this problem I've decided to ask for your help SO.
The actual problem I want to solve: How do I render my comments, that they are properly nested etc.
The question I'm going to ask: How do I organize my flat structure in an efficient way to solve the above described problem?
Here's one approach with linear complexity:
var comments = [{
id: 3,
text: 'second',
parent: 1
}, {
id: 1,
text: 'root',
parent: null
}, {
id: 2,
text: 'first',
parent: 1
}, {
id: 5,
text: 'another first',
parent: 4
}, {
id: 4,
text: 'another root',
parent: null
var nodes = {};
//insert artificial root node
nodes[-1] = {
text: 'Fake root',
replies: []
//index nodes by their id
comments.forEach(function(item) {
if (item.parent == null) {
item.parent = -1;
nodes[item.id] = item;
item.replies = [];
//put items into parent replies
comments.forEach(function(item) {
var parent = nodes[item.parent];
//root node replies are top level comments

How can I populate a nested related collection with SailsJS?

I have 3 collections,
Clan, which has many Clanmembers
Clanmembers, which has many Users
So when I do
It works fine and returns the result but then I get something like:
{ clanmembers:
[ { role: 'Entry',
owner: 2,
member: 2,
id: 1,
createdAt: null,
updatedAt: null } ],
{ username: 'tester',
email: 'tester',
about: 'This is\n\na test hello\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nhiiii',
profileurl: '',
avatar: 'asd.jpg',
rank: '1',
id: 2,
createdAt: '2015-10-25T10:15:20.000Z',
updatedAt: '2015-10-25T21:31:47.000Z' },
clanname: 'testset',
clantag: 'testin',
id: 2,
createdAt: '2015-10-26T01:07:02.000Z',
updatedAt: '2015-10-26T01:07:02.000Z' }
What I'd like is also to be able to populate the clanmembers array's owners so that I can get usernames and what not of the clanmembers, how can I populate this nested array? Or is it not possible and I'll have to loop/find each one by their ID. Any information would be great thank you.
This can't be done as of now, although it has been in the talks for quite some time.
As you mentioned, you'll have to do the population manually. But you can avoid making separate calls for each subdocument.
What I usually do is collect the required ids in an array and run a single query to the database, then maintain a map of ids to documents which makes it pretty convenient to use in multiple places.

