Javascript - Loop keeps running after page refresh - javascript

Today one of the weirdest things i have ever seens just happened.
I have a loop in a page that does a synchronous ajax request for each element of the loop. Since it was taking too long i decided to stop the loop by refreshing the page.
When the page loaded i couldn't click on any element of the page so i checked Firebug console and i saw that the ajax calls of the previous loop were still being done (the loop is set to start after i click on a link, so it can't start as soon as page loads).
To stop the loop i had to close the current tab and open my page in a new one.
It's worth mentioning that i have a datatables table on that page and i have enabled the option to save the table state, maybe this is interfering with my code (the loop itself is not part of the datatables initialization, though it uses data from the table).
I have also noticed that some things of the loop aren't being done. It should've changed the page of the datatable by time to time, and it should've written in the javascript console, both things don't happen after i refresh the page, the ajax calls are still going though.
Here's the code where the loop is contained:
//This variable will contain a reference to the datatable
var oTable;
var isWorking=false;
//Change the datatables page
function changeTablePage(oTable, page, clear){
//This part is inside a document.ready block
$(document).on("click", ".validation-all-click", function(event){
//saves the current page, will be needed for later
var page=oTable.fnPagingInfo().iPage;
var numberPage=0;
var done=false;
console.log("page: "+numberPage);
changeTablePage(oTable, numberPage, false);
var nNodes = oTable.fnGetNodes();
var len=nNodes.length;
$('.validation-click', nNodes).each(function( index, value ){
//id of the element to be validated
var id=$(value).data("rowid");
//Calls the validation url
url: "/validate?id="+id,
async: false
//if the datatables page has 0 items, then it's done
//goes back to the original page
changeTablePage(oTable, page, true);
I don't want this behavior to happen, but i have no idea on why it's happening and how to prevent it

Thanks for sharing your story. I don't see any specific question in the post, so I'll just comment on whatever I feel like.
As I understand it, browsers aren't required to redraw the UI while JavaScript is running. Since there's a script blocking on a synchronous ajax request, maybe it's to be expected that you don't see the changes to the table until the loop finishes.
Furthermore, it may also be that the browser isn't required to destroy a page while its scripts are running. That would explain why you saw requests in Firebug after refreshing the page--perhaps the previous copy of the page was still running in a hidden state.
edit: valepu reports in a comment, below, that the table does change while the script is running. That's fine. The browser can probably determine that it can redraw the UI during the ajax call (which doesn't affect the JavaScript environment). valepu also clarifies that the visual updates stop after refreshing the page, though the requests continue to go out. This is also consistent with the idea that the browser has just hidden the previous page (until it finishes) and loaded up a new copy of the page when refreshing.
As for how to prevent it: the most reliable way would be to use asynchronous requests, or otherwise yield between requests. Sorry, folks.

I have solved by adding a variable that will stop the loop when i exit the page:
var stopLoop=false
$( window ).unload(function() {
both loops will now check if this variable is false before executing the code inside the loop.
This works on Firefox but not on Chrome though.
-- EDIT --
In the end i have solved by editing the code in order to make the ajax calls asynchronous and using the callback functions to continue the cycle, though it was no simple task (some days later i found a new solution that allowed me to do all that i needed in a single call when i found out how to recover the parameters used by datatables to retrieve data, but this has nothing to do with the original question). So, for future references: expect this "weird" behaviour when making a loop with ajax synchronous calls


Javascript client & event handler timing issues - how to solve?

Simple web site with master page and multiple child pages.
In page_load, master page looks for session variable containing a value and if it's there, uses
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SessionAlert", "SessionExpireAlert(" + sessionTimeout + ");", true);
This kicks off a timeout alert, which works fine.
There is a server-side button on one child page that effectively ends the user interaction on the page and leaves a message stating "go and log in again if you want to do more stuff". When this button is clicked, I want to clear out the session variable (easy) and end the running timeout warning alert script (not so easy).
As the Master "page_load" event fires BEFORE the button handler, at the time the page reloads, it restarts the timeout script. When it hits the button event handler and clears the session variable, it's too late as the script is already running.
I've tried using "registerclientscriptblock" to inject immediate javascript to call the "clearTimeout()" client side function I have, but it doesn't seem to be able to find the function which exists on the master page and errors.
This seems to be a classic "chicken and egg" scenario and I can't see the wood for the trees. Could someone please point me in the right direction here before I drive myself mad!?
edited to add bit of javascript code:
Currently the master page function "SessionExpireAlert" referenced by the page_load code contains among other things this:
window.updateInterval = setInterval(function () {
document.getElementById("idleTime").innerHTML = convertTime(seconds);
document.getElementById("expireTime").innerHTML = convertTime(seconds);
}, 1000);
RegisterStartupScript will add the script to the end of the body, so the DOM is ready when it runs. As long as you always use RegisterStartupScript after that then the scripts will be added and executed in the order you create them.
Basically, RegisterClientScriptBlock is most likely going to place the script before any scripts added with RegisterStartupScript.
Have you considered putting this in Page_PreRender instead:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SessionAlert", "SessionExpireAlert(" + sessionTimeout + ");", true);
With an appropriate check first to see if it is necessary?

Multiple clicks slows down the application performance

Before I explain the problem, I want to describe short what I am trying to achieve
I have made 5 diagrams and one NavigationList. The NavigationList consists of pure HTML that displays a list of table1, table2, table3, table4 and table5 (JavaScript files). The user will click on a specific row inside the list, then the table the user wants to view will be displayed, and he can only view one diagram once a time.
For instance: I the user wants too view diagram1, then he must click on diagram1. Later he wants to view diagram2, then diagram1 will be closed because he have clicked on diagram2.
The problem:
If the user clicks multiple times on the same list name (for instance diagram1), then each click will slow down the diagram, very strange. So if the user clicks 10 times, the diagram will slow down 10 times more. Why is this happening and how can I solve this problem?**
This is table2.js, I believe that $(document).ready(function() has something to do with why the diagram slows down after each click.
(function table2(){
$(document).ready(function() {
// table2 code content is taken away to save space in this file on stackoverflow...
This is the part where I call the diagrams by using JQuery event with if statement.
$('[data-row]').on('click', function() {
var row = $(this).attr('data-row');
$('#table' + row).addClass('active');
if(row == 1){
$.getScript("table1.js", function(){});
} else if (row == 2) {
$.getScript("table2.js", function(){});
} else if (row == 3) {
$.getScript("table3.js", function(){});
} else if (row == 4) {
$.getScript("table4.js", function(){});
}else if (row == 5) {
$.getScript("table5.js", function(){});
} else {
This is a statistic result that shows why the performance is so slow, as you can see; each table is receiving data samples. After multiple clicks the performance is high drops down from 40 fps to 6.5 fps, strange??
Click here to view the slow performance statistics
because each click you doing ajax request so if you click 10 times you making 10 requests plus calling table12(); functions which can be heavy.. you need to change your code to check if diagram is visible if yes dont do another request
You probably have a memory leak. Make sure you clean up global variables properly and DOM nodes properly. Your browser should have developer tools which should allow you to see memory usage.
I'm also a bit worried by this code:
$.getScript("SensorTables/ExhaustTemperature.js", function(){});
.getScript() is an asynchronous function, so table1() will be executed before the browser has loaded the script.
The correct code is probably:
$.getScript("table1.js", function(){});
since the function table1 is defined in such a way that it's executed right away. That means your code logs an error in the JavaScript console when you click the first time. When you click a second time, the function is called twice (once when jQuery fetches the script from the server and again from your code).
$(document).ready(); isn't necessary inside of (function table1(){}()); - when this code is executed, the DOM is ready. Maybe the code is there because other pages use the script as well. My recommendation would be to move that into the places where you need it.
Lastly, if you give the function a name, then the browser keeps it around. That may eat a lot of memory, depending on how complex the code is. If you want to keep the code around, this should be much faster:
if(table1) {
} else {
since it loads the script only once.
If you want to load the script again every time the user clicks and save memory:
and change the script to
(function (){
// table2 code content is taken away to save space in this file on stackoverflow...
(i.e. remove the name of the function). The browser will then execute it once and forget as much as it can about it.

Detect first page load with jQuery?

I need to detect the first time a page loads in jQuery so that I can perform some actions only when the page loads the first time a user navigates to that page. Similar to server side code page.ispostbasck. I have tested $(document).ready and it fires every time the page loads so this will not provide what I need. I have also tried the jQuery Load function - it also fires every page load. So by page load an example is that I have an HTML input tag on the page of type button and it does not fire a postback (like an button) but it does reload the page and fires $(document).ready
You will have to use cookie to store first load information:
if (! $.cookie("cookieName")){
// do your stuff
// set cookie now
$.cookie("cookieName", "firstSet", {"expires" : 7})
Note: Above example uses jQuery Cookie plugin.
An event doesn't exist that fires only when the page is loaded for the first time.
You should use jQuery's .ready() event, and then persist the fact that you've handled a first time page load using your method of choice (i.e. cookie, session variable, local storage, etc.).
Note: This method will never be fool proof unless you can store this information at the user level in a DB. Otherwise, as soon as the user clears their cookies, or whatever method you choose, the "first time loaded" code will fire again.
I just ran into this problem and this is how I handled it. Keep track of the first time the page loads by using a variable initialLoad:
var initialLoad = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
initialLoad = false;
Then in other functions, you can do this:
if (initialLoad) {
//Do work that is done when the page was first refreshed/loaded.
} else {
//Do work when it's not the initial load.
This works well for me. If the user is already on the page and some jQuery functions run, I now know if that user just loaded the page or if they were already on the page.
The easy solution is to use jQuery ‘Once’ plugin
$(element).once('class-name', function() {
// your javascript code

JavaScript setTimeout will not die.

I made a photogallery and is AJAX powered. Below are the relevant pieces of code.
if (isset($_POST['stopss'])){
echo'<script type="text/javascript">
if (isset($_POST['startss'])){
<script type="text/javascript">
var setss = window.setTimeout('delayer(\''+src+'\',\''+dir+'\',\''+title+'\',\''+width+'\',\''+height+'\',\''+img+'\')',5000);
The delayer function passes params for a new modal box window (new AJAX request).
The problem as I see it. The timeout gets started when a user clicks the Slideshow button.
Even though they press the Stop Slideshow button (this reloads the AJAX page), the timer is still running (in the background) and in clearTimeout(setss), setss is no longer available (because of the new AJAX page request) so the clearTimeout fails to clear.
Is there any way to kill the timeout running in the background? Even if the modalbox window is closed, 5 seconds later it opens and happily keeps playing the slide show.
btw, this is the modalbox call.'../b-gal-scripts/ajaxgal.php', {title: title, overlayOpacity: .1, width: width, height: height, method: 'post', params: {src: next, dir: dir, img: img, ssimg: next} }); return false;
The problem
When you reload the page, the old JavaScript code (for the previous request) stops running and the new one is executed.
The problem is that you first call clearTimeout(setss) and later define what setss really is.
A couple additional problems
A few tips:
Do not mix quoting styles, you are creating a mess this way.
If you want quotes within quotes, just use the fact there are different quotes like that:
var setss = window.setTimeout("delayer('"+src+'","'+dir+'","'+title+'","'+width+'","'+height+'","'+img+'")',5000);
...and preferably get used to event-based programming and closures when coding JavaScript, like that:
var sets = window.setTimeout(function(){
delayer(src, dir, title, width, height, img);
}, 5000);
Final version of your code
Your code should look like the following:
if (isset($_POST['startss']) && !isset($_POST['stopss'])){
<script type="text/javascript">
var setss = window.setTimeout(function(){
delayer(src, dir, title, width, height, img);
}, 5000);
It makes use of the fact, that you do not need to first output a script that is executed only to immediately stop it if not needed. Just make PHP condition to check if you want it to be executed, the output it.
Second, the JS has been changed from using strings (which is totally messy) to using anonymous functions. Take a closer look into that.
Did it help?
I'm having a little difficulty understanding your problem, but I hope this helps.
When a page is reloaded, the previous instance of the page, and any state associated with it ceases to exist. As a result, the timeout has been stopped. Essentially, if the global setSS doesn't exist, then neither does the timeout to which it refers, therefore, that timeout cannot be responsible for starting the slideshow.
When an active page is served from something like PHP, the work of the server (WRT the creation of any content of the page) is done. No more content can subsequently be written to the page. Your clearTimeout is essentially useless, as it could only clear a timeout that is set during the load of the page. It won't write a new script element into the existing page.
Variables are not shared across pages, so if you are setting the timeout in one page, and clearing it in another, that will not work.
So, in order to clear the timeout, you need to call clearTimeout in the same page (and instance of that page) as the setTimeout, and that call must be executed after the setTimeout.
If none of the above apply to your situation, then is it possible that $_POST['startss'] and $_POST['stopss'] are set in the same request? If so, the new page will create a new timeout after the attempt to clear it, and will therefore display the slideshow.
(as an aside, using a closure to create a function to pass to setTimeout will be more readable than compiling a string that calls a function).

jQuery code repeating problem

I have a piece of code in jQuery that I use to get the contents of an iFrame after you click a link and once the content is completed loading. It works, but I have a problem with it repeating - at least I think that is what it is doing, but I can't figure out why or how.
jQuery JS:
var theID = $(this).attr("rel");
var response = $("#fileuploadframe").contents().find("html").html();
{action:"savePage",html:response, id: theID},
HTML Links ( one of many ):
<a href="templates/1000/files/index.php?pg=0&preview=false"
target="fileuploadframe" class="pageSaveButton" rel="0">Home</a>
So when you click the link, the page that is linked to is opened into the iframe, then the JS fires and waits for the content to finish loading and then grabs the iframe's content and sends it to a PHP script to save to a file. I have a problem where when you click multiple links in a row to save multiple files, the content of all the previous files are overwritten with the current file you have clicked on. I have checked my PHP and am pretty positive the fault is with the JS.
I have noticed that - since I have the PHP's return value alerted - that I get multiple alert boxes. If it is the first link you have clicked on since the main page loaded - then it is fine, but when you click on a second link you get the alert for each of the previous pages you clicked on in addition to the expected alert for the current page.
I hope I have explained well, please let me know if I need to explain better - I really need help resolving this. :) (and if you think the php script is relevant, I can post it - but it only prints out the $_POST variables to let me know what page info is being sent for debugging purposes.)
Thanks ahead of time,
From jQuery .load() documentation I think you need to change your script to:
var theID = $(this).attr("rel");
var lnk = $(this).attr("href");//LINK TO LOAD
var response = $("#fileuploadframe").contents().find("html").html();
id: theID
As for the multiple responses, you can use something like blockui to disable any further clicks till the .post call returns.
This is because the line
Gets executed every time you press a link. Only add the loadhandler to the iframe on document.ready.
If a user has the ability via your UI to click multiple links that trigger this function, then you are going to run into this problem no matter what since you use the single iframe. I would suggest creating an iframe per save process, that why the rendering of one will not affect the other.

