Tumblr control buttons (reblog,dashboard etc.) missing for theme - javascript

I have pasted my theme code before tweaking here, it's a redux edit.http://pastebin.com/vWfbZVJy
So recently I've decided to tweak my theme. My theme code after tweaking contains lots of options like bigger sidebar, smaller and the like.
But recently I've just begun to noice that my Tumblr control buttons aka 'customize' for me and 'follow,dashboard,like,reblog' at the upper corners have dissapeared. I googled it up and apparently this happens a lot when editing a redux theme. Somebody has posted a solution here
http://peruseporisu.tumblr.com/post/54259402935/tumblr-control-buttons-fix but it doesn't work for me at all.
So I went to see the theme code that i pasted (up there, the pastebin link) and saw that it didn't have any #tumblrcontrol or anything.
And I'm trying to create and publish a theme so the advice won't work as what do i put for the URL to make it available not only for me, but for other people who use this theme too?


Carousel Broken after WordPress Migration

After updating the WordPress and Site URLs (Settings - General), the images inside carousels went blurred (and reduced in size).
To rule out migration-related issues, I have tried
1) migrating with All-in-One Migration Plugin, and
2) migrating with cPanel-WordPress Tools-Backup.
In both attempts, using Search and Replace plugin, I verified all image-links are updated and links in database are revised.
To rule out SSL-related issues, I have tried
3) Updating WordPress Address and Site URL (without SSL - http)
4) Updating WordPress Address and site URL (with SSL - https)
Both break the carousel
To rule out image-related issues, I have tried
5) regenerating thumbnails, and
6) uploading fresh images.
7) Verify permissions (755) on /uploads folder
Finally, I have also tried
8) using a different plugin (Meta Slider) for carousels. This broke the site's home page and I had to restore a backup.
All the above - without the desired result, and the problem persists.
The Shortcodes Ultimate plugin (carousel provider) documentation suggests that broken-carousels could be related to a Javascript issue. I am not a programmer and would really appreciate suggestions to fix this. Can someone please help?
The page I need help with: Backpacking North East India
Kind regards
I did not know I could answer my question here! Thank you Samvel Aleqsanyan. Disclaimer: I am not a techie, but will try to explain nonetheless. Should someone face a similar problem, here's what I did to resolve it.
Isolate the problem: As you'd notice in the description above, I tried 7-8 things to fix it, ruling out issues with migration software/s, SSL, and images. To test the images, I published the images (that broke inside a carousel) on to a test page. The images published just fine without the carousel. That was a signal to probe the plugin I am using for carousels. I tried a different plugin (Meta Slider) but it broke the featured content on my home page.
Shortcodes Ultimate Plugin: This plugin is a very good option for someone like me (not a programmer). It seems lightweight and offers design options in an easy to understand format. After migration, it behaved as promised for all other components except carousels. So, changing the plugin at an advanced stage was not the best option.
Change Plugin Configuration: The plugin sets a carousel's default width to 200 and default height to 20. If you toggled the "responsive" to yes (my preferred setting in the dev env), it ignored the width and height parameters. But, when I updated the WordPress Address and Site URLs, something went wrong and the carousels broke. So, after carrying out the steps mentioned in the question and isolating the problem, I came back to Shortcodes Ultimate and tinkered with the default settings: toggled responsive to "No" and manually set the width and height. That gave me the different result - for the first time.
Bigger Image Size: While changing the default configuration worked, the carousel-images, when published, got smaller in size. So, I recreated all the carousel-linked images to a higher resolution (from 200x200 to 768x768).
I wonder why I did not think # it sooner! Here's the page: Backpacking North East India Hope this answer helps someone else.

Completely redesigning the front-end for the Drupal forum

I only have web development experience with CakePHP, and I've recently started a Drupal project. My main task is to re-skin the Drupal forums so instead of a normal comment chain, there is a timeline of icons connected by a tree structure that display a comment when you click on them.
This is a pretty radical overhaul, and while I'd feel confident about doing this in CakePHP, where I can just write HTML as I please, the structure of Drupal confuses me. I've located the theme file that themes individual comments, but I'm not sure how to rewrite the page as a whole. A forum topic appears to just be a node with comments, so I'm not completely sure how to re-theme the whole page.
To Summarize, I need to:
Determine if any given node is a forum topic and replace the normal body with a scrollable timeline
Display simple shapes representing posts taking place at a certain time on the timeline connected as a tree
Hide the normal comments until the corresponding icons are clicked.
Additionally, I need a way for the user to filter posts on the timeline by their tags, but once I figure out the Javascript for showing the posts, this shouldn't be terribly difficult.
Thanks for helping out a confused web dev.

Using Two Different Versions of Modernizr on One Website

I am trying to use a bootstrap theme (Worthy) as the base for a website. The theme works very well, however I am having problems adding this scrolling timeline feature to it.
Here's what I know:
I can get the demo of the timeline working
I can get the template working
I can get the timeline implemented in the template w/ the .css working
I CANNOT get the animations of the timeline working in the template
I have traced the issue to one of the timeline's required files, namely a customized version of modernizr. (The template uses the standard version of modernizr). When I remove the the reference to the custom modernizr, the site generally works, but the timeline animations do not. When I add the reference to the custom modernizr back in, all of the site's content disappears.
Does anybody have any suggestions of how I can go about diagnosing and debugging the problem? I know that I have not posted any code, as I'm not sure what is and is not relevant. If somebody can please point me in the right direction, then I can follow up with more targeted questions.
UPDATE: I have also tried removing the template's version of modernizr and only using the one from the timeline, but that also results in all of the site's content disappearing.
Thanks a lot!
Modernizr has an build tool that you can customize to be exactly what you need it to be. What you would want to do is get a list of all of the detects that you need, then build a new custom one that contains everything.

Debugging CSS (Possibly JavaScript or JQuery) Issue

Issue: I have problems with this page: http://kivusandcamera.com/blog/ The page loads with a proper layout, but then the two blog entries "jump" to the left behind the navigation bar. I have spent a good bit of time trying work through the various CSS, inspecting it with developer tools, etc..., but I have reached a point where I feel like I need some help. Any advice would be appreciated.
Background: This is just a basic Wordpress theme that I am trying to customize for a website, so I am not 100% sure how
Additional Information: Though I am passingly familiar with CSS, I have done hardly any work involving responsive design, media queries, etc... Basically, I am saying (1) I would not be surprised if it is something really simple that I am missing, and (2) if something could be done a better way, please feel free to let me know.
UPDATE - It looks like this issue might be Javascript or JQuery related. Basically, a style attribute is getting injected into one of the div tags. The style attribute used an absolute position, with a certain width, and I have no idea how to modify it.
UPDATE #2 - It appears the issue happens with any pages I set in the theme to "Full Width" (see also the http://kivusandcamera.com/about page.) I think those pages must get processed differently by JS layout framework that is used. Again, I still haven't figured out how that is all happening.
Turns out there were two separate issues:
(1) The JQuery auto-layout framework was resizing the various page columns with the assumption that the navigation bar was the same size as the individual columns of blog entries. That caused an issue that had to be solved.
(2) The full page CSS had to be updated to reflect the lack of a resizing navigation bar.
Ultimately, these issues were very specific to the this particular Wordpress theme, so I doubt full description of the solution would provide much of a benefit to the community. Thank you to everyone who helped lead me to the solution.

Animated panels like on Stackexchange Sites page

I would like to add a page to my website with a layout with animated panels that auto-slide around based on which one is clicked, as in Stackexchange's Sites page:
What language and what specific methodology did the designers of Stackexchange use for laying out that page, or more meaningfully, what language and methodology would you recommend I research, in order to learn to create something similar? Perhaps there is a tutorial somewhere for creating something similar to it?
From looking at the sources of that page (achieved by activating the developer console in Chrome and looking at the scripts panel.) I can see they are making use of the Isotope layout engine.
Isotope is a jQuery plugin written in JavaScript and the site linked above contains some solid documentation; however if you are new to JavaScript then they may be a little difficult to follow. A quick google brings up the following Isotope tutorial which may help you get started.

