Convert an SVG element to a g element using d3.js - javascript

I am using D3 in a page where my objective is to superimpose two groups of paths : I have the earth coastlines as a background map (imported from a GeoJSON file), and I want to superimpose an old map on it, which is a separate SVG :
The SVG loading went well, however I would like my two maps to be included inside the same SVG element : it will be easier if I want the maps to be panned or zoomed. The issue here is that the external SVG has a specific viewbox, so if I move its <g> elements to the other SVG, the coordinates get messy. Hence my question : is there a way to convert the 2nd SVG to a <g> element that I could include in the first SVG ? Maybe d3 knows how to do that but I couldn't find such a tool in the documentation.

If you are going to zoom/pan the superimposed SVG's, Include both svg's in a <g> container element and attach zoom behavior to the <g> container.
Essentually, you will have:
<svg id=topSVG>
<g id=container>
<svg id=projection1>
<svg id=projection2>
Below is a snippet relating to my mouswheel zoom for d3:
var myZoom=d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([.1, 1000]).on("zoom", mouseWheelZoom)
function callZoomBehavior()
//---attach to root svg---"#"+SVGId)
//---reset from previous file call---
var PrevScale //--previous scale event---
function mouseWheelZoom()
//--place in d3 object--
if(PrevScale!=d3.event.scale) //--transition on scale change--
zoomG.transition().attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")")
else //--no transition on pan---
zoomG.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")")

originalSVG = the SVG element you want to clone and convert into g element
quasiClone = the result of that
parentOfClone = parent below you want to put your new g element
var quasiClone = parentOfClone.append("g");
for (var i=0; i<originalSVG.childNodes.length; i++){
var child = originalSVG.childNodes[i];
var childClone = child.cloneNode(true);


How can I add an external group to an existing svg with d3.js?

Suppose I have created a svg with d3.js like that:
svg ='.svgContainer').append("svg")
.attr("width", '100%')
.attr("height", '100%')
.call(d3.zoom().on("zoom", function () {
svg.attr("transform", d3.event.transform)
and I now want to add different groups to it (dynamically and from different files). For example that one:
<g id="myGroup">
<rect width="100" height="100" fill="blue" />
I know, that I could add the whole svg like that (suppose the file is called test.svg):
d3.xml("test.svg").then(function(xml) {
var svgNode = xml.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
However, this procuces the following DOM:
But because I need to transform my Group with respect to the main svg, I need the following DOM structure:
--(eventually more dynamically added groups)
I have tried the following and got the correct DOM, but the group does not show up inside of my svg:
d3.xml("test.svg").then(function(xml) {
var svgGroup = xml.getElementById("myGroup");
EDIT: I found out, this should already work, the problem was I had several critical <defs> inside of my SVG (for example for gradients). I lost them, when I only appended the group. I ended up, wrapping my <g> around the <defs> and everything works fine now.
Just as a complement to the accepted answer: if you want to a pure D3 solution, you can use selection.append with a function. In your case:
d3.xml(svgfile).then(function(xml) {
var svgNode ="#MyGroup");
svg.append(() => svgNode.node()) ;
Or even shorter:
d3.xml(svgfile).then(function(xml) {
svg.append(() =>"#MyGroup").node()) ;
Here is a demo using the Wikipedia SVG linked in the other answer:
var svgfile = "";
var svg ='body').append("svg")
.attr("width", '120')
.attr("height", '20');
d3.xml(svgfile).then(function(xml) {
var svgNode ="#Wikipedia");
svg.append(() => svgNode.node());
<script src=""></script>
You are almost there. I have illustrated both ways to add elements in this codepen. The problem with the first approach is that svgNode is not a node, but a nodeList. You can add each node in the list with a loop, as you can see in the code:
var toAdd = svgNode.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < svgNode.childElementCount; i++){
Regarding the second approach, I cannot say that there is anything wrong. I have imported a path from a different svg file and it is displayed in the lower part. The only detail that I changed is that I set the size of the svg element explicitly, not as 100%. Is it possible that it was not rendered because it was outside the visible part?

How to zoom in on a polygon in D3.js

I am trying to figure out how to do the same zooming behavior as shown in the example below, but with a normal polygon instead of the geo paths.
I have seen some answers here on SO that kind of address this, but the animation is choppy or jumps around strangely.
The html I have is
<div id="map-container">
<svg version="1.1"
viewBox="0 0 4328 2880">
<pattern id="mapPattern"
<image xlink:href="/development/data/masterplan.png"
<g id="masterGroup">
<rect fill="url(#mapPattern)"
height="2880" />
I would like to be able to add some polygons in the same group as the map rectangle and then zoom on the polygon's boundary. Can anyone please show me a fiddle of such behaviour?
I should also add that I do not want to use the scroll wheel or panning. Just zooming in on a clicked polygon and then zooming out on another click.
Maybe this will help you. I answered a question here earlier today : D3js outer limits
Here is the fiddle I put together :
I have added a transition : svg.transition().duration(1000).attr('transform',function(d){
Notice if you click one of the nodes the area moves to cater for the size of the new layout.
The basics are explained in the link to the question, but basically I got the bounding box and translated the SVG accordingly. So I translated and scaled to the size of the new rectangle.
Take a look, quite easy to understand. Here is the main part of the transition :
var testScale = Math.max(rectAttr[0].width,rectAttr[0].height)
var widthScale = width/testScale
var heightScale = height/testScale
var scale = Math.max(widthScale,heightScale);
var transX = -(parseInt('#invisRect').attr("x")) + parseInt('#invisRect').attr("width"))/2) *scale + width/2;
var transY = -(parseInt('#invisRect').attr("y")) + parseInt('#invisRect').attr("height"))/2) *scale + height/2;
return 'translate(' + transX + ','+ transY + ')scale('+scale+')' ;
So with your code, your rectAttr values as seen in the snippet above would be the values retrieved from the getBoundingClientRect() of your polygon : x, y, width and height.
Where I have used'#invisRect'), this should be your boundingBoxRect() also. And the rest should just work.
Here are the edits I made with the fiddle provided :
I used this function to get the bounding box of the polygon and set the rectangles values accordingly :
var bbox =;
var rectAttr = {
x: bbox.x,
y: bbox.y,
width: bbox.width,
height: bbox.height,

Calculate absolute position for d3 graph nodes

I have a d3 force layout. Each node in this force layout has a label, which is a <div> code(can have table inside) and should follow it all the time. I defined the <div>'s position to be absolute and set their position like this:
var updateNode = function() {
this.attr("transform", function(d,i) {
//this is where I set their position
//d.num declare corresponding div in node_lables_divs array
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
function tick(e) {;
Everything is good now as long as I don't pan or zoom in my SVG. But I need those features too. So in my zoom function I handled it like this:
var zoomer = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([0.1,10]).
y(yScale).on("zoom", redraw);
function redraw() {
var translation=" translate(" + d3.event.translate[0] + "px,"+d3.event.translate[1]+"px)";
//vis is the <g> tag that contains the whole nodes and links
vis.attr("transform","translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")"+" scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
Now every thing good when I drag and pan the SVG. But it is very bad when I try to zoom in the SVG, lables are going in different direction and they are not following the nodes. I print out the d3.event.translate and it seems that it has different scale in times of zoom and panning.
I also tried the d3 foreignElement but it seems that the transform attribute doesn't work for the foreignElements. How should I calculate the correct value to transform htmls?
As per this solution to a similar question (it's not a duplicate, quite), you need to:
Put the div into a foreignObject SVG element (which allows arbitrary HTML inside an SVG)
add the foreignObject to a group, along with anything else that needs to be with the label
Only apply the tranforms to the group

dc.js responive geojson US map

Testing with following sample code:
I would like to make this map responsive to the container/window size.
However, examples I have seen utilized topojson and SVG to scale the map.
Is this not possible with Geojson to update the map size in a similar fashion?
d3.json("../geo/us-states.json", function (statesJson) {
.colors(d3.scale.quantize().range(["#E2F2FF", "#C4E4FF", "#9ED2FF", "#81C5FF", "#6BBAFF", "#51AEFF", "#36A2FF", "#1E96FF", "#0089FF", "#0061B5"]))
.colorDomain([0, 200])
.colorCalculator(function (d) { return d ? usChart.colors()(d) : '#ccc'; })
.overlayGeoJson(statesJson.features, "state", function (d) {
.title(function (d) {
return "State: " + d.key + "\nTotal Amount Raised: " + numberFormat(d.value ? d.value : 0) + "M";
You can follow the exact same approach as the one you linked to (techSlides).
It consists in replacing the whole svg by a new one re-drawn after a resize of the window. On redraw, the only thing that changes is the width and height you use as dimensions of the svg element.
Whether your data is GeoJson ot TopoJson doesn't affect this.
A smoother variant of this technique is to resize the existing svg element on resize of the window, without doing a redraw. Just add an SVG viewBox and preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin", so that projection inside the SVG is kept.
Example in this blog, and its javascript.

SVG element inserted into DOM is ignored (its type is changed)

I am using the VivaGraph.js library to render a graph in SVG. I am trying to display an image cropped to a circle, for which I am using a clipPath element - as recommended in this post.
However, when I create a new SVG element of type that has a capital letter in it, e.g. clipPath in my case, the element that is inserted into the DOM is lowercase, i.e. clippath, even though the string I pass in to the constructor is camelCase. Since SVG is case sensitive, this element is ignored. Everything else seems to be okay.
I also tried to change the order in which I append the child elements, in hopes of changing the 'z-index', but it didn't have an impact on this.
I am using the following code inside of the function that creates the visual representation of the node in the graph (the 'addNode' callback) to create the node:
var clipPhotoId = 'clipPhoto';
var clipPath = Viva.Graph.svg('clipPath').attr('id', clipPhotoId);
var ui = Viva.Graph.svg('g');
var photo = Viva.Graph.svg('image').attr('width', 20).attr('height', 20).link(url).attr('clip-path', 'url(#' + clipPhotoId + ')');
var photoShape = Viva.Graph.svg('circle').attr('r', 10).attr('cx', 10).attr('cy', 10);
return ui;
Thank you!
There is a bit of tweaking needed on top of the post you provided.
General idea to solve your issue is this one:
We create a VivaGraph svg graphics (which will create an svg element in the dom)
Into this svg graphic we create only once a clip path with relative coordinates
When we create a node we refer to the clip path
Code is:
var graph = Viva.Graph.graph();
graph.addNode('a', { img : 'a.jpg' });
graph.addNode('b', { img : 'b.jpg' });
graph.addLink('a', 'b');
var graphics = Viva.Graph.View.svgGraphics();
// Create the clipPath node
var clipPath = Viva.Graph.svg('clipPath').attr('id', 'clipCircle').attr('clipPathUnits', 'objectBoundingBox');
var circle = Viva.Graph.svg('circle').attr('r', .5).attr('cx', .5).attr('cy', .5);
// Add the clipPath to the svg root
graphics.node(function(node) {
return Viva.Graph.svg('image')
.attr('width', 30)
.attr('height', 30)
// I refer to the same clip path for each node
.attr('clip-path', 'url(#clipCircle)')
.placeNode(function(nodeUI, pos){
nodeUI.attr('x', pos.x - 15).attr('y', pos.y - 15);
var renderer = Viva.Graph.View.renderer(graph, { graphics : graphics });;
The result in the dom will be like this:
<g buffered-rendering="dynamic" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0,1,720,230.5)">
<line stroke="#999" x1="-77.49251279562495" y1="-44.795726056131116" x2="6.447213894549255" y2="-56.29464520347651"></line>
<image width="30" height="30" clip-path="url(#clipCircle)" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="a.jpg" x="-92.49251279562495" y="-59.795726056131116"></image>
<image width="30" height="30" clip-path="url(#clipCircle)" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="b.jpg" x="-8.552786105450746" y="-71.2946452034765"></image>
<clipPath id="clipCircle" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">
<circle r="0.5" cx="0.5" cy="0.5"></circle>
Notice the clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox", since it's the main trick for this solution.

