Masonry plug-in not working in Chrome - javascript

I recently took an interest in building websites and am still very inexperienced, so my apologies if this is easily answered.
I was asked by a friend to build her a simple portfolio website for fashion designs. As such, the website mainly has image galleries. The images come in various sizes and rather than ordering them manually to make it look better, I found the Masonry plugin. I implemented masonry.pkgd.min.js into my code (initialized through the HTML) and ran into two issues:
The main issue that might make question 2 moot entirely… It looks fine in IE and Firefox, but the images come up overlapping in Chrome and it looks horrible. I cleared my cache several times and tried implementing the imagesLoaded plug-in, which did absolutely nothing. I am very new to Javascript and as such have to rely on copy/pasting this sort of plug-in whereas someone else might be able to delve in and tweak it, but at the same time I had no issues getting tabbed content and this does work in two browsers. Any idea why it doesn’t work in Chrome and what I can do to fix it?
After the plug-in, I don’t seem to have any control over automatically centering the image columns in the gallery/container and they are aligned left by nature. I more or less fixed this by manually setting a margin-left that puts everything in the right place, but would like to know if there is a better solution.
Please let me know if I need to include screenshots or specific code.

Issue One:
Try adding imagesLoaded. Chrome in particular has an issue if you don't use it with masonry. I suggest trying the solution in the third box first, it's the easiest and fastest loading. This code will go in your .js file if you have one, or in your script tags if you don't.
If the "why" interests you, it's because your containers load before your pictures and don't know how tall they should be.
Issue Two:
You're right on with this one. You can't center the whole masonry container itself (you can get close, but at certain browser widths there will be a small gutter on the right), but you can center the images within their containers by adding a margin like you did or using:
position: relative;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;


navbar won't open and isn't hidden

This is my first website that I'm trying to build purely by code (usually use Webflow) and I can't get the navbar to work properly. I think it's a javascript problem and I really have no clue with that.
It was working for a while, and I then checked it after a lot of additions and it wasn't working.
Could anyone look over the code and see why the navbar won't open and also is visible on the right side when it is closed.
I don't want to mess about with the JS as I followed a tutorial and really don't know what I'm doing. I tried changing the right position on the .nav-items and it came up with an error.
It seems that your problem is with your media queries, for some widths of the screen, the navbar opens perfectly and for others it doesn't.
Here is a tutorial for that:
Also I noticed lots of inline styles have been added to your elements. Try using a separate .css file with classes inside that will help organizing your css styles.
So if you use a browser JS debugger it seems that all animation for the menu (regardless of media used: desktop, tablet, etc.) is contingent on div.burger, which is only visible when the screen size is below a certain threshold
Since .burger is display: none on desktop view, none of the event listeners get attached to clickable elements, and you get nothing happening on the frontend.
I highly recommend using a browser debugger, such as FireBug to identify problems with your js

How can I get fullpage.js to allow my pages to scroll vertically too?

I'm building a website for a client who wants a horizontally scrolling site, that also accommodates vertical scrolling per "page" when the content won't fit. I did not know how to do this without help, so I started with Álvaro Trigo's Full Page js which you can see here:
And I hacked around until I got this:
This is working relatively well so far, except for one thing:
If the browser window is wide, but not very tall, so that the content is deeper than the height of the browser window will allow, there is no scrolling ability for the site. I've tried many different ways of enabling scrolling, but they either don't work at all, or they work for one page but not others, or only after re-sizing the window slightly to somehow "wake up" the scroll bar.
Is this even possible? I'm thinking that there might be some combination of the methods used in fullpage that create a situation where vertical scrolling isn't an option? I'm stuck.
You just need to debug the page to see that there is an error:
Uncaught TypeError: element.find(...).slimScroll is not a function
That could mean many things, but taking into account that you are using a jQuery plug-in, most likely it will be one of these two:
You are using an old version of the plug-in.
You forgot to include one library needed for the plug-in to work.
As you copied the code from Álvaro Trigo's example page (you should update the meta tag so your page description is accurate and it doesn't look like the page is owned/developed by another person), go there, and check the source code.
There you can see that he is actually including a library that you are not:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../vendors/jquery.slimscroll.min.js"></script>
Download that file, include it in your project, and then the error is gone, the page fits better within the screen, and the scrolling works fine now.

CSS & JQuery browser compatibility

So I've been working on browser compatibility. Unfortunately, when I first designed my site, I desigend the CSS aesthetically for Firefox only. Now I'm having all sorts of trouble trying to get it to look good in the other major browsers. However, when I fix the CSS positioning such as floating a box object to the right, IE8 forces it left. I checked my code on W3C and it's okay semantically. I use little to no javascript. It's a portfolio website. The screensize shifts everything around no matter what browser, yet there is no perfect CSS for this so how does one get things to stay in place? I'm not too familiar with JQuery, but this seems to be the closest I can get to an answer. Where would I plug this into my site to see if this works?

Animation of gets choppy on Android

I just found out about this really cool plugin (new for me, old for some of you maybe) and it works like a charm upon implementation, but only in regular computer browsers. When I try it on my android phone, the css3 animation of the dropdown moves really really choppy, just like its dropping frames. How can I fix this problem?
Here is the plugin I am reffering to:
They seem to have done a really nice job with the plugin, I would say the largest cause of the drop of frame rate may be because you are repainting the entire screen. If you would like, roll your own side navigation but make it go over the existing web page rather than move all the elements on the screen.
As a further step you can also get rid of the javascript and just do plain CSS and see how that works for you, an example of using checkboxes and labels to control the side nav can be found on my site (just inspect the code) - . Hope this helps!

What is causing these browser rendering issues? Z-index conflicts? Positioning rules?

I'm developing a product to be used by a number of customers alongside our Web application.
Quick background:
These customers have incorporated into their pages a widget that we've developed.
The widget's content can be modified by using our application.
The idea behind this product is a bookmarklet that we supply, which will "highlight" our widget on their page, turning it into a clickable link that leads to an administration panel in our app.
The "highlight" effect actually involves some z-index tricks; we create a semi-transparent "backdrop" <div> just a few ticks below the maximum-supported z-index to gray out the page; then, we adjust the z-index of our widget to sit on top of that translucent backdrop. The visual effect should look about like this:
However, in Safari, as well as Firefox under certain conditions, there seem to be some sort of rendering artifacts that prevent this from looking as intended:
As you can tell from the screenshot, a couple of elements (our logo image and the <iframe> that holds an advertisement) are still "bright," as intended. But, the rest of the widget is still shaded-out.
I've been poking around with Firebug for quite a while to try to get at the source of the problem, but I haven't had any revelations. I'm hoping that someone has experienced a similar issue, or recognizes the "visual signature" of this kind of problem. Or, if you're simply adept at JavaScript/jQuery and/or Firebug, I could really use your help trying to figure out where this approach is falling short.
I created a test bookmarklet as a live example. To see it, please:
Open Firefox (the version under development currently only works there reliably).
Go to this page and drag the link there to your Bookmarks Bar: Example Bookmarklet
Navigate to:
Click the bookmarklet while on that page, and you should see what I'm referring to.
Thanks very much in advance for any help! This has me baffled.
I was about to give up on this, but I think I found the problem. You have a hell of a lot of DOM elements going on here, but luckily that isn't the issue causing this problem.
The iframe inside DIV#onespot_nextclick needs a background color of #FFF.

