Call function at scroll once - javascript

I have jQuery function counter and I need to call it when I scroll page
$(document).ready(function () {
$.fn.counter = function () {
$(this).each(function () {
var num = $(this).data('counter');
var i = 1,
self = $(this).html(i);
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (i >= num) {
}, 100);
$(window).scroll(function() {
var height = $(window).scrollTop();
if(height > 300) {
$('.counter-1, .counter-2, .counter-3, .counter-4').counter();
The problem is when I scroll page again up or down function is called again and again every time.
I tried to use this code
$(document).ready(function () {
$.fn.counter = function () {
$(this).each(function () {
var num = $(this).data('counter');
var i = 1,
self = $(this).html(i);
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (i >= num) {
}, 100);
$(window).one('scroll', function () {
var height = $(window).scrollTop();
if (height > 300) {
$('.counter-1, .counter-2, .counter-3, .counter-4').counter();
but in this case after the reloading the page function is not called.
Is there any way to call function only once on scroll and don't call it again but call it after the reloading the page ?

You should use a name space with .on/.off :
$(window).on('scroll.custom', function () {
var height = $(window).scrollTop();
if (height > 300) {
$('.counter-1, .counter-2, .counter-3, .counter-4').counter();


jQuery - How to make sticky header return to default state on top of the page without scroll event?

I have sticky header and a stats counter on my page, and when fires if i return to top of the page, header won't return to default.
Here is the code
//here is counter
$(function () {
var screenSize = $(window).height();
var scrollHeight = ( screenSize ) + 100;
function comma(num) {
var parts = num.toString().split(".");
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
return parts.join(".");
var fx = function fx() {
$(".stat-number").each(function (i, el) {
var data = parseInt(this.dataset.n, 10);
var props = {
"from": {
"count": 0
"to": {
"count": data
$(props.from).animate(, {
duration: 1000 * 1,
step: function (now, fx) {
complete:function() {
if (el.dataset.sym !== undefined) {
el.textContent = el.textContent.concat(el.dataset.sym)
var reset = function reset() {
if ($(this).scrollTop() > scrollHeight) {
$(window).on("scroll", reset);
//here is sticky header
$(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > 2) {
} else {
I think the problem is they both use 'scroll' event, and counter have this line
So my question is, is there way to check if user is on top of the page without 'scroll' event?

Rename a function after resizing screen

is possible to change a name of a function after resizing screen?
I have this
<div id="box1" data-same-height="blocks-resize">
is the function, and here's the javascript of that function.
$(document).ready(function() {
var equalize = function () {
var disableOnMaxWidth = 0; // 767 for bootstrap
var grouped = {};
var elements = $('*[data-same-height]');
elements.each(function () {
var el = $(this);
var id = el.attr('data-same-height');
if (!grouped[id]) {
grouped[id] = [];
$.each(grouped, function (key) {
var elements = $('*[data-same-height="' + key + '"]');
elements.css('height', '');
var winWidth = $(window).width();
if (winWidth <= disableOnMaxWidth) {
var maxHeight = 0;
elements.each(function () {
var eleq = $(this);
maxHeight = Math.max(eleq.height(), maxHeight);
elements.css('height', maxHeight + "px");
var timeout = null;
$(window).resize(function () {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null;
timeout = setTimeout(equalize, 250);
It's possible to change that name (data-same-height) after resizing screen to 600px? or could be also the "blocks-resize" too
$(window).on("resize load", responsive);
var responsive = function() {
if(window.innerWidth < 600) {
//do your thing
} else {
//do something else.

Changing windows width with JQuery without reloading the page again

I have a JQuery rotator in my website with a slides images and I want to make the website responsive. I'm using CSS media queries to do it. I want to change the slide width (which defines in JS) when the windows width is less than 800px.
So long, I did something like this:
var responsiveSlideWidth;
if ($(window).width() < 800) {
responsiveSlideWidth = 700;
else {
responsiveSlideWidth = 960;
var defaults = {
container: '.rotatorWrapper',
animationduration: 1000,
slideWidth: responsiveSlideWidth
The problem is that it is working just after page reload. Thats means: if I resize the window size its is not working until I reload the page.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: My full code:
(function ($) {
$.fn.Rotator = function (options) {
var responsiveSlideWidth;
if ($(window).width() < 800) {
responsiveSlideWidth = 700;
else {
responsiveSlideWidth = 960;
var defaults = {
container: '.rotatorWrapper',
animationduration: 1000,
slideWidth: responsiveSlideWidth
options = $.extend(defaults, options);
elm = this;
var pageIndex = 0,
slideCount = 0;
var _init = function () {
slideCount = elm.find(options.container).children().children().length;
elm.find(options.container).children().width(slideCount * options.slideWidth);
var _bindEvents = function () {
var jElm = $(elm);
jElm.find('.prev').on('click', _previous);
jElm.find('.next').on('click', _next);
var _next = function (e) {
if (pageIndex >= 0 && pageIndex < slideCount - 1) {
left: "-=" + options.slideWidth
}, options.animationduration);
var _previous = function (e) {
if (pageIndex <= slideCount) {
left: "+=" + options.slideWidth
}, options.animationduration);
var _togglePager = function () {
var $elm = $(elm);
var prev = $elm.find('.prev');
var next = $elm.find('.next');
console.log('slide count' + pageIndex + ' Page Index' + pageIndex)
if (pageIndex >= slideCount - 1) {
} else {;
if (pageIndex <= 0) {
} else {;
return _init(elm);

SinglePage navigation

My website uses onePageNav and scrollTo jquery code. I would like to insert code which correct my position on the website when i click on the same link in the navigation (i scroll mouse up or down but current button (hover) in navigation has not moved yet on to the next one).
OnePageNav code:
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
// our plugin constructor
var OnePageNav = function (elem, options) {
this.elem = elem;
this.$elem = $(elem);
this.options = options;
this.metadata = this.$'plugin-options');
this.$nav = this.$elem.find('a');
this.$win = $(window);
this.sections = {};
this.didScroll = false;
this.$doc = $(document);
this.docHeight = this.$doc.height();
// the plugin prototype
OnePageNav.prototype = {
defaults: {
currentClass: 'current',
changeHash: true,
easing: 'swing',
filter: '',
scrollSpeed: 750,
scrollOffset: 0,
scrollThreshold: 0.5,
begin: false,
end: false,
scrollChange: false
init: function () {
var self = this;
// Introduce defaults that can be extended either
// globally or using an object literal.
self.config = $.extend({}, self.defaults, self.options, self.metadata);
//Filter any links out of the nav
if (self.config.filter !== '') {
self.$nav = self.$nav.filter(self.config.filter);
//Handle clicks on the nav
self.$nav.on('click.onePageNav', $.proxy(self.handleClick, self));
//Get the section positions
//Handle scroll changes
//Update the positions on resize too
self.$win.on('resize.onePageNav', $.proxy(self.getPositions, self));
return this;
adjustNav: function (self, $parent) {
self.$elem.find('.' + self.config.currentClass).removeClass(self.config.currentClass);
bindInterval: function () {
var self = this;
var docHeight;
self.$win.on('scroll.onePageNav', function () {
self.didScroll = true;
self.t = setInterval(function () {
docHeight = self.$doc.height();
//If it was scrolled
if (self.didScroll) {
self.didScroll = false;
//If the document height changes
if (docHeight !== self.docHeight) {
self.docHeight = docHeight;
}, 250);
getHash: function ($link) {
return $link.attr('href').split('#')[1];
getPositions: function () {
var self = this;
var linkHref;
var topPos;
var $target;
self.$nav.each(function () {
linkHref = self.getHash($(this));
$target = $('#' + linkHref);
if ($target.length) {
topPos = $target.offset().top;
self.sections[linkHref] = Math.round(topPos) - self.config.scrollOffset;
getSection: function (windowPos) {
var returnValue = null;
var windowHeight = Math.round(this.$win.height() * this.config.scrollThreshold);
for (var section in this.sections) {
if ((this.sections[section] - windowHeight) < windowPos) {
returnValue = section;
return returnValue;
handleClick: function (e) {
var self = this;
var $link = $(e.currentTarget);
var $parent = $link.parent();
var newLoc = '#' + self.getHash($link);
if (!$parent.hasClass(self.config.currentClass)) {
//Start callback
if (self.config.begin) {
//Change the highlighted nav item
self.adjustNav(self, $parent);
//Removing the auto-adjust on scroll
//Scroll to the correct position
$.scrollTo(newLoc, self.config.scrollSpeed, {
axis: 'y',
easing: self.config.easing,
offset: {
top: -self.config.scrollOffset
onAfter: function () {
//Do we need to change the hash?
if (self.config.changeHash) {
window.location.hash = newLoc;
//Add the auto-adjust on scroll back in
//End callback
if (self.config.end) {
scrollChange: function () {
var windowTop = this.$win.scrollTop();
var position = this.getSection(windowTop);
var $parent;
//If the position is set
if (position !== null) {
$parent = this.$elem.find('a[href$="#' + position + '"]').parent();
//If it's not already the current section
if (!$parent.hasClass(this.config.currentClass)) {
//Change the highlighted nav item
this.adjustNav(this, $parent);
//If there is a scrollChange callback
if (this.config.scrollChange) {
unbindInterval: function () {
OnePageNav.defaults = OnePageNav.prototype.defaults;
$.fn.onePageNav = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
new OnePageNav(this, options).init();
})(jQuery, window, document);
$(function () { // this is the shorthand for document.ready
$(window).scroll(function () { // this is the scroll event for the document
scrolltop = $(window).scrollTop(); // by this we get the value of the scrolltop ie how much scroll has been don by user
if (parseInt(scrolltop) >= 80) // check if the scroll value is equal to the top of navigation
"position": "fixed",
"top": "0"
}); // is yes then make the position fixed to top 0
} else {
"position": "absolute",
"top": "80px"
}); // if no then make the position to absolute and set it to 80
}); //here
}); //here

check if the page is on the top of the window

I need to check if an html page is on the top of the window or not.
So, i am using this code:
a = ($(window).scrollTop());
if (a>0) {
alert('page not in top');
But this is not working as expected because the event should be fired only when the user stops the scroll action. Any idea?
Try this:
var timer = null;
$(window).addEventListener('scroll', function() {
if(timer !== null) {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
// do something
}, 150);
}, false);
Or this one:
var timer;
$(window).bind('scroll',function () {
timer = setTimeout( refresh , 150 );
var refresh = function () {
// do stuff
console.log('Stopped Scrolling');
Use setTimeout:
var timeout;
$(window).scroll(function() {
timeout = setTimeout(function(){
a = $(window).scrollTop();
if ( a > 0 ) {
alert('page not in top');
}, 100);

