Cleaner way to provide different href URLs on ng-repeat? - javascript

I am using hide and show to display different href links on ng-repeat depending if the userid exists on routeParams. The image inside the href tag is the same for both conditions.
For example:
<div ng-repeat="trip in trips">
// If userid exists, the user is authenticated so provide userid on url
<a ng-show="userid" ng-href="#/trip/{{trip.tripid}}/user/{{userid}}">
// Same exact image as in ng-hide
<img ng-src="trip.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Trip Photo">
// If userid does not exist, the user is not authenticated so no userid on url
<a ng-hide="userid" ng-href="#/trip/{{trip.tripid}}/">
// Same exact image as in ng-show
<img ng-src="trip.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Trip Photo">
I feel there is a less redundant way to avoid using ng-show and ng-hide just to change the URL and writing duplicate image tags inside the anchor tag.

You could use a filter and pass the data, as such:
filter('urlFormatter', function() {
return function(tripid, userId) {
if(angular.isDefined(userId)) {
return "#/trip/"+tripid+"/user/"+userId;
return "#/trip/"+tripid+"/";
Then use it in your attribute as:
ng-href="trip.tripid | urlFormatter:userid"
ng-href="trip.tripid | urlFormatter"
You can also use the $location service and change your path:
With this method, you would bind an ng-click to the tag and apply the location logic within the controller, that is, if the userid is passed.
An example:
<a ng-click="goSomewhere(trip.tripid, userid)">
Where the controller would be
controller('demoCtrl', ['$scope', '$location', function($scope, $location) {
$scope.goSomewhere = function(tripid, userid) {
if(angular.isDefined(userid) {
else {


AngularJS scope in function does not seem to be working

I have two ajax calls. The data starts from the html (input), when enter is pressed, what is in the input field is sent to the controller then to the factory which makes the first ajax call. The success is handled back in the controller, then another ajax call is requested, and the data from that request is handled back in the controller again. I have a $scope -- $scope.ytChannel = data.items; in that final success within the function that does not seem to be working. Here is my code starting with the html
<input class="form-control channel-index" type="text" ng-model="channel" placeholder="Enter Channel" ng-keydown="$event.which === 13 && cname(channel)"/>
.factory('ytVids', function($http){
getChannel: function(name){
var url = ' part=contentDetails&forUsername='+ name +'&key=[my api key]';
return $http.get(url);
getVids: function(channel){
return $http.get(''+channel+'&key=[my api key]');
.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, ytVids) {
$scope.cname = function(channel){
console.log('in success');
$scope.ytChannel = data.items; // This is the scope that is not seeming to want to work.
And here is the html that calls that ytChannel
<li ng-repeat="item in ytChannel" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 vid-options">
<a href="#">
<div class="title">{{item.snippet.title}}</div>
<img src="{{item.snippet.thumbnails.maxres.url}}" />
if a scope is in a function, does the html not have access to it? What can be done so I can have access to the returned data?
This is the error the console gives in the dev tools GET http://localhost:9000/%7B%7Bitem.snippet.thumbnails.maxres.url%7D%7D 404 (Not Found)
The correct code is
<img ng-src="{{item.snippet.thumbnails.maxres.url}}" />
As the manual says,
Using Angular markup like {{hash}} in a src attribute doesn't work
right: The browser will fetch from the URL with the literal text
{{hash}} until Angular replaces the expression inside {{hash}}. The
ngSrc directive solves this problem.

Issues with $location in Angularjs

I have a single page app '(Backend in Python/Django)' where my functions return json response and that json response handled by angular js in front end . I am using angular ajax call to hit the function. Now we all know that on ajax call url in address bar do not get changed. But in angular js we can set url using $location.path(). So it keeps the history of url I have visited and on browser back button it changes the url in address bar to previous one . But it do not change the content of the page.
My angular ajax call :
function($scope,$http, $location, $route, $timeout){
$scope.url = '/get-brainframe/'+id+'/';
$scope.url = '/get-brainframe/';
$scope.title = data[0].title
$scope.brainframes = data;
$scope.parent= data[0].id;
As I am setting $location.path() on ajax success , so it appends the current visited url in address bar and keeps history of every url i have visited. But when I click on browser back button it changes the url in address bar to previous one but not the content.
Now is there any function that i can trigger when I click on browser back button or how I can change the content of page ?
above ajax success function edited .
My html :
<div class="content">
<span ng-repeat="brainframe in brainframes">
<p ng-if = "brainframe.brainframes.length > 0 ">
<ul class="list-group col-md-5">
<div data-ng-repeat="brain in brainframe.brainframes" class="child-brainframes">
<a class="my-title" ng-click="getAllBrainframes(">
<li class="list-group-item"><span class="badge">{$ brain.count_children $}</span>{$ brain.brainframe_child.title $}</li>
<p ng-if = "brainframe.brainframes.length < 1 ">
<span>No brainframes are available.</span>
You need to look at $routeParams and change the content in the template.
function($scope,$http, $location, $route, $timeout, $routeParams){
$ = $;
$scope.url = '/home/'+id+'/';
$scope.url = '/home';
In your template:
Check for the $scope property and show/hide
<script type="text/ng-template" id="Home.html">
<p>This is one template</p>
<p ng-if="id">This is in next template</p>
<a ng-click="getAllBrainframes('1')">next template</a>
Check full code here
If you want to persist the ajax call data between routes, you need to probably store it in a service and access it in your controller based on the $routeParams from the service.

Directive on ng-repeat not working

I have this directive:
.directive('img', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function (scope, elem, attr) {
if (attr.src && attr.type === "extension"){
var url = "chrome-extension://" + + attr.src
// console.log(url)
// elem[0].setAttribute("src", url)
// elem[0].dataset.ngSrc = url
<tr ng-repeat="integration in profile.integrations">
<!-- <h3>{{integration.provider}}</h3> -->
<img type="extension" src="/images/icons/{{integration.provider}}.png" alt="" width="50px">
My console log still shows the src and does not remove it nor will replace it. It's something to do with ng-repeat because this works on another image perfectly.
You are basically recreating one of angular's convenience directives that was made for the situation where you use an expression in the src attribute. Use ng-src instead of src, and you won't need your img directive
ng-src doc:
Using Angular markup like {{hash}} in a src attribute doesn't work
right: The browser will fetch from the URL with the literal text
{{hash}} until Angular replaces the expression inside {{hash}}. The
ngSrc directive solves this problem.
<img type="extension"
ng-src="/images/icons/{{integration.provider}}.png" alt="" width="50px">
As noted by runTarm in the comments this does not add the chrome-extension protocol to the image url, to do that you need to do two things
Add chrome-extension to the AngularJS whitelist, otherwise Angular will prepend unsafe: to the url
Add the expression to the ng-src to add the protocol
Adding to the whitelist
//modified from
var app = angular.module( 'myApp', [] );
app.config( ['$compileProvider', function( $compileProvider ) {
//adds chrome-extension to the whitelist
//put the id on the rootScope so we can use it in expression
$rootScope.extensionUrl = "chrome-extension://";
<img ng-src="{{extensionUrl}}/images/icons/{{integration.provider}}.png" alt="" width="50px">

Triggering function on ngclick with AngularJS

I have a function that makes a $http call to an external API and then populates some results within an ng-repeat array.
Right now the function gets triggered on every element on the ng-repeat, which creates a whole lot of server calls. I'd like for the function to only make the call once an element from the ng-repeat is clicked upon.
I've tried with ng-click, but i'd say i'm missing something.
The $http query that i'm trying to call on click is the second one:
function ImageCtrl($scope, $http) {
$scope.image = 'img/record-default.png';
$http.get('' + $ + '&album=' + $scope.release.title + '&format=json').
success(function (data4) {
$scope.image = data4.album.image[2]['#text'];
function getVersions ($scope, $http){
$http.get('' + $ + '/versions').
success(function (data5) {
$scope.versions = data5.versions;
And the relevant html:
<div class="col-md-3" ng-controller="ImageCtrl" ng-repeat="release in releases | filter:album | filter:year | filter:{ role: \'main\' }" >
<div class="release" ng-click="getVersions()"> \
<img class="img-responsive" ng-src="{{image}}" /> {{release.title}}
<ul ng-controller="ImageCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="version in versions">{{version.format}}</li>
And a working Plunker. Function in question is line 60 on script.js
So I ended up taking what you have shown and doing some refactoring.
I moved getVersions to the prototype, and use it to append versions to a release object instead of the $scope.
function ImageCtrl($scope, fakeService) {
var _this = this;
this.fakeService = fakeService;
this.$scope = $scope;
.then(function (releases) {
$scope.releases = releases;
this.$scope.getVersions = function(release){
ImageCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', 'fakeService'];
ImageCtrl.prototype.getVersions = function (release) {
.then(function (versions) {
release.versions = versions;
The markup isn't terribly different, but you can see where I pass the actual release object into the getVersions function in the click event. This way it always acts directly on the object bound to that particular row.
<div class="row" ng-controller="ImageCtrl">
<div class="col-md-3" ng-repeat="release in releases">
<div class="release" ng-click="getVersions(release)">
<img class="img-responsive" height="100" width="100" ng-src="{{release.image}}" />
<li ng-repeat="version in release.versions">{{version.format}}</li>
And here is a working demo showing the whole thing in action:
I'm using a fake service here to mimic calling a web service in order to get the data. I highly recommend wrapping up your calls to $http in order to encapsulate data access in your controller.

Angular API calls and promises

I'm working on an angular app and having a difficult time with one seemly simple operation. Basically, I'm making a call to the soundcloud api, grabbing my tracks, then looping through those tracks and grabbing the iframe embed object, injecting that into the tracks object then sending that whole thing as a promise to be resolved and stored in a $scope.soundcloud object. Just fyi, the second SC call is necessary to generate the widget html. I wish it wasn't but it is hah.
This all happends as it should and i can see the object in $scope. My template picks up the initial data (main track data), and console.logging the object shows the track and embed data, but the template NEVER sees the embed data.
So, fundamentally, How do I get my template to see the embed data, so i can use it with a directive or ng-bind-html? Below is all my code, please ask if you need any more information! Thank you all very much.
<div class="track" ng-repeat="track in soundcloud.tracks">
<div class="front">
<img src="app/img/loading.gif" />
<div class="back" ng-bind-html="{{track.oembed}}">
Angular Service
getTracks: function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise;
SC.get("/me/tracks", function(tracks){
$.each(tracks, function(k, v){
if(v.sharing != 'private'){
SC.oEmbed(v.uri, function(oembed){
v.oembed = $sce.trustAsHtml(oembed.html);
} else {
v.oembed = null;
return $q.all({tracks: promise});
Angular Controller
.controller("GridCtrl", ['$scope', 'Soundcloud', function($scope, Soundcloud){
// Init the Soundcloud SDK config
// Get the tracks from soundcloud
Soundcloud.getTracks().then(function success(results){
// Store tracks in the $scope
$scope.soundcloud = results;
Try creating a directive like this:
app.module('yourModule').directive('embedTrack', function() {
return function(scope, elem, attr) {
You then use it like this:
<div class="track" ng-repeat="track in soundcloud.tracks">
<div class="front">
<img src="app/img/loading.gif" />
<div class="back">
<div embed-track></div>
In case you want to pass it as an attribute to the directive, you need to use attr.$observe to make sure you get the value after the interpolation.
<div embed-track={{ track.oembed }}></div>
The directive would then be:
app.module('yourModule').directive('embedTrack', function() {
return function(scope, elem, attr) {
attr.$observe('embedTrack', function(value) {

