Google is undefined error - Windows 8 metro application - javascript

function initialize() {
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(41.001188, 21.330084),
zoom: 8
I'm building Windows 8 metro application using Javascript and I only have one HTML file where I call Initialize function to show Google Map, but the application fails because of this error: "Google is undefined"
Does anyone know how can I fix this?

The issue you're likely having is that you cannot load remote script into the "Local Context" in which an app normally runs. This is spelled out on Features and restrictions by context.
You can load remote script into the "web context" which means you use an x-ms-webview element as the element that hosts the map, and point the Webview to an HTML file that has the remote script reference. I use a similar approach (for Bing Maps) in the sample I build in Chapter 2 (page 72) of my free ebook, Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Second Edition. In that chapter I start by using an iframe, and then change to x-ms-webview in Chapter 4 (starting on page 191). I also show how to communicate with the iframe/Webview so the app can drive it.
The upshot is that if you try to load remote script into the local context, it's ignored and thus the google namespace will be undefined.
As an alternate approach, you could try downloading the remote script and include it as part of your package, referring to it like you would other JS files in your project. However, there are other restrictions in the local context that might cause this script to fail itself, especially if it's trying to load other remote script. Thus the iframe/Webview approach is more reliable.
By the way, the content URI stuff in the manifest has no bearing on this matter; that applies specifically to the privileges you grant to remote script once it's loaded. See "App Content URIs" in Chapter 4 of the aforementioned book (page 197)

Could it be that you are missing a reference to the Google API in your HTML file?
Something like this inside the Head section:
<script src=""></script>

In case if anyone is facing this issue still then consider to mention this line it first:
<script src='//'></script>
And then mention any js resource or anything which is based on the Google Maps Javascript API version 3.


How to find the source file that generate VM Script?

My Rails application generate incorrect JS VM Script as circled that cause a issue.
How can I track to the source that generate it? (Source JS that created it not the displayed one in screenshots)
I've check on Firefox but issue still occured with different file name.
I found this issue when I deployed this service into production in AWS EC2 only.
Start the service in local got no issue
Use Network tab to inspect suspecious call which cause additional VM_____ script.
I've inspect and check Network
There's a xhr called inside some widget
That xhr call this appilication script again as eval function
So all resource in this page loaded twice
I've disable that JS and it's work now.
There's no additional VM____ in the inspection anymore

How to implement Google Analytics event tracking inside a React VR project?

This is loosely written to give a basic idea of what I'm trying achieve.
< VrButton onClick={props.userClick}>< /VrButton>
userClick={() => this.triggerTracking}
triggerTracking() {
ga('send', 'event', 'myEventCategory', 'myEventAction', 'myEventLabel');
I expect the code to trigger Google Analytics event tracking in the GA system when the user clicks on a button, but I get an error message - "ga is not a function".
I have GA set up in my index.html file, with the proper ID, and pulling in the latest analytics.js API.
React VR is all within a web worker context so it is not possible to access anything on your window without the use of native modules.
You can embed them directly in your client js and use the GA tracking functions as you normally would there. You will then call a function on your native module within your react VR app.
You can check out the documentation here:
Try using the window scope as:'send', 'event', 'myEventCategory', 'myEventAction', 'myEventLabel');
I'm not familiar with React at all, but perhaps React causes some abstraction between the window and the react scope, making your ga() function unavailable.
Do next stps:
open the network debug tool of your browser.
reload your page
review loaded url list and check that is loaded
If you does not see such url loaded - read google analitycks manual about how to setup google analytics on your page.
If you see such url replace url with in your page, than reload and than go to console tab of your browser debugger and check the errors.

Webextension inline install chrome.runtime.connect issues

I'm having a really weird issue, I've developped a webextension that uses messaging between content script and background script (using chrome.runtime.connect) and nativemessaging.
The issue i'm facing is that when I install the extension (manually from the store beforehand and then connect to my website, everything works as expected, the chrome.runtime.connect works and returns a valid port to the background script.
But when i do an inline install of the extension from my website to get around the fact to have to navigate to have the content script in the webpage, i manually inject the content script into my page using
function injectContentScript() {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.setAttribute("src", "chrome-extension://<extensionid>/content.js");
and the exact same content script but manually injected doesn't behave the same. chrome.runtime.connect returns a null object and chrome.runtime.lastError gives me
Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
I'm calling on the sender side (content.js - manually injected content script) chrome.runtime.connect(extensionID) where extension id is the id of the extension generated by the chrome webstore. And on the receiving side (background.js - extension background script) chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(onPortConnected);
I'm not really sure how to debug this issue, maybe it's a timing issue?
The background script is well executed even with the inline install (i've added logs and debugged it through the background.html in chrome extension manager)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You have two scenarios.
Your content script content.js is executed as normal upon navigation, as a content script defined in the manifest.
In this case, it executes in a special JS context attached to the page and reserved for your content scripts. See Execution Environment docs section for explanation. It is isolated from the webpage and is considered part of the extension (albeit with lower privileges).
When you connect from a content script, chrome.runtime.connect() is treated as internal communication between parts of the extension. So while you can provide the extension ID, it is not needed.
More importantly, the event raised in this case is chrome.runtime.onConnect.
Your supposed "inject content script immediately" code called from the webpage does something completely different.
Instead of creating a new execution context, the code is instead added directly to the page; it is not considered part of the extension and has no access to extension API.
Normally, a call to chrome.runtime.connect() would simply fail, as this is not a function exposed to webpages; however, you also declared externally_connectable, so it is exposed specifically to your webpage.
In this case, passing the extension ID is mandatory for the connect. You were doing this already, so the call was succeeding.
However, and that's what made it fail: the corresponding event is no longer onConnect, but onConnectExternal!
What you should be doing is:
Not mixing code that is run in very different contexts.
If you need communication from the webpage to background, always do it from the webpage, not sometimes-from-content-sometimes-from-page.
That way you only have to listen to onConnectExternal and it cuts out the need for a content script (if it was its only function).
See the docs as well: Sending messages from web pages.
You don't have to source the code from chrome-extension://<extensionid>/; you can directly add this to your website's code and potentially avoid web_accessible_resources.
And if you actually want to inject content scripts on first run, see for example this answer.
Related reading: How to properly handle chrome extension updates from content scripts

Firefox extension: Access to main document from sidebar

I'm brand new to writing Firefox extensions and I'm trying to create a sidebar which searches for certain elements in the main document and shows info about them in the sidebar. I followed the instructions here to create the sidebar with no problems.
Problem I'm having now is accessing the main window or document in my sidebar.js file.
The docs here say to use
var mainWindow = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
But that gives me this error:
TypeError: window.QueryInterface is not a function
I'm getting the warning:
The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed.
Which makes me think even if the code above worked for me it's not the best method.
The error messages indicate that your code is running in an unprivileged javascript context. .QueryInterface() is XPCOM code, i.e. accessing internal browser components which is only available to privileged code.
It is generally not advisable to for "leaf content" (windows/sidebars spawned by addons) to have direct control. Instead your addon main code should coordinate the individual views. Your sidebar should be dumb, just pass messages to addon code and the addon then modifies the content of the tab.
Due e10s various parts of the browser may end up running in separate processes in the future and will not have direct access to each other.
If you're not developing with the addon-sdk - which is designed with message-passing as its primary way of gluing components together - you will have to use the message manager to wire your addon, sidebar and content scripts together.
Use tabs.create() | MDN as in:
I also used that documentation and I also got that error. The documentation is too old.
will work fine

Firefox add-on declaring functions and use in content script

i am trying to write my first firefox add-on. the main problem seem s to be that i am also new to javascript. at the moment i have:
include: ["*"],
contentScript: 'window.addEventListener("click", function(e) { alert("blub"); }, false);',
attachTo: ["existing", "top"]
(thx to the answer here.)
now i want to use a declared function instead of an anonymous one, but i cant get it to work:
include: ["*"],
contentScript: 'window.addEventListener("click", function(e) { alert("blub"); }, false);',
attachTo: ["existing", "top"]
getImgData function (e) {
the first problem is i get syntax error by just adding the function "missing ; before statement". But cfx doesn't tell me the wrong line. (Is there any useful tool for js editing with good syntax check/ content assist?)
So how to declare a function and use ist somewhere else in the script. At the end the function needs to get the target of click and parse it.
(i read the tutorials but thy all use anonymous functions :-P)
thx in advance
It's important to realize the separation between chrome scripts and content scripts. Chrome scripts are those that run with the same security privileges as Firefox - they have full access to Firefox and your computer. Content scripts are those that run with the same privileges as web pages. They can mess around with that web page, but are severely restricted otherwise. To maintain security, the way these two types of scripts can communicate is limited. You wouldn't want a web page to be able to call any function it wants in your extension's internal code!
Your main JS file (the one that includes require('sdk/page-mod')) is a chrome script. What you're injecting (contentScript) is (obviously) a content script. They can't communicate through a direct function call as you're doing.
If your getImgData function is something that can be done with normal web page privileges, you can move your definition of it to within the content script. If it requires additional privileges, you must have your content script communicate with your chrome script via the emit and on functions as described in the link above.
If you are going to make your content script any longer, I would recommend you separate it into its own file to make your life easier.

