Adding thumbnails to basic jQuery slider - javascript

I have used the Basic jQuery slider which can be found at and it works in my site. I am pretty new to jQuery but understand HTML and CSS pretty well. I was just wondering, is there a way to make it so rather than the numbers underneath the images, it comes up with thumbnails of the images above it?
My code is pretty much exactly the same as the code given but altered to my own website.
I'm bad at explaining things but I hope I've explained myself properly at hope somebody can help!

You could just use an image tag and add the images between each anchor tag where the site you linked has 1,2,3.


Jquery or javascript: dragging an image to a certain position to change pages

im making a one page layout of a website, i would like to ask if it is possible to use a draggable image to a certain position to change pages?
im not that good with jquery and js so please bear with me.
check this:
if this like you want... it's a parallax. so you can try to find a tutorial to do this.
best regards,

jQuery navigation - external loading (or perhaps it isn't... I'm having trouble figuring it out)

I find my problem a little bit difficult to ask about, because I don't know how to explain it or how to even start searching for an answer. I will try here because I'm really stuck and I know Stack Overflow always helps me find a way to keep going and learning. See if someone can open my eyes.
What I'm looking forward to is to achieve a similar effect as the navigation in uzik's page: (see the grey banner at the bottom? well, that). So, yes, I know how to overlap two divs and just slide one or the other on top using jQuery. In fact, there's this demo that shows how to do that and more beautifully (very interesting link to keep ;) ).
But my problem is something else. Notice that when you click on the slider that will overlap the main content, the url changes. That's what I would like to achieve and I don't know if both divs (main content and overlapping content) are on the same page and the url is being changed using some js; or if the overlapping div is, in fact loaded from an external source.
In my case, I would like to load from an external page. Say, for instance, and The aim is, having both preloaded (I guess) to slide one on top of the other.
Is this even possible? I would like to think it is. I can follow js and jQuery instructions more or less, but need some guidance as to where to start off searching info, specifically on the loading content from some other url part.
Any tip is appreciated.
Kind regards, Bea.

How is this done. Javascript?
I'm wondering how the top navigation was programmed, From the source code I see javascript but I am hoping someone could recommend a resource / tutorial in learning how they built both the top navigation and the siding feature.
Many thanks.
You should investigate Path.js ( ) as the url's suggest they are using it.
I doubt anyone has written a tutorial on how Denny's made a website.
But through some playing in the console, I found they use jQuery, which comes with many effects. To bring the navigation down, they probably use something like..
$('#navigation-button').mouseenter(function () {
I have something similar set up here.
Don't use any of that code directly. It's just quickly written garbage. It'd need quite a bit of tweeking for production.
It's easy with javascript/jquery. Create a main div with fixed witdh where you put all your pages (menu, home, etc) and overflow:hidden. Then, with jquery's plugin Animate slide the position of the div's content.
Search for jquery controls. There are several available on the net free of charge which help you get this functionality.

Javascript plugin

i was wondering if anybody knows (and if there is such a thing) a javascript plugin that can do to following:
on the website click on any of the menu buttons on top for eg. "about us"; then you see a line appear in the middle and expand so that you can see the entire div...
I need a similar animation effect, flash is out of the question, so i have to use javascript...
i have some ideas on making it with some "smooth div fade in/out" js plugins, but i was wondering if there is a plugin SPECIFIC to the thing i need?
thanks very much in advance for the anwsers!
Ok, since you didn't state any jQuery "dont-wanting" I'd recommend you to check out jQuery. It is a set of JavaScript libraries that help you manage your HTML and CSS with some light code.
You can see HERE, HERE and HERE how it can animate divs and other elements (I see that it is what you need).
You can check out the official web site and there you can find all kinds of examples and documentation that you will ever need. I recommend you to see THIS (click RUN).

How to create an endless picture-show without marquee?

I wrote a module for Joomla! 1.5 which shows the pictures (banners) with the most clicks. Now I want to show this list scrolling on the home-site. With "marquee" there is a break after the last picture.
I've found an advice which said I'll have to create a div-container with overflow: hidden and a second div with javascripte which changes the positions of the pictures.
Can anyone help me to write this code, because I don't get javascripte?
There are plenty of free ones you can get that are already written for you.
Try one of these jquery scripts to do what you are looking for...
The best way to implement such feature is looking to this great JQuery Video tutorial and you will have a great product :)
URL: JQuery Spy effect
MOV: Jquery Spy effect
Hope that is exactly what you are looking for.

