Update embedded document mongoose - javascript

I'm looking for an easy way of updating an embedded document using mongoose without having to set each specific field manually. Looking at the accepted answer to this question, once you find the embedded document that you want to update you have to actually set each respective property and then save the parent. What I would prefer to do is pass in an update object and let MongoDB set the updates.
e.g. if I was updating a regular (non embedded) document I would do this:
models.User.findOneAndUpdate({_id: req.params.userId}, req.body.user, function(err, user) {
err ? resp.status(500).send(err) : user ? resp.send(user) : resp.status(404).send();
Here I don't actually have to go through each property in req.body.user and set the changes. I can't find a way of doing this kind of thing with sub documents as well ?
My Schema is as follows:
var UserSchema = BaseUserSchema.extend({
isActivated: { type: Boolean, required: true },
files: [FileSchema]
var FileSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
name: { type: String, required: true },
size: { type: Number, required: true },
type: { type: String, required: true },
And I'm trying to update a file based on user and file id.
Do I need to create a helper function to set the values, or is there a MongoDB way of doing this ?
Many thanks.

Well presuming that you have something that has you "filedata" in a variable, and of course the user _id that you are updating, then you wan't the $set operator:
var user = { /* The user information, at least the _id */
var filedata = { /* From somewhere with _id, name, size, type */ };
{ "_id": user._id, "files._id": filedata._id },
"$set": {
"name": filedata.name,
"size": filedata.size,
"type": filedata.type
function(err,user) {
// Whatever in here such a message, but the update is already done.
Or really, just only $set the fields that you actually mean to "update" as long as you know which ones you mean. So if you only need to change the "size" then just set that for example.


Conditionally Update/Insert and Add To Array

I have .tsv file with some orders information. After remake into my script i got this.
[{"order":"5974842dfb458819244adbf7","name":"Сергей Климов","email":"wordkontent#gmail.com"},
{"order":"5974842dfb458819244adbf8","name":"Сушков А.В.","email":"mail#wwwcenter.ru"},
and so on
I have a scheema into mongoose.
var ClientSchema = mongoose.Schema({
type: String
type: String,
unique : true,
required: true,
index: true
type: String
type: String
type: Number,
default: 3
type: Boolean,
default: true
type: String
type: [String]
clienturl is an password 8 chars length, that generated by function.
module.exports.arrayClientSave = function(clientsArray,callback){
let newClientsArray = clientsArray
.map(function(x) {
var randomstring = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-8);
x.clienturl = randomstring;
return x;
Client.update( ??? , callback );
But i dont undestand how to make an update. Just if email already exsists push orders array, but not rewrite all other fields. But if email not exsists - save new user with clienturl and so on. Thanks!
Probably the best way to handle this is via .bulkWrite() which is a MongoDB method for sending "multiple operations" in a "single" request with a "single" response. This counters the need to control async functions in issue and response for each "looped" item.
module.exports.arrayClientSave = function(clientsArray,callback){
let newClientsArray = clientsArray
.map(x => {
var randomstring = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-8);
x.clienturl = randomstring;
return x;
let ops = newClientsArray.map( x => (
{ "updateOne": {
"filter": { "email": x.email },
"update": {
"$addToSet": { "orders": x.order },
"$setOnInsert": {
"name": x.name,
"clientUrl": x.clienturl
"upsert": true
The main idea there being that you use the "upsert" functionality of MongoDB to drive the "creation or update" functionality. Where the $addToSet only appends the "orders" property information to the array where not already present, and the $setOnInsert actually only takes effect when the action is actually an "upsert" and not applied when the action matches an existing document.
Also by applying this within .bulkWrite() this becomes a "single async call" when talking to a MongoDB server that supports it, and that being any version greater than or equal to MongoDB 2.6.
However the main point of the specific .bulkWrite() API, is that the API itself will "detect" if the server connected to actually supports "Bulk" operations. When it does not, this "downgrades" to individual "async" calls instead of one batch. But this is controlled by the "driver", and it will still interact with your code as if it were actually one request and response.
This means all the difficulty of dealing with the "async loop" is actually handled in the driver software itself. Being either negated by the supported method, or "emulated" in a way that makes it simple for your code to just use.

How to make Mongoose not insert empty array or object fields into a document

Let's say we have a Mongoose schema in our Node.js project:
let coolSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
field_1 : Number,
field_2 : String,
field_3 : [ String ],
And let's we have an according object:
var data = {
field_1 : 123,
field_2 : 'blah',
field_3 : ['aa', 'bb'],
Now to save this data into MongoDB we can use this code:
let Model = require('mongoose').model('CoolModel', coolSchema);
(new Model(data)).save();
Ok, while it's all cool.
But if data does not contain field_3 (array field, and the same will be for an object field) Mongoose will anyway add this field into the being created document with empty value.
Can we somehow tell Mongoose not to create this field if it's not contained in the data object?
you can do it easily skip the array field and array of object field.. This will let you skip saving empty array in new documents.but you have to use pre hook for this .
var brandSchema = new Schema({
name : {type:String},
brandSchema.pre('save', function (next) {
if (this.isNew && 0 === this.check.length) {
this.check = undefined;
when new document is inserted in your schema you have to use this middlware.this works fine so try this.
this is the response when we want to insert any document
"data": {
"__v": 0,
"name": "testing",
"email": "testing#gmail.com",
"_id": "5915b018e292833edda8837f"
so i have send only email and name but check(array) field is skipped(Not send any value).
The accepted answer is good. But if you wouldn't want to use pre-hook, then you can add default: undefined to the array fields. For example:
var schema = new Schema({
myArr: { type: [String], default: undefined }
Refer to this comment for more explanation.
Not particularly an answer to the question itself but some thought on the matter.
It's not clear exactly what you're trying to achieve here. You defined a schema that is supposed to contain a list of string. Mongoose correctly does so that the data saved in your schema is consistent with the definition of the schema.
In this case, the list is more of a structural part of the schema. If you have different behaviour, you'd have to handle special case in your code in case the list isn't present. Now, you can safely assume that you schema is always returning a list so fetching some data will always allow you to do:
coolData.field_3.forEach(function(x) {
What you're asking is to make the schema allow inconsistent data being returned from mongodb... In other words, you'd have to do this in order to prevent accessing attributes on undefined:
if (coolData.field_3) {
coolData.field_3.forEach(function(x) {
Also, I you were trying to optimize the size of you objects/database, you could fill a bug report so mongoose doesn't define empty values while saving the objects and autofill them with defaults when the field is missing from mongodb. (I could be wrong but did you actually check if the data in mongodb was containing empty values or you were just looking at data coming from mongoose?)
It's because you're not marking the fields as required in your schema definition.
Do this:
let coolSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
field_1 : { type: Number, required: true },
field_2 : { type: String, required: true },
field_3 : { type: [ String ], required: true },

Mongoose find/update subdocument

I have the following schemas for the document Folder:
var permissionSchema = new Schema({
role: { type: String },
create_folders: { type: Boolean },
create_contents: { type: Boolean }
var folderSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: string },
permissions: [ permissionSchema ]
So, for each Page I can have many permissions. In my CMS there's a panel where I list all the folders and their permissions. The admin can edit a single permission and save it.
I could easily save the whole Folder document with its permissions array, where only one permission was modified. But I don't want to save all the document (the real schema has much more fields) so I did this:
savePermission: function (folderId, permission, callback) {
Folder.findOne({ _id: folderId }, function (err, data) {
var perm = _.findWhere(data.permissions, { _id: permission._id });
_.extend(perm, permission);
but the problem is that perm is always undefined! I tried to "statically" fetch the permission in this way:
var perm = data.permissions[0];
and it works great, so the problem is that Underscore library is not able to query the permissions array. So I guess that there's a better (and workgin) way to get the subdocument of a fetched document.
Any idea?
P.S.: I solved checking each item in the data.permission array using a "for" loop and checking data.permissions[i]._id == permission._id but I'd like a smarter solution, I know there's one!
So as you note, the default in mongoose is that when you "embed" data in an array like this you get an _id value for each array entry as part of it's own sub-document properties. You can actually use this value in order to determine the index of the item which you intend to update. The MongoDB way of doing this is the positional $ operator variable, which holds the "matched" position in the array:
{ "_id": folderId, "permissions._id": permission._id },
"$set": {
"permissions.$": permission
function(err,doc) {
That .findOneAndUpdate() method will return the modified document or otherwise you can just use .update() as a method if you don't need the document returned. The main parts are "matching" the element of the array to update and "identifying" that match with the positional $ as mentioned earlier.
Then of course you are using the $set operator so that only the elements you specify are actually sent "over the wire" to the server. You can take this further with "dot notation" and just specify the elements you actually want to update. As in:
{ "_id": folderId, "permissions._id": permission._id },
"$set": {
"permissions.$.role": permission.role
function(err,doc) {
So this is the flexibility that MongoDB provides, where you can be very "targeted" in how you actually update a document.
What this does do however is "bypass" any logic you might have built into your "mongoose" schema, such as "validation" or other "pre-save hooks". That is because the "optimal" way is a MongoDB "feature" and how it is designed. Mongoose itself tries to be a "convenience" wrapper over this logic. But if you are prepared to take some control yourself, then the updates can be made in the most optimal way.
So where possible to do so, keep your data "embedded" and don't use referenced models. It allows the atomic update of both "parent" and "child" items in simple updates where you don't need to worry about concurrency. Probably is one of the reasons you should have selected MongoDB in the first place.
In order to validate subdocuments when updating in Mongoose, you have to 'load' it as a Schema object, and then Mongoose will automatically trigger validation and hooks.
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
// ...
addresses: [addressSchema],
If you have an array of subdocuments, you can fetch the desired one with the id() method provided by Mongoose. Then you can update its fields individually, or if you want to update multiple fields at once then use the set() method.
.then((user) => {
const address = user.addresses.id(addressId); // returns a matching subdocument
address.set(req.body); // updates the address while keeping its schema
// address.zipCode = req.body.zipCode; // individual fields can be set directly
return user.save(); // saves document with subdocuments and triggers validation
.then((user) => {
res.send({ user });
.catch(e => res.status(400).send(e));
Note that you don't really need the userId to find the User document, you can get it by searching for the one that has an address subdocument that matches addressId as follows:
'addresses._id': addressId,
// .then() ... the same as the example above
Remember that in MongoDB the subdocument is saved only when the parent document is saved.
Read more on the topic on the official documentation.
If you don't want separate collection, just embed the permissionSchema into the folderSchema.
var folderSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: string },
permissions: [ {
role: { type: String },
create_folders: { type: Boolean },
create_contents: { type: Boolean }
} ]
If you need separate collections, this is the best approach:
You could have a Permission model:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var PermissionSchema = new Schema({
role: { type: String },
create_folders: { type: Boolean },
create_contents: { type: Boolean }
module.exports = mongoose.model('Permission', PermissionSchema);
And a Folder model with a reference to the permission document.
You can reference another schema like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var FolderSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: string },
permissions: [ { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Permission' } ]
module.exports = mongoose.model('Folder', FolderSchema);
And then call Folder.findOne().populate('permissions') to ask mongoose to populate the field permissions.
Now, the following:
savePermission: function (folderId, permission, callback) {
Folder.findOne({ _id: folderId }).populate('permissions').exec(function (err, data) {
var perm = _.findWhere(data.permissions, { _id: permission._id });
_.extend(perm, permission);
The perm field will not be undefined (if the permission._id is actually in the permissions array), since it's been populated by Mongoose.
just try
let doc = await Folder.findOneAndUpdate(
{ "_id": folderId, "permissions._id": permission._id },
{ "permissions.$": permission},

MongoDB query on populated fields

I have models called "Activities" that I am querying for (using Mongoose). Their schema looks like this:
var activitySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
actor: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
required: true
recipient: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
timestamp: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
activity: {
type: String,
required: true
event: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Event'
comment: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Comment'
When I query for them, I am populating the actor, recipient, event, and comment fields (all the references). After that, I also deep-populate the event field to get event.creator. Here is my code for the query:
var activityPopulateObj = [
{ path: 'event' },
{ path: 'event.creator' },
{ path: 'comment' },
{ path: 'actor' },
{ path: 'recipient' },
{ path: 'event.creator' }
eventPopulateObj = {
path: 'event.creator',
model: User
Activity.find({ $or: [{recipient: user._id}, {actor: {$in: user.subscriptions}}, {event: {$in: user.attending}}], actor: { $ne: user._id} })
.sort({ _id: -1 })
.exec(function(err, retrievedActivities) {
if(err || !retrievedActivities) {
deferred.reject(new Error("No events found."));
else {
User.populate(retrievedActivities, eventPopulateObj, function(err, data){
if(err) {
else {
This is already a relatively complex query, but I need to do even more. If it hits the part of the $or statement that says {actor: {$in: user.subscriptions}}, I also need to make sure that the event's privacy field is equal to the string public. I tried using $elemMatch, but since the event has to be populated first, I couldn't query any of its fields. I need to achieve this same goal in multiple other queries, as well.
Is there any way for me to achieve this further filtering like I have described?
The answer is to change your schema.
You've fallen into the trap that many devs have before you when coming into document database development from a history of using relational databases: MongoDB is not a relational database and should not be treated like one.
You need to stop thinking about foreign keys and perfectly normalized data and instead, keep each document as self-contained as possible, thinking about how to best embed relevant associated data within your documents.
This doesn't mean you can't maintain associations as well. It might mean a structure like this, where you embed only necessary details, and query for the full record when needed:
var activitySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
event: {
_id: { type: ObjectId, ref: "Event" },
name: String,
private: String
// ... other fields
Rethinking your embed strategy will greatly simplify your queries and keep the query count to a minimum. populate will blow your count up quickly, and as your dataset grows this will very likely become a problem.
You can try below aggregation. Look at this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49329687/12729769
And then, you can use fields from $addFields in your query. Like
{score: {$gte: 5}}
but since the event has to be populated first, I couldn't query any of its fields.
No can do. Mongodb cannot do joins. When you make a query, you can work with exactly one collection at a time. And FYI all those mongoose populates are additional, distinct database queries to load those records.
I don't have time to dive into the details of your schema and application, but most likely you will need to denormalize your data and store a copy of whatever event fields you need to join on in the primary collection.

Mongoose embedded document updating

I have a problem with embedded document update.
My defined Schemas:
var Talk = new Schema({
title: {
type: String,
required: true
content: {
type: String,
required: true
date: {
type: Date,
required: true
comments: {
type: [Comments],
required: false
vote: {
type: [VoteOptions],
required: false
var VoteOptions = new Schema({
option: {
type: String,
required: true
count: {
type: Number,
required: false
Now I would like to update vote.count++, with given Talk id and VoteOption id. I have the following function to do the job:
function makeVote(req, res) {
Talk.findOne(req.params.id, function(err, talk) {
for (var i = 0; i < talk.vote.length; i++) {
if (talk.vote[i]._id == req.body.vote) {
talk.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
req.flash('error', 'Error: ' + err);
} else {
Everything executes, I get back the res.send('true'), but the value on count does not change.
When I did some console.log I saw that it changed the value, but the talk.save just doesn't save it in db.
Also I'm quite unhappy about the cycle just to find _id of embedded doc. In the mongoose documentation I read about talk.vote.id(my_id) but that gives me error of not having an id function.
When updating a Mixed type (which seems to be anything else than a basic type, so that also includes embedded documents), one has to call .markModified on the document. In this case, it would be:
talk.markModified("vote"); // mention that `talk.vote` has been modified
talk.save(function(err) {
// ...
Hope this helps someone in the future since I couldn't find the answer very quickly.
... Mongoose loses the ability to auto detect/save those changes. To "tell" Mongoose that the value of a Mixed type has changed, call the .markModified(path) method of the document passing the path to the Mixed type you just changed.
It's because you are trying to save your talk object before the callback which increments count has been fired. Also, did you make sure to instantiate your Talk schema? eg:
var talk = new Talk();
However, if all you want to do is increment your count variable, mongo supports atomic, in-place updates which you may find useful:
talk.find( { _id : req.body.vote }, { $inc: { count : 1 } } );
have a look at:

