setting a time delay between two frame when animation a sprite sheet - javascript

This is my jsfiddle :
As you can see the animation of the sprite sheet when the player is not moving is too fast so I was trying to make it slow by declaring two variable lastRenderTime: 0,RenderRate: 50000
but my code is not working and it seem I have a misunderstanding of the algorithm I am using so can anyone lay me a hand to how can I fix it?
if (!this.IsWaiting) {
this.IsWaiting = true;
this.Pos = 1 + (this.Pos + 1) % 3;
else {
var now =;
if (now - this.lastRenderTime < this.RenderRate) this.IsWaiting = false;
this.lastRenderTime = now;

Yes, your logic is wrong. You were using the wrong operator < instead of >. Also, you needed to update the lastRenderTime only when the condition is statisfied, otherwise it keeps getting updated and the value of now - this.lastRenderTime never ends up becoming more than 20 or so.
if (!this.IsWaiting) {
this.IsWaiting = true;
this.Pos = 1 + (this.Pos + 1) % 3;
else {
var now =;
if (now - this.lastRenderTime > this.RenderRate) {
this.IsWaiting = false;
this.lastRenderTime = now;
Here is your updated fiddle.


Optimizing updating many elements continuously with react

This is my first time working with react, and i tried to create an animated background. I did this by creating a large amount of divs, and updating their position every time a timer ticks.
moveCircles() {
let tempCircles = this.state.bgCircles;
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
tempCircles[i].left = this.state.bgCircles[i].left + Math.cos(this.state.bgCircles[i].angle) * 2;
tempCircles[i].top = this.state.bgCircles[i].top + Math.sin(this.state.bgCircles[i].angle) * 2;
if (tempCircles[i].top < (0 - tempCircles[i].radius)) {
tempCircles[i].top = totalHeight;
} else if(tempCircles[i].top > totalHeight) {
tempCircles[i].top = 0 - tempCircles[i].radius
if (tempCircles[i].left < (0 - tempCircles[i].radius)) {
tempCircles[i].left = totalWidth;
} else if (tempCircles[i].left > totalWidth) {
tempCircles[i].left = 0 - tempCircles[i].radius;
bgCircles: tempCircles,
initialized: true
However, this is (unsurprisingly) not very optimized, and can get a bit laggy.
My latest try looks like this:
Is there a more optimized way of achieving this?

Svg object modified with setAttributeNS not updating until after while loop

I'm creating a small game in javascript and I'm using svg for the graphics. Right now I'm having a problem with updating the game in the middle of a game tick. If I exit my loop directly after I update the fill attribute with "setAttributeNS", it's redrawn, but if I don't do that, it isn't updated until after "game_tick" is over. Even worse, if I call "game_tick" multiple times in a row, the svg objects aren't updated until after I've run all of the "game_tick"s instead of being updated after each one.
function game_tick(){
num_grid_copy = num_grid.slice();
for (var x = 0; x < num_squares_x; x += 1) {
for (var y = 0; y < num_squares_x; y += 1) {
var n = get_neighbors(x,y);
var isAliveInNextGen = next_gen(n, num_grid[x*num_squares_x+y]);
num_grid_copy[x*num_squares_x+y] = isAliveInNextGen;
if (isAliveInNextGen == 1){
rect_grid[x*num_squares_x+y].setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#0099ff');
else {
rect_grid[x*num_squares_x+y].setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#fff');
num_grid = num_grid_copy;
Thanks to valuable input from Robert I realized that javascript execution and page rendering are done in the same thread. I changed the function to the following:
function start() {
var inc = 0,
max = 25;
delay = 100; // 100 milliseconds
var repeat = setInterval(function() {
if (++inc >= max)
This works fine. I can set the delay and the number of times it repeats.

jQuery Avoid Overlapping Containers

I recently tried to work on a jQuery-Plugin which is used to spread an amount of containers randomly in a container to afterwards be able to animate them in a special way. You can see my attempts here:
The Problem is, that some of them are overlapping and I can't figure out why. At first I thought that the reason for this might be that $.each() is not waiting for one loop to finish before starting the next one but I also tried to solve that using recursive functions - didn't help. I hope someone could give me a little push to figure out where the problem actually is, thanks in advance! You can see the code either on the page itself or just have a look at the following important parts.
This code is used to loop over all the elements. This is not further important, but the function "NoCollision" is trying to figure out, if an element exists in that area. If yes, it returns false, if the space can be used, it returns true. If the space can not be used, some random other coordinates are chosen and it will be tried again.
var Counter2 = 0;
$(FlowContainer).children(':not(:last)').each(function(elem) {
ElemNow = $(FlowContainer).children().eq(Counter2);
ElemWidth = $(ElemNow).data("animwidth")
ElemHeight = $(ElemNow).data("animheight")
var Tries = 0;
var TryNowX = ElemPrevLeft;
var TryNowY = ElemPrevTop;
while (!NoCollision(TryNowX, TryNowY, ElemWidth, ElemHeight, PositionsArray, Settings.MinSpreadX, Settings.MinSpreadY) && Tries <= Settings.MaxTries) {
if (TryNowY < 15) {
TryNowY += randomIntFromInterval(0, 10);
} else if (TryNowY > (FlowContainer.height() - ElemHeight - 15)) {
TryNowY += randomIntFromInterval(-10, 0);
} else {
TryNowY += randomIntFromInterval(-10, 10);
if (TryNowX < 15) {
TryNowX += randomIntFromInterval(0, 10);
} else if (TryNowX > (FlowContainer.width() - ElemWidth - 15)) {
TryNowX += randomIntFromInterval(-10, 0);
} else {
TryNowX += randomIntFromInterval(-10, 10);
if (Tries == Settings.MaxTries) {
console.log("Warning: Couldn't fit all elements - hiding some.")
} else {
$(ElemNow).css({ top: TryNowY, left: TryNowX });
ElemPrevLeft = TryNowX;
ElemPrevTop = TryNowY;
PositionArray = [TryNowY, TryNowX, ElemHeight, ElemWidth];
PositionsArray[Counter2] = PositionArray;
The actual check, if the space can be used, takes part in the NoCollision-Function, which you can see in the following code.
function NoCollision(X, Y, W, H, PositionsArray, SpreadX, SpreadY) {
var NoErrors = true;
//Jedes Element im PositionsArray durchgehen und Prüfen
$.each(PositionsArray, function(PositionArray) {
var ArrY = PositionsArray[PositionArray][0];
var ArrX = PositionsArray[PositionArray][1];
var ArrW = PositionsArray[PositionArray][3];
var ArrH = PositionsArray[PositionArray][2];
if ((X < (ArrX - W - SpreadX) || X > (ArrX + ArrW + SpreadX)) && (Y < (ArrY - H - SpreadY) || Y > (ArrY + ArrH + SpreadY))) {
} else {
NoErrors = false;
return NoErrors;
The array which I am using to save the coordinates of all the already positioned divs looks like this.
[Elem1PositionY, Elem1PositionX, Elem1Height, Elem1Width]
[Elem2PositionY, Elem2PositionX, Elem2Height, Elem2Width]
My thought was to do it like this. Is there something wrong with the way I'd do it or is there a mistake in my implementation?
I am absolutely thankful for every bit of help! Thanks in advance!
I finally solved the issue - my calculation of the overlapping was a bit wrong, just had to change the && (and) to || (or) - works like charm now.
Found a better solution using a plugin which was referenced on another stackoverflow-thread - works way better now.

Javascript mouseover/mouseout animated button

I have a button and onmouseover I want it to move right 100ish pixels at 10 pixels a move then stop. The moving isn't a problem its the stopping. I can do this no problem with jquery but I need to learn how to do it from scratch in javascript. this is my script to move right so far.
function rollRight() { = parseInt ( + 10 + 'px';
animate = setTimeout(rollRight,20);
That moves it right just fine so to stop it i tried taking the amount of loops 5x10=50px and wrote it again as
function rollRight() {
var i=0;
while (i < 5) { = parseInt ( + 10 + 'px';
animate = setTimeout(rollRight,20);
Now, I think I'm missing a piece to make it return the [] values for the while function, but I'm not sure how to make it work. Once I have the move right I can apply the same principle to move it back onmouseout.
If anyone can help me fix this that would be great. If you have a better script to do the animation that is just javascript, no libraries, that would be great too.
EDIT: Because leaving it as a comment didn't work well this is my current code
function rollRight() {
var left = parseInt (;
if(left < 50) { // or any other value = left + 10 + 'px';
animate = setTimeout(rollRight,20);
function revert() {
var left = parseInt (;
if(left < 50) { // or any other value = left + -10 + 'px';
animate = setTimeout(rollRight,20);
In the revert I'm having a problem getting it to move back. It's probably in the if(left<50) part.
var animate = null;
function rollRight() {
if(animate) clearTimeout(animate);
var left = parseInt (;
if(left < 50) { // or any other value = left + 10 + 'px';
animate = setTimeout(rollRight,20);
function revert() {
if(animate) clearTimeout(animate);
var left = parseInt (;
if(left > 0) { = (left - 10) + 'px';
animate = setTimeout(revert,20);
If you want to stick with setTimeout, you were close on your first one. I moved some hard coded numbers into variables:
var totalPixels = 100;
var increment = 10;
var frameTime = 20;
var numFrames = totalPixels / increment;
var curFrame = 0;
function rollRight() { = parseInt ( + increment + 'px';
if(curFrame++ < numFrames) {
animate = setTimeout(rollRight,frameTime);
You could also switch to use setInterval and then every time the interval fires, decide if you should stop the interval based on some incrementing value.
Try this
var i = 0;
var moveInterval = setInterval(function(){
if(i>=5) clearInterval(moveInterval);
function rollRight() { = parseInt ( + 10 + 'px';
Once it gets to 5, it will clear the interval out, and be done.

Animate counter using Javascript

I have a couple of fairly simple javascript functions which animate the transition of a number, going up and down based on user actions. There are a number of sliders on the page which within their callback they call recalculateDiscount() which animates the number up or down based on their selection.
var animationTimeout;
// Recalculate discount
function recalculateDiscount() {
// Get the previous total from global variable
var previousDiscount = totalDiscount;
// Calculate new total
totalDiscount = calculateDiscount().toFixed(0);
// Calculate difference
var difference = previousDiscount - totalDiscount;
// If difference is negative, count up to new total
if (difference < 0) {
updateDiscount(true, totalDiscount);
// If difference is positive, count down to new total
else if (difference > 0) {
updateDiscount(false, totalDiscount);
function updateDiscount(countUp, newValue) {
// Clear previous timeouts
// Get value of current count
var currentValue = parseInt($(".totalSavingsHeader").html().replace("$", ""));
// If we've reached desired value, end
if (currentValue === newValue) { return; }
// If counting up, increase value by one and recursively call with slight delay
if (countUp) {
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + (currentValue + 1));
animationTimeout = setTimeout("updateDiscount(" + countUp + "," + totalDiscount + ")", 1);
// Otherwise assume we're counting down, decrease value by one and recursively call with slight delay
else {
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + (currentValue - 1));
animationTimeout = setTimeout("updateDiscount(" + countUp + "," + totalDiscount + ")", 1);
The script works really well for the most part however there are a couple of problems. Firstly, older browsers animate more slowly (IE6 & 7) and get confused if the user moves the slider again whilst it is still within the animation.
Newer browsers work great EXCEPT for on some occasions, if the user moves the slider mid-animation, it seems that it starts progressing in the wrong direction. So for updateDiscount() gets called with a new value and a directive to count up instead of down. As a result the animation goes the wrong direction on an infinite loop as it will never reach the correct value when it's counting in the wrong direction.
I'm stumped as to why this happens, my setTimeout() experience is quite low which may be the problem. If I haven't provided enough info, just let me know.
Thank you :)
Here is how you use setTimeout efficiently
animationTimeout = setTimeout(function {
passing an anonymous function help you avoid using eval.
Also: using 1 millisecond, which is too fast and will freeze older browsers sometimes. So using a higher which will not even be noticed by the user can work better.
Let me know if this works out for you
OK think it's fixed...
Refactored code a little bit, here's final product which looks to have resolved bug:
var animationTimeout;
function recalculateDiscount() {
var previousDiscount = parseInt(totalDiscount);
totalDiscount = parseInt(calculateDiscount());
if (($.browser.msie && parseFloat($.browser.version) < 9) || $.browser.opera) {
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + totalDiscount);
else {
if (previousDiscount != totalDiscount) {
function updateDiscount(newValue) {
var currentValue = parseInt($(".totalSavingsHeader").html().replace("$", ""));
if (parseInt(currentValue) === parseInt(newValue)) {
var direction = (currentValue < newValue) ? "up" : "down";
var htmlValue = direction === "up" ? (currentValue + 1) : (currentValue - 1);
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + htmlValue);
animationTimeout = setTimeout(function () { updateDiscount(newValue); }, 5);
Will give points to both Ibu & prodigitalson, thank you for your help :)

