How to show the mediaElementPlayer in browser? - javascript

I face a really really simple problem when I try to use the mediaElementPlayer.js in web.
I just want to new a mediaElementPlayer object and show it in my website.
So I try their example in their website.
The first example works fine, it's like:
$('video,audio').mediaelementplayer(/* Options */);
What it does is to convert all video and audio tags to MediaElement.js using jQuery
But the second one, I have tried many times still can't make it work. The example is below
// JavaScript object for later use
var player = new MediaElementPlayer('#player',/* Options */);
// ... more code ...
My code is:
var zsq = new MediaElementPlayer('player1',{
alwaysShowControls: false,
features: ['playpause','current','progress','duration','volume','fullscreen']
Anyone knows how to fix it? I think it is really simple but I just can't fix it!


Javascript get updated link in real time

I'm new to javascript and I've created a kinda successful extension on chrome for dubtrack I've been trying to figure out for quite awhile how to make my injected script run in real time and grab the latest youtube music video url any help would be much appreciated my extension is very basic and it's not for profit I just made it to play around with javascript and jquery.
Here's the section of code that I'd like to have function in real time.
$('#grab').click(function() {
function getId(url) {
var regExp = /^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/;
var match = url.match(regExp);
if (match && match[2].length == 11) {
return match[2];
} else {
return 'error';
src = $('iframe').attr('src');
setInterval(function() {
src = $('iframe').attr('src');
}, 10000);'' + getId(src), '_blank');
Relevant links
Chrome Extension
Thank you for taking the time to read my question.
You're bad at explaining (and might want to edit the question to reflect what you want), but basically the problem is this:
You have a YouTube embed in the page, with a particular video ID in src.
When the video changes, that happens without updating the src (by using YT embed API).
Therefore, if you try to grab just the src, it's not the latest video but the first you loaded.
As an extension, I see two ways of trying to solve it:
You could try to initialize the YT API yourself to get a player reference. I don't know if it will break the code of Dubtrack.
You could inject a script in the iframe as well that would somehow extract the video being played in a way other than relying on src.
It's an open problem how to solve it, and the fact that you're basically providing "just" a bookmarklet may be an obstacle.

What is the proper way to close a camera in Windows 8 Javascript?

I'm using MediaCapture in javascript to capture my camera.
I have a Camera class with an initCamera function. The problem is, if I try to re-init my camera in a short time period I will get this error: Hardware MFT failed to start streaming due to lack of hardware resources.
Now I get that this means my camera is still in use. The thing I want to know is:
How do I properly close my camera
How do I check if my camera is in use or unavailable
Here is a piece of code:
function Camera() {
var that = this;
this.mediaCaptureElement = null;
this.initCamera = function() {
if (!that.mediaCaptureElement) {
that.mediaCaptureElement = new Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCapture();
that.mediaCaptureElement.addEventListener("failed", function (e) {
console.warn("The camera has stopped working");
that.mediaCaptureElement.initializeAsync().then(function() {
that.mediaCaptureElement.videoDeviceController.primaryUse =;
The way I re-open my camera currently is by overwriting the camera instance with a new instance of the Camera class.
Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem using MediaCapture in C#.
I had to call Dispose() after StopPreviewAsync in order to correct it :
await cameraControler.MediaCaptureInstance.StopPreviewAsync(); cameraControler.MediaCaptureInstance.Dispose();
Have you seen the Camera Starter Kit UWP sample? It comes in a JS flavor too!
If you want to be able to reliably access the camera shortly after being done using it, you need to make sure you're cleaning up all resources properly. From the code that you've shared, it seems like you're letting the system take care of this, which means your app might be coming back before the system is done closing out all resources.
You should take care of:
Stop any recordings that may be in progress
Stop the preview
Close the MediaCapture
Have a look at the cleanupCameraAsync() method from the sample I linked above for an example on how to implement this.

Text to speech using javascript and translate_tts

I have been trying to get my webpage to play up what it says in a text box when the user click on a link, but so far I haven't manage. I have tried with
function listen(){
var sound = new Audio();
sound.src = "";;
return false;
function listen(){
var sound = document.createElement("audio");
return false;
I have tried adding ie=UTF-8 to the link, and tried both with and without; but nothing have worked. I get smiley face from the alert so I know the function runs. Can someone please help me get this to work.
EDIT: I did a work around by using and iframe which I hide by using display: none; and then simply using javascript to change the src, not the best solution but it works... for now.
This is an easy way to do it :
var sound = new Audio("");;
Now it's a bit more complicated, but still possible:
you need set up an user-agent string like a common browser and, more difficult, you also must provide a token into the GET request.
Some people managed to extract the token algorithm from the js code of the page, but it's quite a long work and at any time the algorithm changes you need to start again the reverse engineering of the cryptic code.
So it's much easier access to a particular url from the same site that generates an XHR that shows the token you need.
A simple script with phantomjs and grep will do the job for you, details here:

using the video.js api duration call returns 0 while video is much longer

okay So I'm trying to leverage the video.js project as it's seems pretty amazing!
anyways, im writing my first script that interacts with the api which can be found below. it's basically just supposed to output the current play time to the div current_time , the id of video tag is my_stream anyways here's all my javascript ... the problem im having is playLength=0 and current time never updates when video is playing and remains at 0 (ie. is never more then 0 ) im not sure what im doing wrong here ... the api rules i followed can also be found here video.js api docs
function current_time(){
var myPlayer = this;
var playLength = myPlayer.duration();
var position = myPlayer.currentTime();
var myTextArea = document.getElementById('time_count');
myTextArea.innerHTML = position;
while(position < playLength);
window.onload = current_time
anyhelp from any one who's implemented anything with the api or just see something dumb i've done would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You're assigning the duration to playLength before playback begins. If that's zero when you assign it, it will remain zero. Check the note in the API doc "NOTE: The video must have started loading before the duration can be known, and in the case of Flash, may not be known until the video starts playing."
It looks like you're only concerned about the duration to work out when the video is playing. It would be far better just to use the timeupdate event instead.
var myPlayer;
var myTextArea = document.getElementById('time_count');
myPlayer = this;
myPlayer.addEvent('timeupdate', onProgress);
function onProgress() {
myTextArea.innerHTML = myPlayer.currentTime();
This should execute after the DOM has loaded (with window.onload, or jQuery's $(document).ready()), or go in a script tag in the body after the video and #time_count elements.
I Have sort-of solved this problem bymyself by modifying the code I Had written so it now works like so
function current_time(){
var myPlayer = this;
var playLength = myPlayer.duration();
var position = myPlayer.currentTime();
var myTextArea = document.getElementById('time_count');
myTextArea.innerHTML = position + "/" + playLength;
t=setTimeout(function() {current_time()},2000);
... although it seems stupid to poll duration continuosly, I actually don't need this value going forward in development, however both populate properly now once the video is playing so it's kinda a solution. I'm not going to except my own answer right away to see if anyone can solve this a better way, or if you can explain why video.js changes the id tag and how to properly deal with it i'll give you an up vote and accept your answer if it all makes sense to me.

function call does not return to calling function

I'm using Shadowbox.js to display a slideshow on a website.
This slideshow shows several pictures and I would like to know who's looking at what pictures.
For this purpose I'm using
Shadowbox offers a so called hook to call a function when the slideshow opens and when it changes to another picture.
I've written a small piece of code to get things moving, but for some reason, I get an entry in my statcounter log, but the shadowbox does not appear.
When I don't use the onopen and onchange in the options, the shadowbox does display.
As a test you can set up a directory where you place below code. Create to subdirs in this directory called "sb" and "pix". Get the Shadowbox-application from the website and store it in the "sb" directory (
Next to that store 3 testimages (called image1.jpg, image2.jpg and image3.jpg) in the "pix" directory.
To check if statcounter is picking up the pictures, you can use my testaccount on (just for viewing: account testcase, password casetest1).
Please find the html with the code here:
Please take into account, I only just starting in javascript and html programming.
I can imagine I'm overlooking something terribly simple ...
Any help is highly appreciated.
Instead of trying to insert an image tag that way, just make one:
var img = new Image();
img.src = "... tracker URL ...";
That's all you need to do. edit Also get rid of all those backslashes in your URL strings; there's no point to them.
edit again I think this is all you need:
var nonsense = 1;
function tracker() {
var img = new Image();
img.src = "" +
encodeURIComponent("http://my.pix/" + Shadowbox.getCurrent().content) +
'&nonsense=' + new Date().getTime() + '_' + nonsense++);
return true;
(added a "nonsense" parameter to try and overcome possible caching issues)
edits — OK note the "return true" and the change of "escapeURIComponent" (wrong) to "encodeURIComponent". (I always get confused because the old deprecated function was called "escape".)
Please hold your horses on my last comment. I made a mistake myself (typo).
Instead of encodeURIComponent I typed enocdeURIComponent (why not copy/paste ... yeah, well I just didn't).
The script is now doing exactly what I intended it to do. I know have a Statcounter entry for every picture in the slideshow! Superb. I'm very pleased with your help, this was really nagging me, not being able to get it running. And the speed of getting an answer here was really amazing!
I've posted your solution on the Shadowbox.js forum as well. I posted my question there too, but no answers yet. But for anyone strugling with the same issue, this solution might be helpfull.
Thanks again, and have a nice weekend!

