AJAX success function called successfully but does not update page properly - javascript

I have the code section below which is a simple AJAX call to retrieve a JSON string from a .ASMX VB .NET Web Method. On success, it calls the createList function below, which should take the values in the JSON string (now parsed and formatted) and add them as new list items.
My issue is that the page does not update with the new list items, even though the callback function is successful. The loop executes, data is received and I have already tested with alerts just to make sure I'm not going crazy.
When I use the exact same line (substituting test data for the JSON string) to append my new list items, everything works fine.
As a side note for anyone that might be wondering why I believe I have to use this methodology:
It is important that I call the AJAX function the way I do, so I may pass multiple parameters to the function when I build the list. The other parameters allow me to specifically find which element is active in my user control.
I am relatively new to using AJAX as well. I hope I was able to explain everything clearly.
function getPcList(activeRow, activeTd) {
var row = $(activeRow).attr("id");
url: "AJAXWebService.asmx/getPartnerColleges",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(data) {
createList(data, activeRow, activeTd);
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
function createList(data, activeRow, td) {
var obj = JSON.stringify(eval("(" + data.d + ")"));
var json = $.parseJSON(obj);
var row = $(activeRow).attr("id");
var newtd = $(td).attr("id");
for (i = 0; i < json.length - 1; i++) {
$("#"+row+ "#" + newtd + " > #list > #thelist")
.append("<li id='listitem'" + i +
"' style='width:100%; z-index:300; position:relative' onclick='txtAppend($(this).parents().eq(2))'>" +
json[i] + "</li>");

If the string returned from the server is a JSON, as indicated by the dataType field of the $.ajax() call, you shouldn't need to use JSON.stringify() and eval(). You should be able to parse the string directly with $.parseJSON().


How to find the length of Success Data in Jquery Ajax?

I am retrieving list from ajax, when it become success, I wants to add those list values to DropDownList Items, So I want to iterate the data until last value and then add it to DropDownList
Here is my code What i tried
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
url: "GPCreateCheque.aspx/getOpenRequestNo",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i<data.length; i++) {
$(".tbDDLReqNo").append(new Option(data.d[i], data.d[i]));
error: function (result) {
In alert box it is showing undefined
I return the list<string> from [webmethod]
use data.d.length
for (var i = 0; i<data.d.length; i++) {
$(".tbDDLReqNo").append(new Option(data.d[i], data.d[i]));
You need to do data = JSON.parse(data); before treating your data like an array. It's just a string up to that point.
Update: if your data is not the array itself, but instead an object that contains an array named d, you need to work with that. It depends on your data structure.
Check the response from network tab in Chrome Developer Console or similar tool. May be response code is 200 but response data is missing.
On the other hand you want to itarete data in for loop but you try to append data.d[i]. If you want to append data.d[i] you have to itarete data.d in for loop.

Another Javascript callback issue/example

I've read a good bit about callbacks, and while I use them for click events and similar, I'm using them without fully understanding them.
I have a simple web app with 3 or 4 html pages, each with its own js page.
I have some global functions that I've placed in a new js page which is referenced by each html page that needs it. I'm using this file, word_background.js, to hold functions that are lengthy and used by multiple pages.
pullLibrary is a function, residing in word_background.js, that pulls from my db and processes the results.
I want to call pullLibrary from webpageOne.html, make sure it completes, then do more processing in webpageOne.js.
In webpageOne.js I have the following - trying to call pullLibrary and, once it is complete, use the results for further work in webpageOne.js.
The code executes pullLibrary (in word_background.js) but doesn't "return" to webpageOne.js to continue processing.
I'm assuming I'm missing some critical, essential aspect to callbacks...
I just want to run the pullLibrary function (which has ajax calls etc) and, once it is complete, continue with my page setup.
Any explanation/correction appreciated.
This code is in webpageOne.js:
console.log('Now processing library...');
//Do a bunch more stuff
----- UPDATE -----
Thank you for the comments...which I think are illuminating my broken mental model for how this should work.
pullLibrary is an ajax function - it pulls from a database and stuffs the results into an array and localStorage.
My expectation is that I can call pullLibrary and, when it is complete, the callback code (in this case anonymous function) will run.
function pullLibrary(){ //Values passed from startup() if no data is local
//Pull data from database and create basic LIBRARY array for further processing in processLibrary sub
console.log("Starting to pull library array in background.js..." + "User: " + localStorage.userID + " License: " + localStorage.licType);
var url1 = baseURL + 'accessComments3.php';
var url2 = '&UserID=' + localStorage.userID + '&LicType=' + localStorage.licType;
//Need global index to produce unique IDs
var idIndex = 0;
var index = 0;
type: "POST",
url: url1,
data: url2,
// dataType: 'text',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(result){
// success: function(responseJSON){
arrLibrary = result; //store for use on this page
localStorage.library = JSON.stringify(result); //Store for use elsewhere
console.log('Saving to global variable: ') + console.log(arrLibrary);
//Now mark last update to both sync storage and local storage so access from other browsers will know to pull data from server or just use local arrays (to save resources)
var timeStamp = Date.now();
var temp = {};
temp['lastSave'] = timeStamp;
// chrome.storage.sync.set(temp, function() {
console.log('Settings saved');
localStorage.lastSync = timeStamp;
console.log('Last update: ' + localStorage.lastSync);
//Store Group List
var arrComGroups = $.map(arrLibrary, function(g){return g.commentGroup});
// console.log('List of comment groups array: ') + console.log(arrComGroups);
arrComGroups = jQuery.unique( arrComGroups ); //remove dupes
// console.log('Unique comment groups array: ') + console.log(arrComGroups);
localStorage.groupList = JSON.stringify(arrComGroups); //Store list of Comment Groups
//Create individual arrays for each Comment Groups
$.each(arrComGroups,function(i,gName){ //Cycle through each group of Comments
var arrTempGroup = []; //to hold an array for one comment group
arrTempGroup = $.grep(arrLibrary, function (row, i){
return row.commentGroup == gName;
//Store string version of each Comment Array
window.localStorage['group_' + gName] = JSON.stringify(arrTempGroup);
console.log('Creating context menu GROUPS: ' + gName);
// processLibrary(arrLibrary); //We've pulled the array with all comments - now hand off to processor
}, //End Success
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
alert("Unable to load your library from 11trees' server. Check your internet connection?");
// var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
// console.log('Error message: ' + err.Message);
}); //End ajax
Okay, there are tons of "here's how callbacks work" posts all over the internet...but I could never get a crystal clear example for the simplest of cases.
Is the following accurate?
We have two javascript files, one.js and two.js.
In one.js we have a function - lets call it apple() - that includes an Ajax call.
two.js does a lot of processing and listening to a particular html page. It needs data from the apple() ajax call. Other pages are going to use apple(), also, so we don't want to just put it in two.js.
Here's how I now understand callbacks:
function apple(callback_function_name){
type: "POST",
url: url1,
data: url2,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(result){
//apple processing of result
callback_function_name(); //This is the important part - whatever function was passed from two.js
}, //End Success
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
}); //End ajax
} //End apple function
** two.js **
This js file has all kinds of listeners etc.
$(document).ready(function () {
//all kinds of stuff that depends on the ajax call completing
//note that we've passed "apple_callback" as the function callback name...which is stored in the apple function as "callback_function_name".
//When the ajax call is successful, the callback - in this case, the function in two.js, will be called back...and the additional code will run
//So the function apple can be called by all sorts of other functions...as long as they include a function name that is passed. Like apple(anothercallback){} and apple(thirdcallback){}
}); //End apple function
}); //End Document.Ready

Ajax get function with endpoints

I have an endpoint on the server:
app.get('/A/:A_Id/B/:B_Id/C?', callbackFunction);
After I type "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3000/A/1/B/1/C?startTimeUtc=03:00:00&endTimeUtc=05:00:00" the server responds with data in callbackFunction, I can see the data in address http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3000/A/1/B/1/C?startTimeUtc=03:00:00&endTimeUtc=05:00:00 (the startTimeUtc and endTimeUtc can change depending on the user inputs),
but I am not able to get data with an ajax get function:
type: 'GET',
url: '/A/:A_ID/B/:B_ID/C?', success: function(result){
// result is NaN
What should be the correct endpoint in this case?
First off, you're not actually providing any data to the ajax call.
API_URL = "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3000/A/" + A_ID + "/B/" + B_ID + "/C"
type:'GET', //mostly here for readability; is default for ajax
}).always(function(result, status){
Not sure whether the always will help you at all, but thought it might be worth a shot. You also need to include the full URL. As a wikipedia api example, it'd be : "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php". i.e. you just need to go to the ?, and then the ? is optional for GET calls (regardless of whether or not the type is supplied, see jQuery ajax documentation).
An alternative approach is pasting the entire URL:
url:API_URL + "?startTimeUtc=03:00:00&endTimeUtc=05:00:00". I personally prefer using data, but it's totally up to you.
You can do something like:
var url = "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3000/A/" + A_ID + "/B/" + B_ID + "/C?startTimeUtc=" + startTime + "&endTimeUtc=" + endTime;
$.get( url, function( data ) {
Where A_ID, B_ID, startTime and endTime are the variables containing the respective values.

Display search results from API

Hello there I'm trying to create an app to search for recipes. I've tried using the Yummly API and BigOven api, but I can't get either to work.
here is the code i have for bigOven. I can't get any search results to appear in the "results".
$(function() {
$('#searchform').submit(function() {
var searchterms = $("#searchterms").val();
// call our search twitter function
return false;
function getResultsFromYouTube (searchterms) {
var apiKey = "dvxveCJB1QugC806d29k1cE6x23Nt64O";
var titleKeyword = "lasagna";
var url = "http://api.bigoven.com/recipes?pg=1&rpp=25&title_kw="+ searchterms + "&api_key="+apiKey;
type: "GET",
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
url: url,
success: function (data) {
Can anyone give me instructions on how to do this?? Thank you very much.
The API is returning JSON data, not HTML. I checked the API docs, and JSONP isn't necessary.
However, when you run this code:
Your code is going to just put the JSON into your HTML, and that isn't going to get displayed properly. You didn't say whether console.log(data) outputs the data correctly, but I'll assume it is.
So, you'll need to transform your JSON into HTML. You can do that programmatically, or you can use a templating language. There are a number of options, including underscore, jquery, mustache and handlebars.
I recommend handlebars, but it's not a straightforward bit of code to add (the main difficulty will be loading your template, or including it in your build).
It would depend on you which key and values you have to show to your user's and in which manner... For ex. there is even an image link, you could either show that image to your user's or could just show them the image link...
Simple <p> structure of all the key's with there value's
$.each(data.Results, function (key, value) {
$.each(value, function (key, value) {
$("#result").append('<p>Key:-' + key + ' Value:-' + value + '</p>');
Your ajax is working, you just need to parse the results. To get you started:
type: "GET",
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
url: url,
success: function (data) {
// Parse the data:
var resultsString = "";
for (var i in data.Results){
console.log( data.Results[i] );
resultsString+= "<div>"+data.Results[i].Title+ " ("+data.Results[i].Cuisine+")</div>";
// If you want to see the raw JSON displayed on the webpage, use this instead:
//$("#results").html( JSON.stringify(data) );
I had created a little recursive function that iterates through JSON and spits out all of the values (I subbed my output for yours in the else condition) -
function propertyTest(currentObject, key) {
for (var property in currentObject) {
if (typeof currentObject[property] === "object") {
propertyTest(currentObject[property], property);
} else {
$('#results').append(property + ' -- ' + currentObject[property] + '<br />');
Then I called it within your AJAX success -
type: "GET",
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
url: url,
success: function (data) {
propertyTest(data); // called the function
It spits out all of the data in the JSON as seen here - http://jsfiddle.net/jayblanchard/2E9jb/3/

Passing an array to a web method in Javascript

I am currently trying to pass an array that I have created in Javascript to my webmethod in my aspx.cs.
Heres what I have:
function callServer(requestMethod, clientRequest) {
var pageMethod = "Default.aspx/" + requestMethod;
url: pageMethod, // Current Page, Method
data: JSON.stringify({ request: clientRequest }), // parameter map as JSON
type: "POST", // data has to be POSTed
contentType: "application/json", // posting JSON content
dataType: "JSON", // type of data is JSON (must be upper case!)
timeout: 60000, // AJAX timeout
success: function (result) {
error: function (xhr, status) {
alert(status + " - " + xhr.responseText);
function myButtonCalls()
var values=[];
values[0] = "Hello";
values[1] = "goodbye";
callServer("myMethod", values);
public static string myMethod(string[] request)
return "This is test";
It fails before it even gets to my web method. I know this code works for regualr strings but The ajax code that uses JSON doesnt see to want to work with arrays.
Any ideas of what i need to change?
In the aspx.cs, I needed to accept with type list not array. Thanks for the comments!

