How to validate a memorized value in an input box - javascript

I have the following code:
$(":input").bind("keyup change", function(e) {
var comboVal = $('.emailrequerido1').val()+$('.emailrequerido2').val()+$('.emailrequerido3').val()+$('.emailrequerido4').val()+$('.emailrequerido5').val();
if(comboVal == 'nullnull' || comboVal == ""){
$("#enviarForm").attr('disabled', true);
What I am trying to accomplish is that when you select a memorized value from the input box by double clicking in the box a history of inputs shows (these values are saved by the browser (I believe)) and if you choose one of these and the field has that text you selected the button should enable.
Here is a JSFiddle example: JSFiddle example
In the example I added a value to the first field since these dont memorize as I expalined before to show a demonstration of what I mean.

I have cleaned up the code a bit:
I've swapped the classes and ids so that the ids are unique, and the classes are common.
Here is a checkEmails function that runs the validation and enables/disables the checkbox.
checkEmails is run every time an input changes, and when the page loads the first time:
$(document).ready(function () {
function checkEmails() {
var nonempty = $('form .email_contactopadrino').filter(function() {
return $(this).val() != '';
if (nonempty.length) {
else {
$('#enviarForm').attr('disabled', true);
$('form').on('keyup change', '.email_contactopadrino', checkEmails);


Disable and enable function in Jquery

I have a text input in html that is affected by a function exectued by .change() events from different radios and checkboxes. I'm trying to make it so that if a user types into the input, this function will no longer run when a .change() event happens in the aforementioned radios and checkboxes (the user must still be able to use these radios and checkboxes). However, if the user leaves the input blank and clicks away, the script will run again. I hope is possible.
Here is my take on this so far:
Using.prop('diabled' isnt viable because it completely disables the input, making the user unable to type in it, so I need another solution.
$(function() {
$('#burger-navn').on('input', function() {
$("#burger-navn").prop('disabled', true);
//When the input (#burger-navn) is typed into it should be "disabled"
$('#burger-navn').focusout(function() {
if ($(this).val().length == 0) {
$("#burger-navn").prop('disabled', false);
//But if its clicked out of while its blank, it should be able to run again.
$("#okseinput, #laksinput, #kyllinginput, #vegetarinput").change(function() {
if (!$("#burger-navn").not(':disabled')) { //condition that tests
To solve this I simply created a separate input tag that I could add and remove disabled attribute from, and check if it has that attribute.
So in html:
<input id="burger-navn" type="text"/>
<input id="toggle" disabled="disabled" style="display:none"/>
var previousValue = $("#burger-navn").val();
$("#burger-navn").keyup(function(e) {
var currentValue = $(this).val();
if(currentValue != previousValue) {
previousValue = currentValue;
$("#toggle").prop('disabled', false);
}//This function will remove disabled from #toggle, when a user types into #burger-navn
$('#burger-navn').focusout(function() {
if ($(this).val().length == 0) {
$("#toggle").prop('disabled', true);
if ($("#toggle").is(':disabled')) {
$("#okseinput, #laksinput, #kyllinginput, #vegetarinput").change(function() {
if ($("#toggle").is(':disabled')) {
$(selector).on('change', function(event){
// the selected field no longer does anything on change
is that what you are looking for?

jQuery get / set value of textbox value in a repeater

I have a repeater with textboxes ID="txtBomName" in an ascx page with a value retrieved from datatable on pageload.
the end user can change the value, must be not be null/empty.
I have jquery to check if null/empty on change or blur, produce alert if null then I would like the null value set back to original else set value as user entered.
This does work if, I use the generated control ID i.e:
this obviously only works for the the first textbox on the page, as the "ct100" part of the ID changes for each box.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#p_lt_ctl02_pageplaceholder_p_lt_zoneMainContent1_BOM_rptBoms_ctl00_txtBomName").change(function () {
var oldVal = this.getAttribute('value');
if (this.value == null || this.value == "") {
alert("Please ensure the name is not empty");
else {
so, I changed the code to look for id$=txtBomName and set an alert to ( the id for each box shows correctly, how can I set the value of the textboxes using (; ?
You need to use:
'this' is a reference to the current object i.e. textArea the abouve code will set the value of the textArea
Try this code
$(document).ready(function () {
// The simplest way is to save the original value using data() when the
// element gets focus.
$("input[id$='txtBomName']").on('focusin', function(){
$(this).data('val', $(this).val());
$("input[id$='txtBomName']").change(function () {
var txtBox=$(this);
var prev ='val');
var current = txtBox.val();
if (current) {
else {
alert("Please ensure the name is not empty");

Select All Checkboxes while keeping track of manual selects jquery

I've been using a simple select all script for checkboxes for a while now that looks something like this:
<span id="select">Select All</span>
$('#select').click(function(event) {
var $that = $(this);
$('.checkbox').each(function() {
this.checked = $':checked');
It's fairly simple. It attaches to an onclick, loops through all the inputs with the class .checkbox and checks or unchecks them accordingly. However what I'd like to do now is make it a bit more user friendly adding the following functionality to it.
1) When the user click the link labeled "Select All" it should select all check boxes as normal, but then change the text to "Deselect All". Similarly, when the user clicks "Deselect All" the text would go back to "Select All".
2) If the users manually select all check boxes I'd like check for this scenario and update the text from Select All to Deselect All as well.
Your code is checking whether a <span> is :checked, which as far as I know is not possible. Perhaps I'm wrong, but in this answer I'll use a different approach to keeping track of that, a data attribute.
// initialize 'checked' property
$('#select').data('checked', false);
// make link control all checkboxes
$('#select').click(function(event) {
var $that = $(this);
var isChecked = ! $'checked');
$'checked', isChecked).html(isChecked ? 'Deselect All' : 'Select All');
$('.checkbox').prop('checked', isChecked);
// make checkboxes update link
$('.checkbox').change(function(event) {
var numChecked = $('.checkbox:checked').length;
if (numChecked === 0) {
$('#select').data('checked', false).html('Select All');
} else if (numChecked === $('.checkbox').length) {
$('#select').data('checked', true).html('Deselect All');
Not jquery, but here's what I'd do
var cb=document.getElementsByClassName('cb'); //get all the checkboxes
var selectAll=document.getElementById('selectAll'); //get select all button
function selectAllState(inputEle,selectAllEle){ //class to manage the states of the checkboxes
var state=1; //1 if button says select all, 0 otherwise;
var num=inputEle.length;
function allChecked(){ //see if all are checked
var x=0;
for(var i=0;i<num;i++){
return x;
function handler(){ //if all checked or all unchecked, change select all button text
var y=allChecked()
if( y==num && state){
selectAllEle.innerHTML='Deselect All';
} else if(y==0 && !state){
selectAllEle.innerHTML='Select All';
for(var i=0;i<num;i++){
inputEle[i].addEventListener('change',handler); //listen for changes in checks
function checkAll(){ //function checks or unchecks all boxes
for(var i=0;i<num;i++){
selectAll.addEventListener('click',checkAll); //listen for button click
var myState=new selectAllState(cb,selectAll); //instance the selectAllState class
This creates a javascript class to manage the states of all your checkboxes. It takes two arguments, the first being the array of checkboxes (which is what you get if you use getElementsByClassName), and the second being the select all button. The internal methods could be exposed using the this keyword if you want to be able to, for example, have a different part of the application select or deselect all the checkboxes.
Try breaking it down in several functions: Let's call the span toggle, as it can select and de-select all.
<span id="toggle">Select All</span>
And we'll have a function to select and de-select all of the values. No need to iterate through the list as prop sets the value for all elements
function SetAll(value){
$(".checkbox").prop("checked", value);
Then for the toggle button:
if($(this).text() == "Select All"){
$(this).text("De-select All");
} else {
$(this).text("Select All");
Finally we need an onchange event for each checkbox:
var allCheckboxes = $(".checkbox");
var allChecked = $.grep(allCheckboxes, function(n,i){
return $(n).is(":checked");
}); //grep returns all elements in array that match criteria
var allUnchecked = $.grep(allCheckboxes, function(n,i){
return $(n)is(":checked");
},true); //invert=true returns all elements in array that do not match
// check the lengths of the arrays
if (allChecked.length == allCheckboxes.length)
$("#toggle").text("De-select All");
if (allUnchecked.length == allCheckboxes.length)
$("#toggle").text("Select All");

How can I update a input using a div click event

I've got the following code in my web page, where I need to click on the input field and add values using the number pad provided! I use a script to clear the default values from the input when the focus comes to it, but I'm unable to add the values by clicking on the number pad since when I click on an element the focus comes from the input to the clicked number element. How can I resolve this issue. I tried the following code, but it doesn't show the number in the input.
var lastFocus;
$("#test").click(function(e) {
// do whatever you want here
if (lastFocus) {
$("#results").append("setting focus back<br>");
setTimeout(function() {lastFocus.focus()}, 1);
$("textarea").blur(function() {
lastFocus = this;
$("#results").append("textarea lost focus<br>");
Thank you.
The first thing I notice is your selector for the number buttons is wrong
Your buttons have a class of num-button so you need a dot before the class name in the selector:
Secondly, your fiddle was never setting lastFocus so be sure to add this:
$('input').focus(function() {
lastFocus = this;
Thirdly, you add/remove the watermark when entering the field, but ot when trying to add numbers to it (that would result in "Watermark-text123" if you clicked 1, then 2 then 3).
So, encalpsulate your functionality in a function:
function addOrRemoveWatermark(elem)
if($(elem).val() == $(elem).data('default_val') || !$(elem).data('default_val')) {
$(elem).data('default_val', $(elem).val());
And call that both when entering the cell, and when clicking the numbers:
$('input').focus(function() {
lastFocus = this;
$(lastFocus).val($(lastFocus).val() + $(this).children('span').html());
You'll see another change above - you dont want to use append when appends an element, you want to just concatenate the string with the value of the button clicked.
Here's a working branch of your code:
This should work:
var default_val = '';
$('input').focus(function() {
lastFocus = $(this);
if($(this).val() == $(this).data('default_val') || !$(this).data('default_val')) {
$(this).data('default_val', $(this).val());
$('input').blur(function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') $(this).val($(this).data('default_val'));
var lastFocus;
var text = $(;
if (!isNaN(parseInt(text))) {
lastFocus.val(lastFocus.val() + text);
Live demo
Add the following function:
$('.num-button').live( 'click', 'span', function() {
$currObj.val( $currObj.val() + $(this).text().trim() );
Also, add the following variable to global scope:
$currObj = '';
Here is the working link:
Based on comment, you wouldn't be needing the var lastFocus and subsequent code.
The updated fiddle lies here

How to know with jQuery that a "select" input value has been changed?

I know that there is the change event handling in jQuery associated with an input of type select. But I want to know if the user has selected another value in the select element ! So I don't want to run code when the user select a new element in the select but I want to know if the user has selected a different value !
In fact there are two select elements in my form and I want to launch an ajax only when the two select elements has been changed. So how to know that the two elements has been changed ?
You can specifically listen for a change event on your chosen element by setting up a binding in your Javascript file.
That only solves half your problem though. You want to know when a different element has been selected.
You could do this by creating a tracking variable that updates every time the event is fired.
To start with, give your tracking variable a value that'll never appear in the dropdown.
// Hugely contrived! Don't ship to production!
var trackSelect = "I am extremely unlikely to be present";
Then, you'll need to set up a function to handle the change event.
Something as simple as:-
var checkChange = function() {
// If current value different from last tracked value
if ( trackSelect != $('#yourDD').val() )
// Do work associated with an actual change!
// Record current value in tracking variable
trackSelect = $('#yourDD').val();
Finally, you'll need to wire the event up in document.ready.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#yourDD').bind('change', function (e) { checkChange() });
First of all you may use select event handler (to set values for some flags). This is how it works:
$('#select').change(function () {
Or you may store the original value somewhere and then check it:
$(document).ready(function () {
var val = $('#select').val();
// in some event handler
if ($('#select').val() != val) ...
First you need to store previous value of the selected option, then you should check if new selected value is different than stored value.
Check out the sample!
$(document).ready(function() {
var lastValue, selectedValue;
$('#select').change(function() {
selectedValue = $(this).find(':selected').val();
if(selectedValue == lastValue) {
alert('the value is the same');
else {
alert('the value has changed');
lastValue = selectedValue;
You can save the value on page load in some hidden field.
then on change you can grab the value of select:
var valChng = $(this).val();
// now match the value with hidden field
if(valChng == $('hiddenFieldId').val()){
$("select").change(function () {
var str = "";
$("select option:selected").each(function () {
str += $(this).text() + " ";

