part of jquery code that is not working in wordpress - javascript

I have developed a jquery code that should let the menu hide a bit when I scroll down, and reappear as soon as I start scrolling up.
I had this perfectly working on my static html website, but I soon as I migrated it to wordpress, it stopped working. All my other js code works perfectly.. here is the part of code:
$(window).scroll(function () {
var prevScroll;
var hidden = false;
var currentScroll = $(this).scrollTop();
if($("body").scrollTop() > 492){
if (prevScroll) {
console.log(currentScroll + " " + prevScroll);
if (currentScroll < prevScroll && hidden) {
$("#header-wrap").animate({marginTop: '0px'}, 200);
} else if (currentScroll > prevScroll && !hidden) {
$("#header-wrap").animate({marginTop: '-60px'}, 200);
} else if(!hidden){
console.log('first time');
$("#header-wrap").animate({marginTop: '-60px'}, 200);
hidden= true;
prevScroll = currentScroll;
$("#header-wrap").animate({marginTop: '0px'}, 200);
What is the problem with my code? I have it alongside all my js code in a script.js page.
EDIT: I forgot to say that the menu is hiding , which is good, but it is not reappearing as soon as I scroll up. So part of the code is working, the other is not!

There's probably happen a conflict here between jQuery and Wordpress since both of them are using $ sign, try to use jQuery instead of $ or wrap your jQuery code inside:
$(window).scroll(function () {
// Your code here

I did it, the problem was that I was declaring var prevScroll;and var hidden = false; after the beginning of the function$(window).scroll(function () {, and not before it. Thanks for the help anyway..


Slide div on and off the page on scroll without interrupting the animation when the user continues to scroll

I am trying to smoothly slide a div on and off the page (left to right) using jQuery only. I have accomplished the task, however if you continue to scroll up or down while the animation is still going, it will interrupt it in the middle of the action causing it to hesitate. I've run into this issue before and could never figure it out without using a plugin of some sort.
I know how to accomplish this with CSS transitions, jQuery UI, greensock, etc., but I am curious if there is a way to prevent that interruption with jQuery only. I am open to a pure JavaScript solution (no jQuery) as well if there is one.
My code:
var amountScrolled = 50;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > amountScrolled) {
$('#slide').stop().animate({marginLeft:"0px"}, 500);
} else {
$('#slide').stop().animate({marginLeft: "-400px"}, 500);
This works: JSFIDDLE link
It's all about the Callback Functions!
var amountScrolled = 50;
var loopRunning = 0;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > amountScrolled){
if(loopRunning === 0){
} else {
if(loopRunning === 0){
function animateSlide(px, time){
loopRunning = 1;
$('#slide').stop().animate({marginLeft:px}, time, function(){
loopRunning = 0;
Well, to answer your question rather than provide advice on better ways to do it, I usually handle tasks like this by assigning a temporary class to denote that something is in the process of being animated. As somebody else said, the reason for the stuttering is because the scroll function is getting called multiple times, so you keep stopping and restarting the animation.
So you can try something like this (Fiddle):
var amountScrolled = 50;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if ($('#slide').hasClass('sliding')) {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > amountScrolled) {
$('#slide').stop().addClass('sliding').animate({marginLeft:"0px"}, 500, function() {
} else {
$('#slide').stop().addClass('sliding').animate({marginLeft: "-400px"}, 500, function() {

Changing text content on scroll position

I found a solution that didn't work mainly that I want. Here it is:
topic url
and this solution works for me:
if( >= $(this).offset().top && <= $(this).next().offset().top)
but I want to change content description in gray box more smooth. I've tried to give animation in CSS for it, but it didn't work.
I modified your script a bit to detect when the text changes and when that happens I apply a small animation with jQuery. I set the opacity to a low value, e.g. opacity:0.4 and then make a quick animation back to opacity:1.
This will help your user to see easier the change in the text.
$(window).load(function () {
$(window).on('scroll resize', function () {
var pos = $('#date').offset();
$('.post').each(function () {
if ( >= $(this).offset().top && <= $(this).next().offset().top) {
var newDescr = $(this).find('.description').text();
var oldDescr = $('#date').html();
if(newDescr !== oldDescr) {
$('#date').css('opacity', 0.4).animate({ 'opacity': '1',}, 200);
$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).trigger('scroll'); // init the value
Demo here

Scroll To error and success message after submitting a form using ScrollTo jQuery Plugin

So far I have this working properly for the error message only. However, I would like this to work for success message as well. This should happen when the submit button is pressed in the contact form. Click contact at the top right of the page to scroll to it.
You can test it here.
Here is the jQuery I'm using for the error message:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#errors").each(function (){
$("html,body").animate({scrollTop:$('#errors').offset().top-175}, 1000);
Any way to modify it to work with scrolling to #success and #errors with the same offset().top-175 ?
Thanks in advance!
You could do :
$(document).ready(function() {
var pos = null;
if($("#contact-form #errors.visible").length > 0)
pos = $('#errors').offset().top;
if($("#contact-form #success.visible").length > 0)
pos = $('#success').offset().top;
if(pos != null)
$("html,body").animate({scrollTop:pos-175}, 1000);
And fix the fact that your script "js/contact_script.js" must be declared after JQuery lib
this solution make the same job for Contact Form 7 (popular form plugin for WordPress). I found this page during the search by Google of my problem, so I added the solution below to help others who ended also at this page.
jQuery(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function ()
var wpcf7Elm = document.querySelector( '.wpcf7' );
wpcf7Elm.addEventListener( 'wpcf7submit', function( event ) {
setTimeout(function() {
$([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({
scrollTop: $(".wpcf7-response-output").offset().top - 100
}, 500);
}, 500);
}, false );
$(document).ready(function () {
var $elementToScrollTo;
var $firstError = $(".error:first");
if ($firstError.length > 0) {
$firstError.attr("id", "errors");
$elementToScrollTo = $firstError;
else {
$elementToScrollTo = $("#success");
scrollTop: $elementToScrollTo.offset().top - 175
}, 1000);

Two divs click event works only on one div

I'm using jquery and ajax to create a drawer (#DrawerContainer) and load content into it if I click a thumbnail in a gallery. My function is almost finished but I want to be able to close that drawer if I click again the opening button (now #current).
Here is a jsfiddle of my code:
The drawer element appears if you click a square/thumbnail, it's the blueish rectangle.
The current thumbnail is turned green.
I added a button in my drawer (not visible in the jsfiddle) to close it. I use this part of code for this purpose and it's working like a charm.
// Close the drawer
$(".CloseDrawer").click(function() {
setTimeout(function(){ // then remove it...
}, 300); // after 500ms.
return false;
Now I need my #current div to be able to close #DrawerContainer the same way .CloseDrawer does in the code above. Unfortunately adding a second trigger like this $("#current,.CloseDrawer").click(function() to my function isn't working... When clicking my "current" thumbnail, it just reopen the drawer instead of closing it...
How can I modify my code to close my #DrawerContainer with the "current" thumbnail?
Please keep in mind that I'm learning jquery, so if you can comment it could be of a great help. And please do not modify my markup or css, since everything works beside the closing part.
As per my understanding, you can use "toggle()" function which does exactly the same (i.e, toggle visiblity).
Updated the script to work.
$(document).ready(function() {
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
$('#portfolio-list>div:not(#DrawerContainer)').click(function() {
if ($(this).attr("id") != "current")
// modify hash for sharing purpose (remove the first part of the href)
var pathname = $(this).find('a')[0].href.split('/'),
l = pathname.length;
pathname = pathname[l-1] || pathname[l-2];
window.location.hash = "#!" + pathname;
$(this).attr('id', 'current');
// find first item in next row
var LastInRow = -1;
var top = $(this).offset().top;
if ($(this).next().length == 0 || $(this).next().offset().top != top) {
LastInRow = $(this);
else {
$(this).nextAll().each(function() {
if ($(this).offset().top != top) {
return false; // == break from .each()
LastInRow = $(this);
if (LastInRow === -1) {
LastInRow = $(this).parent().children().last();
// Ajout du drawer
var post_link = $(this).find('.mosaic-backdrop').attr("href");
$('#DrawerContainer').remove(); // remove existing, if any
$('<div/>').attr('id', 'DrawerContainer').css({display: 'none'}).data('citem', this).html("loading...").load(post_link + " #container > * ").insertAfter(LastInRow).slideDown(300);
return false; // stops the browser when content is loaded
else {
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function() {
Cufon('h1'); //refresh cufon
// Toggle/close the drawer
$("#current,.CloseDrawer").click(function() {
setTimeout(function(){ // then remove it...
}, 300); // after 500ms.
return false;
//updated Ene's version
var hash = window.location.hash;
if ( hash.length > 0 ) {
hash = hash.replace('#!' , '' , hash );
Also, updated it here: Updated JS Fiddle
EDIT -2: Updated Link
Hope this Helps!!

JQuery page jumping to the top of the page

I am using this Jquery and it works great
The problem is when i click on the button the page jumps all the way to the top. I am using Miva if that makes a difference
var $next = $(this).parent().next('li.drop_down');
if($':visible')) {
} else {
Try adding "return false" to the end of your click() function.
Edit: (adding code example)
var $next = $(this).parent().next('li.drop_down');
if($':visible')) {
} else {
return false;

