Delete element from a associative array in JavsScript --> very slow? - javascript

I want to delete one element from a associative array. The array is as follows:
array[propertyname] = property;
This array is filled with some data (less than 10 entries) and is shown in a property window.
On certain pages you can click a delete button next to the entries and delete that corresponding entry. To achieve that this function is called:
$d(document).on('click', '.property_del[type="button"]', function(event) {
for (property in {
if(property == $d(this).attr('id').replace("_buttondel", "")){
temp_array[property] =[property];
} = temp_array;
This works so far, the selected entry is deleted after the button click event, but it is slow as hell. The second method to delete is as slow as the first one:
delete[$d(this).attr('id').replace("_buttondel", "")];
What can I do to make it even faster?

maybe the jquery selector inside the for loop is slowing things down. does this speed things up:
$d(document).on('click', '.property_del[type="button"]', function(event) {
var value = $d(this).attr('id').replace("_buttondel", "");
for (property in {
if(property == value){
temp_array[property] =[property];
} = temp_array;

You will be wasting a lot of time on the jquery "constructor", as you do $(this) inside your for loop. Depending on the amount of properties in, that will be a considerable amount of time.
As a start, I'd use
var that = $(this);
var truncatedId = that.attr('id').replace("_buttondel", "");
outside the for loop.


JavaScript: How to skip over current item in array during a for loop? (continue?)

EDIT: I don't want to skip index 1. I want to skip the current (clicked on) element. Also, see below for more of the code as requested. You'll see that I have a class CatListItem and five instances of that class in an array allCatListItems.
Here's some context for the question: I have a list of cats. When I click on a cat's name (list item), I want that cat's picture and other info to be appended to the page (got that down). When a cat is clicked, I also want any other cat that is being displayed to be hidden (that way there is only one cat on the screen at a time).
I'm trying to accomplish this with a for loop, but obviously if it iterates over every item in the array, then when I click an item, the cat being clicked will be hidden as well.
I want to skip the current item in the array and only run the code on the other items. Using continue, I know I can skip a specific item (item 1 in the below example). This will run my code on every item in the array except that at index one. But how can I make that continue dynamic? Meaning... how can I hide all of the cats, except the one being currently clicked?
Here's the loop that skips index 1:
CatListItem.prototype.hideCats = function() {
allCatListItems.forEach(function(cat) {
cat.a.addEventListener('click', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < allCatListItems.length; i++) {
if (i === 1) {
allCatListItems[i].img.className = 'hide';
var allCatListItems = [
catListItem1 = new CatListItem('El', 'images/el.jpg', 'el'),
catListItem2 = new CatListItem('Widdle Baby', 'images/widdle-baby.jpg', 'widdle-baby'),
catListItem3 = new CatListItem('Mama', 'images/mama.jpg', 'mama'),
catListItem4 = new CatListItem('Legion', 'images/legion.jpg', 'legion'),
catListItem5 = new CatListItem('Boy', 'images/boy.jpg', 'boy'),
EDIT: Here's a fiddle.JSFIDDLE Click the names to see the functionality without the hideCats function. Then uncomment where it says to to see my issue.
I'm starting to think maybe a for loop isn't the best option?
In that case compare the the element clicked)
EDIT: allCatListItems[i] needs it's .a property attached to it in the if statement (this is what contains the anchor element). This is because the event listener is grabbing an anchor tag, so will be returning an anchor tag as well. The if statement will never return as true if you aren't comparing the same type of element.
cat.a.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
for (var i = 0; i < allCatListItems.length; i++) {
if (allCatListItems[i].a === {
allCatListItems[i].img.className += ' hide';
Here is a jsfiddle, it doesn't use the same element names, but it should be doing what you want.
$('li').on('click', function() {
var index = $(this).index();
var items = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if(i === index) continue;
items[i].style = "display:none;";
Its really depend on how you call the function "hideCat". Realizing that each time that function is called, more eventListeners are add to every cat item. Each time a cat is clicked, more than one event fired. Perhaps you should re-structure how to attach eventListeners to each cat item.

Array not updating when using JQuery

I'm trying to splice an array in order to delete an object from my array. I'm using angular-formly to display the forms and AngularJs and JQuery in order to handle the data.
The JQuery
$(document).on("click", ".delete-me", function () {
var id = $(this).parent().find('input, select, textarea').attr('id');
var splitid = id.split("_")[3];
The reason for the split and is that formly wraps an id like formly_1_input_textField-1_0.
The Angular Function
$scope.removeField = function (id) {
for(var i=0;i<$scope.formFields.length;i++){
if($scope.formFields[i].key == id){
$scope.formFields.splice(id, 1);
$scope.currentId = i;
The console log is displaying the actual length of the array however I have {{formFields.length}} on the template and it does not update, as well as {{formFields}} still showing the data in the array. I suspect that JQuery updating the DOM isn't being watched by Angular and have tried calling $scope.$apply() manually to no avail.
You have a couple of logic errors in your function:
When you remove an item from the array, you increase i anyway, which means you'll miss out the next item if it's a match.
You're using id instead of i in the splice
That second one is probably the culprit, but once you'd fixed that, the first would have bitten you (unless the id values are unique, as the name implies; in which case, you should probably terminate the loop when you find it).
$scope.removeField = function (id) {
var i=0;
while (i<$scope.formFields.length){ // Use a while loop
if($scope.formFields[i].key == id){
$scope.formFields.splice(i, 1); // Use i, not id
$scope.currentId = i;
// DON'T increment i here, you've removed the element
// Or if IDs are unique, just terminate the loop
} else {

Build a switch based on array

I want to create a Javascript switch based on an array I'm creating from a query string. I'm not sure how to proceed.
Let's say I have an array like this :
var myArray = ("#general","#controlpanel","#database");
I want to create this...
case "#general":
$("#controlpanel, #database").hide();
case "#controlpanel":
$("#general, #database").hide();
case "#database":
$("#general, #controlpanel").hide();
myArray could contain any amount of elements so I want the switch to be created dynamically based on length of the array. The default case would always be the first option.
The array is created from a location.href with a regex to extract only what I need.
Thanks alot!
#Michael has the correct general answer, but here's a far simpler way to accomplish the same goal:
// Once, at startup
var $items = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
// When it's time to show a target
$items.hide(); // Hide 'em all, even the one to show
$(target).show(); // OK, now show just that one
If you really only have an array of selectors then you can create a jQuery collection of them via:
var items = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
var $items = $(items.join(','));
Oh, and "Thanks, Alot!" :)
I think you want an object. Just define keys with the names of your elements to match, and functions as the values. e.g.
var switchObj = {
"#general": function () {
$("#controlpanel, #database").hide();
"#controlpanel": function () {
$("#general, #database").hide();
"#database": function () {
$("#general, #controlpanel").hide();
Then you can just call the one you want with
Granted: this solution is better if you need to do explicitly different things with each element, and unlike the other answers it focused on what the explicit subject of the question was, rather than what the OP was trying to accomplish with said data structure.
Rather than a switch, you need two statements: first, to show the selected target, and second to hide all others.
// Array as a jQuery object instead of a regular array of strings
var myArray = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
// Loop over jQuery list and unless the id of the current
// list node matches the value of target, hide it.
myArray.each(function() {
// Test if the current node's doesn't matche #target
if ('#' + $(this).prop('id') !== target) {
In fact, the first statement can be incorporated into the loop.
var myArray = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
myArray.each(function() {
if ('#' + $(this).prop('id') !== target) {
else {
Perhaps you're looking for something like this? Populate myArray with the elements you're using.
var myArray = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
var clone = myArray.slice(0); // Clone the array
var test;
if ((test = clone.indexOf(target)) !== -1) {
clone.splice(test,1); // Remove the one we've picked up
$(clone.join(',')).hide(); // Hide the remaining array elements
here you dont need to explicitly list all the cases, just let the array define them. make sure though, that target exists in the array, otherwise you'll need an if statement.
var target = "#controlpanel";
var items = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
items.splice($.inArray(target, items), 1);

check dynamic array against static array

I need some javascript/jquery for this. I have two arrays, one static array that is hard coded and another dynamic array that is user driven. For example the values in each array represent a div. Each div is represented in the static array. I want to be able to show only the divs that are present in the dynamic array. So if the dynamic array changes, it shows the divs present in the dynamic array and hides the divs not present. I also want to be able to run a function connected to each div, ie box1 has a function that needs called if it is displayed.
var static_list = new Array("box1","box2","box3");
var dynamic_list = new Array("box1","box3");
I'm assuming that dynamic_list is a subset of static_list.
$.each(static_list, function(index, value) {
$('#' + value).hide();
$.each(dynamic_list, function(index, value) {
$('#' + value).show();
$.each() iterates through a collection calling the callback function for each element. The first $.each() hides all elements with IDs found in the static_list. The second $.each() shows all elements with IDs found in the dynamic_list. Running both in that order hides all div elements in static_list except for those found in the dynamic_list.
You could use a simple comparator function:
// Return true if value is in array
function isIn(value, array) {
var i = array.length;
while (i--) {
if (array[i] == value {
return true;
return false;
then you can see if a value is in an array using:
if (isIn(value, array)) {
// do something with/to value
You can achieve your result by using $.each(), $.inArray(), and .toggle()
$.each(static_list, function(index, value){
var showHide = $.inArray(value, dynamic_list) >= 0;
$("#" + this).toggle(showHide);
Code example on jsfiddle.

How can I track the objects parents while searching in a multidimensional object in json?

My function to implement the search is below. The issue I have is I need to track what rows I have to go through to find the URL. I'm building a navigation "widget" and I need it to expand to the correct place based on the URL. Seeing as the URL could be N rows deep, I need a method to track the rows that it passed through.
E.G: row[1].tree.row[3].tree.row[0] , this way I know to expand the navigation for the second element, then the fourth element, then highlight the first element in that list.
The issue is with the rowNum = rowNum+"x"+x; that I pass back to the function. I think I might be overtired when I thought that would work, I didn't think it through.
I had another question out there about this same function, but this question is different. Is it bad form to submit an additional question?
function lmIntra_LeftNavBuilder_findURL(url)
return lmIntra_LeftNavBuilder_searchJson(jsonLNav.tree[0],url,null);
}//end findURL
function lmIntra_LeftNavBuilder_searchJson(tree,url,rowNum)
if(rowNum == null)
for(var x=0; x<=tree.rows.length-1;x++)
var cururl = "";
if(typeof tree.rows[x] ==="undefined")
var cururl = tree.rows[x].url;
if(url == cururl )
//return tree.rows[x].title;
return rowNum + " treeDepth:"+tree.pos;
}//end if
if(typeof tree.rows[x]!= "undefined")
if(typeof tree.rows[x].tree.rows != "undefined")
rowNum = rowNum+"x"+x;
var t = lmIntra_LeftNavBuilder_searchJson( tree.rows[x].tree,url,rowNum);
if (t) return t;
}//end if
}//end if typeof tree.rows[x].tree!= "undefined"
}//end else
}//end for
}//end searchJson
Here's a simpler json object. It's fully formed, it just doesn't have the depth. The full one is 38K characters, so I'll leave it out.
var jsonLNav = {itemClassName:"NodeLink",linkClassName:"NodeLinkTitle",linkHideClassName:"HideFromProd",navCategoryClassName:"NavCategory",onLoadJS:"",tree:[{pos:1,wid:"263a97c2-7cb9-470c-bf86-cadc28ae1323",pid:"1",rows:[{hide:0,title:"More IT Help",isNC:0,isMig:0,url:"http://vm-hsspdv-d09p/en-us/Help/Pages/ITHelp.aspx",isOL:0,tree:{pos:2,wid:"263a97c2-7cb9-470c-bf86-cadc28ae1323",pid:"3"}},{hide:0,title:"Office 2010",isNC:0,isMig:1,url:"",isOL:0,tree:{pos:2,wid:"263a97c2-7cb9-470c-bf86-cadc28ae1323",pid:"9"}},{hide:0,title:"E-mail Management",isNC:0,isMig:0,url:"http://vm-hsspdv-d09p/en-us/Help/EmailManagement/Pages/default.aspx",isOL:0,tree:{pos:2,wid:"8be66348-8da1-4e5c-90c5-0930d2f52d1a",pid:"123"}},]}]};
If you really want to stick with the approach you have, though, I don't think it's really too far off. If I understand what you want, the biggest problem is that you need to do something like:
if(url == cururl )
rowNum = rowNum+"x"+x;
return rowNum + " treeDepth:"+tree.pos;
Presumably everything that exists in this tree maps to something that exists in the DOM, right? I think the most sensible option would be to stop traversing this object to find what you want, use a library like jQuery with a selector engine to select the node you want, and then use said library to traverse back up the DOM. Even traversing the DOM without a library might be easier for you.

