Javascript - javascript

How could I specifically get every of these query strings in
For example, I want to get Testfirst, and then assign it to a variable so I can use it later on. Same thing with the others.
This is what I have so far to remove all the +, =
var formData =;
formData = formData.substring(1, formData.length);
while (formData.indexOf("+") != -1) {
formData = formData.replace("+", " ");
formData = unescape(formData);
var formArray = formData.split("&");
for (var i=0; i < formArray.length; ++i) {
document.writeln(formArray[i] + "<br />");

var splitSearch = JSON.parse("{\""+(\=/g,"\"\:\"").replace(/\&|(\/\?)/g,"\", \""))+"\"}")
I made that one for a webpage that uses a rare ("/?") separator too.
First one will work for URLs like that
If you want it for a conventional location:
var splitSearch = JSON.parse("{\""+(\=/g,"\"\:\"").replace(/\&/g,"\", \""))+"\"}")
Once splitSearch is defined you can get "pnum" string like this:
Another way to get it:
var splitSearch = JSON.parse("{\""+(\=)|(\&)|(\/\?)/g, function(k) {
var rtn=k;
if (k == "\=") rtn="\"\:\"";
else if ((k == "\&") /*|| (k == "\/\?")*/) rtn="\",\"";
return rtn;

A mix of use of replace with regEx and the split function does the work.
var str = "file:///K:/CKaing_C20_A01_Casino2/game.html?
var argStrIndex = str.indexOf("?");
var argStr = str.substring(argStrIndex+1);
var args = argStr.replace(/\+/g," ").split("&");
for (var i=0;i<args.length;i++){

something like that :
var search =
.replace(/\+/g,' ')
var split = string.split('=');
var res={};
return res;
should return
[{"First Name":"Testfirst"},{"Last Name":"Testlast"},{"pnum":"123-456-7890"},{"postCode":"A1A 1A1"},{"startMoney":"5000"}]"
You'd need to take care of url encoding though.

A combination of the two answers already given (jsfiddle:
var url = 'file:///K:/CKaing_C20_A01_Casino2/game.html?First+Name=Testfirst&Last+Name=Testlast&pnum=123-456-7890&postCode=A1A+1A1&startMoney=5000';
queryObject = {};
.replace(/\+/g,' ')
.forEach(function(item) {
splitItem = item.split('=');
queryObject[splitItem[0]] = splitItem[1];
Returns an object like this:
"First Name": "Testfirst",
"Last Name": "Testlast",


How to find the parameter key from window location path?

I have query string is as follows.
Window.location.href =
I am trying I am getting ?IkNBMTEyOTA4MjYyOSI.5sTmOAZU-ZNmqDpVIx4SnLjzsMs
But expected output : IkNBMTEyOTA4MjYyOSI.5sTmOAZU-ZNmqDpVIx4SnLjzsMs I need without ?
You can use searchParams.get() like this example :
var currentUrl = Window.location.href;
var url = new URL(currentUrl);
var c = url.searchParams.get("myprofile");
Check this link
var urlStr = "";
function getqueryString(url) {
var retObj = {};
if (!url) return retObj;
var str = url.split('?')[1];
if (!str) return retObj;
var query = str.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
var pair = query[i].split('=');
retObj[pair[0]] = pair[1];
return retObj;
var rsl = getqueryString(urlStr);
You can use this function it takes URL as the parameter and returns Back all the query parameter in an object form

How can I put all the URL parameters in array of objects using jQuery?

I have a giving string/url like this
I need to loop thought each parameter in the url. If the value starts with : this indicated that it is a variable an I will need to change that value dynamically by looking at the corresponding meta attribute that matches that variable.
Here is my code in which loops over an array and sets the value of the parameters.
var baseURL = getBaseURL(url);
var params = getParams(url);
var newParams = $.each(params, function(index, param){
if( param.value.substring(0, 1) == ':'){
var myVar = param.value.substring(1);
param.value = $('meta[name=" + myVar + "']).attr('value');
var finalURL = baseURL + '?' + jQuery.param( newParams );
function getParams(url){
// This function should return an array of objects. Each object should have 2 properties "value" and "name". The "name" property should be the name of the parameter (ie. var1, var2, var3 .....) and the "value" attribute should contains the value of the parameter (ie. 100, :somevar, :morevariables)
function getBaseURL(url){
var cutoff = url.indexOf('?');
if( cutoff > -1){
return url.substring(0, cutoff - 1);
return url;
I need help converting the parameters of a giving URL to array of object. How can I do this in jQuery?
You dont need jQuery for this one.
function getParams(url) {
var queryString = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1);
var paramsArr = queryString.split('&');
var params = [];
for (var i = 0, len = paramsArr.length; i < len; i++) {
var keyValuePair = paramsArr[i].split('=');
name: keyValuePair[0],
value: keyValuePair[1]
return params;
Here is an example using map
var url = '';
function getParamArray(url) {
var queryString = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("?") + 1);
return queryString.split('&').map(function(sParam) {
var param = sParam.split('=');
return {
name: param[0],
value: decodeURIComponent(param[1])
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(getParamArray(url), null, 2);
<pre id="output"></pre>
With a regular expresion and JSON.parse:
var url = '';
url = url.replace(/^.*\?/,'');
url = url.replace(/(\w+)=?([\w:]*)/g,'{"name":"$1","value":"$2"}');
url = url.replace(/&/g,',');
var paramsObject = JSON.parse("["+url+"]");
Array [{"name":"var1","value":"100"},{"name":"var2","value":":somevar"},{"name":"var3","value":":morevariables"}];
You don't even need JQuery for this.
<script type="text/javascript">
var paramStr =;
var params = paramStr.substring(1, paramStr.length).split('&');
var paramList = [];
for (var index=0; index < params.length; index++) {
var param = params[index].split('=');
paramList.push({name: param[0], value: param[1]});
The result:
[Object]0: Object
name: "a"
value: "b"
var url=new URLSearchParams(;
var params = [];
for(var value of url.keys())
name: value,
value: url.get(value)

javascript, exception for string/object manipulation

So, I have to functions to turn a string to an object and an object to a string, however I need to account for an except and I am not sure how. Let me show you what I have
parseObjectToUrl: function (obj){
var myStr = "";
var first_iteration = true;
for (var p in obj) {
myStr += p + "=";
first_iteration = false;
myStr += "&" + p + "=";
tObj = obj[p];
var first_inner = true;
for(t in tObj){
myStr += t;
first_inner = false;
myStr += "," + t;
yObj = tObj[t];
for( y in yObj){
myStr += "/" + yObj[y];
return myStr;
parseObjectFromUrl : function(url){
var builtObj = {};
//remove first slash
url = url.slice(0, 0) + url.slice(1);
var ch = url.split('&');
var tempParent = {};
for (var p in ch) {
var tempSub = {};
var arr = ch[p].split('=');
var keyParent = arr[0];
var splitInside = arr[1].split(",");
for (var i in splitInside) {
var sub = splitInside[i].split('/');
var subKey = sub[0];
tempSub[subKey] = sub.slice(1);
tempParent[keyParent] = tempSub;
return tempParent
So these the string looks like
and the object looks like
myObj =
module1 : { mod1 : [2,3,4] , mod2 [2,3,4]} ,
module2 : { mod2 : [3,4,5]}
So these functions work fine for me however I (unfortunately) need to be able to handle the case when the user adds an "/" into the options like -
myObj =
module1 : { mod1 : [2/,3/,4/] , mod2 [2,3,4]} ,
module2 : { mod2 : [3,4,5]}
I'm sure it's going to throw a wrench in my function because i'm splitting by the "/", so I'm not sure how to get around this. Would i escape the slash? How would that fit into the functions if so? Looking for any advice on this issue. Thanks!
I was able to encode the escaped url like :
obj.replace(/([/-])/g, "%2F");
to an escaped url, hoever I am having trouble doing the reverse of this. here is my attempt.
obj.replace(/(%2F)/g, "/");
in my opinion it would be better to use url arrays, but keep in mind the characters for your url could be limited:
maximum length of HTTP GET request?
having said that one could do something like this:
this is equal to the following pseudo code:
$_GET["module1"] = array(1,2);
$_GET["module2"] = array(4,3);
and use encodeURIComponent & decodeURIComponent for your values

How to get an url contained in query string

I want a javascript variable to be what is behind the ?url= in the url..
for example: The current url is
So the variable has to be .
I tried this, but it doesn't work… why ?
var url = document.URL ;
var appname = url.match(?url=(.+))[1];
I think the following will work for you:
function querystring(key) {
var query =;
var keys = query.split("&");
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var values = keys[i].split("=");
if (values[0] == key) {
return values[1];
var appname = querystring("url");
Try this:
var regex = /\?url\=(.+)/;
var appname = regex.exec(url)[1];
or even simpler:
var appname = /\?url\=(.+)/.exec(url)[1];
var url =[^&]+)&*.*$/)[1]; //
location //location object
.search //the search part in location
.match //return string according to regex given
[1] //second result (result in parenthesis)
//--------Use in a function---------
function getQuery(txt){
var result = RegExp(txt + "=([^&]+)&*.*$"));
return result === null ? undefined : result[1];

scrape id from url using javascript

I have the following URL:
Where bi is a identifier for the specific book.
How can I extract the book id from the link?
You can to use this regex:
var address = "";
var bi = /[\?&]bi=(\d+)/.exec(address)[1]
function getBookId()
var query = document.location.split("?")[1];
var values = query.split("&");
for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
a = values[i].split("=");
if(a[0] === "bi")
return a[1];
//some error occurred
return null;
You can extract the book id (assumed to be only numbers) via a regular expression (and grouping).
var s = "\
var re = /bi=([0-9]+)&/; // or equally: /bi=(\d+)&/
var match = re.exec(s);
match[1]; // => contains 1325819827
Try this
var bookId
var matcher =[?&]bi=([^&]+))/); // Assuming window.location
if (null !== matcher) {
bookId = matcher[1];
I once had the same problem.
I created a little function to help me out. Don't know where it is but I managed to recreate it:
function get(item,url) {
if (url == undefined)
url = window.location.href;
var itemlen = item.length
var items = url.split('?')[1].split('&');
for (var i = 0, len = items.length;i<len;i++) {
if (items[i].substr(0,itemlen) == item)
return items[i].split('=')[1];
return null;
So you would use it like:
If the url you gave was your current url, if not you could do:
Hope I didn't leave in any bugs :)

