facebook login button is not showing to my blog - javascript

i am enabling Facebook login button to my blog by follow this https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/login-flow-for-web/
I've done everything perfect but its not showing i am getting these when i goto browser console.
Invalid App Id: Must be a number or numeric string representing the
application id. all.js:56 FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling
what to do?
and i also integrate google+ sign in button and its working perfect check it in working here.

You need an app id for your log-in workflow to work. To get one you must register as a Facebook Developer. Then after that go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and create a new app. Then you will be able to use Facebook log in.
Then for your log-in button change the src to
Where {your_app_id} is the app id Facebook gave you.
Once you have that if you need more assistance let me know I can take you further.


How to implement a sign in with google button using the new Google identity services for web

I am trying for few days to implement into my website a "sign in with google" button using the new Google identity services for web. Google is about to deprecate their old Javascript api.
I did everything as their documents suggest but it just doesn't work.
I need a page that contains the "sign in with google" button and the endpoint page in my website that will have a sign out button and do the sign out when clicked. The most important thing of course is that my website will get the user name, email and photo from google and this is exactly where I am having hard time getting these details back from google's servers. I configured everything right at the google developers console including getting a client id and setting the domain.
Can anyone please help me by writing the necessary code for each page ? Sign in, sign out and get the user's details as long as I am signed in. Thanks a lot in advance !
I tried to implement a sign in button with google and it did not work.
This is the link to their documentation:

React Login Button Takes User new Page

I am trying to learn to react front end by creating a simple frontend website. My goal is simple I want to implement a login menu when I run the app. The user will log in through this window and if the user is a regular user it will redirect the user to a new component call regular.js. If the user is admin then redirect the user to another page lets calls that admin.js. I have been trying to understand how to redirect in react. Like in javascript I can write if Credentials match then go to this page can I do that too in react? However, I do not want the user to log out automatically when the redirect happens. I am not sure how to approach it because I read other answers saying use hooks but then some said use routes as well. I am providing the App.js, index.js, and loginForm.js file underneath, any direction will be helpful or documents to refer to like guide me to do this will be helpful. I am not looking for a design or any content on the new pages I just want the redirect to work while the user is logged in.
You should not handle login on the front end with React states, there is 0 security in this. You should look into how to implement authentication, consider reading through some tutorials like this one: https://bezkoder.com/react-express-authentication-jwt/

Can you have an embedded registration with universal MFA set up without needing to login to Auth0?

I'm trying to figure out something about setting up multi-factor authentication after registration in Auth0, but I can’t seem to figure it out or find anything about it in the docs.
I have an embedded registration form in Vue.js where the user can sign up for an account after being invited to the platform. I'm trying to use the universal pages of Auth0 as much as possible. I've chosen to use an embedded registration form because the user can only register on invitation, plus there is a lot of extra data that we need from the user (more than the 10 fields which we can use in Auth0).
After the user fills in their details, an account is created via both our API/database and Auth0. After this is done, the user needs to set up 2-FA, preferably in a universal page of Auth0, but with the design of our application (which is already implemented).
We redirect the user to the Auth0 flow, but then the user needs to log in first. The flow feels a bit weird to first register (where you fill in your email and password) and then immediately need to log back in again after clicking the register button to set up MFA. I couldn’t find anything in the documentation about this, but perhaps I totally missed it.

How to get the taggable_friends user profile id's using Cordova-plugin-facebook4?

PICTURE! Id's are like these. and they got changed everytime i hit SubmitI am using Facebook Graph API to login with facebook in my ionic App project.
I successfully login in using their javascript sdk and sample code.
The problem occurs at the point when i try to fetch my taggable friends. All friends are coming back as response but the id's of friends are a long string and gets change on every request. What is that id? Because the facebook profile id for each user is short and sweet which only contains numbers. But this id is type of encrypted key. Can anybody help me solving this mystery? How can i get the correctly formatted user profile id from facebook javscript sdk.
PS i am using Cordova-plugin-facebook4 plugin for this. Because i am working in ionic.
It is a tagging token, and you can only use it for tagging. There is no way to get IDs of users who did not authorize your app.

Check if user Likes Page with JS API?

I know this has been asked a bunch of times, but I have only seen serverside solutions.
I'm running an iframe app that is embedded into a page as a tab. I want be test to see if the page is liked or not without prompting the user for anything.
Is there a way to do this with just JavaScript? The platoform we are building on is ASPX and I dont really have the option of going serverside.
Its not available because you need to inspect the http post parameter called signed_request and this isn't available on the client side. If the user has authenticated with your app and given you permissions to read their likes/interests, then you could then check with javascript api but I'm guessing you wouldn't want to make them approve your app just for this.

