How to get url of current window when using Facebook Unity sdk - javascript

I tried calling:
Application.ExternalEval("UnityObject2.instances[0].getUnity().SendMessage('GameObjectName', 'SomeFunctionHere', document.URL);");
Which works great, but it could only retrieve the frame's url (it is a very long random html link) instead of the outer top most like I also tried but it gives me a security error since it wasn't allowed.
I need to process the url before I even init, so I cannot use fb's deeplink or anything like that. Any ideas on how to get the url? I'm using 5.0.4 of the SDK on Facebook Canvas.

Because of cross-domain security, it isn't possible to get the top url.


X-frame origins block, is there an alternative to embedding? VUE JS [duplicate]

I am developing a web page that needs to display, in an iframe, a report served by another company's SharePoint server. They are fine with this.
The page we're trying to render in the iframe is giving us X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN which causes the browser (at least IE8) to refuse to render the content in a frame.
First, is this something they can control or is it something SharePoint just does by default? If I ask them to turn this off, could they even do it?
Second, can I do something to tell the browser to ignore this http header and just render the frame?
If the 2nd company is happy for you to access their content in an IFrame then they need to take the restriction off - they can do this fairly easily in the IIS config.
There's nothing you can do to circumvent it and anything that does work should get patched quickly in a security hotfix. You can't tell the browser to just render the frame if the source content header says not allowed in frames. That would make it easier for session hijacking.
If the content is GET only you don't post data back then you could get the page server side and proxy the content without the header, but then any post back should get invalidated.
UPDATE: 2019-12-30
It seem that this tool is no longer working! [Request for update!]
UPDATE 2019-01-06: You can bypass X-Frame-Options in an <iframe> using my X-Frame-Bypass Web Component. It extends the IFrame element by using multiple CORS proxies and it was tested in the latest Firefox and Chrome.
You can use it as follows:
(Optional) Include the Custom Elements with Built-in Extends polyfill for Safari:
<script src=""></script>
Include the X-Frame-Bypass JS module:
<script type="module" src="x-frame-bypass.js"></script>
Insert the X-Frame-Bypass Custom Element:
<iframe is="x-frame-bypass" src=""></iframe>
The X-Frame-Options header is a security feature enforced at the browser level.
If you have control over your user base (IT dept for corp app), you could try something like a greasemonkey script (if you can a) deploy greasemonkey across everyone and b) deploy your script in a shared way)...
Alternatively, you can proxy their result. Create an endpoint on your server, and have that endpoint open a connection to the target endpoint, and simply funnel traffic backwards.
Yes Fiddler is an option for me:
Open Fiddler menu > Rules > Customize Rules (this effectively edits CustomRules.js).
Find the function OnBeforeResponse
Add the following lines:
oSession.oResponse.headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
Remember to save the script!
As for second question - you can use Fiddler filters to set response X-Frame-Options header manually to something like ALLOW-FROM *. But, of course, this trick will work only for you - other users still won't be able to see iframe content(if they not do the same).

A couple of requests with user# in URL lead to "Policy breach notice" from Google AdSense

I've recently got an email from Google, saying that they are going to ban my AdSense account because I'm sending Personally Identifiable Information to them with my Google AdSense tag requests. It says that around 1% of requests from my website have a referrer of:
and they consider to be PII (even though it can be completely made up More on this here: .
I never link to this kind of URLs (the only form I use is, but I guess my users sometimes enter it manually (since product-wise my website is providing an email service, it may seem reasonable by some logic).
I figured URI of is legal since http basic auth allows for specifying user like this. When I entered it manually to Firefox, some_user# disappears from the location bar but in the Net panel of Firebug I can see all files are indeed requested from and that's how Google sees it too.
I though that as a brute-force solution even something like:
if uri contains '#':
redirect to
would do.
I'm using NGINX/UWSGI/Python Paste + JS. I've tried to implement the above condition both on server side and in JS, but my URI always says even if I manually put in the browser address bar.
I've also tried configuring basic_auth in NGINX to disallow providing any user but with no effect.
How do I get rid of these requests?
How do I get the FULL URI (with some_user#) in JS? I tried document.URI and window.location.href but they didn't contain the user part...
Apparently presence of user# part in the URI can be detected by examining window.location.href. I haven't noticed it before since window.location.href only contains user# in Webkit-based browsers (e.g. Chrome, Opera, Safari) but not in Firefox!
To resolve the problem I've added a check on that in JS + a JS redirect to an URL without user[:password]#.
Hopefully Google uses the same variable to figure out referrer for the ad requests, so it get PII only from Webkit browsers & fixing it for Webkit suffices. Will keep you posted.

HTML5 - Cross Browser Iframe postmessage - parent to child communication

I wrote a content script that injects an iframe to any website (therefore different domain).
I need the parent website to send some information to the child iframe, however I couldn't find a way to do it.
The code
var targetFrame = $('#myIframe')[0];
targetFrame.contentWindow.postMessage('the message', '*');
Doesn't work somehow and i get a Cannot call method 'postMessage' of undefined error.
But then when I tried the same code directly in Chrome's console, it worked.
I had no trouble sending a postMessage from the child to the parent though but just need a way for the parent to send messages to the child iframe.
I recently wrote code that did postMessage to an iframe and I encountered quite a similar issue where it said contentWindow is undefined.
In my case, my iframe was not yet part of the DOM tree, it was a variable created by document.createElement('iframe').
Once I put it hidden (width and height 0px, visibility hidden) into the body of the page, contentWindow was no longer undefined and everything worked as expected.
I found the Mozilla Developer Network page for postMessage extremely useful when I was working on my project.
I've had success using the following library:
It doesn't require any flash/silverlight, only javascript. And it is compatible as far back as as IE6.
It took a little doing to get it up and running, but once it was things ran very smoothly.
Keep in mind that if the iFrame you're opening on the other domain uses a different protocol (HTTP vs. HTTPS) the browser will kick out a warning which prevents your script from running (unless the user says they will accept the risk). If you have access to both protocols it may be wise to host the contents of the iFrame on both HTTP and HTTPS and load the appropriate script accordingly.
Good luck!
You don't need to target contentWindow. Try this:
var targetFrame = $('#myIframe')[0];
targetFrame.postMessage('the message', '*');

javascript failing with permission denied error message

I have a classic ASP web page that used to work... but the network guys have made a lot of changes including moving the app to winodws 2008 server running iis 7.5. We also upgraded to IE 9.
I'm getting a Permission denied error message when I try to click on the following link:
<a href=javascript:window.parent.ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806','cmboSearchType','D',false)>
But other links like the following one work just fine:
<a href="javascript:ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806', 'cmboSearchType','D',false)">
The difference is that the link that is failing is in an iframe. I noticed on other posts, it makes a difference whether or not the iframe content is coming from another domain.
In my case, it's not. But I am getting data from another server by doing the following...
set objhttp = Server.CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") "get", strURL
and then i change the actual html that i get back ... add some hyperlinks etc. Then i save it to a file on my local server. (saved as *.html files)
Then when my page is loading, i look for the specific html file and load it into the iframe.
I know some group policy options in IE have changed... and i'm looking into those changes. but the fact that one javascript link works makes me wonder whether the problem lies somewhere else...???
any suggestions would be appreciated.
You could try with Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP instead of WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.
See differences between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP and WinHttp.WinHttpRequest? for the difference between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.
On this exellent site about ASP you get plenty of codesamples on how to use Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP which is the most recent of the two:
About the IE9 issue: connect a pc with an older IE or another browser to test if the browser that is the culprit. Also in IE9 (or better in Firefox/Firebug) use the development tools (F12) and watch the console for errors while the contents of the iFrame load.
Your method to get dynamic pages is not efficient i'm afraid, ASP itself can do that and you could use eg a div instead of an iframe and replace the contents with what you get from the request. I will need to see more code to give better advice.

Checking if a website doesn't permit iframe embed

I am writing a simple lightbox-like plugin for my app, and I need to embed an iframe that is linked to an arbitrary page. The problem is, many web sites (for example, facebook, nytimes, and even stackoverflow) will check to see if is being embedded within a frame and if so, will refresh the page with itself as the parent page. This is a known issue, and I don't think there's anything that can be done about this. However, I would like the ability to know before hand if a site supports embed or not. If it doesn't, I'd like to open the page in a new tab/window instead of using an iframe.
Is there a trick that allows me to check this in javascript?
Maybe there is a server-side script that can check links to see if they permit an iframe embed?
I am developing a browser extension, so there is an opportunity to do something very creative. My extension is loaded on every page, so I'm thinking there's a way to pass a parameter in the iframe url that can be picked up by the extension if it destroys the iframe. Then I can add the domain to a list of sites that don't support iframe embed. This may work since extensions aren't loaded within iframes. I will work on this, but in the meantime....
I am willing to accept that there's no way to "bust" the "frame buster," i.e. I know that I can't display a page in an iframe that doesn't want to be in one. But I'd like for my app to fail gracefully, which means opening the link in a new window if iframe embed is not supported. Ideally, I'd like to check iframe embed support at runtime (javascript), but I can see a potential server-side solution using a proxy like suggested in the comments above. Hopefully, I can build a database of sites that don't allow iframe embed.
Check x-frame-options header by using following code
$url = "";
$header = get_headers($url, 1);
echo $header["X-Frame-Options"];
If return value DENY, SAMEORIGIN or ALLOW-FROM then you can't use iframe with that url.
Probably pretty late but what you need to do is make a request, likely from your server and look for the x-frame-options header. If it's there at all you can just open a new tab because if it is there is is one of the following: DENY, SAMEORIGIN, ALLOW-FROM. In any of these cases it's likely that you don't have access to open it in an iframe.
This subject has been discussed forever on the web with a particularly interesting (failed) attempt here:
Frame Buster Buster ... buster code needed
The bottom line is that even if you are able to construct a proxy that parses the contents of the page that you want in your iframe and removes the offending code before it is served to the iframe you may still come under "cease and desist" from the site if they get to hear about you doing it.
If you don't want your development to be widely available, you could probably get away with it. If you want your development to become popular, forget about it, and build a less underhand way of dealing with it.
Or develop it for mobile only... ;)
UPDATE: OK following on from your comment here's a bit of taster:
in javascript capture the click on the link
preventDefault(e); // make sure the click doesn't happen
// call a server side script using ajax and pass the URL this.href
// return either a true or false; true = iframe breakout
// set the target attribute of the link to "_blank" for new window (if true)
// set the target attribute of the link to "yourframename" for iframe (if false)
// only now load the page in the new window or iframe
server side in PHP
$d = file_get_contents($url); // $url is the url your sent from the browser
// now parse $d to find .top .parent etc... in the <head></head> block
// return true or false

