How to delete 2 rows at a time using JavaScript - javascript

How to delete two rows at a time using JavaScript even though only for first row radio button exist?
Something like this:
1st row: (radiobutton) some textfield
2nd row: text field
On click of delete button, both the row should get deleted but the code which I have written is deleting only 1st row not 2nd one.
JavaScript code looks something like this:
function deleteReserveDetails() {
if (!document.forms[0].reserveRadiobutton) {
} else {
var hidValue = parseInt(document.forms[0].Hd1Value.value);
var reserveRows = document.getElementById('reserveTable').getElementsByTagName('tr');
var headerNo = 1;
var radio = eval("document.forms[0].reserveRadiobutton");
if (radio.length == undefined) {
if (radio.checked) {
var hidValue1 = parseInt(document.forms[0].Hd1Value.value) - 1;
document.forms[0].Hd1Value.value = hidValue1;
var k = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < radio.length; j++) {
if (radio[j].checked) {
if (j == hidValue - 1) {
var hidValue2 = parseInt(document.forms[0].Hd1Value.value) - 1;
document.forms[0].Hd1Value.value = hidValue2;
document.getElementById('reserveTable').deleteRow(j + headerNo);
Could you please show me how to modify it to delete 2 rows at a time?


How to remove element on second click

I need to add elements to container on a first click and delete it on a second one. I guess I'm trying to make it super hard while there is a more elegant and clear solution. Fiddle Link
I was thinking of arrays to create a 1st array for clicked elements and the 2nd one for elements that are already in a container. Then filter the first array through the second one and delete those (unmatched) elements from my container.
var click = +$(this).data('clicks') || 0; // Check if contacts cliked first time
if (click % 2 == 1) { // 2nd click
fruits.splice($.inArray(name, fruits), 1); // Remove Name from an array
$(".test .single").each(function (index, elem) {
keyArr = fruits.filter(i => compArr.indexOf(i) !== -1);
var i = 0;
for (; i < keyArr.length; i++) {
$(".name").each(function () {
$(".single:not(:contains('" + keyArr + "'))").remove();
} // I guess problem is here
} else { // 1st click
$('.test textarea').css({
'font-size': '12px',
'border': '0'
}).prop('placeholder', '').before('<span class="single">' + name + '></span>');
$(this).data('clicks', click + 1);
For me, this part doesn't work properly. But I would love to hear any of your suggestions even if the entire logic is wrong. Thanks!
var i = 0;
for (; i < keyArr.length; i++) {
$(".name").each(function () {
$(".single:not(:contains('" + keyArr + "'))").remove();
I've managed to fix it. Added this code:
let deleteSingle = $('.single');
for (let i = 0; i < deleteSingle.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < arrayNewKeys.length; j++) {
if (deleteSingle[i].innerHTML.includes(arrayNewKeys[j])) {
} else {
if ($('.test > .single.a:only-child')) {
Instead of this:
var i = 0;
for (; i < keyArr.length; i++) {
$(".name").each(function () {
$(".single:not(:contains('" + keyArr + "'))").remove();
} // I guess problem is here

How to keep duplicates from being added to an array

var reservations = [];
function addReservation() {
//Gets Input from textboxes.
var nameChosen = document.getElementById("txtName").value;
var roomChosen = document.getElementById("selRoom").value;
//adds input into the array.
reservations[reservations.length] = roomChosen + " ";
reservations[reservations.length] = nameChosen + " ";
//Gets input from radio button.
for (i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName("Day[]").length; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByName("Day[]")[i].checked) {
for (i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName("Time[]").length; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByName("Time[]")[i].checked) {
How do I ensure that if the time and day cannot be added twice to the array?
Or easier yet, How do I ensure that the same name cannot be added twice to the array?
Test if the item is in the array first
if (!item in array) { array.push(item); }
I think that you are looking for a way to break out of the for loop after you hit the first match. One way to do this is to set i to the termination condition inside the if statement, which will exit the loop.
//Gets input from radio button.
for (i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName("Day[]").length; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByName("Day[]")[i].checked) {
i = document.getElementsByName("Day[]").length
for (i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName("Time[]").length; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByName("Time[]")[i].checked) {
i = document.getElementsByName("Time[]").length

Xpages - Remove selected items from an array

Does anyone know how to remove selected items from an array?
var view:NotesView = getComponent("viewPanel2");
var UtbildningarArray = new Array();
viewScope.col = view.getSelectedIds();
if (viewScope.col.length > 0){
for (i=0; i<viewScope.col.length; i++){
var docid = viewScope.col[i];
if (docid != null) {
var doc = database.getDocumentByID(docid);
I have tried, removeEntry and splice but I don't get it work.
You are right, have added this in the code:
var view:NotesView = getComponent("viewPanel2");
var UtbildningarArray = new Array();
var UtbildningarArray = new Array();
var FieldUtbArray = new Array(getComponent('inputHidden1').getValue());
viewScope.col = view.getSelectedIds();
if (viewScope.col.length > 0){
for (i=0; i<viewScope.col.length; i++){
var docid = viewScope.col[i];
if (docid != null) {
var doc = database.getDocumentByID(docid);
I'm saving what the user selected in a hidden input, and when the user clicks the "Remove programs" button I display the selected courses in the view. Then should the user be able to click a checkbox and remove the selected course(s). Now when I save nothing happens.
I think you need to show more what you want to remove.
Below you have to code snippets that will remove an entry from an js array.
I got it work!
for (var i = 0; i < FieldUtbArray.length; i++) {
found = false;
// find a[i] in b
for (var j = 0; j < UtbildningarArray.length; j++) {
if (FieldUtbArray[i] == UtbildningarArray[j]) {
found = true;
if (!found) {

How do I highlight a javascript listbox item?

I have a function that swaps the selected item in a select box (listbox) with the item above it which works ok but I want to make it so that the item is still selected afterwords. So if the user wanted to keep moving the item upwards in the box he could keep pressing the Move Up button.
function moveUp() {
var list = document.getElementById('listbox');
var numSelected = list.selectedIndex;
var itemSelected = list.options;
if (itemSelected[numSelected].id == 0) {
alert("Can't move this up the list!");
} else {
if (poiArrayList[numSelected - 1] != null) {
var tempPOI = poiArrayList[numSelected];
poiArrayList[numSelected] = poiArrayList[numSelected - 1];
poiArrayList[numSelected - 1] = tempPOI;
//The line below is what I have but that doesn't seem to work.
list.selectedIndex = numSelected;
} else {
alert("The listbox is empty!");
Full code
Have a look here:
I've added an optional parameter to generateListBox(), where you can set the index to be highlighted once the list is generated. For example:
function moveUp() {
var list = document.getElementById('listbox');
var numSelected = list.selectedIndex;
// regenerate the list passing the item to select
generateListBox(numSelected - 1);
function generateListBox(selectedIndex) {
var selectBox = document.getElementById("listbox");
selectBox.innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < poiArrayList.length; i++) {
lbAddItem(poiArrayList[i].name, i);
// you should also check that is a valid integer here
selectBox.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
Hope it helps

Javascript, looping through gridview checking hidden values

I need some help :). Im trying to build a Javascript that goes through a gridview on my page and for each row checks the hiddenvalue that is stored in a certain cell of that row. It should then check this against a filtervalue and if it doesnt match hide the row in question.
How can I do this?
While not the most elegant, this should get you started in the right direction:
<script type="text/javascript">
function HideEvenValueRows() {
var tGrid = document.getElementById('<%= GridView1.ClientID%>');
for (var i = 0; i < tGrid.rows.length; ++i) {
var inputs = tGrid.rows[i].getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; ++j) {
if (inputs[j].type == "hidden") {
var k = inputs[j].value * 1;
if (k % 2 == 0) {
tGrid.rows[i].style.visibility = "collapse";

