Declaring variables using single or multiple var statements. Performance wise - javascript

(Question moved from Webmasters.)
Someone once told me that it's better for Javascript performance to use one var statement rather then multiple.
// Version A. Allegedly Faster
var a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3;
// Version B. Allegedly Slower
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
var c = 3;
The reasoning behind this was along the lines of: For every var statement, Javascript will start allocating memory and then stop at the semicolon. Whereas, if you have only one var statement, many JS implementations will optimize it and allocate space for all variables in the same call. Thus making things go faster.
However, when googling to confirm this I only find rants about how some consider the second example to be simpler from a maintenance point of view. And some disagree.
This JSPerf test sais there is no difference.
So my question: From a performance perspective, is there any reason version A or B would be better?
(You do save a few bytes on not writing the "var" declaration, but that is in delivery of data to a browser. This question includes server side JS)

First of all, your question is not answerable without specifying what JavaScript implementation is concerned. Performance is not the concern of the language and anyone could write a conforming JavaScript implementation where separate var statements would be slower because performance characteristics are not specified in the language specification.
You mentioned server side so I'm going to assume V8, which has 2 different compilers for JavaScript.
The first compiler would parse your source code into an AST and then walk the tree's nodes while spitting machine instructions for each tree node. So no, the syntactic form of your var statements could have not affected the performance here.
The second compiler is much smarter and takes its time to analyze the code through multiple different representations (not just AST) in order to generate optimized code. Since the dumb compiler can already see that the codes have the same semantics, so can the smart one, so there is again no difference.
Syntactic differences where semantics are exactly the same will not in general have any performance difference unless there is a bug. But this is a trivial case so I would find it very hard to believe any world class JavaScript implementation failing here.


Optimizing JavaScript loop makes it slower

In the book JavaScript Patterns Stoyan Stefanov he claims that the common way of looping in JavaScript
for (i = 0, max = myarray.length; i < max; i++) {
// do something with myarray[i]
can be optimized by using this pattern instead
for (i = myarray.length; i--;) {
// do something with myarray[i]
I found that to be interesting so I decided to test it in the real world by applying the technique to a performance intensive loop showed in this blog post about doing pixel manipulation with canvas. The benchmarks comparing the regular code with the "optimized" code can be seen here.
The interesting thing is that the supposedly optimized loop is actually slower than the regular way of looping in both Opera and Firefox. Why is that?
This kind of micro-optimization always has very limited validity. Chances are that the VM implementations include optimizations for the "common ways" of doing things that go beyond what you can do on the language level.
Which is why micro-optimizations are usually a waste of time. Beginners tend to obsess over them and end up writing code that is hard to maintain AND slow.
Most of the ways to try to optimise a loop comes from C, and a time when compilers where simpler and processors executed one instruction after the other.
Modern processors run the code very differently, so optimising specific instructions doesn't have the same effect now.
For Javascript the changes are quite rapid now. It has gone from being interpreted to being compiled, which makes a huge performance difference. The compilers are very different between browsers, and they change with each new browser version, so something that is faster in one browser today, may be slower tomorrow.
I have tested some different ways of optimising loops, and currently there is very little difference in performance:
One thing that can be said for certain though, is that the regular way of writing loops is the most common, so that is what all compilers will be focusing on optimising.
To begin with, I see no reason why the second should be much faster than the first. The difference between comparing with zero versus comparing with another number is something that might make a difference in extremely tight loops in compiled code, but even there it's likely a cargo cult opt most of the time (read Richard Feyman's Cargo Cult Science if you don't get the reference, if nothing else it's a good read by there are also more than a few times where similar tendencies to copy something that worked well once to a case where there's no real reason to suppose it will help, in programming).
I could see the following being slower:
for (i = 0; i < myarray.length; i++) {
// do something with myarray[i]
But I could also see it not being slower, if the engine did the optimisation of hoisting the length check for you, or the implementation was such that checking the length and checking a variable was about equivalent cost anyway.
I could also see either that or the first code example you give, or perhaps both, being something that a given script-engine optimises - it is after all a very common idiom in js, and inherently involves looping, so it would be a sensible thing to try to detect and optimise for in a script engine.
Beyond such conjectures though, we can't really say anything about this beyond "because one works better in that engine than the other, that's why" without getting to the level below javascript and examining the implementation of the engine. Your very results would suggest that the answer won't be the same with each engine (after all, one did correspond more with what you expected).
Now, it's worth noting that in each case the results are quite close to each other anyway. If you found just one or two browsers that are currently reasonably popular where the change did indeed optimise, it could still be worth it.
If you're interested in whether it was ever worth or, or was just an assumption to being with, you could try to get a copy of Netscape 2 (first javascript browser ever, after all), and run some code to test the approach on it.
Edit: If you do try that sort of experiment, another is to try deliberately buggy loops that overshoot the array bounds by one. One possible optimisation for the engine is to realise you're walking the array, and check once on where you will end for out-of-range. if so, you could have different results if you will eventually error.

Would it make sense to run JavaScript on the Lua VM?

Lua is small and can be easily embedded. The current JavaScript VMs are quite big and hard to integrate into existing applications.
So wouldn't it be possible to compile JavaScript to Lua or Lua bytecode?
Especially for the constraints in mobile applications this seems like a good fit. Being able to easily integrate one of the most popular scripting languages into any iPhone or Android app would be great.
I'm not very familiar with Lua so I don't know if this is technically feasible.
With Luvit there is an active project trying to port the Node.js architecture to Lua. So the evented JavaScript world can't be too far away from whats possible in Lua.
The wins of compiling Javascript to Lua are not as great as you might first imagine. Javascript's semantics are very different to Lua's (the LuaJIT author cites Lua's design as one of the main reasons LuaJIT can compete so favourably with Javascript JIT compilers).
Take this code:
if("1" == 1)
This prints "Yes" in Javascript. The equivalent code in Lua does not, as strings are never equal to numbers in Lua. This may seem like a small point, but it has a fundamental consequence: we can no longer use Lua's built-in equality testing.
There are two solutions we could take. We could rewrite 1 == "1" to javascript_equals(1, "1"). Or we could wrap every Javascript value in Lua, and use Lua's metatables to override the == operator behaviour.
So we already lost a some efficiency from Lua by mapping Javascript to it. This is a simple example, but it continues like this all the way down. For example all the operator rules are different between Javascript and Lua.
We would even have to wrap Javascript objects, because they aren't the same as Lua tables. For example Javascript objects only support string keys, and coerce any index to a string:
> a = {}
> a[1] = "Hello"
> a["1"]
You also have to watch out for Javascript's scoping rules, vararg functions, and so on.
Now, all of these things are surmountable, if someone were to put the effort into a full compiler. However any efficiency gains would soon be drowned out. You would essentially end up building a Javascript interpreter in Lua. Most Javascript interpreters are written in C and already optimised for Javascript's semantics.
So, doing it for efficiency is a lost cause. There may be other reasons - such as supporting Javascript in a Lua-only environment, though even then if possible just writing Lua bindings to an existing Javascript interpreter would probably be less work.
If you want to have a play with a Javascript->Lua source-to-source translator, take a look at js2lua, which is a toy project I created some time back. It's not anywhere complete, but playing with it would certainly give some food for thought. It already includes a Javascript lexer, so that hard work is done already.

lightweight javascript to javascript parser

How would I go about writing a lightweight javascript to javascript parser. Something simple that can convert some snippets of code.
I would like to basically make the internal scope objects in functions public.
So something like this
var outer = 42;
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var inner = 42;
function magic() {
var in_magic = inner + outer;
}, false);
Would compile to
__Scope__.set('outer', 42);
__Scope__.set('console', console);
window.addEventListener('load', constructScopeWrapper(__Scope__, function(__Scope__) {
__Scope__.set('inner', 42);
__Scope__.set('magic',constructScopeWrapper(__Scope__, function _magic(__Scope__) {
__Scope__.set('in_magic', __Scope__.get('inner') + __Scope__.get('outer'));
}), false);
Demonstation Example
Motivation behind this is to serialize the state of functions and closures and keep them synchronized across different machines (client, server, multiple servers). For this I would need a representation of [[Scope]]
Can I do this kind of compiler without writing a full JavaScript -> (slightly different) JavaScript compiler?
How would I go about writing such a compiler?
Can I re-use existing js -> js compilers?
I don't think your task is easy or short given that you want to access and restore all the program state. One of the issues is that you might have to capture the program state at any moment during a computation, right? That means the example as shown isn't quite right; that captures state sort of before execution of that code (except that you've precomputed the sum that initializes magic, and that won't happen before the code runs for the original JavaScript). I assume you might want to capture the state at any instant during execution.
The way you've stated your problem, is you want a JavaScript parser in JavaScript.
I assume you are imagining that your existing JavaScript code J, includes such a JavaScript parser and whatever else is necessary to generate your resulting code G, and that when J starts up it feeds copies of itself to G, manufacturing the serialization code S and somehow loading that up.
(I think G is pretty big and hoary if it can handle all of Javascript)
So your JavaScript image contains J, big G, S and does an expensive operation (feed J to G) when it starts up.
What I think might serve you better is a tool G that processes your original JavaScript code J offline, and generates program state/closure serialization code S (to save and restore that state) that can be added to/replace J for execution. J+S are sent to the client, who never sees G or its execution. This decouples the generation of S from the runtime execution of J, saving on client execution time and space.
In this case, you want a tool that will make generation of such code S easiest. A pure JavaScript parser is a start but isn't likely enough; you'll need symbol table support to know which function code is connected a function call F(...), and which variable definition in which scope corresponds to assignments or accesses to a variable V. You may need to actually modify your original code J to insert points of access where the program state can be captured. You may need flow analysis to find out where some values went. Insisting all of this in JavaScript narrows your range of solutions.
For these tasks, you will likely find a program transformation tool useful. Such tools contain parsers for the langauge of interest, build ASTs representing the program, enable the construction of identifier-to-definition maps ("symbol tables"), can carry out modifications to the ASTs representing insertion of access points, or synthesis of ASTs representing your demonstration example, and then regenerate valid JavaScript code containing the modified J and the additions S.
Of all the program transformation systems that I know about (which includes all the ones at the Wikipedia site), none are implemented in JavaScript.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is such a program transformation system offering all the features I just described. (Yes, its big and hoary; it has to be to handle the complexities of real computer languages). It has a JavaScript front end that contains a complete JavaScript parser to ASTs, and the machinery to regenerate JavaScript code from modified or synthesized ASTs. (Also big and hoary; good thing that hoary + hoary is still just hoary). Should it be useful, DMS also provides support for building control and dataflow analysis.
If you want something with a simple interface, you could try node-burrito:
It generates an AST using the uglify-js parser and then recursively walks the nodes. All you have to do is give a single callback which tests each node. You can alter the ones you need to change, and it outputs the resulting code.
I'd try to look for an existing parser to modify. Perhaps you could adapt JSLint/JSHint?
There is a problem with the rewriting above, you're not hoisting the initialization of magic to the top of the scope.
There's a number of projects out there that parse JavaScript.
Crock's Pratt parser which works well on JavaScript that fits within "The good parts" and less well on other JS.
The es-lab parser based on ometa which handles the full grammar including a lot of corner cases that Crock's parser misses. It may not perform as well as Crock's.
narcissus parser and evaluator. I don't have much experience with this.
There are also a number of high-quality lexers for JavaScript that let you manipulate JS at the token level. This can be tougher than it sounds though since JavaScript is not lexically regular, and predicting semicolon insertion is difficult without a full parse.
My es5-lexer is a carefully constructed and efficient lexer for EcmaScript 5 that provides the ability to tokenize JavaScript. It is heuristic where JavaScript's grammar is not lexically regular but the heuristic is very good and it provides a means to transform a token stream so that an interpreter is guaranteed to interpret it the way the lexer interpreted the tokens so if you don't trust your input, you can still be sure that the interpretation underlying the security transformations is sound even if not correct according to the spec for some bizarre inputs.
Your problem seams to be in same family of problems as what is solved with the JS Opfuscators and JS Compressors -- they as well as you need to be able to parse and reformat the JS to an equivalent script;
There was a good discussion on obfuscators here and the possible solution to your problem could be to leverage the parse and generator part from one of the FOSS versions.
One callout, your example code does not take into account the scopes of the variables you want to set/get and that will eventually become a problem that you will have to solve.
Given the scope problem for closure defined functions, you are probably unlikely to be able to solve this problem as a static parsing problem, as the scope variables outside the closure will have to be imported/exported to resolve/save and re-instantiate scope. Hence you may need to dig into the evaluation engine itself, and perhaps get the V8 engine and make a hack to the interpreter itself -- that is assuming that you do not need this to be generic cross all script engines and that you can tie it down to a single implementation which you control.

C interpreter written in javascript

Is there any C interpreter written in javascript or java ?
I don't need a full interpreter but I need to be able to do a step by step execution of the program and being able to see the values of variables, the stack...all that in a web interface.
The idea is to help C beginners by showing them the step by step execution of the program.
We are using GWT to build the interface so if something exists in Java we should be able to use it.
I can modify it to suit my needs but if I can avoid to write the parser / abstract-syntax tree walker / stack manipulation... that would be great.
Edit :
To be clear I don't want to simulate the complete C because some programs can be really tricky.
By step I mean a basic operation such as : expression evaluation, affectation, function call.
The C I want to simulate will contains : variables, for, while, functions, arrays, pointers, maths functions.
No goto, string functions, ctypes.h, setjmp.h... (at least for now).
Here is a prototype :
In this example we have manually converted the C code to a javascript representation but it's limited (expressions such as a == 2 || a = 1 are not handled) and is limited to programs manually converted.
We have a our disposal a C compiler on a remote server so we can check if the code is correct (and doesn't have any undefined behavior). The parsing / AST construction can also be done remotely (so any language) but the AST walking needs to be in javascript in order to run on the client side.
There's a C grammar available for antlr that you can use to generate a C parser in Java, and possibly JavaScript too.
There is em-scripten which converts LLVM languages to JS a little hacking on it and you may be able to produce a C interperter.
felixh's JSCPP project provides a C++ interpreter in Javascript, though with some limitations.
So an example program might look like this:
var JSCPP = require('JSCPP');
var launcher = JSCPP.launcher;
var code = 'int main(){int a;cin>>a;cout<<a;return 0;}';
var input = '4321';
var exitcode =, input);'program exited with code ' + exitcode);
As of March 2015 this is under active development, so while it's usable there are still areas where it may continue to expand. Check the documentation for limitations. It looks like you can use it as a straight C interpreter with limited library support for now with no further issues.
I don't know of any C interpreters written in JavaScript, but here is a discussion of available C interpreters:
Is there an interpreter for C?
You might do better to look for any sort of virtual machine that runs on top of JavaScript, and then see if you can find a C compiler that emits the proper machine code for the VM. A likely one would seem to be LLVM; if you can find a JavaScript VM that can run LLVM, then you will be in great shape.
I did a few Google searches and found Emscripten, which translates C code into JavaScript directly! Perhaps you can do something with this:
Perhaps you can modify Emscripten to emit a "sequence point" after each compiled line of C, and then you can make your simulated environment single-step from sequence point to sequence point.
I believe Emscripten is implementing LLVM, so it may actually have virtual registers; if so it might be ideal for your purposes.
I know you specified C code, but you might want to consider a JavaScript emulation of a simpler language. In particular, please consider FORTH.
FORTH runs on an extremely simple virtual machine. In FORTH there are two stacks, a data stack and a flow-of-control stack (called the "return" stack); plus some global memory. Originally FORTH was a 16-bit language but there are plenty of 32-bit FORTH implementations out there now.
Because FORTH code is sort of "close to the machine" it is easy to understand how it all works when you see it working. I learned FORTH before I learned C, and I found it to be a valuable learning experience.
There are several FORTH interpreters available in JavaScript already. The FORTH virtual machine is so simple, it doesn't take very long to implement it!
You could even then get a C-to-FORTH translator and let the students watch the FORTH virtual machine interpret compiled C code.
I consider this answer a long shot for you, so I'll stop writing here. If you are in fact interested in the idea, comment below and ask for more details and I will be happy to share them. It's been a long time since I wrote any FORTH code but I still remember it fondly, and I'd be happy to talk more about FORTH.
EDIT: Despite this answer being downvoted to a negative score, I am going to leave it up here. A simulation for educational purposes is IMHO more valuable if the simulation is simple and easy to understand. The simple stack-based virtual machine for FORTH is very simple, yet you could compile C code to run on it. (In the 80's there was even a CPU chip made that had FORTH instructions as its native machine code.) And, as I said, I personally studied FORTH when I was a complete beginner and it helped me to understand assembly language and C.
The question has no accepted answer, now over two years after it was asked. It could be that Loïc Février didn't find any suitable JavaScript interpreter. As I said, there already exist several JavaScript interpreters for the FORTH virtual machine. Therefore, this answer is a practical one.
C is a compiled language, not an interpreted language, and has features like pointers which JS completely doesn't support, so interpreting C in Javascript doesn't really make sense

Javascript: Optimizing details for Critical/Highly Processed Javascript code

I've been looking through a lot of Javascript Optimizing and most of them talk about string concatenation and a few other big ones found here, but I figured there had to be more details that you can optimize for when speed is critical and the processing of those pieces of code is very high.
Say you run this code for some reason: (unlikely, I know, but bear with me)
for( var i = 0; i < 100000000000; i++ ) {
//Do stuff
And there's no way of getting around having a loop that big... You're going to want to make sure that all the stuff you're doing in that loop is optimized to the point that you can't optimize it anymore... or your website will hang.
Edit: I'm not necessarily talking about a loop, what about a function that's repeatedly called such as onmousemove? Although in most cases we shouldn't need to use onmousemove, there are some cases that do. This questions is for those cases.
Using JQuery as our JS library
So what I would like is tips for optimizing, but only the more uncommon ones
- ie. Speed differences between switch or if-else
If you'd like to see the more common ones, you can find them here:
Optimizing Javascript for Execution Speed
Javascript Tips and Tricks; Javascript Best Practices
Optimize javascript pre-load of images
How do you optimize your Javascript
Object Oriented Javascript best practices
"And there's no way of getting around having a loop that big... "
In the real world of RIA, you HAVE to get around the big loops. As important as optimization is learning how to break large loops into small loops, and giving time to the browser to deal with its UI. Otherwise you'll give your users a bad experience and they won't come back.
So I'd argue that BEFORE you learn funky JS optimizations, you should know how to break a large loop into chunks called by setTimeout() and display a progress bar (or let animated GIFs loop).
Perceived speed is often more important than actual speed. The world of the client is different from the world of the server.
When animating, learn how to find out if you're running on a lame browser (usually IE) and try for a worse framerate (or just don't animate). I can get some animations to go 90fps in a good browser but just 15fps in IE. You can test for the browser, but it's usually better to use timeouts and the clock to see how animations are performing.
Also, for genuine speedups, learn how to use web workers in Gears and in newer browsers.
You can speed up this mofo thus:
for (var i = 100000000; i--;) {
//Do stuff
Reverses the loop and checks only for
instead of
i < 10000000 and i < 10000000 = true
Performance gain of 50% in most browsers
Saw this in a great Google Code talk #
The talk contains some other great tricks.
Good luck!
If it doesn't need to be synchronous, convert the loops into a recursive implementation with setTimeout calls
for( var i = 0; i < 100000000000; i++ ) {
//Do stuff
Can probably written as
function doSomething(n)
if (n === 0) return some_value;
setTimeout(function(){doSomething(n-1);}, 0);
OK, this might not be a good example, but you get the idea. This way, you convert long synchronous operations into an asynchronous operation that doesn't hang the browser. Very useful in certain scenarios where something doesn't need to be done right away.
Using split & join instead of replace:
//str.replace("needle", "hay");
Store long reference chains in local variables:
function doit() {
var moo =;;
After seeing a few good answers by the people here, I did some more searching and found a few to add:
These are tips on Javascript optimizing when you're looking to get down to the very little details, things that in most cases wouldn't matter, but some it will make all the difference:
Switch vs. Else If
A commonly used tactic to wring
whatever overhead might be left out of
a large group of simple conditional
statements is replacing If-Then-Else's
with Switch statements.
Just incase you wanted to see benchmarking you can find it here.
Loop Unrolling
To unroll a loop, you have it do more
than one of the same step per
iteration and increment the counter
variable accordingly. This helps a lot
because you then decrease the number
of times you are checking the
condition for the loop overall. You
must be careful when doing this though
because you may end up overshooting
See details and benchmarking here.
Reverse Loop Counting
Reverse your loop so that it counts
down instead of up. I have also seen
in various documents about
optimization that comparing a number
to zero is much quicker than comparing
it to another number, so if you
decrement and compare to zero it
should be faster.
See more details and benchmarking here.
Duff's Device
It's simple, but complicated to grasp at first. Read more about it here.
Make sure to check out the improved version further down that page.
The majority of this information was quoted directly from here: JavaScript Optimization. It's interesting, since it's such an old site it looks at optimization from the perspective of the browser processing power they had back then. Although the benchmarks they have recorded there are for IE 5.5 and Netscape 4.73, their benchmarking tools give accurate results for the browser you're using.
For the people who think these details don't matter, I think it says a bit about the way people perceive the power in advancing technologies we have. Just because our browsers are processing many times faster than what they use to doesn't necessarily mean that we should abuse that processing power.
I'm not suggesting spend hours optimizing two lines of code for 0.005ms, but if you keep some these techniques in mind and implement them where appropriate it will contribute to a faster web. After all, there are still many people using IE 6, so it would be wrong to assume everyone's browsers can handle the same processing.
Which JavaScript engine are we supposed to be targeting? If you're talking about such extreme optimisation, it makes a big difference. For starters, I'll point out that the array.join() trick for string concatenation is only really applicable to Microsoft's JScript engine; it can actually give worse performance on other JS engines.

