I wrote a javascript version of Lagrange algorithm, but it kept going wrong when I run it, I don't know what went wrong.
I use this to calculate time.
When I pass a cSeconds as a variable, sometimes it returns a minus value which is obviously wrong...
function LagrangeForCat(cSeconds){
var y = [2592000,7776000,15552000,31104000,93312000,155520000,279936000,404352000,528768000,622080000,715392000,870912000,995328000,1119744000,1244160000,1368576000,1492992000,1617408000,1741824000,1866240000,1990656000,2115072000,2239488000,2363904000,2488320000,2612736000,2737152000,2861568000,2985984000,3110400000,3234816000,3359232000,3483648000,3608064000];
var x = [604800,1209600,1814400,2592000,5184000,7776000,15552000,23328000,31104000,46656000,62208000,93312000,124416000,155520000,186624000,217728000,248832000,279936000,311040000,342144000,373248000,404352000,435456000,466560000,497664000,528768000,559872000,590976000,622080000,653184000,684288000,715392000,746496000,777600000];
var l = 0.0;
for (var j = 0; j < 34; j++) {
var s = 1.0;
for (var i = 0; i < 34; i++) {
if (i != j)
s = s * ((cSeconds - x[i]) / (x[j] - x[i]));
l = l + s * y[j];
var result = l / (24 * 60 * 60);
var Days = Math.floor(result);
//get float seconds data
var littleData = String(result).split(".")[1];
var floatData = parseFloat("0."+littleData);
var second = floatData *60*60*24;
var hours = Math.floor(second/(60*60));
var minutes = Math.floor(second % 3600/60);
var seconds = Math.floor(second % 3600) % 60;
var returnData = {days:Days,hours: hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds}
return returnData;
I don't believe the issue is with your code but with the data set.
I tried a few things, for instance if you have cSeconds = one of the x values, then you get the correct result (I could check that it was equal to the matching y value).
I put all the data in open office and drew the graph it was like the square root function but more extreme (the 'straight' part look very straight) then I remembered that when you interpolate you usually get a polynomial that crosses the points you want but can be very wild outside between the point.
To test my theory I modified the algorithm to control at which x/y index to start and tried for all the values:
for (let i = 0; i < 35; ++i) {
LagrangeForCat(63119321, i, 34)
Together with a console.log inside LagrangeForCat it gives me the interpolated y value if I use all the x/y arrays (i=0), if I ignore the first x/y point (i=1), the first two (i=2), ...
00-34 -6850462776.278063
01-34 549996977.0003194
02-34 718950902.7592317
03-34 723883771.1443908
04-34 723161627.795225
05-34 721857113.1756063
06-34 721134873.0889213
07-34 720845478.4754647
08-34 720897871.7910147
09-34 721241470.2886044
10-34 722280314.1033486
11-34 750141284.0070543
12-34 750141262.289736
13-34 750141431.2562406
14-34 750141089.6980047
15-34 750141668.8768387
16-34 750142353.3267975
17-34 750141039.138794
18-34 750141836.251831
19-34 750138039.6240234
20-34 750141696.7529297
21-34 750141120.300293
22-34 750141960.4248047
23-34 750140874.0966797
24-34 750141337.5
25-34 750141237.4694824
26-34 750141289.2150879
27-34 750141282.5408936
28-34 750141284.2094421
29-34 750141283.987999
30-34 750141284.0002298
31-34 750141284.0000689
32-34 750141283.9999985
33-34 3608064000
34-34 0
Exclude 33-34 and 34-34 (there's just not enough data to interpolate).
For the example x=63119321 you'd expect y to be between 715392000 and 870912000 you can see that if you ignore the first 2-3 values the interpolation is "believable", if you ignore more values you interpolate based off the very straight part of the curve (see how consistent the interpolation is from 11-34 onward).
I use to work on a project where interpolation was needed, to avoid those pathological cases we opted for linear interpolation trading accuracy for security (and we could generate all the x/y points we wanted). In your case I'd try to use a smaller set, for instance only two values smaller than cSeconds and two greater like this:
function LagrangeForCat(cSeconds) {
var x = [...];
var y = [...];
let begin = 0,
end = 34
for (let i = 0; i < 34; ++i) {
if (cSeconds < x[i]) {
begin = (i < 3) ? 0 : i - 2
end = (i > (x.length - 1)) ? x.length : i + 1
let result = 0.0;
for (let i = begin; i < end; ++i) {
let term = y[i] / (24 * 60 * 60)
for (let j = begin; j < end; ++j) {
if (i != j)
term *= (cSeconds - x[j]) / (x[i] - x[j]);
result += term
var Days = Math.floor(result);
// I didn't change the rest of the function didn't even looked at it
If you find this answer useful please consider marking it as answered it'd be much appreciated.
Im looking to align the following array of colours as precisely as possible.
After searching & trying many solutions suggested on Stackoverflow, the pusher.color library has the best solution, however, it too is far from perfect. I would like to hear solutions on how we can align them perfectly.
JSFIDDLE LINK : http://jsfiddle.net/dxux7y3e/
var coloursArray=['#FFE9E9','#B85958','#FFB1AE','#FFC2BF','#C55E58','#FFC7C4','#FF9A94','#FF9D96','#FA9790','#A78B88','#A78B88','#CE675B','#DB8073','#FF9D90','#FF7361','#FFD6D1','#F9A092','#FF7B67','#EBACA2','#FF806D','#DD6D5B','#D16654','#ED8673','#FFC4B8','#E2725B','#ED7A64','#8F3926','#BD492F','#9D3C27','#AD533E','#BF4024','#FFC9BC','#6B6766','#E1CDC8','#C2654C','#B3978F','#FFC7B8','#CE2B00','#C2654C','#A24D34','#FF926D','#E78667','#FFB198','#8C756D','#9E6D5B','#FFC7B0','#FFBEA4','#D2B9AF','#FFB193','#632710','#B26746','#976854','#F44900','#E79873','#EFA27F','#532510','#BC866B','#FDE5D9','#FF5B00','#D18C67','#FF5B00','#9E4312','#763713','#BB6B39','#B5622E','#CC7742','#6D4227','#B56B38','#FF7518','#F3B080','#995C30','#995C30','#FF6A00','#D89769','#71472A','#EDAC7B','#EEAB79','#EBCFB9','#FBE3D1','#E19255','#5E381B','#FFDCC1','#FFF0E4','#F68D39','#7B5B40','#FF8313','#FFCEA4','#AA8667','#975414','#CB9867','#8C5B2B','#FFCE9E','#7B4714','#FFF3E7','#FFA449','#CEAF90','#CDB69E','#EFD6BC','#DDA66B','#B27737','#B88A57','#CE9B61','#F4C38B','#543817','#BC9C78','#DBB07A','#FF8E04','#F6EADB','#DBC2A4','#C49B64','#CBA26B','#80551E','#FF9200','#FFECD3','#FFC87C','#FFB755','#DBB680','#D2D0CD','#EFDBBE','#E5C18B','#FFE5BC','#F2EADB','#885F12','#FFE7B6','#825A08','#906712','#F2D18E','#C8C6C2','#FFB000','#FFC243','#C6BEAD','#D0C3A4','#916800','#8C6700','#F4E9CA','#FFF0C5','#FFE080','#FFEBA8','#846600','#FFE692','#F5F0DB','#433F2F','#BBB394','#FFEFAA','#FFE76D','#FFFAE0','#3E3B28','#554900','#E1E0D8','#74725C','#605F54','#F8F7DD','#A5A467','#DDDDDA','#FFFFEE','#A3A39D','#E0E0D7','#BEBEB9','#E8E8E5','#454531','#ACACAA','#E9E9DF','#FFFFDC','#EBEBE7','#979831','#C5C6BE','#B9C866','#898D72','#F3FAD1','#616452','#CED5B0','#A1A787','#595C4E','#B0BB8C','#EEFFB6','#ACB78E','#8FA359','#858F6C','#86916E','#374912','#AEB0AA','#79904C','#627739','#747F60','#9FA98E','#E7F9CB','#E1F9BE','#495637','#8A9978','#4E5F39','#86996E','#C3CEB7','#78866B','#CEDDC1','#B5CEA2','#536149','#D6E6CC','#D6E6CC','#809873','#4F564C','#4F6C45','#555F52','#4F7942','#5F705B','#D0DFCD','#2B3929','#F0F7EF','#AAD5A4','#99BC95','#B6D4B4','#869E86','#618661','#006700','#E9EEE9','#739E73','#005B06','#EDF7EE','#D0E0D2','#809784','#ABCEB1','#C0E0C8','#3A5241','#435549','#E6ECE8','#E3EAE6','#3B604C','#00602F','#92B7A5','#2F5B49','#318061','#30745B','#316955','#00A275','#C2D1CE','#80A7A0','#00A082','#C2D1CF','#5C6E6C','#607473','#EDF7F7','#1E8285','#D5E7E8','#AADEE1','#188086','#107F87','#566364','#007B86','#66949A','#CAE2E5','#18656F','#004F61','#0C5B6C','#668E98','#BBD0DA','#91B4C5','#AFC3CD','#738A99','#3A5467','#476174','#244967','#556C80','#667A8C','#516D87','#1E4263','#7C8791','#849CB6','#738CAA','#1E3A5F','#1E3655','#9EB0CE','#B6BAC2','#67738D','#BEC1CD','#555559','#616180','#000049','#000031','#F8F8FC','#938BA4','#47375D','#F7F6F8','#3D0067','#514C53','#9566A2','#7F5482','#A279A4','#6D1261','#A06492','#925582','#945B80','#CE94BA','#ECCFE1','#A20058','#A6005B','#BC0061','#BB0061','#F3CEE1','#B3005B','#AB165F','#8A184D','#AA185B','#F3DAE4','#DB3779','#E71261','#E74F86','#FFD6E5','#BE9BA7','#D0396A','#DB1855','#F798B6','#9C294A','#D62B5B','#DE3969','#BC1641','#E7547A','#D52756','#9C7D85','#DB244F','#A1354F','#C22443','#FFBDCA','#8B6D73','#DC3D5B','#FF738C','#F13154','#BC4055','#FED4DB','#FFCFD6','#CB4E61','#ED455A','#F36C7B','#C94F5B','#F3959D','#A8444C','#FFCCD0','#735B5D','#D15D67','#B44B52','#FD868D','#FFD5D8','#C3767B','#FF8087','#C8242B','#FFEAEB','#F95A61','#E96D73','#E6656B','#FF6D73','#FF555B','#A35A5B','#FFD3D4','#B84B4D'];
var body=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
function hexToRgb(hex) {
hex = hex.substring(1, hex.length);
var r = parseInt((hex).substring(0, 2), 16);
var g = parseInt((hex).substring(2, 4), 16);
var b = parseInt((hex).substring(4, 6), 16);
return r + "," + g + "," + b;
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);
var rgbArr=new Array();
var div=document.createElement('div');
for(var color in coloursArray){
var hslArr=new Array();
for(var i=0;i<rgbArr.length;i++){
//Transforming rgb to hsl
//`hslArr[i][1]` (`i`) is a reference to the rgb color, in order to retrieve it later
var sortedHslArr=new Array();
//Sorting `hslArr` into `sortedHslArr`
for(var i=0;i<hslArr.length;i++){
for(var j=0;j<sortedHslArr.length;j++){
continue outerloop;
var sortedRgbArr=new Array();
//Retrieving rgb colors
for(var i=0;i<sortedHslArr.length;i++){
function displayColor(color,parent){
var div;
var finalArray=new Array();
var div=document.createElement('div');
for(var color in sortedRgbArr){
function rgbToHsl(c){
var r = c[0]/255, g = c[1]/255, b = c[2]/255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if(max == min){
h = s = 0; // achromatic
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return new Array(h * 360, s * 100, l * 100);
var sorted = coloursArray.sort(function(colorA, colorB) {
return pusher.color(colorA).hue() - pusher.color(colorB).hue();
// console.log(sorted);
var div=document.createElement('div');
for(var color in sorted){
var div=document.createElement('div');
var str='';
for(var color in sorted){
function sorthueColors (colors) {
for (var c = 0; c < colors.length; c++) {
/* Get the hex value without hash symbol. */
var hex = colors[c].substring(1);
//var hex = colors[c].hex.substring(1);
/* Get the RGB values to calculate the Hue. */
var r = parseInt(hex.substring(0,2),16)/255;
var g = parseInt(hex.substring(2,4),16)/255;
var b = parseInt(hex.substring(4,6),16)/255;
/* Getting the Max and Min values for Chroma. */
var max = Math.max.apply(Math, [r,g,b]);
var min = Math.min.apply(Math, [r,g,b]);
/* Variables for HSV value of hex color. */
var chr = max-min;
var hue = 0;
var val = max;
var sat = 0;
if (val > 0) {
/* Calculate Saturation only if Value isn't 0. */
sat = chr/val;
if (sat > 0) {
if (r == max) {
hue = 60*(((g-min)-(b-min))/chr);
if (hue < 0) {hue += 360;}
} else if (g == max) {
hue = 120+60*(((b-min)-(r-min))/chr);
} else if (b == max) {
hue = 240+60*(((r-min)-(g-min))/chr);
/* Modifies existing objects by adding HSV values. */
colors[c].hue = hue;
colors[c].sat = sat;
colors[c].val = val;
/* Sort by Hue. */
return colors.sort(function(a,b){return a.hue - b.hue;});
Problem is, sorting requires a well-defined order - in other words, you need to map all colors to one dimension. While there are some approaches to display the color space in two dimensions, I am not aware of any that would display it in one dimension and still make sense to the human eye.
However, if you don't insist on some universal ordering and you merely want to place a given list of colors in a way that looks nice, then some clustering approach might produce better results. I tried the naive approach, the idea here is to put similar colors into the same cluster and to merge these clusters until you only have one. Here is the code I've got:
function colorDistance(color1, color2) {
// This is actually the square of the distance but
// this doesn't matter for sorting.
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < color1.length; i++)
result += (color1[i] - color2[i]) * (color1[i] - color2[i]);
return result;
function sortColors(colors) {
// Calculate distance between each color
var distances = [];
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
distances[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
distances.push([colors[i], colors[j], colorDistance(colors[i], colors[j])]);
distances.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[2] - b[2];
// Put each color into separate cluster initially
var colorToCluster = {};
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++)
colorToCluster[colors[i]] = [colors[i]];
// Merge clusters, starting with lowest distances
var lastCluster;
for (var i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) {
var color1 = distances[i][0];
var color2 = distances[i][1];
var cluster1 = colorToCluster[color1];
var cluster2 = colorToCluster[color2];
if (!cluster1 || !cluster2 || cluster1 == cluster2)
// Make sure color1 is at the end of its cluster and
// color2 at the beginning.
if (color1 != cluster1[cluster1.length - 1])
if (color2 != cluster2[0])
// Merge cluster2 into cluster1
cluster1.push.apply(cluster1, cluster2);
delete colorToCluster[color1];
delete colorToCluster[color2];
colorToCluster[cluster1[0]] = cluster1;
colorToCluster[cluster1[cluster1.length - 1]] = cluster1;
lastCluster = cluster1;
// By now all colors should be in one cluster
return lastCluster;
Complete fiddle
The colorDistance() function works with RGB colors that are expressed as arrays with three elements. There are certainly much better approaches to do this and they might produce results that look better. Note also that this isn't the most efficient algorithm because it calculates the distance between each and every color (O(n2)) so if you have lots of colors you might want to optimize it.
Assuming there is no best solution. Here is how i would find what i like the most.
First i would use color distance function:
var balance = [10, 0, 0.01];
function colorDistance(color1, color2) {
var result = 0;
color1 = rgbToHsl(color1[0], color1[1], color1[2]);
color2 = rgbToHsl(color2[0], color2[1], color2[2]);
for (var i = 0; i < color1.length; i++)
result += (color1[i] - color2[i]) * (color1[i] - color2[i]) * balance[i];
return result;
I would use balance function :
hue distance var balance = [1, 0, 0];
saturation distance var balance = [0, 1, 0];
lightness distance var balance = [0, 0, 1];
After that you can just experiment and pick what you like. Note that values are not normalized to appear between 0 to 1 but other then that it should work well. You can also you another distance function this is just most trivial and well known one that gets decent results.
This approach does not give you the best solution, but describes a way to fiddle with it and get result you where looking for. Have fun.
Using the Hue of a color is usually a pleasant way to map the color on a one-dimensional scale. You could convert the rgb color to hsv using the answers here: RGB to HSV color in javascript?
This is an improved code based on pusher.color lib.
I want to create a function that will accept any old string (will usually be a single word) and from that somehow generate a hexadecimal value between #000000 and #FFFFFF, so I can use it as a colour for a HTML element.
Maybe even a shorthand hex value (e.g: #FFF) if that's less complicated. In fact, a colour from a 'web-safe' palette would be ideal.
Here's an adaptation of CD Sanchez' answer that consistently returns a 6-digit colour code:
var stringToColour = function(str) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
var colour = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var value = (hash >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF;
colour += ('00' + value.toString(16)).substr(-2);
return colour;
// -> #9bc63b
(An alternative/simpler solution might involve returning an 'rgb(...)'-style colour code.)
Just porting over the Java from Compute hex color code for an arbitrary string to Javascript:
function hashCode(str) { // java String#hashCode
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
return hash;
function intToRGB(i){
var c = (i & 0x00FFFFFF)
return "00000".substring(0, 6 - c.length) + c;
To convert you would do:
I wanted similar richness in colors for HTML elements, I was surprised to find that CSS now supports hsl() colors, so a full solution for me is below:
Also see How to automatically generate N "distinct" colors? for more alternatives more similar to this.
Edit: updating based on #zei's version (with american spelling)
var stringToColor = (string, saturation = 100, lightness = 75) => {
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
hash = string.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
hash = hash & hash;
return `hsl(${(hash % 360)}, ${saturation}%, ${lightness}%)`;
// For the sample on stackoverflow
function colorByHashCode(value) {
return "<span style='color:" + stringToColor(value) + "'>" + value + "</span>";
document.body.innerHTML = [
span {
font-size: 50px;
font-weight: 800;
In HSL its Hue, Saturation, Lightness. So the hue between 0-359 will get all colors, saturation is how rich you want the color, 100% works for me. And Lightness determines the deepness, 50% is normal, 25% is dark colors, 75% is pastel. I have 30% because it fit with my color scheme best.
Here is my 2021 version with Reduce Function and HSL Color.
function getBackgroundColor(stringInput) {
let stringUniqueHash = [...stringInput].reduce((acc, char) => {
return char.charCodeAt(0) + ((acc << 5) - acc);
}, 0);
return `hsl(${stringUniqueHash % 360}, 95%, 35%)`;
Using the hashCode as in Cristian Sanchez's answer with hsl and modern javascript, you can create a color picker with good contrast like this:
function hashCode(str) {
let hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
return hash;
function pickColor(str) {
return `hsl(${hashCode(str) % 360}, 100%, 80%)`;
one.style.backgroundColor = pickColor(one.innerText)
two.style.backgroundColor = pickColor(two.innerText)
div {
padding: 10px;
<div id="one">One</div>
<div id="two">Two</div>
Since it's hsl, you can scale luminance to get the contrast you're looking for.
function hashCode(str) {
let hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
return hash;
function pickColor(str) {
// Note the last value here is now 50% instead of 80%
return `hsl(${hashCode(str) % 360}, 100%, 50%)`;
one.style.backgroundColor = pickColor(one.innerText)
two.style.backgroundColor = pickColor(two.innerText)
div {
color: white;
padding: 10px;
<div id="one">One</div>
<div id="two">Two</div>
I find that generating random colors tends to create colors that do not have enough contrast for my taste. The easiest way I have found to get around that is to pre-populate a list of very different colors. For every new string, assign the next color in the list:
// Takes any string and converts it into a #RRGGBB color.
var StringToColor = (function(){
var instance = null;
return {
next: function stringToColor(str) {
if(instance === null) {
instance = {};
instance.stringToColorHash = {};
instance.nextVeryDifferntColorIdx = 0;
instance.veryDifferentColors = ["#000000","#00FF00","#0000FF","#FF0000","#01FFFE","#FFA6FE","#FFDB66","#006401","#010067","#95003A","#007DB5","#FF00F6","#FFEEE8","#774D00","#90FB92","#0076FF","#D5FF00","#FF937E","#6A826C","#FF029D","#FE8900","#7A4782","#7E2DD2","#85A900","#FF0056","#A42400","#00AE7E","#683D3B","#BDC6FF","#263400","#BDD393","#00B917","#9E008E","#001544","#C28C9F","#FF74A3","#01D0FF","#004754","#E56FFE","#788231","#0E4CA1","#91D0CB","#BE9970","#968AE8","#BB8800","#43002C","#DEFF74","#00FFC6","#FFE502","#620E00","#008F9C","#98FF52","#7544B1","#B500FF","#00FF78","#FF6E41","#005F39","#6B6882","#5FAD4E","#A75740","#A5FFD2","#FFB167","#009BFF","#E85EBE"];
instance.stringToColorHash[str] = instance.veryDifferentColors[instance.nextVeryDifferntColorIdx++];
return instance.stringToColorHash[str];
// Get a new color for each string
StringToColor.next("get first color");
StringToColor.next("get second color");
// Will return the same color as the first time
StringToColor.next("get first color");
While this has a limit to only 64 colors, I find most humans can't really tell the difference after that anyway. I suppose you could always add more colors.
While this code uses hard-coded colors, you are at least guaranteed to know during development exactly how much contrast you will see between colors in production.
Color list has been lifted from this SO answer, there are other lists with more colors.
If your inputs are not different enough for a simple hash to use the entire color spectrum, you can use a seeded random number generator instead of a hash function.
I'm using the color coder from Joe Freeman's answer, and David Bau's seeded random number generator.
function stringToColour(str) {
var rand = Math.random() * Math.pow(255,3);
Math.seedrandom(); // don't leave a non-random seed in the generator
for (var i = 0, colour = "#"; i < 3; colour += ("00" + ((rand >> i++ * 8) & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2));
return colour;
I have opened a pull request to Please.js that allows generating a color from a hash.
You can map the string to a color like so:
const color = Please.make_color({
from_hash: "any string goes here"
For example, "any string goes here" will return as "#47291b"
and "another!" returns as "#1f0c3d"
Javascript Solution inspired by Aslam's solution but returns a color in hex color code
* #param {String} - stringInput - 'xyz'
* #returns {String} - color in hex color code - '#ae6204'
function getBackgroundColor(stringInput) {
const h = [...stringInput].reduce((acc, char) => {
return char.charCodeAt(0) + ((acc << 5) - acc);
}, 0);
const s = 95, l = 35 / 100;
const a = s * Math.min(l, 1 - l) / 100;
const f = n => {
const k = (n + h / 30) % 12;
const color = l - a * Math.max(Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1), -1);
return Math.round(255 * color).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'); // convert to Hex and prefix "0" if needed
return `#${f(0)}${f(8)}${f(4)}`;
Yet another solution for random colors:
function colorize(str) {
for (var i = 0, hash = 0; i < str.length; hash = str.charCodeAt(i++) + ((hash << 5) - hash));
color = Math.floor(Math.abs((Math.sin(hash) * 10000) % 1 * 16777216)).toString(16);
return '#' + Array(6 - color.length + 1).join('0') + color;
It's a mixed of things that does the job for me.
I used JFreeman Hash function (also an answer in this thread) and Asykäri pseudo random function from here and some padding and math from myself.
I doubt the function produces evenly distributed colors, though it looks nice and does that what it should do.
Here's a solution I came up with to generate aesthetically pleasing pastel colours based on an input string. It uses the first two chars of the string as a random seed, then generates R/G/B based on that seed.
It could be easily extended so that the seed is the XOR of all chars in the string, rather than just the first two.
Inspired by David Crow's answer here: Algorithm to randomly generate an aesthetically-pleasing color palette
//magic to convert strings to a nice pastel colour based on first two chars
// every string with the same first two chars will generate the same pastel colour
function pastel_colour(input_str) {
//TODO: adjust base colour values below based on theme
var baseRed = 128;
var baseGreen = 128;
var baseBlue = 128;
//lazy seeded random hack to get values from 0 - 256
//for seed just take bitwise XOR of first two chars
var seed = input_str.charCodeAt(0) ^ input_str.charCodeAt(1);
var rand_1 = Math.abs((Math.sin(seed++) * 10000)) % 256;
var rand_2 = Math.abs((Math.sin(seed++) * 10000)) % 256;
var rand_3 = Math.abs((Math.sin(seed++) * 10000)) % 256;
//build colour
var red = Math.round((rand_1 + baseRed) / 2);
var green = Math.round((rand_2 + baseGreen) / 2);
var blue = Math.round((rand_3 + baseBlue) / 2);
return { red: red, green: green, blue: blue };
GIST is here: https://gist.github.com/ro-sharp/49fd46a071a267d9e5dd
Here is another try:
function stringToColor(str){
var hash = 0;
for(var i=0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 3) - hash);
var color = Math.abs(hash).toString(16).substring(0, 6);
return "#" + '000000'.substring(0, 6 - color.length) + color;
All you really need is a good hash function. On node, I just use
const crypto = require('crypto');
function strToColor(str) {
return '#' + crypto.createHash('md5').update(str).digest('hex').substr(0, 6);
After having a look at the rather code intensive and rather old answers, I thought I'd review this issue from a 2021 standpoint just for fun, hope it is of use to anyone. Having the HSL color model and the crypto API implemented in pretty much all browsers (except IE of course) today, it could be solved as simple as that:
async function getColor(text, minLightness = 40, maxLightness = 80, minSaturation = 30, maxSaturation = 100) {
let hash = await window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", new TextEncoder().encode(text));
hash = new Uint8Array(hash).join("").slice(16);
return "hsl(" + (hash % 360) + ", " + (hash % (maxSaturation - minSaturation) + minSaturation) + "%, " + (hash % (maxLightness - minLightness) + minLightness) + "%)";
function generateColor() {
getColor(document.getElementById("text-input").value).then(color => document.querySelector(".swatch").style.backgroundColor = color);
input {
padding: 5px;
.swatch {
margin-left: 10px;
width: 28px;
height: 28px;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid gray;
.flex {
display: flex;
<div class="flex">
<input id="text-input" type="text" onInput="generateColor()" placeholder="Type here"></input>
<div class="swatch"></div>
This should be way faster than generating hashes manually, and also offers a way to define saturation and lightness in case you don't want colors that are too flat or too bright or too dark (e.g. if you want to write text on those colors).
2023 version plain and simple TypeScript arrow function that returns HSL color.
const stringToColor = (value: string) => {
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
hash = value.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
return `hsl(${hash % 360}, 85%, 35%)`;
This function does the trick. It's an adaptation of this, fairly longer implementation this repo ..
const color = (str) => {
let rgb = [];
// Changing non-hexadecimal characters to 0
str = [...str].map(c => (/[0-9A-Fa-f]/g.test(c)) ? c : 0).join('');
// Padding string with zeroes until it adds up to 3
while (str.length % 3) str += '0';
// Dividing string into 3 equally large arrays
for (i = 0; i < str.length; i += str.length / 3)
rgb.push(str.slice(i, i + str.length / 3));
// Formatting a hex color from the first two letters of each portion
return `#${rgb.map(string => string.slice(0, 2)).join('')}`;
I have a situation where i want to display a background based on the username of the user and display the username's first letter on top.
i used the belove code for that it worked well for me
var stringToColour = function (str) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
var colour = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var value = (hash >> (i * 8)) & 0xff;
colour += ('00' + value.toString(16)).substr(-2);
return colour;}
To find the appropriate colour you can use
function lightOrDark(color) {
// Check the format of the color, HEX or RGB?
if (color.match(/^rgb/)) {
// If HEX --> store the red, green, blue values in separate variables
color = color.match(
var r = color[1];
var g = color[2];
var b = color[3];
} else {
// If RGB --> Convert it to HEX: http://gist.github.com/983661
color = +(
'0x' + color.slice(1).replace(color.length < 5 && /./g, '$&$&')
r = color >> 16;
g = (color >> 8) & 255;
b = color & 255;
// HSP equation from http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html
var hsp = Math.sqrt(0.299 * (r * r) + 0.587 * (g * g) + 0.114 * (b * b));
// Using the HSP value, determine whether the color is light or dark
if (hsp > 127.5) {
return 'light';
} else {
return 'dark';
my code is for Java.
Thanks for all.
public static int getColorFromText(String text)
if(text == null || text.length() < 1)
return Color.BLACK;
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
hash = text.charAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
int c = (hash & 0x00FFFFFF);
c = c - 16777216;
return c;
I convert this in one line for Python
import hashlib
hash = hashlib.sha1(b'user#email.com').hexdigest()
print("#" + hash[0:6])