Ajax request is not working php [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has an answer here:
ajax request without data not working
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have asked this earlier but still I wasn't lucky to get it work. Simply I am trying to update profile picture with a default picture when Delete button is clicked and I am trying to use ajax to do this, however whenever I click on the button nothing happens and the picture is not updated. I have tested the php page by itself and it works nicely but the js isn't working so could someone spot what I am doing wrong here?
<button href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="delete;" class="btn btn-default delbutt">Delete</button>
function delete()
type: "POST",
url: "test.php?action=delete",
cache: false,
success: function(response)
var $divs = $("<div>" + response + "</div>");
and here is the php lastly
$username = $_SESSION["userCakeUser"];
if(isset($_POST["action"]) && !empty($_POST["action"]) || isset($_GET["action"]) && !empty($_GET["action"]))
if(isset($_GET["action"]) == "delete")
$profile = 'default.jpg';
$pp = $db->prepare("update users set profile = ? where username = ?");
echo $db->error;
$pp->bind_param('ss', $profile, $username->username);
else {
echo "Something is wrong. Try again.";

POST queries are by default not cached in jQuery ajax (1), so you probably should just use the $.post helper instead. Also, querystring values are not parsed to the $_POST super-global, so your code as-is will always read null from $_POST["action"].
function delete(){
action: 'delete'
success: function(response){
var $divs = $("<div>" + response + "</div>");
(1) As defined in the API reference:
Pages fetched with POST are never cached, so the cache and ifModified
options in jQuery.ajaxSetup() have no effect on these requests.

It is my understanding that jQuery AJAX requests should have a data: option in there somewhere. Also, I see you're using GET to make the request, but tell jQuery to use POST.
type: "GET",
url: "test.php",
cache: false,
data : {
action : 'delete'
success : function(response)
I'm no jQuery expert, but I think that may be your problem. The only other thing I can think of is the success function isn't working properly. Check your F12 menu and post any warnings/errors so we can see it.


Passing data with POST with AJAX

I'm trying to POST some data to another page with AJAX but no info is going, i'm trying to pass the values of two SELECT (Dropdown menus).
My AJAX code is the following:
var DeLista = document.getElementById('ClienteDeLista').value;
var AteLista = document.getElementById('ClienteParaLista').value;
url: "main.php",
type: "POST",
data:{ DeLista : DeLista , AteLista : AteLista },
success: function(data)
window.location = 'phppage.php';
Once I click the button with ID CreateHTMLReport it runs the code above, but it's not sending the variables to my phppage.php
I'm getting the variables like this:
$t1 = $_POST['DeLista'];
$t2 = $_POST['ParaLista'];
echo $t1;
echo $t2;
And got this error: Notice: Undefined index: DeLista in...
Can someone help me passing the values, I really need to be made like this because I have two buttons, they are not inside one form, and when I click one of them it should redirect to one page and the other one to another page, that's why I can't use the same form to both, I think. I would be great if someone can help me with this, on how to POST those two values DeLista and ParaLista.
This is my main.php
$('#CreateHTMLReport').on('click',function() {
url: "main.php",
type: "POST",
// You may as well use jQuery method for fetching values
DeLista : $('#ClienteDeLista').val(),
AteLista : $('#ClienteParaLista').val()
success: function(data) {
// Use this to redirect on success, this won't get your post
// because you are sending the post to "main.php"
window.location = 'phppage.php';
// This should write whatever you have sent to "main.php"
And my phppage.php
if(!empty($_POST['DeLista'])) {
$t1 = $_POST['DeLista'];
# You should be retrieving "AteLista" not "ParaLista"
$t2 = $_POST['AteLista'];
echo $t1.$t2;
# Stop so you don't write the default text.
echo "Nothing sent!";
And I'm still getting "Nothing Sent".
I think you have a destination confusion and you are not retrieving what you are sending in terms of keys. You have two different destinations in your script. You have main.php which is where the Ajax is sending the post/data to, then you have phppage.php where your success is redirecting to but this is where you are seemingly trying to get the post values from.
// I would use the .on() instead of .click()
$('#CreateHTMLReport').on('click',function() {
url: "phppage.php",
type: "POST",
// You may as well use jQuery method for fetching values
DeLista : $('#ClienteDeLista').val(),
AteLista : $('#ClienteParaLista').val()
success: function(data) {
// This should write whatever you have sent to "main.php"
# It is prudent to at least check here
if(!empty($_POST['DeLista'])) {
$t1 = $_POST['DeLista'];
# You should be retrieving "AteLista" not "ParaLista"
$t2 = $_POST['AteLista'];
echo $t1.$t2;
# Stop so you don't write the default text.
# Write a default message for testing
echo "Nothing sent!";
You have to urlencode the data and send it as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Wp_admin ajax request returns with response "0"

I am new to code, and trying to learn things by doing them.
Currently, I am trying to do something very simple using wordpress. which I am trying to create some posts in wordpress, using some external data.
I can fetch the data using CURL. No problem with that and post it using Wp_insert_post, directly.
But, What I want to do is trigger the wp_insert_post function on click of a button in the admin panel ( I have created this as a plugin and a separate plugin dashboard, where the button Is embedded). I have been messing around with the code, and sending the data to wp-admin-ajax.php work fine, and gives the response code 200. But, the response receiving is "0" . if the data passed through are correct, I presume, the response should be "1" ?
I have the following code at the moment.
<form id="formtesting">
<input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Name">
<input type="submit" id="user-submit" value="user-submit">
//Ajax Call
$(document).ready(function() {
var userSubmitButton = document.getElementById('user-submit');
var adminAjaxRequest = function(formData, myaction) {
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/wpdevelopment/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
data: {
action: myaction,
data: formData
success: function(response) {
if (true === response.success) {
} else {
userSubmitButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var formData = {
'name': document.getElementById('name').value
adminAjaxRequest(formData, 'data_submission');
And here is my test function // to test whether the function initiate properly, i try to send a Json error, So then I can include wp_insert_post details.
function data_submission(){
wp_send_json_error( 'I am an error' );}
add_action( 'wp_ajax_data_submission', 'data_submission' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_data_submission', 'data_submission' );
Could not locate where the faulty is. Some help would be appriciated
Use add_action(' wp_ajax_myaction', 'yours_callback_fanc');
Remain part is yours action name that is defined into yours ajax call. In yours case it's myaction.
First this is not a standard way to use ajax in wordpress,
use wp_localize_script for embedding the global ajax_url variable,
wp_register_script('plugin-ajaxJs', plugins_url('/js/ajax-call.js', __FILE__));
wp_localize_script('plugin-ajaxJs', 'my_ajax_url', array('ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php')));
Now as url in ajax you can add my_ajax_url.ajax_url,
this will send a request to admin-ajax.php.
Now coming to your question
you are returning an wp_json_error so the result is 0,
use this and return whatever data you wants in ajax success,
$responce['result'] = 1
wp_send_json( $response );

How to pass variable inside dom using ajax?

Sorry it was a mistake to post a question about making a condition to checkbox earlier without further investigation. It seems i need to pass my variables here
function setsession(sessionid,action, data){
var out = "<p align='center' style='text-decoration:none;color:white;'>Total Selection: "+data+"<br/>Click here to submit your request <a href='borrowform.php?subid=borrow' id='submitborrow' name='submitborrow' style='text-align:center;'><input type='button' value='REQUEST' id='submitborrow' name='submitborrow'></a> || Click here to clear the selection <a href='#' style='text-align:center;'><input type='button' value='CLEAR'></a></p>";
datachecked(data, this.indexValue);
to the DOM of other php page. NOT TO THIS URL. It was different page. Im still not clear to this ajax and i know that ajax can only send to 1 url only. However i want the data value that this ajax hold to put it inside my php echo and make if else statement using that data. Should i create one more ajax? or else? How to send data from success to my php page and received it?
I think you are asking how to send your variable in ajax call. Try this simple syntax of jquery ajax call by which you can send any number of variables.
url : 'process.php',
method: 'post',
data : {
var1 : val1,
var2 : val2
// by this way you can send multiple variable
success : function(response){
$val1 = $_REQUEST['var1'];
$val2 = $_REQUEST['var2'];
// use it in your own way
$("document").ready(function () {
data = {
if(status == 'success'){
you can send data as long as possible by writing to the 'data'

PHP not reciving data with AJAX's POST

I have to say I saw a dozens of topics similar to my problem, but most of them were typos or spelling.
My PHP file does not seem to receive any data from AJAX POST function (I'm getting Undefined Index). Here is my code:
var login = $("#log_l").val();
var pwd = $("#pwd_l").val();
type: "POST",
url: 'app/menu/login.php',
data: {
login1: login,
pwd1: pwd,
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data == 'fail') {
else {
document.location = " {$conf->action_root}postlogin";
return false;
And the login.php:
$login = $_POST['login1'];
$haslo = $_POST['pwd1'];
I tried with both:
But in both ways I receive "Undefined index" error in .php file on 'login1' and 'pwd1' variables.
I checked that ajax 'reaches' file and it even receives the echos from .php file, but the variables are not sent/received.
Do you have any ideas what might be wrong?
You need to use file_get_contents to capture ajax calls or you need to define. Check this
How to get JSON data in php ?
you need to set the ajax call as form_encoded_url
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
refer this link
Submitting HTML form using Jquery AJAX

Sending form data with ajax echo data with php not displaying

Im learning Ajax...normally I dont like posting about a subject I know very little of but I believe Im on the right path here (maybe not...?) so I will take a chance to find out.
Ive got 3 select boxes each box populates with values based on the the selection of the box before it:
Everything is working perfectly, when the user clicks submit I want to send the 3 textbox values to 3 php variables and echo it on the same page...
Now my data is not echoing (the data of the variables are not displaying) but when I look in my console on firefox I can see the value of the variables...
Here is the selection made on the select boxes
Here is what im seeing in my console
Yet it is does not echo on the page....?
var self = jQuery(e.target);
if(self.is("#resultForm input[type=submit], #form-id input[type=button], #form-id button")){
var form = self.closest('form'), formdata = form.serialize();
//add the clicked button to the form data
formdata += (formdata!=='')? '&':'';
formdata += self.attr('name') + '=' + ((self.is('button'))? self.html(): self.val());
type: "POST",
url: form.attr("action"),
data: formdata,
success: function(data) {
PHP below form
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
$sport = $_POST['sport'];
$round = $_POST['round'];
echo $sport;
echo $round;
echo $tournament;
I don't see anything in your code that would make the values display on the page. You would need to either do some DOM insertion in your AJAX success function, or do a full page refresh and echo the data out via PHP (but that would probably defeat the purpose of doing an AJAX call in the first place.)
If you want to go the AJAX route, I would suggest editing your PHP to the following:
echo json_encode(array(
'sport' => $sport,
'round' => $round,
'tournament' => $tournament
This will return a JSON object for your jQuery AJAX call to consume.
In your jQuery success function, do something with those values, like so:
type: "POST",
url: form.attr("action"),
data: formdata,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
Note the additional dataType argument to $.ajax. To do it the right way, you'll also want to set your headers in your PHP response to "application/json"
You ajax is just displaying the output in console. Change the ajax success to display it in page.
Make changes after success as:

