Durandal showMessage don't recognize break line - javascript

I'm trying using Durandal to show a message, but I can't get how to break line, so I'm getting all my info in one line.
Anybody can help with that?
var msg = 'Bidder details : ' +
"\n" + 'Business Name : '+ bid.businessName +
"\n" + 'Username' : ' + bid.fullName;
app.showMessage(msg, Expose, 'Confirm');

Try changing the /n to <br/> as you are dealing with html when you show the message.
var msg = 'Bidder details : ' +
"<br/>" + 'Business Name : '+ bid.businessName +
"<br/>" + 'Username' : ' + bid.fullName;
app.showMessage(msg, Expose, 'Confirm');
Looking deeper at the code, the file scripts/durandal/dialog.js contains the code for the dialog box.
This is the code that generates the HTML for the dialog.
MessageBox.defaultViewMarkup = [
'<div data-view="plugins/messageBox" class="messageBox">',
'<div class="modal-header">',
'<h3 data-bind="text: title"></h3>',
'<div class="modal-body">',
'<p class="message" data-bind="text: message"></p>',
'<div class="modal-footer" data-bind="foreach: options">',
'<button class="btn" data-bind="click: function () { $parent.selectOption($data); }, text: $data, css: { \'btn-primary\': $index() == 0, autofocus: $index() == 0 }"></button>',
The issue with how we were both trying to display the details is on the line
'<p class="message" data-bind="text: message"></p>',
According to the knockout.js Documentation on text binding, it will not render html elements.
There are a couple of options.
Create a Custom HTML Dialog template and a Custom Dialog js file.
Modify the Durandal dialog.js file (quick and easy to get you out of a tight spot but not recommended)
I think that the best course of action would be to create your own Dialog Template to display the information laid out how you want it. There are samples on how to do this in the (dfiddle) durandal samples.
Durandal Sample ZIP file

You can use my version of dialog.js, which I have requested to be pulled to the 2.1.0 branch, which is still under work. You can find my version of dialog.js at the following location:
In that version, I have changed the text binding to html binding among many other improvements. Then, you can use <br /> tag or any other html in your message box. If you want to know about other improvements I have made, you can read about them in the following post:


add traduction to ui-datepicker in angular ui-grid

is there a way to translate the button in the angular ui-datepicker in this plunker example.
I tried adding close-text="{{\'lblClose\' | translate}}" current-text="{{\'lblToday\' | translate}}" clear-text="{{\'lblClear\' | translate}}" like the other Angular ui-datepicker but it's not working.
any help is really apreciated
you can do it just by updating the directive like this <div class="datepicker-wrapper" ><input uib-datepicker-popup is-open="isOpen" ng-model="' + attrs.rowField + '" ng-change="changeDate($event)" close-text="closeText" current-text="curentText" clear-text="clearText"on-open-focus="false" disabled/></div>
Please see this plunker for result
After looking more deeply on how ui-grid-datepicker is working I found a dirty solution (I don't think there is a clean solution)
You can see a plunker here where I changed the text of the close button:
THe problem is that the setting to change the Done button must be applied on the element that has the directive "uib-datepicker-popup"
So if you want to modify the label of the Done button you have to change the library of ui-grid-settings (which is not a good solution but I don't see any other way).
from this:
template: function(element, attrs) {
var html = '<div class="datepicker-wrapper" ><input uib-datepicker-popup is-open="isOpen" ng-model="' + attrs.rowField + '" ng-change="changeDate($event)" on-open-focus="false" disabled/></div>';
return html;
You change it to (notice I added the close-text attribute with a paramter) :
template: function(element, attrs) {
var html = '<div class="datepicker-wrapper" ><input uib-datepicker-popup is-open="isOpen" close-text="' + attrs.closeLabel + '" ng-model="' + attrs.rowField + '" ng-change="changeDate($event)" on-open-focus="false" disabled/></div>';
return html;
And then in your main file app.js, from this:
editableCellTemplate: '<div><form name="inputForm"><div ui-grid-edit-datepicker row-field="MODEL_COL_FIELD" ng-class="\'colt\' + col.uid"></div></form></div>'
you change it to :
editableCellTemplate: '<div><form name="inputForm"><div ui-grid-edit-datepicker close-label="' + closeLabelTranslated + '" row-field="MODEL_COL_FIELD" ng-class="\'colt\' + col.uid"></div></form></div>'
The only thing remaining is to set your variable closeLabelTranslated to whatever you want, for instance using angular-translate module (I didn't add this to the plunker):
var closeLabelTranslated = $filter('translate')('DONE');
Like I said this is dirty solution but it seems ui-grid-edit-datepicker doesn't provide you with this option so you have to add it manually

angular ng-click event not firing

I have a function that adds certain html to my page when called :
function htmlAppend(i)
dynamicHtml = dynamicHtml + '<div id="list_item_wrapper">' +
'<div class="list_item_template" id="list_image_wrapper">' +
'<img class="list_image_style" ' +
'src=" ' + jsonData.cars[i].ImgURL + ' "/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="list_item_template white_font car_details_wrapper">' +
jsonData.cars[i].CarName+ '<br>' +
jsonData.cars[i].Brand + '<br>' +
jsonData.cars[i].Model + '<br>' +
jsonData.cars[i].FuelType + '<br>' +
'<span style="font-size:40px;">' +
'₹ ' + jsonData.cars[i].Price +
'</span> <br> ' +
jsonData.cars[i].Experience +
'<input type="button" id="buy_now_btn" class="button1" ng-click="alert("hi")">Buy</button>' +
'</div>' +
Problem : Now this html is displayed correctly in my page but for some reason when button is clicked ng-click event doesn't fire , when i replaced it with onClick then onClick fires . i am unable to understand why ng-click is not firing , can somebody help ?
Additional Info : htmlAppend is a private function of a service that is called from the controller upon some user input.
No, you can't just write alert on your ng-click. When you write alert("hi") on your ng-click directive, it automatically goes and look for a method in your controller that is named $scope.alert(). That is why onClick works, because it is just plain old JavaScript, where as ng-click involves scope binding.
In your controller, write this:
and you are good to go. Here is the working plnkr.
Edit: did not read carefully that you are dynamically binding it. Updated plnkr.
For this case you will need to compile it:
var $el = $('<button ng-click=' + 'alert("hello")' + '>I am a button</button>');
where #testing can be any DOM selector you want.
Still the point is to tell you you can't just write alert in ng-click directive.
Added bonus: do not write DOM manipulating logic inside the controller. You may want to use a directive instead.

Put a Modal inside Javascript

I'm making a Carnival calendar for my city.
I'm using this as a basic calendar engine: https://github.com/jlord/sheetsee-calendar
For a basic Modal i'm using this: https://github.com/FinelySliced/leanModal.js
I want to be able to click on the event and put it to show some information about it: name, time and place.
var eventElement = $('<div class="event"><a class="' +
event.location + '" href="#informa" rel="leanModal" >' +
event.name + "#" + event.tickets +
'</a></div> <div id="informa"> <p>' +
event.name + '</p></div>')
I made a test modal in the index.html and it worked, but it is not working when i try to do this.
You have created an element, but haven't added it to the DOM of the page.
try something like
as the next line.

Add data to self created HTML object

Is there a reason this doesn't work ?
var link = $('Kies');
link.data('name', address.name);
link.data('street', address.street);
link.data('number', address.nr);
link.data('zip', address.zip);
link.data('city', address.city);
var message = $('<div style="min-width:150px;"><address><strong>' + address.name + '</strong><br>' + address.street + ' ' + address.nr + '<br>' + address.zip + ' ' + address.city + '</address>' + String(link) + '</div>');
<div style="min-width:150px;" class="">
Street 81<br>
Doe Doe
[object Object]
the address parameters are filled with normal strings so there is no problem there.
If you're expecting that attributes will be added by that code, that's not what data does. data never writes to data-* attributes, it just uses them for initialization. After initialization, there is no connection between the data managed by data and data-* attributes.
If you want attributes, use link.attr("data-name", address.name) and such instead.
But if you're just worried that you're not seeing the data on the element when you inspect it, but you're happy using data, your code does work. jQuery manages the data cache in a way that isn't shown in the DOM inspector. Example:
var address = {name: "address name"};
var link = $('Kies');
link.data('name', address.name);
display(link.data('name')); // "address name"
function display(msg) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

using .append to build a complex menu

To build a menu block which should be switchable with hide/unhide of the menu items, I'm using .append html.
The code idea is this:
navigat += '<h3 class="infoH3"> <a id="' + menuID +'"'
+ ' href="javascript:slideMenu(\'' + menuSlider + '\');">'
+ menuName + '</a></h3>';
navigat += '<div id="' + menuSlider + '" style="display:none">';
navigat += ' <ul>';
navigat += ' <li>aMenu1</li>'
navigat += ' <li>aMenu2</li>'
navigat += ' <li>aMenu3</li>'
navigat += ' </ul>';
navigat += '<!-- menuName Slider --></div>';
$("#someElement").append (navigat);
This is doing well .. so far.
But the point is::
I use JS to read the required menu items (eg. 'aMenu1' together with title and/or link info) from a file to build all that, eg. for 'aMenu1' a complex is composed and $("#someElement").append(someString) is used to add that the 'someElement'.
At the moment I build those html elements line by line. Also OK .. as far as the resulting string has the opening and closing tag, eg. "<li>aMenu2</li>".
As can be seen from above posted code there is a line "<div id="' + menuSlider + '" style="display:none">".
Appending that -- AFAIS -- the .append is automatically (????) adding "</div>" which closes the statement.
That breaks my idea of the whole concept! The menu part isn't included in the 'menuSlider '.
QQ: How to change it -- NOT to have that "</div" added to it??
You could change you method around to use document fragment style creation and an object to populate the properties on the elements, like this:
var someElement = $("#someElement");
$('<h3 class="infoH3"></h3>').append($('<a />',
{ 'id': menuID,
'href': '#',
click: function() { slideMenu(menuSlider); }
var div = $('<div />', { 'id': menuSlider, css: {display: 'none'} });
$('<ul />').append('<li>aMenu1</li>')
This is a very different way of doing it, first we're caching the $("#someElement") object so we're not searching for it repeatedly. Then we're creating the <h3> as an object, putting the link inside, then inserting then appending the whole thing to someElement. In the last, the same approach it's creating the <div>, setting it's properties, then creates the <ul> menu and appends it inside...then appends that whole div to someElement as well.
As a side note, I'm not sure how .slideMenu() works, but an event handler that works via $(this).parent().next() (or give the div a class) would work as well, and you wouldn't need a function with the slider argument passed.

