Ensure fixed number of decimal points when using Kendo formatting - javascript

I have played around with Kendo formatting. Specifically I am using kendo.format and kendo.toString()
I would like to fix the number of decimal points.
kendo.format("{0:#.#%}",22) works well, but it doesn't include a trailing zero for whole numbers. Ex: It doesn't give me 22.0%.
kendo.toString(22,"p1") can be used to ensure the decimal point, but it adds an undesirable space between the number and the percentage sign.(e.g.22 %).
Is there a way to ensure the trailing 0 in the formatted value (with no space before the percentage sign)? Or do I have to add code to remove the space manually?
I can easily remove it using a simple .replace(" ", ""), but I am just curious if there is a built in way to control it.

You can use zeros instad of the sharp symbols. Thus you ensure there will be a digit rendered even if it is not needed.
Here is live example, Here is the documentation.


Lat/Long mask positive/negative detection

Hey all I am trying to create a mask for my 2 input boxes that will house the latitude and longitude.
Taken that the latitude can be a positive or negative number and the same goes for longitude. The issue being is that I am trying to come up with a regex that can give the user the ability to first chose if its going to be a positive or negative number then give user the mask of (-/+)XXX.XXXXXX.
However, I am not getting too close to the conclusion and so I am asking for a some help in reaching that goal.
I have set up a JSFiddle of what I have so far, which is not much, in order to archive my goal.
regex: String.raw `^[-/*][0-9]{3}[.][0-9]{7}$`
The above code works for negative numbers but when typing out, say 100., it just sits there because its waiting on the - in order to begin. I thought adding the * it would allow it to input a positive number. The above should allow the user to input in the format of -XXX.XXXXXX OR XXX.XXXXXXX.
I still need to figure out how to also tell when the first part (xxx.) is only 1 or 2 digits instead of 3 which makes the user have to put in a 0's in front of said number digits.
So valid input would be like so:
-2.984593 instead of -002.984593
-74.192822 instead of -074.192822
7.653721 instead of +007.653721
10.746633 instead of +010.746633
How can this be formatted in order to work as I need it to?
You could simply make the dash optional:
I took the liberty of refactoring your RegEx pattern ([0-9] -> \d, [.] -> \.).
As for allowing the first part to be one or two digits, you could use:

Php turn decimal string into decimal, but keep trailing zeros

I need to turn my string decimals into decimals to use with highcharts API.
I need to keep my trailing zeros so I have a string like this "0.00030900" and I turn it into the exact same thing without the quotes 0.00030900
I need it to stay exactly the same format so that way it looks correct when I return it to the screen.
I know 0.00030900 is the same as 0.000309 mathematically but visually they are not the same and I need them to look visually the same.
I've tried floatval() that strips it off my zeros. I've tried multiplying my strings by 1 and then using number_format() to add my zeros back but number_format turns my decimal back into a string.
You will need to use the highcharts formatter callback feature to achieve this since that format is nonstandard.
Note that is has nothing to do with php whatsoever. You just provide your values to highcharts as plain floating-point values and reformat them there for display as necesary (otherwise you'll either waste your time or run into problems in your graph, such as values not being ordered properly).
A few such properties in highcharts are :
In any case, your callback function would have to get the floating-point number value, convert it to a string, and pad any number of zeroes to the right until it is the right length.

Can this numeric range regex be refactored?

I need to match a number range:
-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
// space for easier copy and paste
Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but there's a long story behind this. I can't figure out how to do this in JavaScript by just checking a range, because of the size of the number, and this must be accurate.
Here's the thought process in breaking this thing down. I just started with the max number and worked my way down, then worked on the negative by just adding the - in the regex. You'll obviously have to copy and paste this thing somewhere to see it all. Also, could be mistakes. Made my head nearly explode.
There's a single digit different in the negative vs. positive, so you'll see where I had to basically duplicate most of this.
So a few question:
Did I do this right?
If not, what's a better way?
Can this be done without regular expressions considering the size of the number? I need to validate client-side.
Can it be refactored and still retain strict rules?
Suggestions appreciated :)
Can this be done without regular expressions considering the size of the number?
It can be done in a series of if statements using only string operations (no need to convert to numbers).
all strings that don't match [0-9]{1,19} are out
all candidates that are of length 18 or less are good
for length 19 you can work with string comparison to see if they are numerically less than your upper limit
tweak the above to take care of negative numbers
Your regex is correct.
This is a shorter version
Regex demo
How to generate that regex without mistake:
Input max number:
Replace last number letter
9->remove all line
Regex [Output]
Add these[output] to regex
Will become [output2]
Matches \d{19} <= 9223372036854775807
Will match
-9223372036854775808 or
+/- \d{0,18} or
+/- \d{19} <= 9223372036854775807

Prevent JSON.parse(data) from cutting off zero digit for String floats

I am trying to use highcharts to make graphs. I currently have a string which I am looking to convert to a JSON array which looks like the following:
[{"chart":{"type":"line","renderTo":"chart_0"},"title":{"text":"Daily Sales & Spend"},
I need the trailing zeros so that 1020.90 stays 1020.90, on conversion the data becomes the following after the first index:
"title":{"text":"Daily Sales & Spend"},
The 1020.90 converts to 1020.9. I think this is a behavior of the float, but is it possible to convert it to 1020.90 [for display purposes]? I need this for displaying the data using highcharts.
Prevent JSON.parse(data) from cutting off zero digit for String floats
This has nothing to do with JSON; this is about how numbers work in JavaScript
The 1020.90 converts to 1020.9
There is no "conversion" here. They're the same number.
I need this for displaying the data using highcharts
Then you need to pad the number with trailing zeros when you convert it to a string.
It is impossible to tell a float how many significant digits it has. You can only impose significant digits when you display the float as a string.

Regex - creating an input/textarea that correctly interprets numbers

Im designing a conversion website where i perform calculations on inputted numbers and i need my input or textarea to receive and interpret numbers entered in different fashions
Entry = 3,000,000.1111
Interpreted value = 3000000.1111
Entry = 3000000.1111
Interpreted value = 3000000.1111
and I want to include a second input for European decimal notation
(or if possible have the same input do both)
Entry = 3.000.000,1111 (comma acts a decimal, decimal as separator)
Interpreted value = 3000000.1111
I wonder how I could do this. I suspect from some of my research that I could use regex.
Also should i use an input or a textarea? I want to limit the size of the number to 40 places.
It seems the textarea Im currently using won't recognize any values after a comma when a comma is used. I realized this is due to parseFloat. So I need to remove the commas using .replace() before parsing. But what do I do in the instance of European notation where the comma IS the decimal point? I suspect I should use regex to identify if a number is in comma decimal notation or standard decimal point notation and then outline the appropriate replacement behavior based on that. Any ideas how to write regex to identify a number between .0000000001 and 1,000,000,000,000,000 by only the separator and decimal point? What about when the entry doesn't use either? 12000 for example. Any help with this would be appreciated. Using HTML5 and Javascript. I am not using a form and am new at this. This is my first web page so please be patient with my questions.
I was thinking about this:
input = //value from textarea as a string
if(/REGEX which determines that the structure of the number is N,NNN.NN/.test(input)){
input = input.replace(/\,/,""); //replace the commas with nothing
else if(/REGEX which determine that structure of the number is N.NNN,NN/.test(input){
input = input.replace(/\./,""); //replace the decimal point separators with nothing
input = input.replace(/\,/,".");//replace the comma decimal with a point decimal
//input unchanged assuming is NNNN without decimal
number = parseFloat(input);
I want to keep the possibility open for them to enter large numbers and also to use numbers less than one to 10 decimal places. Thanks to those who contributed.
I believe this should handle everything:
You're treading on complicated territory here. Also, the above RegEx does not allow for values less than "1".
Basically, the RegEx does the following:
Allows for no thousandths separators ("," or ".") but ensures if they are used that they occur in the correct places.
Allows for either "," or "." to be used as both thousandths/cents separators, but ensures that the cents separator is not the same as the thousandths separator.
Requires the string equivalent number to begin with any digit other than "0".
To implement this you could attach an event listener to your form element(s) and use JS to do a simple .test.
After reading further, I think I misinterpreted your goal originally. I assumed you simply wanted to validate these values with a RegEx. I also assumed you're trying to work with currency (ie. two decimal places). However, fret not! You can still utilize my original answer if you really want.
You mentioned input and textarea which are both form elements. You can attach a listener to these element(s) looking for the input, change, and/or keyup events. As a part of the callback you can run the .test method or some other functionality. Personally, I would rethink how you want to handle input. Also, what's your actual goal here? Do you really need to know the thousandths separator or keep track of it? Why not just disallow any characters other than the one decimal point/comma and digits?
Also, parsing numbers like .0000000001 as a float is a terrible idea. You will lose precision very quickly if you do any sort of calculations such as multiplication, division, power, etc. You're going to have to figure out a different method to do this like storing the number to the right separately and as integers instead then go from there.
I can help you if you describe what you're trying to do in better detail.

