Get variable from loop - javascript

I have a loop which is creating table:
for(m=1; m<7; m++){
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML +=
('<tr>' +
'<td>' + m + '</td>' +
'<td><input type="checkbox" id="switch'+m+'"><label class="switch" for="switch'+m+'">Button ' + m + '</label></td>' +
In every row in second TD is button which must be assigned to every row. Each button has his own row. I want to alert m from the first TD exactly when i click button from that row. I mean if i will click button is switch2 i will get alert from m "2".
Here is the button code i tried:
var buttons = "#switch" + m
$(function() {
This is not working because all of the buttons alerting last value from loop = 6.
I know it is confused but i hope you uderstand. Really appreciate your help

Change it to this:
$(function() {
var localM = m;
The problem is the alert binds to the variable m not the value of m. By allocating a local variable inside the closure you capture the value of m at that point in the loop.

you can also bind event another way, for sample
$("tr > td > input[type=checkbox]").function(e){
if you can add any class attribute in element
Then this is safe
$("tr > td > input[type=checkbox].switch").function(){

There is so many ways to do this. Here's one:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Populate Form
for (var m = 1; m <= 7; m++)
$('#content').append('<tr>' +
'<td>' + m + '</td>' +
'<td><input type="checkbox" class="clickMe" id="switch'+m+'"><label class="switch" for="switch'+m+'">Button ' + m + '</label></td>' +
// Handle Click
alert('You clicked on : ' + $(this).attr('id')); // alerts "switchN" e.g. switch1
// or //
alert('You clicked on : ' + $(this).attr('id').replace('switch', '')); // // alerts "N" e.g. 1
<table id="content"></table>

Here's a bit of a refactor (minus the button() plugin):
var $content = $('#content');
for (var m = 1; m < 7; m++) {
'<tr>' +
'<td>' + m + '</td>' +
'<td>' +
'<input type="checkbox" id="switch' + m + '">' +
'<label class="switch" data-num=' + m + ' for="switch' + m +'">Button ' + m + '</label>' +
'</td>' +
$('label.switch').click(function(e) {


jQuery Sum or Multiply values always without event trigger

Hi people i have a dynamic table (add rows from ajax requests) and i need sum and multiply values always (without a trigger event).
i have already a functions that make it with the event (blur) but i don't wanna make it by using the blur trigger.
There is a way for do it?
My code:
$.fn.sumValues = function() {
var sum = 0;
this.each(function() {
if ($(this).is(':input')) {
var val = $(this).val();
} else {
var val = $(this).text();
sum += parseFloat(('0' + val).replace(/[^0-9-\.]/g, ''), 10);
return sum;
function totaliza() {
var total_recep = $('input[name^="costot"]').sumValues();
var counter = 0;
$(document).on('click', '#bt_add', function(e) {
var tr = '<tr id="art_' + counter + '">';
tr = tr + '<td><button name="del_art' + counter + '" id="del_art' + counter + '" class="btn btn-default btn-xs del_art" type="button">DEL</button></td>';
tr = tr + '<td><input name="cbarra' + counter + '" id="cbarra' + counter + '" class="form-control" value="02020202" readonly></td>';
tr = tr + '<td><input name="art' + counter + '" id="art' + counter + '" class="form-control" value="ARTICULO" readonly></td>';
tr = tr + '<td><select name="und' + counter + '" id="und' + counter + '" class="form-control list"></select></td>';
tr = tr + '<td><input name="cal' + counter + '" id="cant' + counter + '" class="form-control numeric cal" value="0"></td>';
tr = tr + '<td><input name="cal' + counter + '" id="costou' + counter + '" class="form-control numeric cal" value="0"></td>';
tr = tr + '<td><input name="costot' + counter + '" id="costot' + counter + '" class="form-control cal" readonly value="0"></td>';
tr = tr + '</tr>';
$("#inv_recep_det tbody").append(tr);
$('.form-control').change(function() {
var number ='cal', '');
var costot = ($('#cant' + number).val() * $('#costou' + number).val())
$('input[name^="costot' + number + '"]').val(costot);
$('.del_art').click(function() {
var number ='del_art', '');
$('#art_' + number).remove();
Something like that?
Rather than continuing in comments, I thought an answer might be of better use. Currently, you use:
to trigger the update. Some browsers may force you to lose the focus on an element to actually trigger that. Instead, change that line to:
$(".form-control").on("input", function(){ ... })
This has been discussed here: What is the difference between "change" and "input" event for an INPUT element
Other than that, I've made no changes to your fiddle:

show/hide table column on mouseenter with dynamic div id

I have a table where I want to show the last column only if the column before is hovered. The table data is parsed with JSON.
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(function() {
var tag_id = $('#tag_id_hidden').val();
$.getJSON("/tags/get_who_tagged/" + '{{tag.tag_id}}' + "/", function(data) {
var lines = '';
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
lines += '<tr id="' + data[i]['entity_id'] + '">';
lines += '<td id="button_id"><button id="prefix_' + data[i]["entity_id"] + '" class="js-programmatic-set-val" value="' + data[i]["entity_id"] + '" name="' + data[i]["title"] + '"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button></td>';
lines += '<td>' + data[i]['title'] + '</td>';
lines += '<td id="hover_' + data[i]["entity_id"] + '">' + data[i]['count'] + '</td>';
lines += '<td id="hidden_' + data[i]["entity_id"] + '" style="display:none;">'
for (var j = 0; j < data[i]['usernames'].length; j++) {
lines += data[i]['usernames'][j]['username'] + ', '
lines += '</td>';
lines += '</tr>';
$('#count_user_table tbody').html(lines);
$(document).on("mouseenter", "#hover_9242411", function() {$("#hidden_9242411").show();
$(document).on("mouseleave", "#hover_9242411", function() {$("#hidden_9242411").hide();
in the example above the code is working but I have to reference the id as "#hover_9242411" and "#hidden_9242411". the part after hover_/hidden_ is dynamically added to each column with a for loop. How can I dynamically reference the second part (9242411)?
Consider modifying your hover cell to something like this:
'<td id="hover_' + data[i]["entity_id"] + '" class="hover-cell" data-target="#hidden_' + data[i]["entity_id"] + '">'
You could then simply use:
$(document).on("mouseover", ".hover-cell", function() {
var target = $(this).data('target');
If it will always be the previous column showing/hiding the next column, you could write your event handlers like this
$('#mytable').on('mouseenter', 'td.hover-column', function(){
}).on('mouseleave', 'td.hover-column', function(){
For that example to work you would need to add a class to the hover column (the one that you want to hover over in order to show the next column). I also gave an id to the table and assigned the event handler to it so the event doesnt have to bubble all the way to the top.
Here is a fiddle
If later on you find that you arent showing/hiding the NEXT column but some other one, you could also put a specific class on that hidden column and instead of using
you could use something like

Setting ID for "n" buttons

for (var z=0; z<n; z++) {
document.write("<tr><td>"+ z + "</td>"); // Serial
document.write("<td>" + RandonValue + "</td>"); // Random Number
document.write('<td><button onclick="reply_click()" id="button-' + z + '">Click me</button></td></tr>'); //onClick
//Set ID
function reply_click(clicked_id){
Somehow I got undefined for all of them.
The replay_click is only for checking, I want to change that when I have different IDs.
Your z variable is the counter in this case which you can use for your id, keep in mind you can't have an ID starting with a number.
document.write('<td><button onclick="somefunction" id="button-' + z + '">Click me</button></td></tr>');
I have created a fiddle for you. Check it. I hope it fulfills the requirements :),js,output
<table id="mytable"></table>
var html = '';
var random = 5;
for (var i = 1; i <= random; i++) {
html += '<tr>' +
'<td>' + i + '</td>' +
'<td>Some Number</td>' +
'<td><button id="id_' + i + '">Button ' + i + '</button></tr></td>';
document.getElementById('mytable').innerHTML = (html);
You can inject your z variable like this, also putting double quotes (best practice:
document.write('<td><button onclick="somefunction(this)" id="mycell-' + z + '">Click me</button></td></tr>');
Note that you better pass this to your function, so inside that function you can reference that id:
function somefunction(elem) {
alert('you clicked ' +;

how to select only one radio button at a time having different name using jquery?

html code:
<div id="localPropList"></div>
<div id="assignedPropList"> </div>
js code:
function getLocalProposals()
{ // filling these radio buttons dynamically
var htmlStringLocalPro = '<fieldset id="local_proposal_id_div" name ="radioGroup" data-role="controlgroup">';
for (var k = 0; k < result.rows.length; k++) {
var localProposal = result.rows.item(k);
if( !(jQuery.inArray(, arrForQueuePropId ) >=0 ) )
{var fieldId = 'localPro' + k;
htmlStringLocalPro += '<input group="1" type="radio" name="local_proposal_id" id="' + fieldId + '" value="' + localProposal.enquiry_no + ',' + + '"/>'
+ '<label for="' + fieldId + '" data-iconpos="right">' + localProposal.enquiry_no+'-'+localProposal.caller_name+'</label>';
htmlStringLocalPro += '</fieldset>';
function getAssignedproposals()
var htmlString = '<fieldset id="assigned_proposal_id_div" name ="radioGroup" data-role="controlgroup">';
for (var i = 0;i < obj.Proposal.length; i++) {
proposalIds += obj.Proposal[i].id + ',';
if( !(jQuery.inArray( obj.Proposal[i].id, arrForQueuePropId ) >=0 ) ){
var fieldId = 'ap' + i;
htmlString += '<input group="1" type="radio" name="assigned_proposal_id" id="' + fieldId + '" value="' + obj.Proposal[i].enquiry_no + ',' + obj.Proposal[i].id + '"/><label for="' + fieldId + '" data-iconpos="right">' + obj.Proposal[i].enquiry_no + '-' + obj.Proposal[i].caller_name + '-' + obj.Proposal[i].post_code + '</label>';
// htmlString += '<input type="radio" name="local_proposal_id" id="' + fieldId + '" value="' + obj.Proposal[i].enquiry_no + ',' + obj.Proposal[i].id + '"/><label for="' + fieldId + '" data-iconpos="right">' + obj.Proposal[i].enquiry_no + '-' + obj.Proposal[i].caller_name + '-' + obj.Proposal[i].post_code + '</label>';
htmlString += '</fieldset>';}
$("input:radio[name=local_proposal_id]:checked").each(function () {
var prop = $(this).val().split(',');
$("input:radio[name=queue_proposal_id]:checked").each(function () {
var prop = $(this).val().split(',');
i need to select only one radio button at a time if radiobutton having name="assigned_proposal_id" is selected then it should not allow to select any radio buttons for name="local_proposal_id]" i cannot assign id different i need to do selection on the basis of name and i cant assign same name to separate group as well
please tell me whats the solution
Checking / Unchecking in jQuery Mobile, you need to use .prop to checked or unchecked and then call .checkboxradio('refresh').
$(document).on('pageinit', function () {
$(document).on('change', '[type=radio]', function (e) {
// Uncheck radio buttons in #group1 and #group2
$('#group1 [type=radio]:checked, #group2 [type=radio]:checked').prop('checked', false).checkboxradio('refresh');
// "OR" to select all radio buttons in DOM
$('[type=radio]:checked').prop('checked', false).checkboxradio('refresh');
// Check clicked radio
$(this).prop('checked', true).checkboxradio('refresh');
try the following
if($('input [name="assigned_proposal_id"]').is(':checked')){
$('input [name="local_proposal_id"]').attr('disabled' , true)
$('input [name="assigned_proposal_id"]').click(function(){
if($('input [name="assigned_proposal_id"]').is(':checked')){
$('input [name="local_proposal_id"]').attr('disabled' , true)
It will work like what hussain told
Here A FIDDLE for your purpose. It will uncheck all the radio button, then check the one we clicked on.
<div id="localPropList">
<input name="assigned_proposal_id" type="radio" value="value1-1" />value1-1
<input name="assigned_proposal_id" type="radio" value="value1-2" />value1-2
<input name="assigned_proposal_id" type="radio" value="value1-3" />value1-3
<div id="assignedPropList">
<input name="local_proposal_id" type="radio" value="value2-1" />value2-1
<input name="local_proposal_id" type="radio" value="value2-2" />value2-2
<input name="local_proposal_id" type="radio" value="value2-3" />value2-3
div selected : <span></span>
$('#localPropList input[name="assigned_proposal_id"], #assignedPropList input[name="local_proposal_id"]').change(function(){
$('#localPropList input[name="assigned_proposal_id"], #assignedPropList input[name="local_proposal_id"]').prop('checked', false);
$(this).prop('checked', true);
Disable Syntax:
$('input[name="name_here"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
Don't go for the hardest thing
Hussein Nazzal is correct but space matters
between input and '[' bracket
if($('input[name="assigned_proposal_id"]:checked').val() != '')
$('input[name="local_proposal_id"]:radio').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
This worked for me, take into account that according to the selector this change will apply to all RadioButtons in the document with the same class, in this case class="chartIndex":
$(".chartIndex").change(function () {
$('[type=radio]:checked').prop('checked', false);
$(this).prop('checked', 'checked');
Hope this helps someone. Regards.

Removing row refresh page jquery

I am facing an issue with my jquery. I have used jQuery to add controls to table, along with a remove button to remove that particular row in table. here is my code on how i am creating controls in table.
<table id="controls" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10">
<input id="btnAdd" type="button" value="Add" />
my jquery code looks like this
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnAdd").click(function() {
var field = $("#field").val();
var year = new Date().getFullYear()
var DDL_fromProfession = "<select name='ParametersFromProf' id='DDL_FromProYear'>";
for (var i = 1950; i <= year; i++) {
DDL_fromProfession += "<option text='" + i + "' value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>";
DDL_fromProfession += "</select>";
var DDL_ToProfession = "<select name='ParametersToProf' id='DDL_ToProYear'>";
for (var i = 1950; i <= year; i++) {
DDL_ToProfession += "<option text='" + i + "' value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>";
DDL_ToProfession += "</select>";
var newRow1 = "<tr><td align='center' style='font-size: large; color: #212121;' height='35px'>from"
+ DDL_fromProfession + " to " + DDL_ToProfession + "</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td align='center' style='font-size:large;color:#212121;' height'35px'>"
+ "<input type='checkbox' name='chkbx_CurrPro' value='" + k + "'>I currently work here</input>";
newRow1 += "<br/><button id='btn_rmv'>Remove</button>";
var input = "<input name='parameters' id='field' type='text' />";
var input1 = "<input name='parametersCompany' id='field' type='text'/>"
//var inputCurrent="<input name='Current' id='Currfield' type='hidden'/>"
var newRow = "<tr><td align='center' style='font-size: x-large; color: #212121;' height='35px'>"
+ input + " at " + input1 + "</td></tr>";
to remove last row i am using.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#controls").delegate("#btn_rmv", "click", function() {
return false;
clicking on remove button refresh the page and remove all the rows that i have added instead of last one.
NOTE: What i ahve digged out is .delegate is server side and it refresh the page. i am unable to remove last row with $("#btn_rmv").click(function() on my page
Please point me to right direction.
Thanks in advance
The code in question does not work as k is not defined, as used in the line
value='" + k + "'
If this error is corrected then the next problem is that you are creating multiple elements with the same id, as seen here
newRow1 += "<br/><button id='btn_rmv'>Remove</button>";
which in invalid HTML and will cause problems for jQuery in finding the element with the unique id.
By changing k for 0 and changing the id to a class, the remove code will only remove the current row with the button on. I assume that you really want to remove that row and also the preceding 2 rows.
$('#controls').delegate('.btn_rmv', 'click', function() {
var index = $(this).closest('tr').index() + 1 // as nth-child is 1-based indexing
$('#controls tr:nth-child(n+' + (index - 2) + '):nth-child(-n+' + index + ')').remove(); // remove 3 rows
return false
See demo
Please note that since jQuery 1.7, .delegate() is superseded by .on() so the updated function is:
$('#controls').on('click', '.btn_rmv', function() {
var index = $(this).closest('tr').index() + 1
$('#controls tr:nth-child(n+' + (index - 2) + '):nth-child(-n+' + index + ')').remove();
return false
I had a similar experience: I was using Google Chrome and it would refresh the page everytime I called a function. You will have to return false. My problem was when I called a function from an element using "onclick". When I called the function from onclick I had to include the "return false;":
onclick="return false; functionName()"
Try this and see if it works:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnAdd").click(function() {
return false;
Or this and see if it works:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnAdd").click(function() {
return false;
Sorry my Javascript is not very good :(
You can do it in this way..
var RowCount = 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnAdd").click(function() {
RowCount = RowCount + 1;
var newRow1 = "<tr id='tr" + RowCount + "'><td align='center' style='font-size: large; color: #212121;' height='35px'>from"
+ DDL_fromProfession + " to " + DDL_ToProfession + "</td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td align='center' style='font-size:large;color:#212121;' height'35px'>"
+ "<input type='checkbox' name='chkbx_CurrPro' value='" + k + "'>I currently work here</input>";
newRow1 += "<br/><button id='btn_rmv' onclick='RemoveRow(" + RowCount + ")'>Remove</button>";
function RemoveRow(RowID) {
$('#RemoveRow' + RowID).remove();
It looks like you are hooking up the remove click handler on $(document).ready.
On document.ready, the remove buttons do not yet exist (since they are generated dynamically when clicking 'Add', after the document.ready code has run). That's why $("#btn_rmv").click(function()... is not working.
So, after dynamically inserting a remove button in the $("#btnAdd").click event, you explicitly have to add a click handler to it.
If you generate your remove buttons with a unique id (eg. btn_rmv_1, btn_rmv_2, etc), you can add the following to your Add-handler (after appending the new button to the DOM):

