Create a form with phpMyAdmin on backbone - javascript

I would like to know if it's possible to connecting a form to database (phpmyadmin) with Backbone ?
It's just to add emails newsletters.
Tks :)

PHPMyAdmin is not a database. It is an application used to access MySQL databases via a browser-based UI.
There are MySQL libraries for javascript being run from a server (like in node.js), but you do not want to be connecting to a database from your client. You would need an intermediary web service.
Running from a client would be extremely foolish in that you would a) have to open up database access from potentially any remote host in the world and b) you would have your database login credentials exposed to your clients.


Query Oracle database on local network from Javascript in browser

I have a Oracle database server hosting data, and I want to build a small app on my local network for people to do light data entry.
Normally we can't query a database from the browser because the browser is client-side and the database is on the server.
But what if the server and website are both hosted on the local network? Would it then be possible? The problem is I don't have a server I'm just making a small website as a file on a shared drive.
But what if the server and website are both hosted on the local network?
This does not change almost anything, maybe it makes things a bit easier when it comes to application security.
Normally we can't query a database from the browser because the browser is client-side and the database is on the server.
That's not true. You can query a database from a browser/client-side. The problem behind such a solution is security of course, because in this case the client would have to know the database credentials, which is why such operations are performed on the server side, but it does not mean that querying database from client-side is not possible.
The conclusion is that if you know the database credentials anyway, it is possible to write a simple application (which will query database from client-side) for yourself. For this you can use OracleDB module.
I will only emphasize once again that you should not make such an application available anywhere outside for security reasons (availability of database credentials).
However, you can use JavaScript fullstack frameworks like nextjs or sveltekit - they are able to perform some server-side operations and then pass this data to the client. This approach would be much safer.
I'd use Oracle Application Express.
It is installed in Oracle database; lets you develop applications rather quickly (if you know some SQL; even if you don't - use wizards). The only "tool" you need is a web browser. Your users would also need it (the browser), accessing your application via local network and enjoy beautiful application you'll create.

Connect to Secure Socket Server written in C++ with client written in JavaScript

What I want to achieve:
I have a linux server connected to network which runs a database. The database is not reachable from network. There is a software which acts as a middle layer between the server and client(s). The clients would access the database through this layer. This is required because:
There will be multiple users with different permissions.
I want a common API because the client software will be implemented to mobile platform, mostly for Android and as a webpage(this is where I want to use JavaScript) as well.
I don't want to expose the database directly to clients because I would be forced to store the database's login credentials in client's device.
The client software will be used only for data exchange and displaying the result to user. Any processing would be done in server.
The part which is not clear is the webpage. I could use PHP, but I want to make it like the Google Hangouts app in Gmail or the Facebook Messenger. The content which is fetched from database is displayed without reloading the page. Since I have't done anything like this in JavaScript, I don't know where to start, which libraries I should use.
Note that the communication between the client and the server would be done over secure sockets. The middle layer would be implemented in C++ using OpenSSL.
I would suggest to connect to the server using C++ with the system() command.

Connecting to SQL from client-side javascript

Is it possible to connect to a SQL database, e.g. a SQL Server database, from javascript (client-side). Preferably using an ODBC or OLEDB connection.
I know this normally isn't recommended, and you should always connect from the server-side, but I want people to connect to their own SQL databases on their own local machines.
I have found examples to do this using ActiveX objects, but this only works in Internet Explorer, and I don't want to be restricted by this.
I don't know of any browser-side database drivers, but perhaps check out PostgREST:
It wraps PostgreSQL in a simple REST API, so you don't need any additional server software.

Node.js & MySQL - JavaScript application - how to interact with offline AND online databases

I am making a web-app using JavaScript. I plan to use Node.js to connect the app to an existing MySQL database.
First of all, will the Node code be written in the same .js file as my application? Or is it a separate file?
I need the data to be current at all times (even if you were to close the browser and re-open it, AND even in the event of the user not having a wifi connection), so my thought was to constantly update the local device's db and then to intermittently update the MySQL db. Is this the best strategy? If so, how exactly can Node talk to the offline db and MySQL?
First of all, will the Node code be written in the same .js file as my application? Or is it a separate file?
It is possible to keep your client side JavaScript in the same file as your server side JavaScript, but it doesn't make any sense to do so. They are separate programs. (Library files, on the other hand, are a different story).
so my thought was to constantly update the local device's db and then to intermittently update the MySQL db.
Working with a local database and syncing to a shared one is a common strategy. You do need to handle conflicting updates in a way that is sensible for your purposes though.
If so, how exactly can Node talk to the offline db and MySQL?
Node.js can't talk to the offline database, at least not directly.
You will have a web application running in the browser. It will use client side JavaScript with a client side database and some means of communicating with the server (often this is done by sending JSON over HTTP to and from a web service).
Then you will have a server side application running in Node.js. It will use server side JavaScript with a server side MySQL database and some means of communicating with the client (i.e. an HTTP server hosting a web service).

Connect to database using javascript

I want to connect to a mysql database using javascript.
If it is possible, how can I do this?
You could use AJAX to send a request to your server side script which will query the MySQL database. Javascript has no way of accessing a SQL database directly because it runs on the client. Imagine if this was possible: it would mean that anyone from his client computer would be able to send any SQL query he likes to your MySQL server which hopefully is not possible.

