Extract numbers and words from address string using jquery - javascript

I have an address string which varies from address to address.
var address_string = '6-3-54/A/889, Road no 45, Toli Chowki, Bangalore, Karnataka 700065, India'
How can I separate the following fields from the above address_string using jQuery
Road no 45
Toli Chowki

Why jQuery?
what_you_need = address_string.split(', ')

You can use split function as below.
var arr = address_string.split(',');
Access and print as below:
for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
Please refer this link ( JS Fiddle) will help to solve you problem
You can use below code to get numbers(array) from String :
String.prototype.getNums= function(){
var rx=/[+-]?((\.\d+)|(\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+-]?\d+)?)/g,
mapN= this.match(rx) || [];
return mapN.map(Number);
var s= 'I want to extract 123 and 456 from this string ';
You can check Length as below :
// and so on


I want to obtain a certain part of text from a large webpage using Javascript, how do I?

There is a certain webpage which randomly generates a number, for example "Frequency : 21". I am trying to create a script which takes the number, 21, and compares it to another variable, then to an if else function. Basically, I've completed most of it, but I can't obtain the number 21. And since it is random, I can't put in a fixed value.
Can anyone help me out?
My code goes like:
function MyFunction(level,legmin) {
var level = x
var legmin = 49
if (level <= legmin) {
else {
alert("Met requirements.")
where the address of the text I want is:
div#scroll>div#scrollContent>div>div>div#pkmnappear>form>p (x in the code above).
A quick-n-dirty solution without regex.
var lookFor = "Frequency : ";
var text = document.querySelector("#pkmnappear>form>p").textContent;
var level = text.substr(text.indexOf(lookFor) + lookFor.length).split(" ")[0];
This assumes the number will be followed by a space

How do I extract and split coordinates from jQuery values inside brackets?

I'm getting coordinates via jQuery like this and fill them into a form:
The problem is that the value is filled in like this:
(40.00000, 150.00000)
How do I extract them from the brackets and "split" them into latitude & longitude values like:
pos_lat = 40.00000;
pos_long = 150.00000;
var pos = "(40.00000, 150.00000)";
var pos_segs = pos.slice(1,-1).split(', ');
var pos_lat = pos_segs[0];
var pos_long = pos_segs[1];
Thanks! Is it possible to run this within a function, too? –
user1996496 1 hour ago
function getPos(strPos) {
var pos_segs = strPos.slice(1, -1).split(', ');
return {
posLat: pos_segs[0],
posLong: pos_segs[1]
Remove brackets and empty space and then split by comma. Finally (if you need) parse strings to floats:
positionString.replace(/\(|\)|\s/g, '').split(',')).map(parseFloat);

How do I break two form fields into two lines?

I have the following code:
function v(id){
return $("#"+id).val();
var myToken = v("token");
var myData = {
Address: v("Address") +'\n'+ v("building")
and it displays values as follows:
236 Adams way bulding 19
In the example above, Address is 236 Adams way and buidling is building 19.
I would like to have the values display as:
236 Adams way
Building 19
How do I modify the script above to get the result we desire?
In HTML, newlines don't show up. You'd need to insert a <br/> in your output text:
function v(id){
return $("#"+id).val();
var myToken = v("token");
var myData = {
Address: v("Address") +'<br/>'+ v("building")
You'll want to change the \n to <br/>

Javascript REGEX: need to retrieve the ID as well as start and end time from embed URL

Here is an example of url structure I'll be working with (ignore the age of electric video :) )
Basically I want to be able to grab the video id, the chosen start time (20) and end chosen time (50) and save them as variables from any URL that follows the pattern above.
So a simple setup is this:
var url = 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/ABCumLrphFA?&start=20&end=50'
// get youtube id
function youtubeid(url) {
var ytid = url.match(dont know);
ytid = ytid[1];
return ytid;
// get youtube start time
function youtubeStart(url) {
var ytStart = url.match(dont know);
return ytStart;
// get youtube end time
function youtubeEnd(url) {
var ytEnd = url.match(dont know);
return ytEnd;
If you could help me fill in the blanks that would be most amazing. I've been staring at regex documentation for a while now and just getting more and more confused.
This other Stack Overflow answer may help you. I used Peter Mortensen's answer below.
Get query string values in JavaScript
To obtain the actual YouTube Id, you can use this regular expression:
That regex will return the value in parenthesis. You can test it here:
Sample code:
var url = 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/ABCumLrphFA?&start=20&end=50'
// get youtube id
function youtubeid(url) {
var ytid = url.match(/http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/(.{11})/);
ytid = ytid[1];
return ytid;
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)')
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
alert(getParameterByName('start', url));
alert(getParameterByName('end', url));
This'll only work if you know your URLs will look exactly like the one you gave (no extra query parameters; start and end always in that order; no HTTPS; etc.). But you can get them all at once:
js> str = 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/ABCumLrphFA?&start=20&end=50'
js> rxp = /http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/(.*)\?&start=(\d+)?&end=(\d+)?/
js> result = rxp.exec(str)
js> result[0]
js> result[1]
js> result[2]
js> result[3]
I believe it's possible to write a regex that can cope with all the quirks I mentioned above, but it's way uglier and makes it harder to understand. Anyway - hope this helps!
See also: JavaScript Regex Escape Sequences and JavaScript Regex Methods
var url = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/ABCumLrphFA?&start=20&end=50";
// get youtube id
function youtubeid(url) {
q = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var ytid = q.substring(q.lastIndexOf("?"), -1);
return ytid;
// get youtube start time
function youtubeStart(url) {
q = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var ytStart = q.substring(q.indexOf("&start")+7,q.indexOf("&end"));
return ytStart;
// get youtube end time
function youtubeEnd(url) {
q = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var ytEnd = q.substring(q.indexOf("&end")+5);
return ytEnd;
To retrieve the id
The best way to retrieve URL params (start and end) is to do something like Get Querystring with Dojo Then you could use the following to retrieve start and end
var qs = getUrlParams();
console.log("start is " + qs.start + " and end is " + qs.end )

Extract text from HTML with Javascript

I would like to extract text from HTML with pure Javascript (this is for a Chrome extension).
Specifically, I would like to be able to find text on a page and extract text after it.
Even more specifically, on a page like
I would like to find text "Latitude" and extract the value that goes after it. HTML there is not in a very structured form.
What is an elegant solution to do it?
There is no elegant solution in my opinion because as you said HTML is not structured and the words "Latitude" and "Longitude" depends on page localization.
Best I can think of is relying on the cardinal points, which might not change...
var data = document.getElementById("lhid_tray").innerHTML;
var lat = data.match(/((\d)*\.(\d)*)°(\s*)(N|S)/)[1];
var lon = data.match(/((\d)*\.(\d)*)°(\s*)(E|W)/)[1];
you could do
var str = document.getElementsByClassName("gphoto-exifbox-exif-field")[4].innerHTML;
var latPos = str.indexOf('Latitude')
lat = str.substring(str.indexOf('<em>',latPos)+4,str.indexOf('</em>',latPos))
The text you're interested in is found inside of a div with class gphoto-exifbox-exif-field. Since this is for a Chrome extension, we have document.querySelectorAll which makes selecting that element easy:
var div = document.querySelectorAll('div.gphoto-exifbox-exif-field')[4],
text = div.innerText;
/* text looks like:
"Filename: img_3474.jpg
Camera: Canon
ISO: 800
Exposure: 1/60 sec
Aperture: 5.0
Focal Length: 18mm
Flash Used: No
Latitude: 36.872068° N
Longitude: 111.387291° W"
It's easy to get what you want now:
var lng = text.split('Longitude:')[1].trim(); // "111.387291° W"
I used trim() instead of split('Longitude: ') since that's not actually a space character in the innerText (URL-encoded, it's %C2%A0 ...no time to figure out what that maps to, sorry).
I would query the DOM and just collect the image information into an object, so you can reference any property you want.
function getImageData() {
var props = {};
document.querySelectorAll('.gphoto-exifbox-exif-field > em'),
[function (prop) {
props[prop.previousSibling.nodeValue.replace(/[\s:]+/g, '')] = prop.textContent;
return props;
var data = getImageData();
console.log(data.Latitude); // 36.872068° N
Well if a more general answer is required for other sites then you can try something like:
var text = document.body.innerHTML;
text = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); //strip out all HTML tags
var latArray = text.match(/Latitude:?\s*[^0-9]*[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*\s*°\s*[NS]/gim);
//search for and return an array of all found results for:
//"latitude", one or 0 ":", white space, A number, white space, 1 or 0 "°", white space, N or S
//(ignores case)(ignores multi-line)(global)
For that example an array of 1 element containing "Latitude: 36.872068° N" is returned (which should be easy to parse).

