Using knockout.simpleGrid.3.0.js with Require.js - javascript

I am using require.js with knockout on a website and would like to use the simpleGrid example from this link however I cannot include kncokout.simpleGrid.3.0.js with Require.
I have tried wrapping the plugin with
define(['jQuery', 'knockout'], // Require knockout
function($, ko) {
This does not work it seems the problem occurs with the templates.
Any help appreciated

In your require config, you should create a path to the simpleGrid library and use the shim to tell it that it depends on Knockout so that your libraries are loaded in the correct order. Here's an example:
var require = {
paths: {
'jquery': 'lib/vendor/jquery-2.0.3',
'ko': 'lib/vendor/knockout-3.0.0',
'koSimpleGrid': 'lib/vendor/knockout.simpleGrid.3.0'
shim: {
'koSimpleGrid': {
deps: ['ko']
And then you could copy paste the view model code from the example inside of a define like this:
define(['jquery', 'ko', 'koSimpleGrid'], function ($, ko) {

I agree the problem seems to be with the code that writes the grid template. Essentially, because requirejs loads modules asynchronously, document.write() can't be used - writing of the document has finished by the time a module executes. This StackOverflow answer explains it well I think.
I got round it by instead creating and appending the required script tag templates using dom methods:
templateEngine.addTemplate = function(templateName, templateMarkup) {
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.type = 'text/html'; = templateName;
scriptTag.text = templateMarkup;
My amd version is in this gist.


How to use RequireJS with Knockout

My setup so far:
<script src="/common/js/require.configure.js"></script>
<script src="/common/js/lib/require.js" data-main="/common/js/app.js"></script>
var require = {
baseUrl: '/',
paths: {
"jquery": "/common/js/lib/jquery",
"fastclick": "/common/js/lib/fastclick",
"knockout": "/common/js/lib/knockout",
"common": "/common/js/scripts/common"
The top three paths are obviously just libraries that I am using for my application. The last file "common" is a collection of functions that are global to my application such as opening the main menu, giving messages to the user, or binding handlers, etc.
define(["jquery", "knockout", "fastclick", "common"], function (){
I know that requireJS always needs a data-main file to run initially. But what does this above code really do? I trying to follow tutorials online but it is not helping. I'm guessing that by defining those strings in the array, it looks it up in the configuration file and is loading in those files, but how are those files then accessed or used? I'm guessing that I can simply then just "require" those same strings and they will be available to me in my functions?
common.js (simplified for Stack Overflow)
require(["knockout"], function (ko) {
var appViewModel = {};
appViewModel.loaded = ko.observable(false);
By wrapping everything in the require() I think that this is injecting the dependencies of needing knockout.
App's First Page - login.html (simplified for S.O.)
In the first page of the app, I define a <script> tag with the following
require(["jquery", "knockout", "fastclick", "common"], function ($, ko, FastClick)
appViewModel.loginData = {
email : ko.observable(),
password : ko.observable()
And the resulting error when trying to run is that
Uncaught ReferenceError: appViewModel is not defined
despite the fact that I have included "common" in the require([]).
What am I missing here? I think that I may be completely misunderstanding what "require" and "define" do in requireJS, so that would be a good basis of an answer for me.
i think you want to do something like that:
Modules that define global obj
require(["knockout"], function (ko) {
window.appViewModel = {};
window.appViewModel.loaded = ko.observable(false);
Modulw that popule the obj:
require(["jquery", "knockout", "fastclick", "common"], function ($, ko, FastClick)
window.appViewModel.loginData = {
email : ko.observable(),
password : ko.observable()

Require.js: load file from build but don't execute it

I'm working on an application that combines ember.js and jquery-mobile.js
In order to make those two play nice with each other, I need to load JQM after Ember is initialized. So I use the following code in my main file, app.js:
baseUrl: 'resources/js/',
waitSeconds: 200,
paths: {
text: 'lib/require/text',
ember: 'lib/ember-1.5.1.min',
jquery: 'lib/jquery-2.1.1.min',
mobile: 'lib/',
handlebars: 'lib/handlebars-1.3.0.min',
shim: {
'ember': {
deps: ['handlebars', 'text', 'jquery']
define('app', [
], function($,
ManyFiles) {
$(document).bind('mobileinit', function() {
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false;
$.mobile.linkBindingEnabled = false;
$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false;
$.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled = true;
App = Ember.Application.create({
ready: function() {
// Initialize stuff...
(As you can see, jqm is loaded only when the ember application is ready)
This works great, but when I build all the files into a single minified js file, I run into this problem: As soon as the code requires JQM, I see an http call on the network tab which goes to grab jquery-mobile.js
Of course this is an unpleasant process. The only solution I can think of is to load JQM along with all the other dependencies but not execute it. Then, the code can execute JQM instead of requiring the file.
However I am not experienced on require.js and I have no idea on how to do that. Any help is appreciated. Other methods to accomplish the same thing are also appreciated
Why does JQM needs to get loaded after Ember?
Because JQM add wrappers, classes and events on the DOM that interfere with ember... and things get really bad
After a lot o fiddling I found out an answer to my problem:
App = Ember.Application.create({
ready: emberInit
// Initialize stuff
function emberInit() {
It seems like the require statement was too nested for it to work normally (maybe a bug?)
While trying to find an answer to my problem I found out about a functionality of require.js that I would like to share with people that might have a similar problem and bump into this thread:
Apparently you can set a callback on the require configuration to run when all dependencies are loaded, like that:
deps: ['jquery', 'handlebars', 'ember', 'socketio'],
callback: function () {
// Do stuff when above dependencies load
which was not EXACTLY what I needed, but others might find helpfull

using knockout es5 plugin in AMD module

I can use knockout with requirejs applications AMD module, here example. Actually using dojo toolkit.
// Main viewmodel class
define(['knockout-x.y.z'], function(ko) {
return function appViewModel() {
this.firstName = ko.observable('Bert');
But how can I use knockoutjs extension knockout-es5 this is does not work in AMD module.
You are right, knockout-es5 is not an AMD-compliant module. However, that doesn't stop you from using it properly with RequireJS. What you will have to do is use a shim ( in your require config. The reason you need this is because you need to tell require that the plugin depends on Knockout and therefore cannot be loaded first.
Here is what your require config might look like:
var require = {
paths: {
'ko': 'knockout.min',
'koES5': 'knockout-es5.min',
shim: {
'koES5': { deps: ['ko'] }
This creates 2 paths, one to Knockout and one to Knockout-es5. In the shim we tell require that knockout-es5 depends on knockout. This ensures loading happens in the right order.
Now your RequireJS module you should look like:
define(['ko', 'koES5'], function(ko) {
return function appViewModel() {
this.firstName = ko.observable('Bert');
NOTE: You technically don't need ko as a requirement because koES5 will already have asked it to load since it is marked as a dependency. Also, you don't need a variable for koES5 because it doesn't return anything that you would use, you're simply adding it as a requirement to ensure the file gets loaded.

Adding RequireJS module that uses jquery on a page that already has jquery as a global

I have an add-on to an application (call it appX) that allows users to create their own customizations using javascript, css and appX's webservices api.
Usually customizations are small and do not involve a lot of external libraries/plugins but when they do have external libs the typical users' library of choice is jQuery.
In the next version of appX they are using jQuery natively which I know is going to break some of the customizations.
So I have a need to modularize this situation. I have some other problems that are coming up and RequireJS seems like a good solution to these issues. I just need to figure out how to apply RequireJS properly for this situation
In my POC I'm loading require.js as follows:
<!--A bunch of other script including jQuery (but not require) are loaded already -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/custom/js/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/custom/js/dostuff.js"></script>
We'll call the jQuery loaded with appX jqueryx and the one I want to load jqueryp (p for private)
jQuery utilizes AMD and by default uses this definition internally:
define( "jquery", [], function () { return jQuery; } );
But in this case RequireJS is loaded AFTER jQuery (jqueryx) so there will be no default 'jquery' definition correct?
Some more background before I show you my problem... the file structure is like this:
Looking at the RequireJS api it seems that I should be doing something like this:
baseUrl : 'custom/js',
paths : { 'jquery' : 'jqueryp'},
map: {
'*': { 'jquery': 'jquery-private' },
'jquery-private': { 'jquery': 'jquery' }
define(['jquery'], function (jq) {
return jq.noConflict( true );
require(['jquery'], function(jq){
But when I do this I get an error:
Mismatched anonymous define() module: function (jq)...
I've played around with switching references to jquery, jquery-private as it's kind of confusing but with no progress.
How should I be applying RequireJS to this situation?
Almost a year late but better than no answer at all...
The following part should be moved into a "jquery-private.js" file:
define(['jquery'], function (jq) {
return jq.noConflict( true );
You can't define a module in your main entry point. Even if you could, the module has no name so how would you reference it?

How to use the domReady requireJS plugin correctly

Here is my main.js before using domReady:
paths : {
loader : 'libs/backbone/loader',
jQuery : 'libs/jquery/jquery-module',
Underscore : 'libs/underscore/underscore-module',
Backbone : 'libs/backbone/backbone-module',
templates : '../Templates'
require([ 'app' ], function(app) {
And app.js:
define([ 'jQuery', 'Underscore', 'Backbone', 'router',
'services/Sandboxes/ApplicationStateSandbox', 'DataModel/Constants' ],
function($, _, Backbone, Router, MainFrameInitializer,
FlowsViewsInitializer, EditModuleInitializer, ModulesNavigationSandbox,
ApplicationStateSandbox, Constants) {
var initialize = function() {
// Pass in our Router module and call it's initialize function
// Router.initialize();
return {
initialize : initialize
All works fine until I optimize the project. I have figured out, that the script starts to run before the DOM is ready, something that was not true before the optimization. Anyway, I wish to use the domReady plugin to make sure the DOM is loaded first.
But, apparently, I have no idea how to do it correctly. Here is the new version of main.js:
paths : {
loader : 'libs/backbone/loader',
jQuery : 'libs/jquery/jquery-module',
Underscore : 'libs/underscore/underscore-module',
Backbone : 'libs/backbone/backbone-module',
templates : '../Templates'
require([ 'domReady', 'app' ], function(domReady, app) {
Very neat and very wrong, because app is loaded in parallel with domReady before the DOM is ready.
How do I fix it?
I think I have understood our problem. The constructor functions of the app dependencies should not run any DOM dependent code. They should just return functions, capturing the DOM dependent logic. That logic should be executed from app.initialize, which is guaranteed to be run when the DOM is ready.
Perhaps I am missing something, but wouldn't you make your life a lot easier by doing:
require(['jQuery', 'app' ], function(jQuery, app) {
jQuery(function ($) {
in your main.js?
By requiring the app from inside the domReady callback function, you should be able to require the domReady module, and then the app module synchronously.
define(['require', 'domReady'], function(require, domReady) {
domReady(function() {
require(['app'], function(app) {
If you follow the doc at:, you will be invited to embed a require-jquery library in the head of your document:
<script data-main="main" src="libs/require-jquery.js"></script>
However, if you look at the source for the example, made available on github, you will see that 'require-jquery.js' is generated by simple concatenation of the require lib file and the jquery lib file:
cat require.js jquery.js > ../jquery-require-sample/webapp/scripts/require-jquery.js
That means that you could replace the script embed in the head part with the following script embeds anywhere in your document (for instance at the very bottom of it).
<script src="libs/require.js"></script>
<script src="libs/jquery-1.8.0.js"></script>
Because the jquery lib defines itself as a module with:
define( "jquery", [], function () { return jQuery; } );
You can thereafter use jquery as a require reference in any of your script. For instance:
require(["jquery"], function($) { }

