having an issue to call Javascript function from jquery - javascript

I have a Datepicker for Bootstrap and I am having an issue to run a function called "listCampaignsFiltered(search, type, from, 'dataTable')" that filters the results once I click on any date from the calendar. Here is the code:
<div id="showfrom">
<label for="from" class="filter">From:
<input type="text" class="filter" value="01/01/2014" id="from"/>
$('#showbrand input').val(01/01/2014).click(listCampaignsFiltered);

The proper form would be:
$('#showbrand input').val('01/01/2014').on('click', function() {

The call val(01/01/2014) would set the value to 1 divided by 1 divided by 2014. You are missing quotes.
Are you sure you always want to set the date back to 01/01/2014? If so use the commented out line instead of the line bellow it.
Next listCampaignsFiltered has be be defined and without error. I am assuming it works and you've tested it independently of the listner.
Next, to pass the values into it, you need wrap the function in an lambda/anonymous function.
I am also assuming that the values for function are all in inputs with the ids matching the parameters you gave in your post.
Here is what you end up with, with those changes:
/*$('#showbrand input').val('01/01/2014').click(function()*/
$('#showbrand input').click(function()

may be this is what you intended
$('#showbrand input').val('01/01/2014').on('click', function()

Not sure if that's what you want, but the callback works as expected (for me).


Clicking Specific CasperJS Button Not Working

I am using the following code in a long script many times:
But there is one page that doesn't work, and I don't understand why.
The HTML is:
<div class="bottom-row">
<div class="actions-primary">
<button class="add-subscription button middle" id="2">Choose</button>
So I am using:
function success() {
casper.test.pass('Product List Show');
function fail() {
casper.test.fail('List of Products not showing');
I tried all possible selectors with no luck.
Also, if I try with Resurrectio in Chrome, it doesn't record the click.
Any workaround is welcome.
I solve it using css selector format:
If an id is a number, you must either escape the number based on the Unicode code point, or use the attribute selector.
Both of the following solutions will work:
this.click('#\\32 '); // Escaped based on Unicode code point
this.click('[id="2"]'); // Attribute selector

jQuery onclick event not works

I have a lot of buttons with specific class like this:
All of these buttons has stored JSON in data attribute. I've created function, where I detect clicked button, and do some stuff with this JSON like this:
$(".btn-load-road").on("click", function () {
Click event is not fired. Can you tell me what is wrong with this?
You can use:
method to get the value of data-route (JSON value)
Here's a quick solution. Hope it helps!
$(".btn-load-road").on("click", function () {
I see a problem in the quotation of the "data-route" value. You are trying to double-quot a string that is already doublequotted...
Instead of
You could try single-quot the quoted strings inside your main string
See this working Fiddle

Passing parameter to javascript onclick without using HTML

I can't figure this out. I'm trying to create an onclick handler purely in Javascript.
What I plan to do here is inside this DIV, have a collection of items that I can click on. For now, these items will be numbers from 0 to 9 inclusive. When a number is clicked on, a system message consisting solely of that number should pop-up on the screen. I narrowed my problem down to just the onclick handler definition.
If I use this format:
The handler will fire only when click a number which is correct, but the message that appears is something about mouse event.
If I use this format:
The handler will pass a value of -1 which in turn is printed as a message. I think it means "false".
How do I modify this:
so that 'n' being used as the handler parameter is the same as the number I click on the screen?
My code is the following:
<div ID="Itemset"></div>
function handler(n){
What I'm effectively trying to do if you want to understand it HTML wise is this:
<div ID="Itemset">
<div onclick="handler(0);">0</div>
<div onclick="handler(1);">1</div>
<div onclick="handler(2);">2</div>
<div onclick="handler(3);">3</div>
<div onclick="handler(4);">4</div>
<div onclick="handler(5);">5</div>
<div onclick="handler(6);">6</div>
<div onclick="handler(7);">7</div>
<div onclick="handler(8);">8</div>
<div onclick="handler(9);">9</div>
Except that I don't want to write out onclick="handler(n);" a million times.
Any advice? and feel free to point to another resource that has the answer I need if there is one.
I'm looking for something compatible with older browsers as well. I'm going to have to not go for the bind function because according to mozilla docs, it works for IE 9+. I'm looking for something that works for IE 7+ as well as other browsers. I might have to go for event listeners if there is no other alternative.
You have a closure issue here (see JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example), a simple solution is to use bind to use the current value of n to be a parameter of the handler function
U can use addEventListener and ID for find clicked element...
document.getElementById("Itemset").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
// e.target is the clicked element!
// If it was a list item
var value_data = parseInt(e.target.textContent);
if(e.target && value_data > -1) {
alert("Malai test:: "+value_data);
I found my answer here: https://bytes.com/topic/javascript/answers/652914-how-pass-parameter-using-dom-onclick-function-event
Instead of:
I have to do:
item[n].onclick=new Function('handler('+n+')');
Funny thing is, the word function needs to be capitalized when making a new instance. It's awkward I have to go this route but it works in IE 7+
One alternative is :
function handler(){
function myFunction() {
var item=[];
Insert dynamic ids to the elements and when you click on any element retrieve its id using this.id and do whatever you want to do with that value.
That's all.
Hope this helps.

Add new AngularJS variables with JavaScript

I'm trying to make a dynamic form with AngularJS and JavaScript. The objective is to add how many inputs the user need and transform all those inputs in AngularJS variables that print it on body. So I got that code:
var number = 1;
$('#this_div_contains_settings').append('<input type="text" name="example'+number+'" ng-model="example'+number+'" placeholder="Anything">');
$('#this_div_contains_settings').on('click','a.design_button', function(e){
This function add a INPUT on my DIV with the different ng-model every time it run.
The problem is, it just work's if the {{example1}} is already on my BODY, if I add it later with another function, it just doesn't work.
I'm new with AngularJS, so I didn't understand if I need to "refresh" the AngularJS everytime I add new variable or something like that.
Any help will be appreciated :)
Using jQuery is the wrong way to solve this problem. Instead, create an array inside of your controller that will hold the models for all of these inputs.
Depending on how you define/create your controllers, $scope may be replaced with this
$scope.examples = [];
Next, create a function that will add a new example to the array:
$scope.addExample = function () {
Now, in your template, create the inputs using an ng-repeat:
<div id="this_div_contains_settings">
<input ng-repeat="example in examples" type="text" name="example" ng-model="example" placeholder="Anything">
and have your "add" button call your addExample function on click:
<a class="add" ng-click="addExample()">Add Example</a>
Finally, remove all of the code that was included in your question.
And for your .design_button that removes all the examples, that's easy too:
<a class="design_button" ng-click="examples = []">remove all examples!</a>
by that same concept, you could even remove the need for the addExample function, however i tend to keep logic in the controller (well, actually in the services, but that's another topic) anyway rather than putting it in the template.

Problem with dropdown and codeigniter

i'm using 2 dropdowns where the second gets populated from the first choice.
My problem is that i'm not getting the value from the first dropdown.
What i get is [object Object].
Here's the javascript and php code:
function getState(){
$("#selectcity").load("results/ajaxcity", {stat: $(this).val()} ); //This is where the problem is
alert({stat: $(this).val()});//Shows [object Object]
return false;
$curstat=$this -> input -> post('state'); //current selected state in first dropdown
<?php $js = 'id="selectstate" onChange="getState();"';?>
<td><h3> State: </h3></td>
<td id="selectestate"><?php echo form_dropdown('state', $stat, $curstat, $js);?></td>
<td><h3> City: </h3></td>
<td id="selectcity"><?php echo form_dropdown('city', $cit);?></td>
You need to alter this code:
to this:
$("#selectestate select").bind("change",function(){
You are asking for the value of the <td id="selectstate"> ... which is of course null. #selectstate select loads the actual <select> element that you are looking for, which will then enable you to get its value.
You will also want to change $("#selectcity") to $("#selectcity select") to avoid the same problem in your anonymous function.
Finally, your alert is behaving as expected. {} defines an object in Javascript. So you are alerting an object containing a single attribute. Just alert($(this).val());// Should show the value
If it still fails it's because either:
A) Your URL is wrong
B) There is something wrong with the php function called by results/ajaxcity
Smacks head: I should have caught this. In your code you have this function:
1. function getState(){
2. $("#selectestate select").bind("change",function(){
4. $("#selectcity select").load("results/ajaxcity", {stat: $(this).val()} );
5. alert($(this).val());
6. });
7. return false;
8. }
Your generated HTML looks something like this:
<select name="state" id="selectstate" onChange="getState();">
THE PROBLEM: When you use the <select> for the first time your function is called and jQuery binds an anonymous function to the change event for select (line #2) that will be executed every time the change event fires from this select from now on. Every time you select the dropdown a new anonymous function is bound by line #2 and all of the functions that are currently bound to the dropdown are executed. (So if you use the dropdown N times the "change" function will fire N-1 times.)
THE SOLUTION: Use $(document).ready() to bind your function. Your restructured code will look like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getState(element){
$("#selectcity select").load("results/ajaxcity", {stat: $(element).val()} );
return false;
//... snip ...
<?php $js = 'id="selectstate"';?>
//... snip ...
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#selectestate select").bind("change", getState);
There is no value for td element, which you are accessing in "#selectestate" selector. Instead of {stat: $(this).val()} you should find inner select element {stat: $(this).find("select").val()}
You're loading the .val() of a <td> element ($(this), inside your handler for a TD). You need to get the id of the <select> tag.
If you really can't find the ID (or codeigniter doesn't set it.. impossible to tell from your example since form_dropdown() is creating it), then instead of $(this).val() you could try $('select',this).val() which will find the value of the first <select> tag within the TD.
Also in your debugging, {stat: $(this).val()} is an object, so of course that's what alert() shows you. Try using firebug, and then change alert() to console.log() -- the firebug console will show you the full object. You could also simply do alert($(this).val()) -- though realize of course that it will be wrong due to the first paragraph above.

