Magnific-popup with Google InfoBox and titleSrc - javascript

With this code below I can not get, below the image popup, the title !
I do not know what i'm doing wrong !!!
If I remove 'titleSrc : 'data-title'' everything works fine ;)), "domready", function () {
$('.pop').on('click', function () {
items : {
src : $(this).data('lg'),
type : 'image',
image : {
titleSrc : 'data-title' // My data-title in the A HREF
Thanks for your help
UPDATED, "domready", function () {
$('.pop').on('click', function () {
items : {
src : $(this).data('lg')
type : 'image',
image : {
titleSrc : $(this).data('title')
Even if I put titleSrc : 'TEST'


Fancybox - how can I show thumbnails by default?

How can I show these thumbnails by default?
Live code example here
I am using Fancybox api for open lightbox by click.
$.fancybox.defaults.buttons = ["zoom", "thumbs", "close" ];
$('.fancybox-btn').click(function () {
src : '',
opts : {
thumb : ''
src : '',
opts : {
thumb : ''
Add thumbs : { autoStart : true, }, option to second argument of $
loop : false,
thumbs : {
autoStart : true,

How to access parent component ExtJS?

For some reason, the blur event doesn't get fired when the below floating panel loses focus. However, when I listen to the 'el' of the panel for the blur event, it gets registered as shown in the listeners config. What I want to do is hide the panel when the blur event occurs. How do I get access to the parent panel ?
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias : 'widget.attachmentPanel',
itemId : 'attachmentPanel',
floating : true,
focusable : true,
width : 200,
height : 150,
layout : {
type : 'vbox'
items : [
xtype : 'grid',
store : null,
columns : [
text : 'File Name',
dataIndex : 'fileName'
dataIndex : 'remove'
xtype : 'button',
text : '+'
listeners : {
el: {
blur: {
fn: function()
console.log( this );
//how do I access the 'attachmentPanel' from here
//so I can hide it ?
noteId : null,
initComponent : function()
Please note that there can be multiple instances of these 'attachmentPanel's.
The following appears to work fine:
listeners : {
el: {
blur: {
fn: function()
var elId =;
var attachmentPanels = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#attachmentPanel');
Ext.Array.forEach( attachmentPanels, function(cmp){
if( == elId)
return false;
Please let me know if there is better/more efficient solution. Thanks!
There is a reference from the element to the owning component, in form of the component property, so from the scope of the element, you can access the panel like so:
var attachmentPanel = this.component;

how to access function in Json

I am able to access the onclick properties function for the printButton property at the end of the block. Although I am unable to initiate the onclick functions under the exportButton property.I have the following code.
B.exporting = {
type : "image/png",
url : "",
width : 800,
enableImages : false,
buttons : {
exportButton : {
symbol : "exportIcon",
x : -10,
symbolFill : "#A8BF77",
hoverSymbolFill : "#768F3E",
_titleKey : "exportButtonTitle",
menuItems : [{
textKey : "downloadPNG",
onclick : function() {
}, {
textKey : "downloadJPEG",
**onclick : function() {
type : "image/jpeg"
}, {
textKey : "downloadPDF",
onclick : function() {
type : "application/pdf"
}, {
textKey : "downloadSVG",
onclick : function() {
type : "image/svg+xml"
printButton : {
symbol : "printIcon",
x : -36,
symbolFill : "#B5C9DF",
hoverSymbolFill : "#779ABF",
_titleKey : "printButtonTitle",
onclick : function() {
I am binding keyboard controls to the click events using the jquery plugin this is what I used to print. This Works!:
Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+s', function(e) { B.exporting.buttons.printButton.onclick(this.print());
This code is what I tried to access an individual onclick function under the exportButton property in the json above
Mousetrap.bind('*', function(e) {B.exporting.buttons.exportButton.menuItems[0].onclick;});
The result i get is the value but i want to run the function as the onclick property does.Does anyone know how to run a function under a json property?I Appreciate any help here thanks folks.
Mousetrap.bind('click', B.exporting.buttons.exportButton.menuItems[0].onclick);
Your ctrl-s binding also looks wrong, it should be:
Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+s', B.exporting.buttons.printButton.onclick);
The printButton.onclick function doesn't take an argument. Your binding calls this.print before calling the printButton.onclick function, and then the printButton.onclick function
does it again.

how to use JSON in clientside only

I have created an Object.. please tell me If I'm doing it right:
{"images": {
image1 : {
"small_image" : "images/1.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/1.png"
image2 : {
"small_image" : "images/2.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/2.png"
image3 : {
"small_image" : "images/3.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/3.png"
Now, I saved it with the name images.json
How will I call it on my HTML file using jQuery?..
I want to test it on a console first..
I use this code and it does'nt display anthing on console..
$.getJSON("js/images.json", function(data){
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
console.log("asdfasdf " +value);
You need to modify your object Literal to make it a JSON String. It should look more like this:
{"images": {
"image1" : {
"small_image" : "images/1.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/1.png"
"image2" : {
"small_image" : "images/2.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/2.png"
"image3" : {
"small_image" : "images/3.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/3.png"
That along with the javascript you already have should work, assuming your webserver is setup to properly serve .json files.

CKEditor Plugin - OK Button Permission Error

Hi i have created the following ckeditor plugin to insert a youtube video:
(function() {
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('youtube', {
requires : ['iframedialog'],
init : function(editor) {
var iframeWindow = null;
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('youtube_dialog', function() {
return {
title : 'YouTube Movie Properties',
minWidth : 550,
minHeight : 200,
contents : [{
id : 'iframe',
label : 'Insert YouTube Movie',
expand : true,
elements : [{
type : 'iframe',
src : me.path + 'dialogs/youtube.html',
width : '100%',
height : '100%',
onContentLoad : function() {
iframeWindow = document.getElementById(this._.frameId).contentWindow;
onOk : function() {
this._.editor.insertHtml('<cke:youtube url="' + iframeWindow.document.getElementById('url').value + '">YouTube Video Place Marker</cke:youtube>');
editor.addCommand('youtube', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('youtube_dialog'));
editor.ui.addButton('YouTube', {
label : 'Insert YouTube Movie',
command : 'youtube',
icon : this.path + 'images/icon.gif'
This was working fine but i recently moved my ckeditor files to a CDN. Now when i click the "OK" button i get a permission error. I was looking at the source of the existing plugins to get an idea of how they work but whatever i have tried doesn't seem to work. To get something basic working I tried changing my okOk event to:
onOk : function() {
var hr = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('hr', editor.document );
But this gave me a null reference exception.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could show me what i am doing wrong. Thanks
Problem fixed! The solution is to change:
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('youtube_dialog', function()
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('youtube_dialog', function(editor)
and change:
Hope this helps.

