Using Subclasses in Mongoose Sub Document Array - javascript

I have found a couple of solutions for inheritance using Mongoose here and here. These seem to work fine when the documents are stored in a normal collection. But, I am having trouble figuring out how to be able to store an array of the subclassed documents in a sub document on a model.
Let's say we have an object 'drawer' and it contains a collection of 'clothing' objects, where clothing objects can actually be one of several types of clothing 'sock', 'shirt', 'shorts'.
Sock, Shirt, and Shorts are all subclasses of Clothing.
So, I want to have my model Drawer look something like this...
var drawerSchema = mongoose.Schema({
// some drawer properties here
// ...
contents: [clothingSchema]
I have tried this approach, but when saved, only the properties of the actual clothingSchema are saved to the DB. For example, if my clothing schema had a common size property, it would be saved, but a property on my shirt object called 'buttonDown' would not be saved.
Has anyone else had a need to do this kind of modeling and if so found a solution?

If you can have inherited Schemas work on independent collections, you can use some Foreign Keys.
var drawerSchema = new Schema({
contents: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'cloth'}],
var clothSchema = new Schema({
size: Number
// Then define extended Schemas (Shirt, Sock, Short...)
This approach also lets you have a cloth definition only once in your DB so prevents unnecessary repeat of same data.


Which data model structure to use in Postgres?

I am quite new to using databases and have only used MongoDB so far. I was planning on making a app for a shop to create their menu(s).
There are several interfaces I would define beforehand.
interface FoodItem {
id: number
name: string,
price: number
interface Category {
id: number,
name: string,
food: FoodItem[]
interface Menu {
id: number
categories: Category[]
From the above schemas, I was wondering if this is ok for a Postgres database, where all the data resides in the Menus table, and fetching a Menu will yield all nested Categories and FoodItems.
I am confused because from other examples of such data models, the array of Categories will simply be replaced by an array of IDs that points to their respective Categories and the same for FoodItems as well. In that case, to fetch a Menu, the database will also have to fetch, say 3 other Categories and in those categories fetch another say 10 other FoodItems via their IDs. Wouldn't that be a performance issue since the database has to query each nested item in the array, as opposed to doing it all in one single query fetch from the root Menu?
For my app that I'm designing, each Category and FoodItem is unique to their parents and will not be shared with other Categories/Menus. In that case there wouldn't be duplicate entries of FoodItem when using the first data model. Of course I would not mind using the second data model since it is much cleaner and easy to reference without deeply nested objects.
So for the second data model, would there a big performance decrease when my dataset starts to grow larger and larger?

MongoDB and Mongoose: Nested Array of Document Reference IDs

I have been diving into a study of MongoDB and came across a particularly interesting pattern in which to store relationships between documents. This pattern involves the parent document containing an array of ids referencing the child document as follows:
//Parent Schema
export interface Post extends mongoose.Document {
content: string;
dateCreated: string;
comments: Comment[];
let postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
content: {
type: String,
required: true
dateCreated: {
type: String,
required: true
comments: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }] //nested array of child reference ids
And the child being referenced:
//Child Schema
export interface Comment extends mongoose.Document {
content: string;
dateCreated: string;
let commentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
content: {
type: String,
required: true
dateCreated: {
type: String,
required: true
This all seems fine and dandy until I go to send a request from the front end to create a new comment. The request has to contain the Post _id (to update the post) and the new Comment, which are both common to a request one would send when using a normal relational database. The issue appears when it comes time to write the new Comment to the database. Instead of one db write, like you would do in a normal relational database, I have to do 2 writes AND 1 read. The first write to insert the new Comment and retrieve the _id. Then a read to retrieve the Post by the Post _id sent with the request so I can push the new Comment _id to the nested reference array. Finally, a last write to update the Post back into the database.
This seems extremely inefficient. My question is two-fold:
Is there a better/more efficient way to handle this relationship pattern (parent containing an array of child reference ids)?
If not, what would be the benefit of using this pattern as opposed to A) storing the parent _id in a property on the child similar to a traditional foreign key, or B) taking advantage of MongoDB documents and storing an array of the Comments as opposed to an array of reference ids to the Comments.
Thanks in advance for your insight!
Regarding your first question:
You specifically ask for a better way to work with child-ids that are stored in the parent. I'm pretty sure that there is no better way to deal with this, if it has to be this pattern.
But this problem also exist in relational databases. If you want to save your post in a relational database (using that pattern), you also have to first create the comment, get its ID and then update the post. Granted, you can send all these tasks in a single request, which is probably more efficient than using mongoose, but the type of work that needs to be done is the same.
Regarding your second question:
The benefit over variant A is, that you can for example get the post, and instantly know how many comments it has, without asking the mongodb to go through probably hundrets of documents.
The benefit over variant B is, that you can store more references to comments in a single document (a single post), than whole comments, because of mongos 16MB document-size-limit.
The Downside however is the one you mentioned, that it's inefficient to maintain that structure. I take it, that this is only an example to showcase the scenario, so here is what i would do:
I would decide on a case by case basis what to use.
If the document will be read a lot, and not much written to, AND it is unlikely to grow larger than 16MB: Embed the sub-document. this way you can get all the data in a single query.
If you need to reference the document from multiple other documents AND your data really must be consistent, then you have no choice but to reference it.
If you need to reference the document from multiple other documents BUT data-consitency is not that super important AND the restrictions from the first bulletpoint apply, then embed the sub-documents, and write code to keep your data consistent.
If you need to reference the document from multiple other documents, and they are written to a lot, but not read that often, you're probably better off referencing them, as this is easier to code, because you don't need to write code to sync duplicate data.
In this specific case (post/comment) referencing the parent from the child (letting the child know the parents _id) is probably a good idea, because it's easier to maintain than the other way around, and the document might grow larger than 16MB if they were embedded directly. If i'd know for sure, that the document would NOT larger than over 16MB, embedding them would be better, because its faster to query the data that way

Mongoose behavior and schema

I am learning nodejs along with mongodb currently, and there are two things that confuse me abit.
When a new Schema and model name are used (not in db), the name is changed into its plural form. Example:
mongoose.model('person', personSchema);
in the database, the table will be called "people" instead.
Isn't this easy to confuse new developer, why has they implemented it this way?
Second thing is that whenever I want to refer to an existing model in mongoDb (assume that in db, a table called people exists). Then in my nodejs code, I still have to define a Schema in order to create a model that refer to the table.
personSchema = new mongoose.Schema({});
The unusual thing is, it does not seem to matter how I define the schema, it can just be empty like above, or fill with random attribute, yet the model will always get the right table and CRUD operations performs normally.
Then what is the usage of Schema other than defining table structure for creating new table?
Many thanks,
Actually two questions, you usually do better asking one, just for future reference.
1. Pluralization
Short form is that it is good practice. In more detail, this is generally logical as what you are referring to is a "collection" of items or objects rather. So the general inference in a "collection" is "many" and therefore a plural form of what the "object" itself is named.
So a "people" collection implies that it is in fact made up of many "person" objects, just as "dogs" to "dog" or "cats" to "cat". Not necessarily "bovines" to "cow", but generally speaking mongoose does not really deal with Polymorphic entities, so there would not be "bull" or "bison" objects in there unless just specified by some other property to "cow".
You can of course change this if you want in either of these forms and specify your own name:
var personSchema = new Schema({ ... },{ "collection": "person" });
mongoose.model( "Person", personSchema, "person" );
But a model is general a "singular" model name and the "collection" is the plural form of good practice when there are many. Besides, every SQL database ORM I can think of also does it this way. So really this is just following the practice that most people are already used to.
2. Why Schema?
MongoDB is actually "schemaless", so it does not have any internal concept of "schema", which is one big difference from SQL based relational databases which hold their own definition of "schema" in a "table" definition.
While this is often actually a "strength" of MongoDB in that data is not tied to a certain layout, some people actually like it that way, or generally want to otherwise encapsulate logic that governs how data is stored.
For these reasons, mongoose supports the concept of defining a "Schema". This allows you to say "which fields" are "allowed" in the collection (model) this is "tied" to, and which "type" of data may be contained.
You can of course have a "schemaless" approach, but the schema object you "tie" to your model still must be defined, just not "strictly":
var personSchema = new Schema({ },{ "strict": false });
mongoose.model( "Person", personSchema );
Then you can pretty much add whatever you want as data without any restriction.
The reverse case though is that people "usually" do want some type of rules enforced, such as which fields and what types. This means that only the "defined" things can happen:
var personSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
age: Number,
sex: { type: String, enum: ["M","F"] },
children: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Person" }],
country: { type: String, default: "Australia" }
So the rules there break down to:
"name" must have "String" data in it only. Bit of a JavaScript idiom here as everything in JavaScript will actually stringify. The other thing on here is "required", so that if this field is not present in the object sent to .save() it will throw a validation error.
"age" must be numeric. If you try to .save() this object with data other than numeric supplied in this field then you will throw a validation error.
"sex" must be a string again, but this time we are adding a "constraint" to say what the valid value are. In the same way this also can throw a validation error if you do not supply the correct data.
"children" actually an Array of items, but these are just "reference" ObjectId values that point to different items in another model. Or in this case this one. So this will keep that ObjectId reference in there when you add to "children". Mongoose can actually .populate() these later with their actual "Person" objects when requested to do so. This emulates a form of "embedding" in MongoDB, but used when you actually want to store the object separately without "embedding" every time.
"country" is again just a String and requires nothing special, but we give it a default value to fill in if no other is supplied explicitly.
There are many other things you can do, I would suggest really reading through the documentation. Everything is explained in a lot of detail there, and if you have specific questions then you can always ask, "here" (for example).
So MongoDB does things differently to how SQL databases work, and throws out some of the things that are generally held in "opinion" to be better implemented at the application business logic layer anyway.
Hence in Mongoose, it tries to "put back" some of the good things people like about working with traditional relational databases, and allow some rules and good practices to be easily encapsulated without writing other code.
There is also some logic there that helps in "emulating" ( cannot stress enough ) "joins", as there are methods that "help" you in being able to retrieve "related" data from other sources, by essentially providing definitions where which "model" that data resides in within the "Schema" definition.
Did I also not mention that "Schema" definitions are again just objects and re-usable? Well yes they are an can in fact be tied to "many" models, which may or may not reside on the same database.
Everything here has a lot more function and purpose than you are currently aware of, the good advice here it to head forth and "learn". That is the usual path to the realization ... "Oh, now I see, that's what they do it that way".

Listing instances of a Model in Backbone application

In my Backbone application I have a Model. Is there a way of getting all instances of this Model in the app if not all of the instances belong to same Collection? Some of the instances might not belong to any Collection at all.
WHY do I need to do this?
I have a namespaced models (let's say Order.Models.Entry). This is the model of the instances I am talking about. There are some collections like Order.Models.Entries that contain instances of Order.Models.Entry type. But instances get to this collection only when they are selected (with a certain attribute). Before being selected the models are just… well… models.
Obviously I could load every model I create to some allModels collection as it has been suggested in the comments. But the question is not really about a workaround but about exact lookup. The reason why I would like to avoid adding models to an uber-collection is that most of the models will be added to different collections anyway and I just wanted to avoid creating dummy collection for just tracking purpose.
No. There are a couple of good design reasons why you shouldn't be doing it. (encapsulation, not polluting the global scope, etc...)
If you still wish to have this solution you could just maintain a Gloabl list and have your Backbone.Model insert itself into this list, here is a quick solution:
var allMyModels = [] ;
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
// Some more code here
// also if you wish you need to remove self on close delete function
var x = new MyModel();
var y = new MyModel();
in the end of this code, allMyModels will have both models
Why don't you create a Collection (we'll call it allModels) and each time a model is created, do: allModels.add(model). That way, you can access the models, and if you destroy one it will remove itself from the collection.

Mongoose - recursive query (merge from multiple results)

I have the following generic schema to represent different types of information.
var Record = new Schema (
type: {type: String}, // any string (foo, bar, foobar)
value: {type: String}, // any string value
o_id: {type:String}
Some of the records based on this schema have:
value="ferrari" or
Some records have type "topspeed" with value "210" but they always share o_id (e.g. related "ferrari has this topspeed"). So if "ferrari has top speed 300", then both records have same o_id.
How can I make query to find "ferrari with topspeed 300" when I don't know o_id?
The only solution I found out is to select cars "ferrari" first and then with knowledge of all o_id for all "ferrari" use it to find topspeed.
In pseudocode:
Record.find({type:"car", value:"ferrari"}, function(err, docs)
var condition = [];// create array of all found o_id;
Record.find({type:"topspeed", value:"300"}...
I know that some merging or joining might not be possible, but what about some chaining these conditions to avoid recursion?
Better example:
Lets imagine I have a HTML document that contains DIV elements with certain id (o_id).
Now each div element can contain different type of microdata items (Car, Animal...).
Each microdata item has different properties ("topspeed", "numberOfLegs"...) based on the type (Car has a topspeed, animal numberOfLegs)
Each property has some value (310 kph, 4 legs)
Now I'm saving these microdata items to the database but in a general way, agnostic of the type and values they contain since the user can define custom schemas from Car, to Animal, to pretty much anything). For that I defined the Record schema: type consists of "itemtype_propertyname" and value is value of the property.
I would eventually like to query "Give me o_id(s) of all DIV elements that contain item Ferrari and item Dog" at the same time.
The reason for this general approach is to allow anyone the ability to define custom schema and corresponding parser that stores the values.
But I will have only one search engine to find all different schemas and value combinations that will treat all possible schemas as a single definition.
I think it'd be far better to combine all records that share an o_id into a single record. E.g.:
_id: ObjectId(...),
car: "ferarri",
topspeed: 300
Then you won't have this problem, and your schema will be more efficient both in speed and storage size. This is how MongoDB is intended to be used -- heterogenous data can be stored in a single collection, because MongoDB is schemaless. If you continue with your current design, then no, there's no way to avoid multiple round-trips to the database.

